On December 22 2008 16:01 scooby wrote: Hey Artosis, this vod doesn't start =(, dunno if its just me or not tho o.O.
it works fine for me, but the vods used to be buggy for lots of people O_o p.s. i really like the audio and back and forth conversation/interview between you and G5, but the video quality is really really bad... how did it get downgraded from the foreign vs pro vods before spirit league?
But yeah, you need to fix the audio levels. G5 was a lot louder than you. A slight bump of the video quality would be good too. I really enjoyed the interview though, thanks! I hope there is more to come.
This is great, so looking forward to this. I check SCforall.com everyday to look for news/interviews and best of all pl vods (even tho there have been less commentated vods lately(?)). I recommend everyone to do the same and show thier support, keep it up.
On December 22 2008 22:15 NotSupporting wrote: This is great, so looking forward to this. I check SCforall.com everyday to look for news/interviews and best of all pl vods (even tho there have been less commentated vods lately(?)). I recommend everyone to do the same and show thier support, keep it up.
haha I found it funny that you recommend people to show support considering your nick :D
yeah sorry about the video quality on this one. for some reason my hypercam isn't registered anymore. i'll have to fix that. we have a brand new video server and now videos shouldnt ever lag for anyone, and you can just pause them and let them load like youtube. thank god finally! as for the proleague stuff, just super busy with stamina atm. any criticism/requests/etc are greatly appreciated so i can improve this all, thanks a lot everyone.
Alright artosis. Ur awesome but here is something that i would like to see, and hopefully other people.
I like when u interview and i like when it's not all about the game, but what i would like to see from you is if you could ask a pro to ineye-rec a game, or several and just do some of the popular stuff that the b+ players do. Just some builds that are good and popular, the do's and donts and so on.
I think that would be pretty interesting and fun to watch while u and the pro-player sit on vent and talk about the game. What do you think?
little update here, quite a fun game between dreiven and merz:
this one is really high quality. i did a lot of work on sound levels for this one. pls let me know any criticism on video quality, sound levels, etc. MYM.Dreiven vs NaW-merz
VODs this one is really high quality. i did a lot of work on sound levels for this one. pls let me know any criticism on video quality, sound levels, etc. MYM.Dreiven vs NaW-merz
Sry the sound is great but the video quality is horrible.
video quality is fine for what it is, i am LOVING the good sound quality - definitely makes me want to watch more and it feels a hell of a lot more professional
only thing I could say about the sound quality is that the volume in general (as in, the entire video) could do with being higher. I always have to ramp my volume right up (even when the player is maxed out) to be able to hear it properly and I don't have to do it for any other in browser video or anything
still a+++++ for finally getting the sound quality sorted out
EDIT: also, as far as being professional goes, that big "unregistered hypercam2" kind of ruins the illusion. Even if you somehow can't afford it I'm sure you are resourceful enough to find it in other ways >_>
The sound gets horribly distorted for me in the merz-Dreiven VOD whenever Artosis gets excited and raises his voice a little, although judging from the other comments here that's somehow on my end. Weird, since I'm not experiencing sound artifacts in any other program.
On December 24 2008 01:36 iggyfisk wrote: The sound gets horribly distorted for me in the merz-Dreiven VOD whenever Artosis gets excited and raises his voice a little, although judging from the other comments here that's somehow on my end. Weird, since I'm not experiencing sound artifacts in any other program.
No, the sound distortion happens to me too. But maybe it's on both of our ends...
Just watched the VODs of the LzGamer vs Naugrim showmatch. It was a pretty entertaining and close series. The commentating added alot to it as well so nice job Artosis.
On December 22 2008 15:41 Artosis wrote: Here I will post the VODs pertaining to the Stamina tournament. BTW we have a new video host, and videos won't lag anymore. you can even pause them and let them load on youtube. ABOUT TIME!
VODs this one is really high quality. i did a lot of work on sound levels for this one. pls let me know any criticism on video quality, sound levels, etc. MYM.Dreiven vs NaW-merz
any special stuff anyone wants to see, please let me know and i'll try to do it.
Wow. Thanks for the VOD. That game actually really helped me. The way I lost one of my TvP's today was taking my third when he was on 2 base and he bulldogged me exactly like you said the toss would do. Unfortunately for me his was successful and I lost from there =/
I also did a 2fact FD opening and he 1gate cored (Jonoman >_<)
On December 31 2008 17:20 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: For anybody interested, SCFORALL.com just put up a few VODs on a new Finnish player named Ahzz. You've probably seen his FPVODs on youtube.
whats up with those vids man. Can't they use youtube like the rest of the community? I think they're so eager on website hits that they rather have 10% of the people not able to watch it than miss a few hits because the vids are straightly accessable on youtube.
Artosis commentaries are the best but you guys need to get a better flash player. I can't browse through the video and sometimes it freezes and I have to refresh my browser and wait for the entire VOD to load. Or you guys can just upload it to youtube. Btw, some of your other VODs aren't working, I'm dying to hear your commentaries on some of the proleague games but none of them seem to work when I click play (on mozilla and opera).
On January 01 2009 08:34 AttackZerg wrote: I use ei 7, on xp, and aside from the few times the servers have gone down I've never had a problem loading any of them.
Artosis, thanks for the VOD and the cast. You're a very good and enjoyable commentator. And thanks Merz for providing the replay. It was an great game to watch.
this guy cheese every single game (i believe he offraces against t w/ z) and i've seen him play zvt like 4 times, and every single time it has been 2 hatch lings w/ speed, kill a bunch of marines, 2 hatch muta into greater spire and guardians. i've seen him do that every time i've watched him play. now he does another cheesey build with the vultures...
OK, how is it possible that top Terrans haven't figured out how to handle 10/15 gate on Medusa yet? They pretty much know it's coming...JF didn't even micro very well and he still easily overwhelmed Never. Just seems silly to me that good Terrans can lose so consistently to this simple build...PULL SCVs!!
Edit: well, I just watched the rest of the games and all I can say is wow...rape. Artosis seemed so disappointed in game 4 lol. Poor Dan, we need more good Terran foreigners.
OK, how is it possible that top Terrans haven't figured out how to handle 10/15 gate on Medusa yet? They pretty much know it's coming...JF didn't even micro very well and he still easily overwhelmed Never. Just seems silly to me that good Terrans can lose so consistently to this simple build...PULL SCVs!!
Edit: well, I just watched the rest of the games and all I can say is wow...rape. Artosis seemed so disappointed in game 4 lol. Poor Dan, we need more good Terran foreigners.
thats like wondering why sunken breaks work(ed muta micro made it alot riskier) or ling runbys keep working. you always try to cut corners and defend with the bare minimum in order to get an advantage out of it. if you pull 5-6 scvs your wall probably isnt gonna go down unless you mismicro the first tank, but you're gonna lose a shitload of mining time and probably a few scvs as well so their rush is still pretty successful, even if they dont do any damage.
Looks like the links for the 3rd/4th place match are actually taking me to the finals, FYI.
Also Artosis I just love your commentary, you are eloquent and your game knowledge is very strong. I like the balance you strike between play-by-play and strategy discussion. Excellent work man, I think you've improved tons since you started casting. Awesome.
OK, how is it possible that top Terrans haven't figured out how to handle 10/15 gate on Medusa yet? They pretty much know it's coming...JF didn't even micro very well and he still easily overwhelmed Never. Just seems silly to me that good Terrans can lose so consistently to this simple build...PULL SCVs!!
Edit: well, I just watched the rest of the games and all I can say is wow...rape. Artosis seemed so disappointed in game 4 lol. Poor Dan, we need more good Terran foreigners.
He played like crap overall, he probably had a bad day or something. Even in the game he won he did not play especially good.