It's beyond ironic that this comes just as Artosis posted that video on "things to fix about bnet 2.0".
So Blizzard's solution is essentially a threat now that I think about it.....troll and talk shit on a forum or else you could get tracked down and harassed or assaulted? What the hell? So this is the solution that magically makes more sense than moderating more strictly? The captcha stuff works well enough to stop people from trolling constantly since its a PITA.
On July 07 2010 05:17 Ghad wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 05:06 iCCup.Diamond wrote: I got the ultimate question here for EVERYONE complaining about this.
How many of you actually use the b.net forums?
I know I tried once and gave up after 2 posts, so count me out. Well, I haven't played a Blizzard game since Warcraft 2, but I definetly used the b.net beta forum, and expected to use the b.net forum to interact with blizzard if need be. Aint gonna happen now though.
That's funny considering you're registered on a starcraft fansite. :p
On July 07 2010 05:09 semantics wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 05:07 ikkyixo wrote:On July 07 2010 04:58 GMarshal wrote:someone posted this on the Blizzard forums and I thought it was worth reposing here: Picture this. No really do it.
It's July 30th, and you just finished installing your copy of Starcraft 2, and you're ready to hop online. You enter the multiplayer aspect and search your first 1v1 game type.
You pick Terran, as you are unfamiliar with the other races, and your opponent spawns zerg.
2 minutes go by, and you realize you have no clue what you're doing, and 6 lings come into your base and demolish everything. You lose.
"wow... man I got creamed", you think to yourself.
So you head over to the bnet forums to ask for advice. Having browsed the forums regularly in beta, you know what to expect, trolls, off topic posts, and the occasional Blue responding only to threads praising Bnet 2.0.
But then, you see a topic that intrigues you titled "ZERG IMBALANCED PLEASE REMOVE", so you quickly enter it to become more informed and voice your opinion on how badly they are imbalanced.
After some skimming in the thread, you notice something odd..... The name Tony Mcfinklestein is highlighted with the reply "0-4 0%" Noob l2p.
You think, why is this douche being mean to new players? You then notice under his name it has his battle.net account and it says Ghetto.Overlord.
You suddenly get a surge of hatred coming from inside of you, having remembered that name from the forums during beta, you hated this elitist and his blog with a passion, so much that you copy paste his name into google.
Viola! Facebook pops up, and there are a total of 3 Tony Mcfinklesteins, so you have to decide which one is Ghetto.Overlord.
After 5 minutes you discover that 2 are private and one is not, thus singling out that now you have a 50% chance of finding him after realizing the 3rd tony is a black Portuguese woman.
Now it gets tricky, how are you going to infiltrate his private account?
Suddenly you start refreshing one of the names to view his friends, and you notice "Starcraft 2" as one of his 6 friends. You become ecstatic with joy, an overwhelming feeling that you have found the man you hate, and you are overcome with this gleeful desire to wreak havoc on his personal life, all because his views are different than yours.
You randomly click a few of his friends before realizing one of them is not private, and read up about her and her personal life, as well as any comments Tony left on the wall.
Suddenly you have an opening, and you friend request Tony saying, "HEY WE WENT TO HS TOGETHER REMEMBER ME I WAS THE DUDE WHO SAT BEHIND YOU IN SEX ED".
Out of sheer luck, Tony friended you back, and you now have access to his personal information.
3 Days later you show up to Tony's house in Arizona with a 5 Iron in your hands, as he answers the door you beat him into oblivion until his face can no longer be recognized as Tony Mcfinklestein.
The end.
Ghetto.Overlord needs to know how to use Privacy settings in Facebook. You do know you can prevent your friends list from being seen with a couple of clicks. most ppl don't get that or remember to do that.
And when it comes down to it, who's particular fault is that? Some people don't get how to make their address and phone number private on facebook but if their name came up in a news article or someone saw their name tag at Microcenter or something, they would be able to know their information and when it comes down to it, is it the news channel or Microcenter's fault in regards to how their personal information got obtained by their name?
I'm still sticking by my statement earlier. You have the names of all these celebrities and you can even google a first or last name and find plenty of different first and last names that are of real people. These people names are publicly available, however they have no issues with it being that way. People google their name up and have no issues with the information they find, however it's a problem when someone else does it. It's not just a gaming forum, people can obtain your real name through a number of different mediums. I dunno, it baffles me.
On July 07 2010 05:07 ikkyixo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 04:58 GMarshal wrote:someone posted this on the Blizzard forums and I thought it was worth reposing here: Picture this. No really do it.
It's July 30th, and you just finished installing your copy of Starcraft 2, and you're ready to hop online. You enter the multiplayer aspect and search your first 1v1 game type.
You pick Terran, as you are unfamiliar with the other races, and your opponent spawns zerg.
2 minutes go by, and you realize you have no clue what you're doing, and 6 lings come into your base and demolish everything. You lose.
"wow... man I got creamed", you think to yourself.
So you head over to the bnet forums to ask for advice. Having browsed the forums regularly in beta, you know what to expect, trolls, off topic posts, and the occasional Blue responding only to threads praising Bnet 2.0.
But then, you see a topic that intrigues you titled "ZERG IMBALANCED PLEASE REMOVE", so you quickly enter it to become more informed and voice your opinion on how badly they are imbalanced.
After some skimming in the thread, you notice something odd..... The name Tony Mcfinklestein is highlighted with the reply "0-4 0%" Noob l2p.
You think, why is this douche being mean to new players? You then notice under his name it has his battle.net account and it says Ghetto.Overlord.
You suddenly get a surge of hatred coming from inside of you, having remembered that name from the forums during beta, you hated this elitist and his blog with a passion, so much that you copy paste his name into google.
Viola! Facebook pops up, and there are a total of 3 Tony Mcfinklesteins, so you have to decide which one is Ghetto.Overlord.
After 5 minutes you discover that 2 are private and one is not, thus singling out that now you have a 50% chance of finding him after realizing the 3rd tony is a black Portuguese woman.
Now it gets tricky, how are you going to infiltrate his private account?
Suddenly you start refreshing one of the names to view his friends, and you notice "Starcraft 2" as one of his 6 friends. You become ecstatic with joy, an overwhelming feeling that you have found the man you hate, and you are overcome with this gleeful desire to wreak havoc on his personal life, all because his views are different than yours.
You randomly click a few of his friends before realizing one of them is not private, and read up about her and her personal life, as well as any comments Tony left on the wall.
Suddenly you have an opening, and you friend request Tony saying, "HEY WE WENT TO HS TOGETHER REMEMBER ME I WAS THE DUDE WHO SAT BEHIND YOU IN SEX ED".
Out of sheer luck, Tony friended you back, and you now have access to his personal information.
3 Days later you show up to Tony's house in Arizona with a 5 Iron in your hands, as he answers the door you beat him into oblivion until his face can no longer be recognized as Tony Mcfinklestein.
The end.
Ghetto.Overlord needs to know how to use Privacy settings in Facebook. You do know you can prevent your friends list from being seen with a couple of clicks.
To be honest that really won't help as wasn't there a blow up about Facebook's privacy settings? That I'm sure there are plenty of other ways of finding someone.
On July 07 2010 05:07 ikkyixo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 04:58 GMarshal wrote:someone posted this on the Blizzard forums and I thought it was worth reposing here: Picture this. No really do it.
It's July 30th, and you just finished installing your copy of Starcraft 2, and you're ready to hop online. You enter the multiplayer aspect and search your first 1v1 game type.
You pick Terran, as you are unfamiliar with the other races, and your opponent spawns zerg.
2 minutes go by, and you realize you have no clue what you're doing, and 6 lings come into your base and demolish everything. You lose.
"wow... man I got creamed", you think to yourself.
So you head over to the bnet forums to ask for advice. Having browsed the forums regularly in beta, you know what to expect, trolls, off topic posts, and the occasional Blue responding only to threads praising Bnet 2.0.
But then, you see a topic that intrigues you titled "ZERG IMBALANCED PLEASE REMOVE", so you quickly enter it to become more informed and voice your opinion on how badly they are imbalanced.
After some skimming in the thread, you notice something odd..... The name Tony Mcfinklestein is highlighted with the reply "0-4 0%" Noob l2p.
You think, why is this douche being mean to new players? You then notice under his name it has his battle.net account and it says Ghetto.Overlord.
You suddenly get a surge of hatred coming from inside of you, having remembered that name from the forums during beta, you hated this elitist and his blog with a passion, so much that you copy paste his name into google.
Viola! Facebook pops up, and there are a total of 3 Tony Mcfinklesteins, so you have to decide which one is Ghetto.Overlord.
After 5 minutes you discover that 2 are private and one is not, thus singling out that now you have a 50% chance of finding him after realizing the 3rd tony is a black Portuguese woman.
Now it gets tricky, how are you going to infiltrate his private account?
Suddenly you start refreshing one of the names to view his friends, and you notice "Starcraft 2" as one of his 6 friends. You become ecstatic with joy, an overwhelming feeling that you have found the man you hate, and you are overcome with this gleeful desire to wreak havoc on his personal life, all because his views are different than yours.
You randomly click a few of his friends before realizing one of them is not private, and read up about her and her personal life, as well as any comments Tony left on the wall.
Suddenly you have an opening, and you friend request Tony saying, "HEY WE WENT TO HS TOGETHER REMEMBER ME I WAS THE DUDE WHO SAT BEHIND YOU IN SEX ED".
Out of sheer luck, Tony friended you back, and you now have access to his personal information.
3 Days later you show up to Tony's house in Arizona with a 5 Iron in your hands, as he answers the door you beat him into oblivion until his face can no longer be recognized as Tony Mcfinklestein.
The end.
Ghetto.Overlord needs to know how to use Privacy settings in Facebook. You do know you can prevent your friends list from being seen with a couple of clicks.
If you haven't figured out yet. The fact that you can be an idiot and post your personal info all over the internet isn't as big of a problem as the fact that that's the default state for most networking sites. Most people aren't going to change this, and in bnet's case you can't even turn it off or refuse to give that info.
Not to mention, bnet became a requirement and you added all your games to it BEFORE this changover happened. I know I'm definetely creating a bullshit account full of bullshit account info when the actual game gets released.
On July 07 2010 05:15 Liquid`Jinro wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 05:14 Kishime wrote:On July 07 2010 05:12 Liquid`Jinro wrote:On July 07 2010 05:07 Kishime wrote:On July 07 2010 05:06 Xiphiass wrote:On July 07 2010 04:56 Steven.Bonnell.II wrote:On July 07 2010 04:51 iCCup.Diamond wrote:On July 07 2010 04:50 Steven.Bonnell.II wrote: You guys are funny if you really think the average employer is going to do searches on the internet for your name... Actually it happens a lot. But I guess it depends on what you're trying to hide. Not doing anything wrong? Than no worries. If you're applying for a job at McDonald's or Hardees or 99% of entry-level jobs, they're not going to check online for anything. You only think "it happens quite a lot" because as soon as it happens to someone, the news is all over it. Like I said, if you guys are really worried about what's out there, you have two options: 1) GTFO off the internet, or 2: WATCH WHAT YOU SAY! Some employers don't want their workers to play games, and will look down on such people. What?!?! I've been asked by someone to remove their name from a post on this forum because of this very reason before. Because they were playing a game in their free time or they were posting on the forum/playing the game during work hours? Because he didn't want potential employers to know about his gaming history.
To be blunt, if he thought his "gaming history" was prohibiting him from finding a job, he probably had a few more hurdles in his way.
I don't see how any half normal hobby could prevent anyone from getting a half normal job.
Really want to see Micah Whipple crop up on 4chan, just to see how that changes opinions
That has to be the dumbest thing I've seen in a very, very long time.
On July 07 2010 05:20 Kishime wrote: I don't see how any half normal hobby could prevent anyone from getting a half normal job.
Because most people are like my mother and think it's odd for someone over the age of 20 to still be playing video games?
EDIT: Say I went into a job interview with people I've never met before. When I get asked what my hobbies are do I really want to chance finding out that the guy interviewing me is one of those people that thinks video games are for kids? Fuck that, I'll mention snowboarding and some of the sound editing stuff I do.
I don't mention that I have a great M:TG rank either.
I will never post on b.net.
I have a name that pops up on any search engine on page 1 including some websites that somehow have every city I've lived in ever. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
On July 07 2010 05:22 {CC}StealthBlue wrote:Also: Source Have you heard of anyone knocking on IdrA's door? Or Day[9]'s? Or HuK's?
Your exception proves the rule, more than anything. :D
8748 Posts
That story doesn't add any new info as far as I can tell. What do you mean it's getting serious?
On July 07 2010 05:22 {CC}StealthBlue wrote:Also: Source
The problem with using that argument is that out of the gaming population, only a few are "fanatic" enough to hunt down another player IRL and kill him/her.
I mean, sure, B.net using real names could potentially shorten the amount of time and effort needed to figure out exactly who's who, but it's only the freaks and unstable players that will actually do something about it.
As a teacher for 16-19 year old kids who play the same games as me, and with a very uncommon name, posting on the official forums would be unthinkable.
Sweden33719 Posts
On July 07 2010 05:20 Kishime wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 05:15 Liquid`Jinro wrote:On July 07 2010 05:14 Kishime wrote:On July 07 2010 05:12 Liquid`Jinro wrote:On July 07 2010 05:07 Kishime wrote:On July 07 2010 05:06 Xiphiass wrote:On July 07 2010 04:56 Steven.Bonnell.II wrote:On July 07 2010 04:51 iCCup.Diamond wrote:On July 07 2010 04:50 Steven.Bonnell.II wrote: You guys are funny if you really think the average employer is going to do searches on the internet for your name... Actually it happens a lot. But I guess it depends on what you're trying to hide. Not doing anything wrong? Than no worries. If you're applying for a job at McDonald's or Hardees or 99% of entry-level jobs, they're not going to check online for anything. You only think "it happens quite a lot" because as soon as it happens to someone, the news is all over it. Like I said, if you guys are really worried about what's out there, you have two options: 1) GTFO off the internet, or 2: WATCH WHAT YOU SAY! Some employers don't want their workers to play games, and will look down on such people. What?!?! I've been asked by someone to remove their name from a post on this forum because of this very reason before. Because they were playing a game in their free time or they were posting on the forum/playing the game during work hours? Because he didn't want potential employers to know about his gaming history. To be blunt, if he thought his "gaming history" was prohibiting him from finding a job, he probably had a few more hurdles in his way. I don't see how any half normal hobby could prevent anyone from getting a half normal job. He did not have a poor history. I don't want to say anymore since I don't know if he wants it to be known, but he didn't have a poor history.
Insightful comment from over there about how they are going to handle this for minors. Display the minors name? Display the parents name? Especially for games like WoW since you are paying to play...
I'm assuming it's under the parents name for the account which should be a pleasant conversation at work when your boss asks you why you are trolling the warlock forum?
On July 07 2010 05:24 Liquid`NonY wrote:That story doesn't add any new info as far as I can tell. What do you mean it's getting serious?
I just meant it's making headlines elsewhere besides TL. Normally 98% of the big shit going down never leaves the SC sites.
On July 07 2010 04:32 Offhand wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 03:51 Mulloy wrote:On July 07 2010 03:48 Offhand wrote: Mentioned this on another forum but no one took up the challenge. If you're cool with this change please include your first and last name, email address, bnet account name, and facebook profile.
In the meantime, you can get as much info as you want off the following hints: Offhand, United States.
Thanks! Michael David Mulloy II Gozoku@gmail.com http://www.facebook.com/#!/michael.mulloyHave fun? 27 years old. Married to a woman named Stephanie. Has a young daughter. Narrowed down to a few possible locations. Most likely you live in Orem Utah and attend school in West Valley. Otherwise, there's phone numbers for San Diego and Mountain View locations. The fact that you're the second helps, but that's nothing that couldn't be fixed with a phone call. And a few inferences. Politically aligned liberal. Most likely a goon. Keep in mind this is only what I've found in the past 10 minutes. A little bit of /effort or social engineering could get me a lot more. What'd you get using my information?
So, what you gonna do now to him? Murder him in cold blood? Take a plane to do that? I bet nobody will. going from that principle, anybody could get annoyed at you in facebook or some other site and then murder you in cold blood because it always says where you live and your name in those social relation sites. Bnet is probably becoming a more honest place, and for the love of god, why the hell would you be ashamed of gaming?
To people who do not think it is a big deal just dont get it.
Personally, i have been working at a law firm for a year or so as a lawyer. For those who are not aware, many firms and employers are accountable to the public. Auditors, lawyers, doctors, teachers, law enforcement, etc... are all publically accountable.
Anyone in these fields is already aware of the limits and restrictions about online conduct as anything you say or do will not only impact you as an individual, but the employer as well. Our facebook pages are bare, not all pictures can be posted, you need to be careful when making wall posts, etc. For me, i have no problem with this and i understand it.
Video games for these people are the only way they can interact with others anonymously. Such as I. I enjoy posting on message boards, and also did so on the beta forums. I find it helps me learn and help others, and i like the community aspect of it. And dont get me wrong, i enjoy the occasional flame or joke just like anyone else here.
The problem arises when I cannot even post anonymously anymore. As you can see, having my real name would impact what i can or cannot post since if my name is associated, my firm and profession is as well. If an auditor posts something that isnt the best thing (but very acceptable by our 'e-standards' we will very likely be punished for breach of the rules of professional conduct of the profession, and will likely result in your employer punishing you some way as well, and depending on the severity you may end up having your CA/CPA designation revoked because of it. Especially in the world we live in today where even jokes can get you in a lot of trouble.
Lots of people do not seem to understand that making everything we do relate to our real name, we lose a large part of our enjoyment, and at the end of the day will result in the opposite of what blizzard wants to achieve, thus is a bad idea. I will not be posting on the forums any more, and will post here instead.
Sure if you are a kid in high school, you really wont care about anything and will post wahtever you want, but if you have a job such as i, or any of the above jobs mentioned above, you will agree that real name association is not a good thing. Only the ignorant do not seem to understand this, and say "Oh i dont see the big deal?". Well, son, the big deal is that you are only hindering your own community, and hindering the overall game experience of the consumers.