That guy is kind of an ignorant d bag but he says one thing that seems true enough.
"To me, Blizzard seems to be making two core mistakes. First, in most dysfunctional online forums (anybody remember Usenet?) the problem isn't anonymity but unaccountability"
^ THAT IS A FUCKING AMAZING READ. The author of that article (written, honestly, more like an in-depth, albeit short, informalresearch paper) is incredibly analytically inclined. If your IQ and APM are over 120 ( !) I encourage you to give that article a read.
I know I said research paper and some of you went "ahhno." It's not boring. Read it. This guy deserves more views. Just awesomely well-written, IMO. 10/10
On July 09 2010 00:46 Harvey Richardson wrote: I am willing to bet there will be some kind of fallout from this. Eventually someone will be a victim of RealID and I hope they sue Blizzard
oh dear it's another one of me
On July 09 2010 02:40 JeeJee wrote:Show nested quote +On July 09 2010 00:46 Harvey Richardson wrote: I am willing to bet there will be some kind of fallout from this. Eventually someone will be a victim of RealID and I hope they sue Blizzard oh dear it's another one of me
lol, i guess it starts reusing after a while
Yes, that's a very good article. I'd use it a jumping off point to introduce the issue to friends who may not yet be aware of the situation.
O_O whaaaat? I'm Merlin!???
On July 09 2010 02:48 Paramore wrote: O_O whaaaat? I'm Merlin!??? Can you please magically convince Blizzard to stop the whole realID idea?
I think alot of Bloggers are missing the point that Tavis has brought up.
Blizzard could just ban the trolls. They could make 1 account ID like Warhammer forums do. There are OTHER ways of policing forums. EJ is easily the best WoW related forums because the mods actually... Moderate.
We'll soon have to play SC2 under real name, having to upload a picture of each member of your family with their names in your profile, + your adress and your credit card number You hear it first !
I'm seriously starting to consider endorsing, and possibly assisting in any 'Leverage' sort of payback/examples towards the Blizzard and Activision honchos. It seems as if they intend to proceed with this foolhardy plan regardless of the backlash they've received. Maybe even add Facebook execs into the equation, to try and work it from both sides.
Post a few picket signs in their yard (cause we know all their names) and see how quick they start changing their Tune.
Think of it as pro-active defense of your personal privacy, and the protection of the youth that won't necessarily know the difference when this goes live and become victims of predators and the ilk.
One could only hope that their inability to see reason only applies when they are in the office. Driving up their driveway to see the picket signs outside their house might very well shock them back into reality.
Dunno why the electronic frontiers foundation wasn't listed in the OP since they have a lot of experience fighting for anonymity in legislature and court. http://www.eff.org/issues/anonymity
I wish I lived in the US at next Press Event I would throw my shoes at the fucking CEO :/. It would create a nice symbolism(meme) and hurt their reputation in the long run the most. That is as much as an individual can achieve(yeah I'm kinda raging now .. cause I care) I was always annoyed by the stupid Web 2.0 /social-networks hype. Now I am disgusted since Activision-Blizzard jumped on that train too. I lost all my last(little) trust in Activision with the MW2 fail and now theyre taking Sc2 from me too. I really consider to cancel my Sc2 preorder if its the route they are willing to take.
Is there anyone who actually think this is a good thing?
1.) It is not Blizzard but activision that is initiating the real ID on the forums. Activision said that Blizzard only has rights to changes to the games and nothing else. So there is nothing blizz can do about it. Blizz employees are Pissed about the change.
Yes, they were 100% able to do something about it. NOT MERGE WITH ACTIVISION. They knew the reputation of Activision and brought everything upon themselves. Nobody cares.
I understand that you're afraid. But I think you're overestimating how interesting you are to the rest of the world. What makes you think someone is going to kill your family just because their addresses and pictures are posted on the internet?
You're afraid you're gonna get targeted because you're being rude on the battle net forums? If that's your problem, don't be rude on the battle net forums. Most of the people you meet online are jerks. Xbox live is a complete wasteland of loudmouth pricks. Wanna take a guess at why?
Here's a fun fact: the world is not populated by murderers and psychopaths. Yes, you see them all the time on the news, but that's just because decent people don't GET on the news. The psychos are a significant outlier that happens to make good television. Most of the people in the world are in fact just like you; good people.
Don't give in to fear. If you do, the terrorists win.
All that being said, I believe this will most likely be changed, Blizzard won't stand up to their fan's outrage. And to be perfectly honest, if this was their solution to trolling then they just don't know what they're doing.
This Comic speaks more truth then over 9000 blizzard employers would about privacy and Battle.net:
Who the fuck names their kid Theodore? Parents who hate their kid, that's who.
I am all for making our real names public.
Next could be bank account, credit card, medical records, IQ and name of your dog.
Welcome to troll haven!
On July 09 2010 03:16 Bibdy wrote: Who the fuck names their kid Theodore? Parents who hate their kid, that's who.
Maybe you're a chipmunk?