United States2948 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [Korean announcement] +link1. 진행/일정 - 방송 및 중계 : ErOs_HoSic BJ호식(http://afreeca.com/rosua2695) - 일정 : 공지참고(BJ들과 조율후 일정수정 될 수 있음) - 진행 채널 : HoSic - 후원: 만돌이고고 삼촌 , 샘형님 2. 초청선수 (STX프로)김윤중P,(위메이드프로)박성균T,(8th프로)조일장Z,(STX Soul프로)진영수T (웅진프로)김명운Z,(CJ프로)변형태T,(MBC프로)김재훈P,(위메이드프로)이영호P Z-2 T-3 P-3 3. 상금 - 우승 : 20만원 4. 진행방식/리그맵 ① 8강 토너먼트(5판3선승제) 맵 : 써킷브레이커 - 라만차 - 투혼 - 매치포인트 - 신저격능선 ② 4강 토너먼트(5판3선승제) 맵 : 투혼 - 신피의능선 - 타우크로스 - Neo일렉트릭서킷 - 투혼 ③ 결승전(7판4선승제) 맵 : 써킷브레이커 - 매치포인트 - 투혼 - 타우크로스 - 신저격능선 - Neo일렉트릭서킷 - 투혼
damn, all of these small tourneys popping up! Nice (if only I could cast it in the mornings :/)
On March 10 2015 04:28 AleXoundOS wrote: LuCifer?
Lee Young Ho!
On March 10 2015 04:28 AleXoundOS wrote: LuCifer? Lucifer
Wow LuCifer ..... Nice to see
Same name as flash ! Crazy
Bisutopia19144 Posts
Finally match point has returned!!!!!! Also, holy shit Iris vs Hwasin. That will be a great match up.
match point is the best map ever made!
Sick! Hwasin in a BW tourney! I always liked him, even when it was revealed that he set up 2 games.
Lucifer! It s great to see him back! KTF MagicNs was a great team! Sad that he gets matched against zero though... And, go iris!!! CJ hwaiting!
Russian Federation3208 Posts
Hwasin vs Iris Holy Shit!
Is it fair to say Zero, Hero and Mind are the runaway favorites for this?
Mind has weak TvT and if he got past bermuda, going by the bracket iris/hwasin are decent enough to maybe pull an upset and reach the finals.
Lee Young Ho is back! not what you are thinking though. Tau Cross hype!
Hong Kong9148 Posts
hmm, hwasin....I guess if its ok with them.
Quite a skill gap, Lucifer cant cut it 1-0 zero
Bisutopia19144 Posts
I missed the dates on these. Sorry guys! I'll add to the LB now.