A lot of specs got pruned to shit in my opinion. The gameplay can still be advanced, but for some specs you have 3-4 abilities excepting cooldowns. Demon hunters have double jump and glide, which is super cool. Warriors are okaish. Prot is fun and a bit OP IMO but not much has changed, while fury and arms are some of those 3-4 buttons specs. Our class hall shares a bit of priest problem with lack of lore, but it's good as far as accessibility goes.
United States24579 Posts
I'm currently at lvl107 and slowly working my way up. What would you guys say are the top priorities for when you reach max level? I'm a BM hunter (I know MM is slightly better but I don't care to change over now) working on skinning and leatherworking.
From what I gathered it was world quests, which requires friendly with (all?) zone reputations. Also finishing your class campaign for the third weapon socket.
I just hit 110 with my warrior myself, so I don't have any hindsight knowledge to share. It's on the dead faction of an imbalanced pvp server so I'm not too keen on world quests at the moment anyway.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
On September 22 2016 06:17 daemir wrote: Alchemy market has gone nuts as expected at raid starts. Was selling deadly grace pots for 700 and int flasks for 1600 last night.
Deadly grace pots are >1k here and flasks moving at 2.5 / 3k ea
On September 22 2016 06:23 Trondheimerdinger wrote: What about Demon Hunter specifically? They've never done a two-spec class before that I know of. Is it pretty quality? I wanted to go back to my warrior for a bit to get a feel for tanking again (wife's a healer), and then I was considering swapping to Demon Hunter to tank.
It's pretty nice, at least you know what you're getting and there won't be a weak and strong damage spec
On September 22 2016 07:28 micronesia wrote: I'm currently at lvl107 and slowly working my way up. What would you guys say are the top priorities for when you reach max level? I'm a BM hunter (I know MM is slightly better but I don't care to change over now) working on skinning and leatherworking. If your playing casual (which I assume you are if your not 110 yet) you can just do whatever you enjoy.
But if you want some guidelines. Get friendly with all factions by doing (part of) all the zones. This will unlock World Quests. Do Suramar quests as far as you can. Nightfallen is the most important rep faction in the game. Do World Quests for gear, AP, Resources. The gear rewards will scale as your ilvl goes up, to 825/830. Do your profession quests
And stay away from pvp. This had to be said.
Melbourne5338 Posts
Also find the world boss and kill him. You will get loot even if you don't have the World Quest. (Group finder a zerg raid)
United Kingdom20275 Posts
Just experienced a hilarious bug in BRH M+5 - The caster guy started casting beam right as he jumped down to kill kur'talos, so instead of casting it in a straight line he span around suddenly and hit almost the whole room for over 2 million damage.
Kinda funny but i imagine that it wouldn't be if it would cost you a timer. We lost a timer earlier because the second to last boss bugged through the floor and reset himself when he had 2% hp which cost us ~4 minutes (waiting ages to respawn then killing again with no cooldowns)
edit 2hrs later:
Pretty fun but mixed day. Towards the end we're just disconnecting left and right. The fel rush disconnect bug is still alive and well (hit me around ~7 times today in mythic+ and raid) and there appears to be a new one that kicks you to login screen when you accept a combat rez, both of them kill you more often than not in mythic+. We were experiencing around 5 disconnects per dungeon due to those 2 bugs even though the connection to the server was fine which made the game unplayable
Scored rank3 int flask recipe. Just in time for first EU raid weekend. Ohhhyea baby. Flasks going both sides of 2k over my server. Old War pots at 1600 or something crazy. Fk man, I'm so glad I'm a herbalist. Just need to encourage a few more guildies to stomach the r3 aethriel farm so we can make a bigger group for rose farming.
Haven't played in 3 or 4 years. Is it too late in the expansion to pick the game up and grind into competitive raids?
On September 22 2016 12:25 Risen wrote: Haven't played in 3 or 4 years. Is it too late in the expansion to pick the game up and grind into competitive raids?
Not at all. Raids opened yesterday lol
Killed everything in normal from various random pugs except Xavius so far.
I'll probably be able to successfully pug him in a few days (I hope)
On September 22 2016 07:28 micronesia wrote: I'm currently at lvl107 and slowly working my way up. What would you guys say are the top priorities for when you reach max level? I'm a BM hunter (I know MM is slightly better but I don't care to change over now) working on skinning and leatherworking.
In case it wasn't mentioned before, make sure you start your artifact research orders in your class order hall (very important)
while you're there, pick up your 3 weekly bonus-roll tokens (can spend gold or order resources on them), and go kill the world boss and use a bonus-roll token on him (860 base ilvl gear drops). He's a free loot pinata
Only did the first 4 bosses in raid time tonight, have to say i think heart of corruption is probably one of the more difficult ones. finding alternate paths to get past tornadoes on spider boss and it was easy after that
survival is even worse than i ve hoped
Got my first legendary in a Mythic +3 MoS chest; the all class neck will improve my raid survivability quite a bit and we added two points to the dude's stone
Anyone on Aegwynn? I just recently subbed after about a 4-5 year break. Currently a level 33ish alliance Druid.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
On September 22 2016 12:25 Risen wrote: Haven't played in 3 or 4 years. Is it too late in the expansion to pick the game up and grind into competitive raids?
That really depends what you mean by competitive and how soon you're planning to do it. Very high level or very soon will be a problem but lower level & later it will be much easier to blend in
All right, so I think my better half and I will be returning in the next month or so. Horde on Stormreaver, Alliance on Moon Guard. Is anyone already there?
I kind of grew bored of playing a Paladin (level 104), is there a quick way to get my Druid (67) to catch up?
Anything that's quicker than question, I mean.
On September 23 2016 01:21 DickMcFanny wrote: I kind of grew bored of playing a Paladin (level 104), is there a quick way to get my Druid (67) to catch up?
Anything that's quicker than question, I mean. Get Heirloom gear, spec Resto or Guardian, spam dungeons. Near-instant queues (well, maybe a bit slower since few people are alt-ing at the moment), lots of exp per run. That is, as long as you've upgraded your heirlooms to work past 60... but even so I think dungeons are still faster than quests most of the time.