On July 26 2008 18:43 thedeadhaji wrote: oh wow that's a lot a lotttt of lings!!!
3 hatch speedlings lolololololol forgg moving his scvs around to defend his rines!!!
HOLY SHIT WTF HE DEFENDED IT Lol ya. When I saw that I was like OK great jaedong wins, game 4 comming up, then magically all the lings died Jaedong still in fairly good position though. The rine count will be very very low when mutas come
Gonna be 3-0 soon. It's funny how the roles are turned around: ForGG plays like the dominant champion, and JD plays like a nervous newcomer.
39489 Posts
2 turrets at nat.
3 at raxes. 2 more to the righto fthe main cc.
ForGG compensated nicely though by massing turret. 10 or so. Jaedong in trouble now. He will have a wide open weakness until hes able to mass lurkers.
And Mutalisks run straight into the Turrets, ugh.
39489 Posts
forgg with like 10 turrets toal guarding everything holy shit lololol
jaedong completley stimied.
39489 Posts
shit, the firebats are out
JD losing a lot of mutals while taking out a few SCV's.
Forgg going with lots of turrets and reading Jaedong again, damn. Now that Jaedong went Mutalisks straight after all those speedlings Forgg can probably easily afford it too, heh.
This is the kind of play that gets Mind a lot of hate around here. Wonder if we'll see the same response, heh.
39489 Posts
god the mass gurrets remidns me of hwasin vs savior.
factory up. 3 raxes.
starport starts, no fact addon.
forgg moving out with 2 or so groups of mnm, jaedon gmoves his mutas in past the turret barrier, killing scvs and marines but he has lost a TON of mutas, 3 left, all in red.
dont think jaedong is really costeffective with his mutas, but that is some tide defense there ~_~!
sorry for interrupting, but is there a vlc stream somewhere? gogo jaedong fighting!
39489 Posts
looks liek jaedong didnt get enoug for that attack.
4 lurekrs morphing for jaedong.
jaedong taking the 1 expo.
cmon... lurks JD... LURKS!!
Jaedong desperately races into ForGG's main and gets some SCV kills losing all but 3 muta. ForGG can now come out and rape him.
How many mutalisks did Jaedong lose then?
2-3 mutas left, it looking good for forgg.