United States2948 Posts
Heh, nice graphics -- is that snipe/Erik in the snipealot image? 
Japan11285 Posts
First map is Mist. I've never seen this played before.
Poll: Head:Kíller (3) 75% Lazy (1) 25% 4 total votes Your vote: Head: (Vote): Kíller (Vote): Lazy
Poll: HeartGangster Toss (3) 75% Minidong (1) 25% 4 total votes Your vote: Heart (Vote): Minidong (Vote): Gangster Toss
Japan11285 Posts
Japan11285 Posts
Killer still at 3 bases?
Lurker drop at Lazy's nat.
Japan11285 Posts
What the, I looked away for a second. Then all of a sudden GG.
Japan11285 Posts
All or Nothing next map.
Zerg at 5, toss at 1
Japan11285 Posts
Killer assembles some hydras at Lazy's nat. He attacks, only 2 cannons on the nat. DT saves the day, forcing Killer who has no overlords there to retreat.
Japan11285 Posts
Lazy places 2 cannons on his soon to be third.
Killer's lurkers at his nat finish and he moves them outside Lazy's natural.
Japan11285 Posts
Killer backs off though, favoring an expansion at 7 o'clock.
Lazy moves out with his lots and pokes the nat, meets lurker spines. Lazy has also added goons to his army.
Both players playing passively so far.
Japan11285 Posts
With Lazy the upper part of the map, he takes another expo. He then uses his army to pressure Killer. Lots of blood, blue goo and storms going down outside Killer's natural.
Killer's mass of lurkers finally break the protoss death ball.
Japan11285 Posts
I spot defilers.
A huge mass of lings and a single defiler go to Lazy's 4th. He throws down a dark swarm on the cannons only for the lings to die to a storm. Lazy's army is there to take out the defiler.
Japan11285 Posts
So Lazy is poking around to see where is the best path to attack Killer. He decides on the left side.
Lazy's army engages Killer's massive defense. Storms are cutting down Killer's numbers. Lots of Lurkers and hydras are going down but Killer has more waiting. Killer reinforces his defenses with his remaining lurks but even these fall to the mass of goon shots and storms. Killer taps out
1-1 series.
Japan11285 Posts
Lazy starts out at 1. Killer is at 7.
Japan11285 Posts
Killer is flooding the nat defenses with hydras. A DT is there to defend but that's not enough to stop the flood.
GG!! Killer takes the match. Got to buy some food now.
Anything next? Depends on Larva right?