In order to ensure that this thread continues to meet TL standards and follows the proper guidelines, we will be enforcing the rules in the OP more strictly. Be sure to give them a re-read to refresh your memory! The vast majority of you are contributing in a healthy way, keep it up!
NOTE: When providing a source, explain why you feel it is relevant and what purpose it adds to the discussion if it's not obvious. Also take note that unsubstantiated tweets/posts meant only to rekindle old arguments can result in a mod action.
No argument about Bush (though I disagree with the bad intelligence part), but that doesn't mean that Obama is innocent of this. The programme started under Bush, but it has increased tenfold under Obama.
On September 22 2015 08:15 Plansix wrote: [quote] The overwhelming majority of them by an overwhelming margin.
Well that's just simply untrue.
In almost all Muslim majority countries the 'overwhelming majority' of people does believe that Sharia law should be the law of the land and is the revealed truth of their god.
If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than two thirds, you have Jordan, Indonesia, Egypt... If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than three quarters... Let's try Pakistan, Morocco, Palestine... Even if you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than 90% there's Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia..
In none of the Sub-Saharan or Middle Eastern Muslim majority countries, and especially not in East Asia, does a significant majority of people believe that women should have the same rights as men.
You can't judge by the Muslims in the USA, who are well educated, better integrated than black and hispanic people and who actually do better than the average American.
Of course it's stupid to define Islam by ISIS, but it's just as stupid to ignore the fact that in every Muslim majority country women are significantly worse off than men, Non-Muslims are significantly worse off than Muslims and a large majority of the population believes in Sharia law.
By that logic, black people are literally the worst.
And there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Whole nations he just doesn't factor into the narrative that Muslims are the blight he claims.
I'm very interested to hear those numbers. Which nations are you referring to exactly?
Turkey is fine. Pakistan is working on it. Same with Egypt. Kuwaiti is fine and function. All of these nations have problems, but no worse than China or a South American Nation. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think we have room claim that US is this perfect land since our prison population is insane and we spend a lot of time debating if our police force has a problem with shooting people when few other "civilized nations" have this problem.
If I were a woman I wouldn't want to live in any of those countries.
If we are going to be theoretical, if I were an Arab woman, I wouldn't' want to live in the US. Because the nation is kinda racist. I would live in Kuwaiti, given the option. But this is all theory since I am a white dude.
My girlfriend, Moroccan, doesn't want to return to Morocco (not just because of the woeful state of women's rights, but they do play a part). But having lived in Brazil, she doesn't want to return to Europe either. Exactly because she felt like a second-rate citizen. Here she is simply accepted as a foreigner from a country most people can't place on a map. It makes our next step tricky, because we're not here long-term.
But so much for that off-topic discussion. I just thought this might be an interesting anecdote to add to your point
To quote my friend from Bangladesh, "Being brown in a country of white people isn't always a ton of fun."
that's why you go to the bay area where brown people make up 30-50% of certain cities :3
Here’s Trump’s proposed income-tax plan as outlined in his 2011 book:
Those making up to $30,000 will pay 1 percent.
Income from $30,000 to $100,000 is assessed a flat 5 percent tax.
$100,000 to $1 million income will be taxed at 10 percent.
$1 million or above will be taxed 15 percent.
“It’s clear and fair,” wrote Trump in the book. “Best of all, it can be filled out on the back of a postcard and will save Americans big bucks on accountants and massive amounts of time wasted attempting to decipher the tax code.”
WND’s Superstore is Election 2016 Central. Support your favorite candidate with a bumper sticker.
In the book, Trump offered a five-point economic plan “that encourages growth, savings, and investment.”
Here is a WND summary of his five points:
1. Abolish the estate or “death” tax
“It’s immoral for the government to tax you after you’re dead,” he wrote, “to seize a portion of your money and property that you spent your life building up, and on which you already paid taxes. Your children deserve your estate, not the federal government.”
In April, Obama proposed changes to the estate tax that critics say could bring the death tax to an effective rate of 57 percent. Adding in state inheritance taxes, the rate would average 65 percent but could go as high as 67 percent, according to a Heritage Foundation analysis.
Writing in 2011, when Obama proposed moving the death tax to an effective 45 percent, Trump cited a study by former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who found that the 45 percent rate “is a proven jobs killer, because it will strip $1.6 trillion of small business capital out of the hands of job creators.”
Holtz-Eakin predicted a loss of 1.5 million new jobs.
2. Lower tax rates on capital gains and dividends
Trump labeled these as “two more taxes that are proven jobs and investment killers.”
“Capitalism requires capital,” he explained. “When government robs capital from investors, it takes away the money that creates jobs – real private sector jobs that contribute to the health of our economy.”
3. Lowering the U.S. corporate tax rate from 39 percent to zero to help create jobs
4. Punish companies that outsource jobs overseas with a 20 percent tax hike
The billionaire also suggested lowering to zero the tax rate for companies that outsourced overseas but decided to return to the U.S.
“Bottom line: hire American workers and you win. Send jobs overseas, and you may be fine, but you will pay a tax,” he wrote.
On September 22 2015 07:54 DarkPlasmaBall wrote: [quote]
Agreed, and it's not really surprising. These texts came out thousands of years ago; they're certainly not entirely relevant to the year 2015, given our more advanced understanding of facts, morality, etc.
Yes, imagine what a mess Islam would be in if people took those words literally. Oops.
It would look like the republican primary.
Also, it's not like all Muslims are fundamentalist nutjobs. A small fringe group is. We'd live in a much worse world if the billions of Christians and Muslims were all extremists, but most understand that such a lifestyle is absurd.
The overwhelming majority of them by an overwhelming margin.
Well that's just simply untrue.
In almost all Muslim majority countries the 'overwhelming majority' of people does believe that Sharia law should be the law of the land and is the revealed truth of their god.
If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than two thirds, you have Jordan, Indonesia, Egypt... If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than three quarters... Let's try Pakistan, Morocco, Palestine... Even if you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than 90% there's Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia..
In none of the Sub-Saharan or Middle Eastern Muslim majority countries, and especially not in East Asia, does a significant majority of people believe that women should have the same rights as men.
You can't judge by the Muslims in the USA, who are well educated, better integrated than black and hispanic people and who actually do better than the average American.
Of course it's stupid to define Islam by ISIS, but it's just as stupid to ignore the fact that in every Muslim majority country women are significantly worse off than men, Non-Muslims are significantly worse off than Muslims and a large majority of the population believes in Sharia law.
Considering the only Muslims that could be President of the United States are by and large the Muslims in the United States who are well educated I think it's perfectly fine to judge Carson's statement through the lens of that population.
Good point. I might have soapboxed a bit. Yes, Muslim Americans are probably not worse qualified than the average American to be president.
On September 22 2015 08:46 IgnE wrote:
On September 22 2015 07:13 DickMcFanny wrote: To come back to politics:
Why are these republican clowns so eager to attack Obama, yet not one of them picks up on the terror campaign Obama has going on in Pakistan (and Yemen)? Why aren't they demanding he be tried by an international council?
No American politician would ever demand that any American be tried by an international council. America defers to no one. The Hague? What's that? Somewhere in Europe maybe?
Sigh, I know that, I guess I just find it ironic / sad that the most heavily and in most cases most unfairly criticised president in the history of the US gets a free pass on crimes against humanity that in a fair world would get him incarcerated for life.
Can you please elaborate on these crimes that deserve life imprisonment? I assume you're referring to Obama?
Of course I am. His drone programme has killed, depending on whom you ask, at least 500 civilian targets in Pakistan and another 100 (approximately) in Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan. Many of those were children.
Even the official targets were in most cases people who were suspected (not convicted) of at some point in the future possibly backing terrorist groups. That's like Minority Report to the second degree.
To be clear, we're not talking about civilian casualties in a war. We're talking about by American and international law, innocent people getting killed for crimes they have not committed.
which source(s) are you using for this? While I agree there's numerous questionable issues with the drone strikes, I'm not entirely sure of the facts you're alleging.
I think the Trump tax plan seems good only because the taxes don't add up to a full tax burden unless he uses an unreasonably broad definition of 'outsource'.
On September 22 2015 08:08 Jormundr wrote: [quote] It would look like the republican primary.
Also, it's not like all Muslims are fundamentalist nutjobs. A small fringe group is. We'd live in a much worse world if the billions of Christians and Muslims were all extremists, but most understand that such a lifestyle is absurd.
The overwhelming majority of them by an overwhelming margin.
Well that's just simply untrue.
In almost all Muslim majority countries the 'overwhelming majority' of people does believe that Sharia law should be the law of the land and is the revealed truth of their god.
If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than two thirds, you have Jordan, Indonesia, Egypt... If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than three quarters... Let's try Pakistan, Morocco, Palestine... Even if you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than 90% there's Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia..
In none of the Sub-Saharan or Middle Eastern Muslim majority countries, and especially not in East Asia, does a significant majority of people believe that women should have the same rights as men.
You can't judge by the Muslims in the USA, who are well educated, better integrated than black and hispanic people and who actually do better than the average American.
Of course it's stupid to define Islam by ISIS, but it's just as stupid to ignore the fact that in every Muslim majority country women are significantly worse off than men, Non-Muslims are significantly worse off than Muslims and a large majority of the population believes in Sharia law.
By that logic, black people are literally the worst.
And there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Whole nations he just doesn't factor into the narrative that Muslims are the blight he claims.
I'm very interested to hear those numbers. Which nations are you referring to exactly?
Turkey is fine. Pakistan is working on it. Same with Egypt. Kuwaiti is fine and function. All of these nations have problems, but no worse than China or a South American Nation. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think we have room claim that US is this perfect land since our prison population is insane and we spend a lot of time debating if our police force has a problem with shooting people when few other "civilized nations" have this problem.
If I were a woman I wouldn't want to live in any of those countries.
If we are going to be theoretical, if I were an Arab woman, I wouldn't' want to live in the US. Because the nation is kinda racist. I would live in Kuwaiti, given the option. But this is all theory since I am a white dude.
On September 22 2015 08:12 DarkPlasmaBall wrote: [quote]
Also, it's not like all Muslims are fundamentalist nutjobs. A small fringe group is. We'd live in a much worse world if the billions of Christians and Muslims were all extremists, but most understand that such a lifestyle is absurd.
The overwhelming majority of them by an overwhelming margin.
Well that's just simply untrue.
In almost all Muslim majority countries the 'overwhelming majority' of people does believe that Sharia law should be the law of the land and is the revealed truth of their god.
If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than two thirds, you have Jordan, Indonesia, Egypt... If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than three quarters... Let's try Pakistan, Morocco, Palestine... Even if you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than 90% there's Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia..
In none of the Sub-Saharan or Middle Eastern Muslim majority countries, and especially not in East Asia, does a significant majority of people believe that women should have the same rights as men.
You can't judge by the Muslims in the USA, who are well educated, better integrated than black and hispanic people and who actually do better than the average American.
Of course it's stupid to define Islam by ISIS, but it's just as stupid to ignore the fact that in every Muslim majority country women are significantly worse off than men, Non-Muslims are significantly worse off than Muslims and a large majority of the population believes in Sharia law.
By that logic, black people are literally the worst.
And there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Whole nations he just doesn't factor into the narrative that Muslims are the blight he claims.
I'm very interested to hear those numbers. Which nations are you referring to exactly?
Turkey is fine. Pakistan is working on it. Same with Egypt. Kuwaiti is fine and function. All of these nations have problems, but no worse than China or a South American Nation. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think we have room claim that US is this perfect land since our prison population is insane and we spend a lot of time debating if our police force has a problem with shooting people when few other "civilized nations" have this problem.
If I were a woman I wouldn't want to live in any of those countries.
If we are going to be theoretical, if I were an Arab woman, I wouldn't' want to live in the US. Because the nation is kinda racist. I would live in Kuwaiti, given the option. But this is all theory since I am a white dude.
On September 22 2015 10:06 whatisthisasheep wrote: What the Emmy's taught me is that Trump is a rural country boy ready to leave the big city behind.
Here’s Trump’s proposed income-tax plan as outlined in his 2011 book:
Those making up to $30,000 will pay 1 percent.
Income from $30,000 to $100,000 is assessed a flat 5 percent tax.
$100,000 to $1 million income will be taxed at 10 percent.
$1 million or above will be taxed 15 percent.
“It’s clear and fair,” wrote Trump in the book. “Best of all, it can be filled out on the back of a postcard and will save Americans big bucks on accountants and massive amounts of time wasted attempting to decipher the tax code.”
WND’s Superstore is Election 2016 Central. Support your favorite candidate with a bumper sticker.
In the book, Trump offered a five-point economic plan “that encourages growth, savings, and investment.”
Here is a WND summary of his five points:
1. Abolish the estate or “death” tax
“It’s immoral for the government to tax you after you’re dead,” he wrote, “to seize a portion of your money and property that you spent your life building up, and on which you already paid taxes. Your children deserve your estate, not the federal government.”
In April, Obama proposed changes to the estate tax that critics say could bring the death tax to an effective rate of 57 percent. Adding in state inheritance taxes, the rate would average 65 percent but could go as high as 67 percent, according to a Heritage Foundation analysis.
Writing in 2011, when Obama proposed moving the death tax to an effective 45 percent, Trump cited a study by former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who found that the 45 percent rate “is a proven jobs killer, because it will strip $1.6 trillion of small business capital out of the hands of job creators.”
Holtz-Eakin predicted a loss of 1.5 million new jobs.
2. Lower tax rates on capital gains and dividends
Trump labeled these as “two more taxes that are proven jobs and investment killers.”
“Capitalism requires capital,” he explained. “When government robs capital from investors, it takes away the money that creates jobs – real private sector jobs that contribute to the health of our economy.”
3. Lowering the U.S. corporate tax rate from 39 percent to zero to help create jobs
4. Punish companies that outsource jobs overseas with a 20 percent tax hike
The billionaire also suggested lowering to zero the tax rate for companies that outsourced overseas but decided to return to the U.S.
“Bottom line: hire American workers and you win. Send jobs overseas, and you may be fine, but you will pay a tax,” he wrote.
Seems simple enough
Seems like it would bankrupt the country without huge cuts in spending. Trump seems to have no intention of cutting spending. He wants to start with increasing military spending and building a wall on the border.
On September 22 2015 07:13 DickMcFanny wrote: To come back to politics:
Why are these republican clowns so eager to attack Obama, yet not one of them picks up on the terror campaign Obama has going on in Pakistan (and Yemen)? Why aren't they demanding he be tried by an international council?
No American politician would ever demand that any American be tried by an international council. America defers to no one. The Hague? What's that? Somewhere in Europe maybe?
I actually agree with that though. I think it is a dangerous precedent to willingly hand over sovereignty with no clear benefit, especially so when most international groups have at least some members who are, if not openly allied against us, at the very least unfriendly. Further, I don't think it is right to expose our government to the momentary whims of the international mob. Bush could be said to be guilty of overstating the case of WMDs (though it was technically the media that hyper-focused on WMDs, the Bush administration gave a much more broad justification for war), but to accuse him of being guilty of war-crimes is a bit much. This is even ignoring the fact that many of the "war-crimes" are outright silly.
And yes, I do think there is definitely some value in America, being the world's only super-power, to hold itself somewhat above the demands and concerns of the rest of the world. Let us put it this way, when America stops subsidizing Western Europe's defense, then they can begin to question our methods, until then my opinion is that European nations can just keep their opinions to themselves, thank you very much.
Of course, I am of the opinion that much of the "globalization" that's occurred since WW2 has not only been a serious mistake in terms of grand-strategy, but is also largely wishful thinking. It was silly to ever presume an effective world-governing body, or that international law outside of individual treaties would have any true meaning.
Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton announced plans Monday to cap monthly out-of-pocket costs for specialty drugs, citing the "outrageous" case of a lifesaving tablet that saw its price go up by 4,000 percent overnight.
She is expected to allude to her plan in remarks on Monday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and to spell it out in more detail at a health care forum in Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday, her campaign said. It added the proposal aims to reduce profiteering by drug companies.
Biotech stocks tumbled on Monday after Clinton's tweet against "price gouging" in specialty drug markets, citing a New York Times story.
Clinton tweeted, "Price gouging like this in the specialty drug market is outrageous. Tomorrow I'll lay out a plan to take it on."
The Times article referred to drug prices that have skyrocketed, in some cases because of drug shortages. But others have seen their price jump because of a business strategy of buying older drugs and turning them into expensive specialty drugs.
Turing Pharmaceuticals increased the price of Daraprim — a treatment against toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection — by 4,000 percent in August after it bought the drug earlier in the summer.
The pricing maneuver is a cause of rising concern for patients nationwide, with retail prices for branded prescription drugs increasing by an average of 12.9 percent in 2013 from the year before, according to a study by the AARP’s Public Policy Institute. That year’s jump was the highest since 2006, the report found.
Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton announced plans Monday to cap monthly out-of-pocket costs for specialty drugs, citing the "outrageous" case of a lifesaving tablet that saw its price go up by 4,000 percent overnight.
She is expected to allude to her plan in remarks on Monday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and to spell it out in more detail at a health care forum in Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday, her campaign said. It added the proposal aims to reduce profiteering by drug companies.
Biotech stocks tumbled on Monday after Clinton's tweet against "price gouging" in specialty drug markets, citing a New York Times story.
Clinton tweeted, "Price gouging like this in the specialty drug market is outrageous. Tomorrow I'll lay out a plan to take it on."
The Times article referred to drug prices that have skyrocketed, in some cases because of drug shortages. But others have seen their price jump because of a business strategy of buying older drugs and turning them into expensive specialty drugs.
Turing Pharmaceuticals increased the price of Daraprim — a treatment against toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection — by 4,000 percent in August after it bought the drug earlier in the summer.
The pricing maneuver is a cause of rising concern for patients nationwide, with retail prices for branded prescription drugs increasing by an average of 12.9 percent in 2013 from the year before, according to a study by the AARP’s Public Policy Institute. That year’s jump was the highest since 2006, the report found.
Oh man. Maybe soon a U.S. politician will actually acknowledge on a large stage that having a capitalistic healthcare market is tacitly conceding that we believe rich people deserve to live longer than poor people.
Probably not though. I dunno if even Bernie would admit that.
Edit: Man, looking at this thread on both Liquiddota and Teamliquid really messes with my head about who's who.
On September 22 2015 08:15 Plansix wrote: [quote] The overwhelming majority of them by an overwhelming margin.
Well that's just simply untrue.
In almost all Muslim majority countries the 'overwhelming majority' of people does believe that Sharia law should be the law of the land and is the revealed truth of their god.
If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than two thirds, you have Jordan, Indonesia, Egypt... If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than three quarters... Let's try Pakistan, Morocco, Palestine... Even if you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than 90% there's Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia..
In none of the Sub-Saharan or Middle Eastern Muslim majority countries, and especially not in East Asia, does a significant majority of people believe that women should have the same rights as men.
You can't judge by the Muslims in the USA, who are well educated, better integrated than black and hispanic people and who actually do better than the average American.
Of course it's stupid to define Islam by ISIS, but it's just as stupid to ignore the fact that in every Muslim majority country women are significantly worse off than men, Non-Muslims are significantly worse off than Muslims and a large majority of the population believes in Sharia law.
By that logic, black people are literally the worst.
And there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Whole nations he just doesn't factor into the narrative that Muslims are the blight he claims.
I'm very interested to hear those numbers. Which nations are you referring to exactly?
Turkey is fine. Pakistan is working on it. Same with Egypt. Kuwaiti is fine and function. All of these nations have problems, but no worse than China or a South American Nation. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think we have room claim that US is this perfect land since our prison population is insane and we spend a lot of time debating if our police force has a problem with shooting people when few other "civilized nations" have this problem.
If I were a woman I wouldn't want to live in any of those countries.
If we are going to be theoretical, if I were an Arab woman, I wouldn't' want to live in the US. Because the nation is kinda racist. I would live in Kuwaiti, given the option. But this is all theory since I am a white dude.
On September 22 2015 08:41 DickMcFanny wrote: [quote]
Well that's just simply untrue.
In almost all Muslim majority countries the 'overwhelming majority' of people does believe that Sharia law should be the law of the land and is the revealed truth of their god.
If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than two thirds, you have Jordan, Indonesia, Egypt... If you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than three quarters... Let's try Pakistan, Morocco, Palestine... Even if you define the 'overwhelming majority' as more than 90% there's Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia..
In none of the Sub-Saharan or Middle Eastern Muslim majority countries, and especially not in East Asia, does a significant majority of people believe that women should have the same rights as men.
You can't judge by the Muslims in the USA, who are well educated, better integrated than black and hispanic people and who actually do better than the average American.
Of course it's stupid to define Islam by ISIS, but it's just as stupid to ignore the fact that in every Muslim majority country women are significantly worse off than men, Non-Muslims are significantly worse off than Muslims and a large majority of the population believes in Sharia law.
By that logic, black people are literally the worst.
And there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Whole nations he just doesn't factor into the narrative that Muslims are the blight he claims.
I'm very interested to hear those numbers. Which nations are you referring to exactly?
Turkey is fine. Pakistan is working on it. Same with Egypt. Kuwaiti is fine and function. All of these nations have problems, but no worse than China or a South American Nation. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think we have room claim that US is this perfect land since our prison population is insane and we spend a lot of time debating if our police force has a problem with shooting people when few other "civilized nations" have this problem.
If I were a woman I wouldn't want to live in any of those countries.
If we are going to be theoretical, if I were an Arab woman, I wouldn't' want to live in the US. Because the nation is kinda racist. I would live in Kuwaiti, given the option. But this is all theory since I am a white dude.
Pretty bad theory.
Juts to be clear, you're a white dude, correct?
Yeah, so our opinions on what we think an Arab woman wants are like a plumber talking about brain surgery.
"I personally am deeply sorry that we have broken the trust of our customers and the public," says Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn, days after the EPA said the German carmaker had purposefully rigged its diesel cars to pass emissions tests.
The CEO's sentiments did not stop investors from punishing VW's stock Monday in Europe, when they hacked away nearly a quarter of the company's market value.
"The shares plunged as much as 23 percent to 125.40 euros in Frankfurt, extending the stock's slump for the year to 31 percent," Bloomberg reports. "The drop wiped out about 15.4 billion euros ($17.4 billion) in value."
The steep drop came Monday, the first day of trading since the Environmental Protection Agency said it had found Volkswagen had for years used trickery to get around U.S. emissions laws.
Volkswagen is facing as much as $18 billion in fines, according to the Associated Press. It also reports that a Volkswagen official confirmed that the Justice Department had contacted the company regarding the case. AP notes that this case could test the Justice Department's resolve to hold individuals accountable for corporate crimes.
On September 22 2015 08:43 Jormundr wrote: [quote] By that logic, black people are literally the worst.
And there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Whole nations he just doesn't factor into the narrative that Muslims are the blight he claims.
I'm very interested to hear those numbers. Which nations are you referring to exactly?
Turkey is fine. Pakistan is working on it. Same with Egypt. Kuwaiti is fine and function. All of these nations have problems, but no worse than China or a South American Nation. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think we have room claim that US is this perfect land since our prison population is insane and we spend a lot of time debating if our police force has a problem with shooting people when few other "civilized nations" have this problem.
If I were a woman I wouldn't want to live in any of those countries.
If we are going to be theoretical, if I were an Arab woman, I wouldn't' want to live in the US. Because the nation is kinda racist. I would live in Kuwaiti, given the option. But this is all theory since I am a white dude.
Pretty bad theory.
Juts to be clear, you're a white dude, correct?
Yeah, so our opinions on what we think an Arab woman wants are like a plumber talking about brain surgery.
you started it, though. and as a non-white dude, i'd have to say your theory is quite questionable as well.
also referring to the US as like a homogeneous culture is misleading
and all of those countries (turkey/pakistan/egypt) are most definitely generally worse for women relative to men than china
On September 22 2015 08:43 Jormundr wrote: [quote] By that logic, black people are literally the worst.
And there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Whole nations he just doesn't factor into the narrative that Muslims are the blight he claims.
I'm very interested to hear those numbers. Which nations are you referring to exactly?
Turkey is fine. Pakistan is working on it. Same with Egypt. Kuwaiti is fine and function. All of these nations have problems, but no worse than China or a South American Nation. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think we have room claim that US is this perfect land since our prison population is insane and we spend a lot of time debating if our police force has a problem with shooting people when few other "civilized nations" have this problem.
If I were a woman I wouldn't want to live in any of those countries.
If we are going to be theoretical, if I were an Arab woman, I wouldn't' want to live in the US. Because the nation is kinda racist. I would live in Kuwaiti, given the option. But this is all theory since I am a white dude.
Pretty bad theory.
Juts to be clear, you're a white dude, correct?
Yeah, so our opinions on what we think an Arab woman wants are like a plumber talking about brain surgery.
Are Arab women not human?
Would you say that it's perfectly alright for a person who had grown up in a cage and never been let out since the very beginning of childhood to want to stay in the cage, even after being freed at the age of 45?
On September 22 2015 05:30 farvacola wrote: Scott Walker is out.
Here's an article on it.
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin has concluded he no longer has a path to the Republican presidential nomination and plans to drop out of the 2016 campaign, according to three Republicans familiar with his decision, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Mr. Walker called a news conference in Madison at 6 p.m. Eastern time.
“The short answer is money,” said a supporter of Mr. Walker’s who was briefed on the decision. “He’s made a decision not to limp into Iowa.”
The supporter said Mr. Walker’s fund-raising had dried up after his decline in the polls and that campaign officials did not feel they could risk going into debt with the race so uncertain. The governor, who was scheduled to be in New York and Washington this week, partly to raise money, had built up an expansive staff, bringing on aides and consultants detailed to everything from Christian conservative outreach to Super Tuesday states. But his fund-raising did not keep pace with the money needed to sustain such an infrastructure.
Mr. Walker’s intended withdrawal is a humiliating climb down for a Republican governor once seen as all but politically invincible. He started the year at the top of the polls but has seen his position gradually deteriorate, amid the rise of Donald J. Trump’s populist campaign and repeated missteps by Mr. Walker himself.
In the most recent CNN survey, Mr. Walker drew support nationally from less than one-half of one percent of Republican primary voters. He faced growing pressure to shake up his campaign staff, a step he was loath to take, according to Republicans briefed on his deliberations.
I find this absolutely hilarious.
On January 31 2015 01:13 xDaunt wrote:
On January 31 2015 01:08 Mohdoo wrote:
On January 31 2015 01:01 xDaunt wrote:
On January 31 2015 00:59 RCMDVA wrote:
Mitt - officially not running.
Good riddance. He's given it a go twice already. I think we've seen enough.
Who are you hoping to win the Republican ticket? Same person you expect to?
As of now, Scott Walker and Scott Walker. Of course, this is subject to change as the campaign evolves.
I don't really understand the Carson-hype (such as it is). Frankly, the Tea Party already has their damn-near-perfect candidate in Scott Walker. He's pretty much everything they could want and without the baggage. Most importantly, he's actually electable. Eventually the big money republican donors are going to figure out that no one wants Jeb and will start sending more funds Walker's way.
So xDaunt, with your your analysis so wrong and your favorite out months before the first primary, who's your new preferred candidate?
Who exactly correctly predicted that the republican race would be where it is now or would have anything resembling its current trajectory? With Jeb's continued popular marginalization, so far I'm looking fairly correct on that point. It's just going to be another candidate that finishes him off.
Trump sucking up all of the air aside, Walker didn't do himself any favors after getting into the race. Specifically, he failed to bone up on issues beyond those that he dealt with in Wisconsin. His debate performances were not good. He didn't really make a good case for himself after he announced.
For the record, I don't have anyone that I support at this stage and have kept an open mind to just about everyone. The only candidates whom I know that I don't like are Jeb, Jindal, Huckabee, and Carson.
Do you think Trump would make a good president?
Do you think Obama has made a good president? What exactly did Obama have to show for himself back in 2007-2008 beyond the ability to give a really good speech? From the perspective of skillsets and experience, Trump is infinitely more qualified to be president than Obama was back then. People don't get to where to Trump is unless they are incredibly impressive on a multitude of levels.
In short, I can't say that I know that Trump would make a good president. But I don't see anything that immediately disqualifies him from that possibility.
In many ways Obama has been a huge let down to the left but the fact that he got anything done on healthcare and gay rights in the face of the opposition he has endured has been something, at least. We're that much closer to a single payer system.
On September 22 2015 08:57 Plansix wrote: [quote] And there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Whole nations he just doesn't factor into the narrative that Muslims are the blight he claims.
I'm very interested to hear those numbers. Which nations are you referring to exactly?
Turkey is fine. Pakistan is working on it. Same with Egypt. Kuwaiti is fine and function. All of these nations have problems, but no worse than China or a South American Nation. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think we have room claim that US is this perfect land since our prison population is insane and we spend a lot of time debating if our police force has a problem with shooting people when few other "civilized nations" have this problem.
If I were a woman I wouldn't want to live in any of those countries.
If we are going to be theoretical, if I were an Arab woman, I wouldn't' want to live in the US. Because the nation is kinda racist. I would live in Kuwaiti, given the option. But this is all theory since I am a white dude.
Pretty bad theory.
Juts to be clear, you're a white dude, correct?
Yeah, so our opinions on what we think an Arab woman wants are like a plumber talking about brain surgery.
Are Arab women not human?
Would you say that it's perfectly alright for a person who had grown up in a cage and never been let out since the very beginning of childhood to want to stay in the cage, even after being freed at the age of 45?
That's actually a really deep and interesting philosophical question that I'm not sure has a good answer from anyone, especially not anyone on an internet forum. Isn't forcing her out of the cage against her will not all that different from keeping her there against her will?
I think it even goes back to The Republic, doesn't it? I haven't read Plato, but it seems tangentially related to the allegory of The Cave.
If you actually did any research on Arabic women you'd see that they think their restrictions are kind dumb and wish western people wouldn't just come running in trying to save them from it. (this is pulled basically directly from an article in my anthropology anthology I have btw)
(I also think they don't really care about wearing a headscarf but I'm not entirely sure)
also it's generally not a good idea to tell people in a culture how they should feel about their culture.