It is probably true that for someone who is purely observing a game zerg isn't as much fun as protoss or terran. I personally like how zerg plays at the moment, even though I guess there are people who think differently.
There is one midgame ability that I rarely see players using well that can actually be very interesting and probably also fun to watch. Only in certain situations though. I'm talking about Generate Creep. Together with Overlord speed this ability can be very versatile and useful. It is most fun if a protoss is fast expanding and the zerg is hydra pushing like I do in this case. Hydras shine on creep and Overlords bring the creep to the hydras. It's basically the opposite of Forcefield, as it speeds up your unit, while Forcefield stops your opponent's units. Creep can also be used to prevent your opponent from building at some location, preferably his expansion. Or you can creep a Terran's mineral line just before you get Mutas. He won'tbe able to put up Turrets if done with the right timing and not stopped too quickly. Generate Creep is inferior to Forcefield in the aspect that it isn't instantaneous. I could imagine a spell that shoots a blob of creep over some range or an Overlord might just take a BIG dump for some energy and creep a certain area instantly. Spawn Infested Terran could be replaced with a Spawn Blob of Creep spell. Generally I think that creep is a very interesting feature in SC2 that could even be enhanced some more. Especially replacing the Spawn Infested Terran spell with some creep based ability would be great simply because Spawn Infested Terran sucks so badly. Queens would be able to spread constant creep, Overlords would offer "mobile" creep, and Infestors would provide quick but unstable creep. I also feel that spreading creep on the whole map feels very zergy.
These are probably the first suggestions I actually like out of all the suggestion/discussion threads combined lol
Especially the baneling upgrades.
On April 13 2010 02:52 MorroW wrote: banelings r only worth getting against marines and nobody is getting marines beacuse the suck vs every single zerg unit, except for mutalisk but then again its better to counter muta with thor because u dont need to upgrade stim or shields to make it useful
if u would buff marines and nerf marauders ppl would use marines more and that means ppl also would use baneling more and that would encourage melee upgrades which would push zergs into using zerglings and ultralisks more rather than only ranged units. another thing they could do is give the hydra extra dmg vs armor and less dmg in general, that would also help zerg diversity in the same direction as my idea stated above. then hydra alone wouldnt be able to counter every single t1 unit in the game
i think they could add some gas cost to the overseer and give it 1-2 more abilities that could be used in the battlefield. it doesnt bring anything to the table except for detection, the changeling doesnt work on high levels. they should just remove that god damn changeling, how the hell does a zerg monster shape like a marine with armor and how do the terran army not notice its an alien, retarded spell imo. I wouldn't mind if rines remained the same, but if the reactor was un-nerfed.
Nice to see such a well thought out bit of criticism. I agree with the comments made in the OP - specifically, the lack of zerg-rage in Sc2. I'd love to see a bit more zerg speed without having to lay out a creep highway beforehand.
The infestor, as well as the mothership, seems in an odd place where casters are concerned. It's not so much that I dislike the abilities, but I find it 'awkward' in combat. Initially I really enjoyed the concept of a burrowed caster - a replacement of sorts for the death-trap mentality behind the lurker, but since then it's started to feel like a fat high templar with a sticky psi-storm.
Certainly though, the Zerg need more interesting micro-skills in their arsenal. It would be nice to see some of the old units brought back, especially when the Ultralisk is feeling a little too heavily countered at the moment. Ultimately it'd just be nice to see a little more synergy between the units - a facet of both Terran and Protoss that seems far more polished in comparison.
Nice work OP!
I do agree to an extent. Zerg is fun to play but its not the mostt exciting race to watch and see.
A caster unit is what is really needed. Scourges and lurkers are really missed :c
On April 13 2010 03:05 L wrote:Show nested quote +On April 13 2010 02:52 MorroW wrote: banelings r only worth getting against marines and nobody is getting marines beacuse the suck vs every single zerg unit, except for mutalisk but then again its better to counter muta with thor because u dont need to upgrade stim or shields to make it useful
if u would buff marines and nerf marauders ppl would use marines more and that means ppl also would use baneling more and that would encourage melee upgrades which would push zergs into using zerglings and ultralisks more rather than only ranged units. another thing they could do is give the hydra extra dmg vs armor and less dmg in general, that would also help zerg diversity in the same direction as my idea stated above. then hydra alone wouldnt be able to counter every single t1 unit in the game
i think they could add some gas cost to the overseer and give it 1-2 more abilities that could be used in the battlefield. it doesnt bring anything to the table except for detection, the changeling doesnt work on high levels. they should just remove that god damn changeling, how the hell does a zerg monster shape like a marine with armor and how do the terran army not notice its an alien, retarded spell imo. I wouldn't mind if rines remained the same, but if the reactor was un-nerfed. yes that is very solid idea. the marine stats are actually very good as a unit and the build time is acceptable. what brings them down so much is the difficulty to get the reactor and without the reactor they build way too slow. i dont even know why they nerfed the reactor in the first place, was it because of the tvp early game rushes?
another thing they could do is increase roach, hydra, ultra and infester speed and nerf the creep speed bonus. i think its silly with the whole creep give bonus speed in general
I honestly don't know how you can claim Zerg is fun to play if you've so much as watched Zerg gameplay with units such as lurkers/defilers/scourge, or even played around with other races in sc2. It's fun if you compare it to say throwing rocks in a pond, but if you've been playing RTS for the past 10 years it's the most boring out of the 3 here and by far.
Why Z is so boring? Cuz most ppl play wrong against and with Zerg. ^^'
Zerg is currently the one race able to play a macro-oriented game whilst defending against heavily aggressive builds, thats why Z is just macroing and defending. Soon, ppl will figure out stable macro-builds for the other races and that it's better to play macro-oriented than aggressive.
In this scenario, Zerg will also be able to apply aggression without allins and utilize several harrassment-tools Blizzard has given them, like Nydus, Overlord-Drops, Mutas etc. without cheesing/all-in'ing.
The Builds will become more stable and therfore the Metagame will shift in a way it's better to play economically very soon I guess, with Zerg figuring out how to deal with Immortal+4-Gateway-push and Terran aggression early on, so all the races will play more economically.
Though I agree with the lack of Micro-Intensive Units, mostly because of the polished AI, that kills stuff like proper Zergling-Control, Muta-Stacking etc. and the lack of Units with spells/abilities on the Zerg-side. Zerg is just a more Macro-Multitasking-oriented race in SC2 I guess with emphasis on massing up Units/Hatcheries, speed and harrassment.
Either make the infestor a more fundamental part of zerg armies or give a main unit (like roach/hydra/ling) some sort of interesting micro-able ability. Gameplay wise this may not be necessary but it would add another level to the race, make it more interesting for spectators and help better players show as much.
At least give hydras their speed back...This would make people move away from roaches a bit more too.
Off creep.
I actually agree quite strongly with OP. Coming in to SC2 i was excited most about the possibility of playing zerg but it quickly dropped in favour of the other two races.
While I feel that the roach and hydra (still) overlap too much, the infestor is horribly uninteresting and the overseer's changeling ability is incredibly underwhelming. I hadn't thought of the banelings being underused mid-to-late game, but that may just be me.
Calgary25957 Posts
I'm closing this since I feel you haven't sufficiently proven the cause of the problem and are just suggesting random additions.