mod edit: \ o / congratulations TB! mod edit: added new tweet
His Vlog where he explains it here:
In his blog, he tells people that doctors are optimistic and encourages people to get checked.
I really hope that he's able to get through this!
Total Biscuits TL:DR
Its's a large mass that is either pre-cancerous or already cancerous.
It has not spread, CT shows everything else clean and the liver perfectly healthy (this is important since that's generally the first place cancer spreads to and starts to fuck shit up). Colonoscopy confirmed, no other masses or polyps anywhere else in the bowel. Surgery to remove the mass should be a complete cure, at least for the time being. I will need regular check-ups every year or so to make sure it doesn't come back, but the doctors are very confident in a complete recovery.
I encourage all of you, if you have symptoms that last more than a week, to get over the embarrassment and go and see a doctor. Colonoscopy is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be, in the US (at least at my specialist) they knock you out for it entirely so you don't feel a thing. Doctors are professionals, they have heard everything 1000 times before, they are impossible to embarrass. Do not suffer in silence, get screened.
My grand father had bowel cancer. I don't think killed him though, but he wasn't very comfortable with it for the remainder of his life. Hope he can help spread the awareness of the disease but mainly i hope he beats it so he can continue his work in ESPORTS.
For those who don't have the time to watch the VLOG, the TL:DR is this.
It's a large mass that is either pre-cancerous or already cancerous.
It has not spread, CT shows everything else clean and the liver perfectly healthy (this is important since that's generally the first place cancer spreads to and starts to fuck shit up). Colonoscopy confirmed, no other masses or polyps anywhere else in the bowel. Surgery to remove the mass should be a complete cure, at least for the time being. I will need regular check-ups every year or so to make sure it doesn't come back, but the doctors are very confident in a complete recovery.
I encourage all of you, if you have symptoms that last more than a week, to get over the embarrassment and go and see a doctor. Colonoscopy is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be, in the US (at least at my specialist) they knock you out for it entirely so you don't feel a thing. Doctors are professionals, they have heard everything 1000 times before, they are impossible to embarrass. Do not suffer in silence, get screened.
Shit man, good to hear they caught it early as from recollection bowel cancer is one of the worst you can get due to it being relatively 'embarrassing' to get found before it spreads out.
Get well soon TB and props for reminding people as to the importance of getting checked.
Ah, that's really rough. TB will pull through in style though. He's a tough cookie – it'll take more than a spot of cancer to keep a bloke as stubborn as him out of eSports. Love you TB, you'll be back at it in no time <3
On April 30 2014 23:57 TotalBiscuit wrote: Do not suffer in silence, get screened.
You sound quite positive, no radiation etc required?
Outside of the dose I got from the CT scan no. We caught it early enough. I will only need surgery, if the doctors are correct in their assessment. Cut the damn thing out, keep an eye on things, I should be fine.
I figured it was something serious, I'm really sorry it was cancer, but at the same time the prognosis sounds very optimistic. My grandfather died of the same thing, he didn't get a check up in time and they just caught it too late. If you can catch it before it spreads and remove the entire tumor recovery is usually quite probable.
I don't drink, but I'll toast your health in some quality tea. Good luck and I hope you'll be back to saving Esports on a weekly basis soon.