On July 15 2011 08:01 Sotamursu wrote: Honestly I think I need to lower my standards further. My biggest problem is that I sometimes judge people too quickly. Any advice on getting rid of that or advice in general would be appreciated.
1. work out 2. get ur career handled 3. go out and approach people 4. take an improv comedy class 5. travel 6. LOWER YOUR STANDARDS.
1. I already am 2. I'm a student at the moment 3. I should probably work on this more 4. Sounds like a really good idea 5. I've travelled a lot and I like it 6. Is this just something a matter of an attitude change, or is there another way?
On July 15 2011 09:01 r.Evo wrote: Plain wrong. It's like saying "all you have to do is massgame to get good at starcraft". Evaluating your sets properly while being in field (wings help there a lot), talking sets through in your local lair, sharing stories, getting analysis from sets you posted online from coaches you know are worth a lot.
Learn some English bro. Saying cold approach is something you can't bypass in pickup does not mean its the only thing in you should do while learning pickup.
If someone says you can't bypass nutrition for amazing physique, does that mean just eat and sit on your fat ass all day? See the logic? You have to work out too in conjunction.
Having wings, textbook material, and lair meets are helpful. But if you ain't doing any cold approaches in whatsoever in conjunction, you might as well waste your time somewhere else.
Excuse me very much for making mistakes in a non-native language at 2am while writing posts that have actual content.
You're statement said "IT IS ALL ABOUT COLDAPPROACHES DONT DO ANYTHING ELSE ES #1", which is, once again, plain wrong since it does not include the full truth.
Teaching people to "only do one thing" is almost always horrible from an educational point of view. Most people (you said that you are one of those) simply don't get their act together for years of pure theory (which they thought was best for them), then switch to pure praxis (now they think this is the one and only solution for everyone) and try to push that kind of belief onto others.
For any single field you want to improve out there which requires physical and mental activity, a combination of theory and praxis is needed to improve in the fastest way possible.
Learn some education, "bro".
PS: Not to mention there are entire game-styles based on reducing cold-approaches to a minimum, simply because there are more effective methods out there.
Whats the most common newbie mistake? Read too much / Don't go out. Whats my answer? Read less go out more. Its pretty simple concept. 99% of the people in the community are keyboard jockeys.
I never said go blindly approach and not calibrate. I take a voice recorder when I go out and I get them analyzed when I come back. I'm an engineer, so I'm pretty analytical about things. You just admit you miss read what I said. When I go to Germany, we can have a sargethon if you like
Fun fact, for the people that I know who started out in the Lairs around here about 40% actually fail at analyzing themselves and just mass approach while not improving. w/e, done discussion, we're on the same page, I think.
"Sarging" (still hate the word so much, simply because I hate the intention it involves. I'm not going out to get girls anymore, I just take the juicy opportunities that present themselves. :D) would be cool if you're around southern germany. I have to warn you though, going out with me is like playing with someone who's running a mineral hack.
My game is optimized around my current girlfriend, so basicly I'm screening bisexuality as fast as I can and work around the whole threesome goal. I have to say, it feels so much easier than doing "normal" pickups. When she's with me I've got all the social proof and preselection I'll need (similar to going out with a strong PUC) and it's basicly enough to isolate our targets and escalate with each other. Any girl that's not like "Ewww.... another girl!!!" (which is pretty rare to begin with) and that we can isolate is an easy run.
When she's not with me I'm currently just trying to get the target curious enough to go for a later date and NC her, but I'm failing horribly at this version. I'm kinda too lazy to refine it, but it's just a weird position overall. It's harder to screen bisexuality when I'm solo (still doable), but the main problem here is to not induce buyers-remorse. It's hard to get her to conciously agree to answer a call from someone who basicly invited her to a threesome. The other options are hiding the intention completely (too much effort for too little outcome for me) and escalating on the spot (my gf doesn't like it and it has the same buyers remorse issue, not to mention it seems awefully tryhard.
If you have ideas for that specific scenario (being solo, trying to pick up a girl for threesome with your GF over some of the next few days), feel free to throw em in here.
In general, I feel pretty confident about answering questions about issues as to how relationships work from the view of a "PUA" (hate that word, too), in my opinion the real frame tests start once you're committed to a girl, not any time sooner.
For trips to germany, if you want to get in touch with local pickup lairs I can provide some connections, if you want to. General stuff about cities: -Frankfurt area: The weirdest Lair I met so far. The people I'm used to and me have a way of AMOGing by simply pretending to be gay (it works so great, trust me), the guys in Frankfurt were completely thrown off by that. Not a single one could handle it. Weak frames ftw. -Cologne/Dusseldorf area: Highest amount of Lairs in germany for that small area. Has the issues of being too large, they split groups into newbs and pros, but most of the people are pretty cool. -Munich area has a large community too, though they tend to be numbers gamers and robots imho, also got the same issues as the Cologne area. -Nuremberg Area has a cool mix of local coaches that regularly go out with the guys just to have fun. Never saw that in any other areas to that extent.
Afaik Berlin has a solid community, too, never met those guys though.
I appreciate the tips for online stuff. Though in the very part you quoted, i mentioned that girls wont meet me in eye. Which means every approach you mentioned i still score 0. Your lighter story was funny though. Several years ago i dated a girl i met when she asked me for one.
And yeah, i am totally making an ass out of myself when i try to flirt. I just dont have those skills.
Most common mistakes online if they don't want to meet you in the first place (judging from my, indirect style. Your messages seemed that this might be for you.)
-You throw in the "meet" too early. I usually not even mention it at all for the first 2-3 messages, then try to get it as casual and "non-daty" as possible. Let her show me places, show her places, do something we both think thats cool together. -You try to convey sexuality somehow. Every guy that writes her tries to get into her pants at the first slight of her being open to conversation. Don't be that guy. -As someone else mentioned judging from your messages, you might be negging too hard, aka picking on her. I get away with A LOT of things live, simply because I can convey that I'm kidding and just busting her balls, online that's much, much harder. Be carefull with anything that sounds like you hating something she enjoys.
In general, if you fail to achieve actually meeting girls you approach online I'd kick the mindset of "dates" and "fucking" completely out of your mind. ONLY focus on trying to get them to meet you. It doesn't matter if it will be the most boring and platonic date of your live, just get those meets somehow. Being the biggest pussy ever is fine for it. Just try and mix up what you're currently doing and see if you get different reactions.
Saying "I just don't have these skills" is a bad view of things. You sound like someone who never played golf except when someone forced him to and says "I just can't play golf.", implying its nearly impossible to do, period. It's a skillset. It's possible to learn it. It takes work.
Every single time I got something going with a girl before pickup it was her basicly picking me up and finding out after a few weeks that I'm a huge pussy which resulted in dumping me again. It took me about half a year of diving into pickup to get some basic results that turned those things around. Change begins with changing habits and patterns.
"If you do what you always did, you'll get what you'll always got.", applies to the whole flirting area so damn well.
How long have you been doing this r.Evo? How did you get into it and what are the most important pieces of advice you can give to someone who wants to improve their pickup skills?
Meh, if you have good hygiene (good breath, dress properly) as long as you can open the conversation with a funny but also flirty line to a girl with a natural, relaxing tone (no stuttering), introduce yourself, lead the conversation forward and when you feel that the "spark" is at the strongest (meaning that when you feel both of you guys are the peak of interests to each other). Now after this, the choice is really yours, if you want to have a one-night stand, seduce her right there. If you looking for a real relationship, ask her on a date.
I went to the PUA forums and they had topics like "Lines to open with", "the mid-game" and "seal the deal" much like a strategy game. I gotta if you think of it like a game that you are suppose to BE THAT, it gets so much harder. Let it be spontaneous, act like this is just another conversations.
R.Evo, did you read lob des sexismus? I would not consider myself as a pua or so, i have a rather scientific approach to PU. But my approaches seem to work in relationships, cause i never had any problems in them. I dont have any routines, and no briefed wingman. All i work with is an intact social proof, humor, being humble when i need to, avoiding beeing jelous by any means plus i work a lot, which robs me a lot of freetime but helps me with freeze outs, with my carrier and value.
On July 15 2011 22:10 W.O.L.F.Y. wrote: R.Evo, did you read lob des sexismus? I would not consider myself as a pua or so, i have a rather scientific approach to PU. But my approaches seem to work in relationships, cause i never had any problems in them. I dont have any routines, and no briefed wingman. All i work with is an intact social proof, humor, being humble when i need to, avoiding beeing jelous by any means plus i work a lot, which robs me a lot of freetime but helps me with freeze outs, with my carrier and value.
Judging by your profile, you sounds like a German version of me! Yeah I like that last sentence to put your career values before women. I really like that mentality.
On July 15 2011 21:20 Wohmfg wrote: How long have you been doing this r.Evo? How did you get into it and what are the most important pieces of advice you can give to someone who wants to improve their pickup skills?
Actually I got into this whole topic thanks to TL. I think it was Kennigit (?) who posted a "OMGFUCKING GIRL THREADS" topic where he linked "The Game" as a solid book to read. I was all like "yeah, magic pill, sure" but sneaked the e-book anyway. Should have been around May 2009. I then soaked up all the theory from books and videos that I could find (something I'd not recommend to everyone, but for me theory -> let it settle down -> praxis works great in a lot of fields) and went to my local lair in September 2009. The guys (and girls) there were pretty damn cool and I started going out with 'em on a twice a week basis. I always had the approach of "I kinda want a cool girl for a relationship, but I won't say no to some fun until then." to the whole seduction thing.
During that time, I still tried to avoid cold approaches as good as I could. However, I had quick success by changing some simple things (mostly kino escalation to be honest) while doing some approaches on girls I somehow had in my social circle. Up to today I still consider me being pretty weak when it comes to cold approaches during clubgame (daygame I'm fine), however my strenghts are what is called social-game and online-game. Also I'm a beast on the phone and, where so incredibly many people fail (at least in the german "scene), when it comes to textmessages.
When I'm somehow forced to do clubgame, I simply try and create situations that get me warm approaches (warm basicly means that you have some kind of connection. e.g. no one immediatly shuts the friend of a friend down before even talking to him). How? I do random silly stuff to almost everyone I meet.
I chit-chat with people in the waiting line. In a corridor with bar stools I might stand in the persons way, put the barstool in our common way, smile, walk around the barstool and twinkle on the way out. I might stand in the way of a girl (don't do this to guys, lol), when she tries to walk past me, I stand in her way again, smile, walk past her. I give random compliments if I like something someone is wearing or doing (both to guys and girls) and immediatly walk past them once that short piece of conversation is done. I sometimes hi5 random people or grab someone random to bitch about someone or something. I always, always walk away after that short talk.
What do I accomplish with that? -I get into a communicative state where I can talk to everyone about everything. -I get to use my #1 opener "Ohmygod, you again." (I actually have wings cracking up when I say that); common follow ups are "Are you stalking/following me?" / "This is my turf, darling, you gotta pay respect, yo." (I don't look gangster at all but pretend I'm wearing huge baggy pants when saying this) / "Okay, you wanna talk? Let's talk. What's up?" always with a smile afterwards. -I stand out of the crowd. When doing this for a while I can expect sets to start giggling when I'm just coming close. (Carefull, I'm not an entertainer, I'm having fun for myself and do what's fun for me, huge difference in frames.) -I can start abusing anyone I "approached" that way, be it guys or girls as instant-wings or pivots. I have more of a connection than any of the other 200 people around with them, that's enough to make them do little things for you. -I can crush any set where some of the people I "approached" are with strangers. I love opening sets full of guys, just to steal their girls later on. Make sure to find out if someone is in a relationship or something. "So, how do you guys all know each other?" ez #1 line to bust wannabe PUAs.
/random clubgame rant end.
Since December 2010 I'm in a relationship and it took me until last month to get her ready for threesomes etc., pickup isn't over in a relationship, for sure. =D
Fun sidenote: My current GF is neither the type of woman I'd usually approach, nor the type that usually responds to me well. Also I met her completely by accident in a café where I decided to not pick up any girl anymore.
Advice on what's important for beginners is hard since most people learn so differently. I'd say most important is obviously to get into praxis asap, while still analyzing yourself instead of doing mindless things over and over again. "Every single routine has a purpose." and "You can not not communicate." are probably the most important things to keep in mind. Find out what's behind the things you're saying, become aware of stuff that's going on. If I found a certain routine online I'd always check what it conveys and find a story that happened to me that conveys the same thing, simply because I h a t e using most of the canned stuff and feel completely silly while using it.
I'd say the best advice I can give someone starting out besides that is to simply enjoy random communication with strangers and to have fun. That's way more important than trying to get into some girls pants from the get-go. Once you're comfortable (!!) with simple interaction with strangers it's not very far from shifting that onto girls and finally onto getting all the sex and relationships you want. Not to mention having a large social circle is everything you ever need to... "practice"
For me, personally, pickup involves working on your self to become a more attractive person in general and to become someone that's enjoyable to hang out with. Those things are more than half the way 'cause you get all the "secondary traits" (confident, social, outgoing, communicative, social intelligence) with it "for free".
On July 15 2011 22:02 Xiphos wrote: Meh, if you have good hygiene (good breath, dress properly) as long as you can open the conversation with a funny but also flirty line to a girl with a natural, relaxing tone (no stuttering), introduce yourself, lead the conversation forward and when you feel that the "spark" is at the strongest (meaning that when you feel both of you guys are the peak of interests to each other). Now after this, the choice is really yours, if you want to have a one-night stand, seduce her right there. If you looking for a real relationship, ask her on a date.
I went to the PUA forums and they had topics like "Lines to open with", "the mid-game" and "seal the deal" much like a strategy game. I gotta if you think of it like a game that you are suppose to BE THAT, it gets so much harder. Let it be spontaneous, act like this is just another conversations.
You have to understand, that all the things you mention as being "spontaneous" and "natural" are insanely hard for a lot of people. ... In our lair we had people who couldn't look someone in the eye while talking, not to mention walking up to a random girl and talk to her. All the "strategy" you mention is like a wheelchair to somehow get people who didn't learn it elsewhere to be somewhat social competent human beings (as sad as it sounds).
It makes things so much easier if you get some pointers if you're scared to shit when it comes to talking to a random girl anyway, for a lot of people learning some lines by heart makes a lot of sense in the beginning.
Once you're past the point of "getting a hang of things" (I'd say it took me a year of regular "practice"), you can throw all the wheelchairs and things over board and get away with the most ridiculous things, simply because you are confident, relaxed and in tune with yourself. Getting there is the hard part, that's where pickup helps people.
On July 15 2011 22:10 W.O.L.F.Y. wrote: R.Evo, did you read lob des sexismus? I would not consider myself as a pua or so, i have a rather scientific approach to PU. But my approaches seem to work in relationships, cause i never had any problems in them. I dont have any routines, and no briefed wingman. All i work with is an intact social proof, humor, being humble when i need to, avoiding beeing jelous by any means plus i work a lot, which robs me a lot of freetime but helps me with freeze outs, with my carrier and value.
Dude, I'm a nerd after all, of course I read it. =D (speaking of which, I have a wing that actually seduces girls by telling them how awesome WoW or SC2 is, talk about skills)
I consider it solid for someone who's basicly a total pussy (no offense, I was one of those, too), but it draws a lot of people into "Awww, she's LSE-type (LSE = low self esteem), it's all her fault, I couldn't have done anything else!!!11". If you're not caught by that mindset I'd say it's solid.
All the stuff I bolded from your post are things that are helping you a lot, even if you don't notice. I assume when people say "All I do is xy..." they most likely don't realize how huge that is for some others. For me I'd say I was one of the easier cases compared some of the dudes I met over the years. However, all of those (including me hurrdurr) somehow improved in those areas. It's a skillset, it's learnable.
On July 16 2011 00:00 r.Evo wrote: During that time, I still tried to avoid cold approaches as good as I could.
I stopped reading right there. Its called pick up for a reason. Social circle is 1000x easier. Hell, my parents got married through social circle. Is my Asian dad a PUA?
If anyone wants a real PUA whos also Asian that they can identify with, this is the man. And yes, I intern for him
I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way, but frankly it seems like too much work. Work isn't even the right word, I can do work no problem, more like too much sacrifice. I mean, I'm not bashing self-improvement, or practice, I think all of that is great. But that kind of shit you do for yourself, and nobody else. When it comes down to it, I have too much pride. Sure, that's holding me back, but I don't think I could respect myself if I was constantly censoring myself, or dancing around, trying to avoid a variety of interpretations that no intelligent person should really be making. Take a look at the analysis I got last page. What seemed fairly natural for me was described as awkward bragging, a failed joke, and then a bad diss. Something in my head says "fuck her,if that's what she thought I meant then she's about 40 IQ points too low anyway". And I don't want to take a giant dump all over PUAs, but the guys I see picking up girls are generally total douches. They think they are being alpha but really they are not subtle at all, and the women that like them are empty headed enough to not notice. I don't really want to be one of those, neither do I want to pick up those kind of girls. I'm not sure if I want to even attract the sort of women that get offended and bails because we immediately disagree on something. I want to meet the kind of girl that tells me I'm fucking wrong, and why.
Ok, so fine. I recognize that might just be my pissy defensive mechanisms going off, but I need to balance feeling like a total pussy and working on my social skills. I recognize my approaches need a lot of work, but I'm also not going to cave over dumb shit like "you should never say that on the second message". Why the hell not? Fuck it. So yeah.
On July 16 2011 00:49 ToxNub wrote: 'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way, but frankly it seems like too much work.
Yup. Its a lot of work. That's why 95% of people fail. Just like how 95% of the people fail diets. Just how like 95%+ of people fail to get their financial situation settled.
See the trend? Pick up is not something you can dabble in. Its not something you can be like, "Oh, ill just do some approaches maybe here and there, and oh Ill just read some books here and there". Pick up is 50x harder than you think it is if you truly want to be good... I mean GOOD.
NO! You go out 3+ nights a week. Bring a flash card with 3 things to work on. You bring a voice recorder, and you go home and spend 30 minutes to write your field report every night you go out. And hopefully you can afford a coach who can do long term coaching and go over your notes on a weekly basis. (Some people say you are taking this too seriously. We'll, how serious does Michael Phelps train for the olympics? How much time does Michael Jordan practice lay ups? How many iterations did Edison do to create the light bulb? That's the excellence mentality).
If everyone was a PUA, there wouldn't be enough hot girls to go around.
On July 16 2011 00:00 r.Evo wrote: During that time, I still tried to avoid cold approaches as good as I could.
I stopped reading right there. Its called pick up for a reason. Social circle is 1000x easier. Hell, my parents got married through social circle. Is my Asian dad a PUA?
If anyone wants a real PUA whos also Asian that they can identify with, this is the man. And yes, I intern for him
GJ calling someone like Adam Lions no PUA.
If someone asks for my story, I'll give truthfull answers instead of pretending I always was and always will be a pro at everything I'm doing. Oh wait, someone admits he was a newb at one point, that must mean everything he says sucks, am I rite?
Please, learn to admit mistakes and learn to appreciate others doing so before giving tips on self-improvement.
Solid social circle game has huge advantages and only some disadvantages over cold approaches. However, it's cool to hear that your dad actually built himself a social circle with the specific women he's most attracted to for easy access to f*** whatever he wanted to all day, instead of randomly running into clubs to get a piece of them here and there.
The goal of any kind of pickup is to improve the way you're handling women and, ultimately, how to seduce women you want to seduce. Dissimissing a solid social-game simply because it's "easy" and because it "works" is simply... well.. stupid. Personally I can say that I seduced some women I met plain and simply by introducing them into my social circle. Nothing more needed. The social circles I had, and partially still have, running give me all of the values I'd otherwise would have to work on over hours of conversation.
Easy to start with? No, I had to build that stuff first. Easy once I got it going? Oh, yeah. Effective? Hell yes. Instead of hours of conversation and conveying value I can get her number, invite her to a party/event I'm going with "friends" and have the rest roll by itself. That's what social circle game is about.
Not to mention, that having access to one new girl gives me access to her friends which in return give me access to their friends which...
To quote Adam Lyons freely: "If a standard PUA finally meets his model HB 10, he will do everything he can to fuck her, and he will succeed. If a clever social-circle gamer finally meets his HB 10, he will do everything he can do be her best friend and fuck all her other model friends."
PS: It's cool that you're using this discussion to advertise and all. For some mystical reason your only posts on TL are in this thread. I wonder why that is...
If Adam Lyons was so good, why did his wife Amanda cheat on him? LOL! And if you take his boot camp, guess what hes gonna make you do? That's right, cold approach!
Social circle game is too easy, I focus on cold approach because its harder. And I have many wings who do social circle. Its not something I want to do right now because you aren't allowed to trial and error and progess as fast as cold approach simply because girls talk to their friends. Making mistakes is the best way to learn. Right now, I can massively kino and do balsy stuff and not be worried because the next day there are no consequences.
squattincassanova, why are you making PU sounds SOOOO much harder than what it is!!! Like that PU is a sport or something that you are going have to train your ass for. Not going to lie but you are making me overthinking of talking to girls, thinking all of these situations instead of winging it....(which is way easier). Its really a hurtle that you have to get over with for the first couple of approaches like making sure you keep the same consistent tone without stuttering. But as you get better at it (whcih shouldn't take you more than couple of days if you hang at social venues a lot), you get more confident and women will just be that more likely to be attracted to YOU!
On July 16 2011 00:49 ToxNub wrote: 'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way, but frankly it seems like too much work.
Yup. Its a lot of work. That's why 95% of people fail. Just like how 95% of the people fail diets. Just how like 95%+ of people fail to get their financial situation settled.
See the trend? Pick up is not something you can dabble in. Its not something you can be like, "Oh, ill just do some approaches maybe here and there, and oh Ill just read some books here and there". Pick up is 50x harder than you think it is if you truly want to be good... I mean GOOD. NO! You go out 3+ nights a week. Bring a flash card with 3 things to work on. You bring a voice recorder, and you go home and spend 30 minutes to write your field report every night you go out. And hopefully you can afford a coach who can do long term coaching and go over your notes on a weekly basis. (Some people say you are taking this too seriously. We'll, how serious does Michael Phelps train for the olympics? How much time does Michael Jordan practice lay ups? How many iterations did Edison do to create the light bulb? That's the excellence mentality).
If everyone was a PUA, there wouldn't be enough hot girls to go around.
Seriously? People are WAY overthinking about PU, its like you guys are putting in SOOO MUUUUCH work into it like it is some exam that you are preparing. You guys are sounding that you doing ALL of those preparation just to get laid. That's a lot of effort and time putting in!
That is because as he said, it is the difference between social circle game and solo cold approaches. If you arent a celebrity or have significant gimmicks(fancy car, high brand name clothes, very good body or face) to support you, cold approaching is hard. But it also has excellent gameplay. Because you need to play out your every factor, and have excellent set control & MM timing transition capabilities, it can be compared to Brood War. Ive said it before and its true, cold approaching is one of those things where with perseverence, superhuman ability can be achieved, that cannot be fathomed to exist by most people.
On July 16 2011 02:20 Xiphos wrote: squattincassanova, why are you making PU sounds SOOOO much harder than what it is!!! Like that PU is a sport or something that you are going have to train your ass for. Not going to lie but you are making me overthinking of talking to girls, thinking all of these situations instead of winging it....(which is way easier). Its really a hurtle that you have to get over with for the first couple of approaches like making sure you keep the same consistent tone without stuttering. But as you get better at it (whcih shouldn't take you more than couple of days if you hang at social venues a lot), you get more confident and women will just be that more likely to be attracted to YOU!
On July 16 2011 00:49 ToxNub wrote: 'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way, but frankly it seems like too much work.
Yup. Its a lot of work. That's why 95% of people fail. Just like how 95% of the people fail diets. Just how like 95%+ of people fail to get their financial situation settled.
See the trend? Pick up is not something you can dabble in. Its not something you can be like, "Oh, ill just do some approaches maybe here and there, and oh Ill just read some books here and there". Pick up is 50x harder than you think it is if you truly want to be good... I mean GOOD. NO! You go out 3+ nights a week. Bring a flash card with 3 things to work on. You bring a voice recorder, and you go home and spend 30 minutes to write your field report every night you go out. And hopefully you can afford a coach who can do long term coaching and go over your notes on a weekly basis. (Some people say you are taking this too seriously. We'll, how serious does Michael Phelps train for the olympics? How much time does Michael Jordan practice lay ups? How many iterations did Edison do to create the light bulb? That's the excellence mentality).
If everyone was a PUA, there wouldn't be enough hot girls to go around.
Seriously? People are WAY overthinking about PU, its like you guys are putting in SOOO MUUUUCH work into it like it is some exam that you are preparing. You guys are sounding that you doing ALL of those preparation just to get laid. That's a lot of effort and time putting in!
All depends on your goals. Being a pub stomper in starcraft on fastest money possible and being a pro gamer at starcraft obviously takes two different levels of preparation and mindset. Getting GF or getting laid one or twice every few months vs. being able to same night lay a perfect 10 at a high end club in Hollywood are two different stories.
On July 16 2011 02:20 Xiphos wrote: squattincassanova, why are you making PU sounds SOOOO much harder than what it is!!! Like that PU is a sport or something that you are going have to train your ass for. Not going to lie but you are making me overthinking of talking to girls, thinking all of these situations instead of winging it....(which is way easier). Its really a hurtle that you have to get over with for the first couple of approaches like making sure you keep the same consistent tone without stuttering. But as you get better at it (whcih shouldn't take you more than couple of days if you hang at social venues a lot), you get more confident and women will just be that more likely to be attracted to YOU!
On July 16 2011 00:54 squattincassanova wrote:
On July 16 2011 00:49 ToxNub wrote: 'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way, but frankly it seems like too much work.
Yup. Its a lot of work. That's why 95% of people fail. Just like how 95% of the people fail diets. Just how like 95%+ of people fail to get their financial situation settled.
See the trend? Pick up is not something you can dabble in. Its not something you can be like, "Oh, ill just do some approaches maybe here and there, and oh Ill just read some books here and there". Pick up is 50x harder than you think it is if you truly want to be good... I mean GOOD. NO! You go out 3+ nights a week. Bring a flash card with 3 things to work on. You bring a voice recorder, and you go home and spend 30 minutes to write your field report every night you go out. And hopefully you can afford a coach who can do long term coaching and go over your notes on a weekly basis. (Some people say you are taking this too seriously. We'll, how serious does Michael Phelps train for the olympics? How much time does Michael Jordan practice lay ups? How many iterations did Edison do to create the light bulb? That's the excellence mentality).
If everyone was a PUA, there wouldn't be enough hot girls to go around.
Seriously? People are WAY overthinking about PU, its like you guys are putting in SOOO MUUUUCH work into it like it is some exam that you are preparing. You guys are sounding that you doing ALL of those preparation just to get laid. That's a lot of effort and time putting in!
All depends on your goals. Being a pub stomper in starcraft on fastest money possible and being a pro gamer at starcraft obviously takes two different levels of preparation and mindset. Getting GF or getting laid one or twice every few months vs. being able to same night lay a perfect 10 at a high end club in Hollywood are two different stories.
Honestly, I think the pickup equivalent of being a pro-gamer at starcraft is being in a committed relationship to a beautiful woman whom you love. Why would you want to same night lay a girl you find in a club period? Id rather spend time with someone I actually care about & share interests with AND have great sex whenever I want it than waste my time and money in clubs picking up girls and thinking about whether or not shes clean while I put on a condom (oh and condoms make sex feel terrible compared to bareback to the point Id rather get a BJ or fleshlight).
I mean if you really think the highest achievement with regards to picking up women is having sex with perfect 10's from a hollywood club to each their own, but I don't find the idea of that attractive at all.
Also id like to add, that of the majority of perfect 10's I know, have no interest in meeting guys at clubs, don't go to clubs often at all and spend more of their time doing fun activities that aren't based solely upon social drinking. If you want to get laid sure clubs are good, but I honestly think it would be easier to meet perfect 10's at places like the gym, events, classes or just out in public. Perfect 10's that will sleep with you that night? probably not, but hey. To each their own.