I haven't seen anybody else make one of these, so here goes. This post guaranteed to be 100% non-original formatting. I think. To all the people that did the actual work coming up with images, and stuff like that: Thank You 
+ Show Spoiler [Match analysis that's probably w…] + Canata < Loki II > YoonJoongYoongJoong, faceless no longerYoonJoong has never played a televised PvT game, so he has he advantage of an unknown style. Initially, I thought that it might give him the advantage over Canata, so I wagered a valuable liquibet point on the picture-less, but potentially proficient protoss. Purely in the interests of science, I went and watched a VOD of YoonJoong (the only one in the TLPD database). He managed to win against the bird toss in a PvP, but he didn't look that great doing so. Maybe I shouldn't have wagered a whole liquibet point on an unknown over Canata. Please lose so that I win my liquibet.Canata, on the other hand, is, um, Cantata. I really don't know anything about Canata, so I won't even try. According to TLPD stats, vP is his weakest MU. He's probably going to win it anyway though. RuBy < Loki II > FlowerDoes anyone know why the hell his tongue is sticking out like that? WTF?In spite of Ruby looking like a retard, he is probably going to win this. His strongest MU is vZ, with recent wins over a Luxury and a slumping Savior. In addition, the map favors Terran over Zerg 8 wins to 4. I'm confident that my liquibet points are safe in his hands. I swear to you, this is actually what he looks like in real life. And he's supposed to be behind a computer, but I sort of screwed that up.Despite being on one of the best 2v2 teams in this season's proleague, he still sucks 1v1. If you don't believe me, I have one thing to say to you: he lost to BackHo. Hell, I'm only a D- and I can lose to BackHo too! That means I'm just as good as Flower is! Winners Game < Zodiac > Unfortunately for my liquibet, this will probably be Canata vs Ruby. Yes, that means a TvT. Maybe I should go make a peanut butter sandwich, just to prepare. Anyway, TvT is Canata's strongest MU, statistically. He's had some fairly recent wins over opponents such as Flash, and Upmagic. Ruby, on the other hand, has only won 33.3% of his TvT's. His wins weren't exactly against tough opponents either--Tossgirl, Justin (or whatever the hell his nickname is these days) and Hiya. Looking back at this, I wonder what I was smoking when I voted Ruby and YoonJoong to advance. I'd say pot, but that probably isn't strong enough to account for that. Fuck. Losers Game < Zodiac > Going by my assumptions, this will be YoonJoong vs. Flower. It's hard to call this one, especially because each of these players only have 2 televised games each. I guess it'll probably be YoonJoong, at least he's never lost to Backho. Using my amazing analytical powers, I decided to flip a coin, and say that Flower would be heads, and that YoonJoong would be tails. I got heads. Final Game < Blue Storm > This should be Ruby vs. Flower. Or maybe it won't be, I really don't even know what I'm talking about. If, by some strange chance it IS Ruby vs. Flower, I think Ruby will probably take it, even though it's blue storm. Sorry flower!
+ Show Spoiler [results] +Canata > YoonJoong Ruby > Flower Canata > Ruby Flower < YoonJoongRuby < YoonJoongCanata and YoonJoong qualify for MSL! + Show Spoiler [game descriptions] + Game 1: Canata makes 2 proxy rax, and rushes YJ with marins and like 5 SCV's. YJ sees it coming at the last minute, and makes a shield battery, but it doesn't help him much. After pulling is probes to fight it off, and losing all of them, Canata makes a bunker next to YJ's gateway, YJ GG's soon after. Game 2: Flower goes for a quick hive into guardians, then tries for guardians backed up with hydra. Ruby scans, or guesses the greater spire, and makes 2 port wraiths. Because Flower's overlords aren't speed upgraded, Ruby kills about half (maybe more) of the guardians before Flower makes it to detection. Ruby's wraiths backed up with m&m charge into Flower's nat. After losing all of his defenses and units, Flower GG's. Winner's Game: Ruby expands to his natural, and Canata harasses the expansion with a few vultures and marines. It's fended off, but he gets a bit of economic damage done. Ruby gets factories, and Canata expands to his natural, while making two wraiths and upgrading cloak. Canata harasses excellently with the wraiths, getting something like 15 kills (from SCV's and marines) While Ruby is trying to fend it off, Canata starts building facts, and starts producing dropships. Canata expos to the island expansion, while Ruby mines up the middle of the map. Ruby pushes out into the middle, destroying Canata's force there, but Canata drops his undefended main. Ruby GG's. Loser's Game: Flower opens with 9 pool speedling, blocking his ramp so YJ can't scout it. Meanwhile, YoonJoong FE's and starts teching to standard 1gate sair. In a hilariously ballsy move, Flower kills his own extractor, and then lets YJ in to scout. Of course, his scouting probe eventually sees the speed upgrade finish, but it's awesome anyway. Flower eventually goes all-in lings, and deals a lot of damage to YJ's nat, but he doesn't kill it. Flower sneaks a couple lings into YJ's main, sees templar tech, and cannons, and GG's. Final Game: YJ goes standard 1 gate + cybernetics core, and Ruby goes for 1fact cc. YJ expands quickly too, and a minor skirmish occurs outside Ruby's nat, and YJ pulls back. YJ gets a robo bay and support, and loads up a reaver into a shuttle, upgrading speed, and adding gateways. Ruby is adding factories, and has only a few tanks out. YJ comes in with about a dozen zealots, with dragoon backup, and rapes Ruby hard. Ruby bends over, takes it in the butt, and GG's.
Damn, I thought you were psychic.
Btw funny analysis. xD
Canata wins game 1 Ruby wins game 2 Ruby and Flower to advance!
I think I wasted liquibet -.-
I clicked results too for some reaosn.
Funny ass pic for Flower. Anyway, hope he pulls a victory out of his butt.
i lol'ed whit the flower pic xD and then whit the spoiler
today i will be livereporting this shit... wihtout sound!
cause im listening to the shins and the shins cannot be tainted by the sounds of starcraft
no offense, sounds of starcraft
On February 14 2008 13:59 Titusmaster6 wrote: Funny ass pic for Flower. Anyway, hope he pulls a victory out of his butt. Perhaps you mean out of his Androecium?
MBCGame: GoodLucK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aww what a nice observer
LOL canata screws up cloning 1 of his scvs at the start
YJ spawns the light blue color in the right position
meaning our good friend canata has spawned in the left postion
canata's scouting scv stops moving out oft he blue
fell asleep on the job, have you?
lordie canata is cheesing
YJ does a standard 10gate12gas
no 14nex on this map ;OOOO
canata looks really funky today
rax depot depot block for canata, + 2 proxy rax at 12
YJ is really playing safe, he's got a zeal on the ramp blocking scouting
could be DT or reav tech hiding, who knows.
and yeah, canata makes a proxy scv at the 12 expo
and another
YJ did 1gategoonrange expo, he's gonna get raped by this rush....
canata manages to get a bunker down and some rines in it, right next to the gate and pyl
even with shield battery, YJ is pretty fucked
edit: Canata does a belly rub...
what a shitty game, YJ gg's
United States13896 Posts
thats what you get for not scouting YoonJoong ...
YJ has a shield battery!
It doesn't matter though, because Canata gets a bunker up.
On February 14 2008 14:12 []p4NDemik[] wrote: thats what you get for not scouting YoonJoong ...
On February 14 2008 14:12 SpiritoftheTuna wrote: canata manages to get a bunker down and some rines in it, right next to the gate and pyl
even with shield battery, YJ is pretty fucked
ruby spawns purple left
flower spawns red right
all i can remember of flower is his rapedness by blaze in one of blaze/sync's last games.
wqoerqwoiweoif wrong thread ffkdskfksdf
On February 14 2008 14:24 Puosu wrote: wqoerqwoiweoif wrong thread ffkdskfksdf
in case you were wondering, the answer was yes
standard build for both players. nothing really special.
looks like speedlings for ruby. 1 rax out for ruby so far.
[edit: i couldnt be more wrong.]
flower 12hat11pool10gasses, 2hatch tech...? havent seen 2hatch tech in forever
1rax cc, pretty unsafe shit, starts the cc with only 1 rine and no bunk
he's safe now though, he's started his bunk
Ruby fast expands to his unprotected nat. I can't recall, is this standard for T on Loki II?
2hatch spire
this zerg's got balls
spire morphing. no ebay for ruby yet. going academy.
Flower going for 2 hatch mutas? I see a lair going up, and no hydra den yet.
Oh, Flower starts his third hatch at his protected nat, after he's started his spire. I don't see an ebay up yet, but I might have missed it.
ebay already up and upgrading, prolly +1 attack
first 5-6 mutals out and about
ruby was READY.
turrets and mnm deny the shit out of that shit.
Ruby scouts the spire, and he does have an ebay up. Towers get up just in time.
this is like the worst muta harass ever
Flower's mutas not getting anything done. Only kills one rine, not much else.
Hydra den morphed!
Hive already.
one marine killed by harass
ruby already has at least 10 turrets up, he's some overprotective of his scvs
also has 3 raxes up, havent been looking at the rest of his tech
flower should just expand another time for free
10 turrets = 750 min loool
I think I'm pretty far behind on the stream, so I'll stop trying to comment.
ruby has his +1 attack up
mutas suck, fucked
ruby either guesses or scans greater spire, which is going up, and has 2port wraith coming out
flower is so fucked loool
Maybe Flower is going quick guardians? That would explain the hive without evos.
2 Starports done, 1 more almost complete. Flower losing overlords like theres no tomorrow. 3 lost in like 2mins.
guardians morphing, he's in for a rude surprise, ruby has 3 wraiths and cloak researching
guards out, gonna go to ruby's base protected by hydra
reminds me of silver hehehehe
hahahahahhaa cloaked wraiths > slow ovs slowly floating towards guards
those guards are fucked
it didnt seem like a bad plan though, the guard-hydra rush
execution was fucked though
No overlords in sight for flower loses 3 or 4 Guardians to cloaked Wraiths. Flower Fucked!! Losing everything. Rines at his front door.
ruby rapes flower's everything else cause flower has no guard support
GG. Hydra/Guardians fail.
Flower was a little ambitious there.
commentators were screaming for speed upgrade the whole game... can't blame them.
If only Ovie speed was upgraded, Flower might've had a chance.
ruby looks really pleased with himself. i thought he played very well that game.
Ruby's response was all over Flower in that game. No overlord speed as well, if I noted that correctly.
argh lame a tvt , canata while not bad is not at all an interesting player
On February 14 2008 14:37 wurm wrote: If only Ovie speed was upgraded, Flower might've had a chance. Yeah, I noticed that too. It was really crucial in that first part when Ruby killed like half of Flower's guardians. Maybe Flower didn't have the gas for it, he was going a pretty gas-heavy build.
hey, at least ruby is new and exciting
I dunno, probably not as good as flash or sea, but I hope he sticks around for a while
England2183 Posts
i remember playing hydra/guardian a lot on LT like 5 years ago. pretty decent strat on loki actually cause there's 3 gasses so it's easy to get a lot of both. flower's execution blew though, did no damage with his first mutas and then didnt upgrade overlord speed.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
lawl flower is no sigamari  @ Midian- wasn't hydra/guard really strong in 1.07?
hate that stupid swimming commercial. kid does the worst fucking flipturn I've ever seen and everyone is cheering for him? please.
On February 14 2008 14:46 talismania wrote: hate that stupid swimming commercial. kid does the worst fucking flipturn I've ever seen and everyone is cheering for him? please. same, and the kid sounds so childish despite looking like he's 16 or 15.
On February 14 2008 14:46 talismania wrote: hate that stupid swimming commercial. kid does the worst fucking flipturn I've ever seen and everyone is cheering for him? please.
lol. gotta love the other commercials though. especially those mtv girls. haha..
England2183 Posts
not really sure which patch it was, i just copied H_PauL_WII's guard/hydra build on LT. may have been 6 years ago actually, whichever patch that was. was strong then because it didnt really take a great deal of control to execute, terrans didnt fast expo then so they didnt have much of anything, and as long as you could survive for a while you could have like 10 guards with 12 hydras and overlord speed upgrade in 10 mins or so. only control it really requires is muta harrass before you get hive wihch lacked back then, so maybe it could be a strong build again.. especially on loki2 cause like i said there's 3 gasses there right off the bat.
TvT on Zodiac starting...
Ruby Yellow 6 Canata Red 12
Well, so far my predictions are holding true. I only wish that I hadn't gone crazy shortly before voting on liquibet.
Ruby at 12, Canata at 6. (Zodiac)
commentators change the color cause they were way too close
ruby yellow six
canata red twelve
On February 14 2008 14:50 CDRdude wrote: Well, so far my predictions are holding true. I only wish that I hadn't gone crazy shortly before voting on liquibet.
Ruby at 12, Canata at 6. (Zodiac)
no, other way around
Canata with a slightly faster Fact. Pretty standard TvT.
canata pulls 1 scv off gas after first fact, but not 2
where the fuck is canata going
both go 1fact cc, canata gets a vult first
both get vult first actaully i think
canata busts into ruby's nat, slows down his cc and a djafkl d shit yo
noooo i was wrong abotu canata's 1fac cc
its not a cc, its facport
tank wraith for canata
Ruby looking to return the favor, but a tank and a wraith are out for Canata.
Wraith in Ruby's main scouting and harassing.
wraiths killing shit like shit yo
Canata's wriath harass going exceptionally well. delaying Ruby's armory and picking off at least 4-5 scvs so far.
armory slowed down like hell
2 wraiths have combined 13 kills
15 now.
meanwhile, canata been macroing and getting ahead in macro
ruby goes vult and mine heavy and mines up the middle like hell
could be bad for canata if he doesnt expect it
Canata way ahead in econ. plopping down two more facts.
canata takes a dship and expands to the island near him
fact count is 3 or 4 for both btw, machien shops on eervything
canata approaches center very cautiously with tank/gol/wraith and maages to take no mine hits to his tanks bodies, seiges up
canata delays ruby's offset 6 expo with cloaked wriaths
ruby brute forces his gol tank into canata's 4 seiged tanks, canata immediately counters with 4 dship worth of shit into ruby's main
Canata is playing extremely well. Denying a 3rd CC for Ruby. Dropships on its way to Ruby's main!
Dang Canata completely owned Ruby. GG.
my god that was ugly
screw you, canata
ruby you can do better than that
if nothing else, canata still has a pretty damn good tvt..
gg from Ruby. That was pretty impressive by Canata. Thought Ruby was going to steam roll over him.
yay canata, always liked him
Germany / USA16648 Posts
really nice game by canata
i dont like canata
his face is that of a little bitch's
Damn, my craziness did not work -.-
That was a nice game, Canata really kept Ruby off balance throughout the entire game
Flower vs other guy starting
Flower @ 9 Toss @ 3
9 pool for flower.. blocking his ramp with two drones to prevent scouting. also taking his gas. Looks to be early speedlings.
If Flower wins this, I'm a fucking genius.
lmao going for the mindfuck
On February 14 2008 15:13 ilovejonn wrote: You mean yoonjoong / YJ
yup, him. sorry. Flower still denying scout. Flower killed his own extractor with 6 lings. omg. YJ, with a FE build. laying down 2 cannons.
flower is either a really big genius or a really big moron
Flower is a genius for killing his extractor.
England2183 Posts
hahahaha flower should just gg now. although mad respect for the attempted crazy build
Burned Toast
Canada2040 Posts
What was that ? (I missed the start) Kills his own gaz !???
England2183 Posts
killed his extractor to hide speed upgrade, then showed he had speed upgrade by chasing the probe anyway?
HAHA, OMG!! Pimpest play 2008, right here!
9pool speedling, lots of ling running around
YJ looks pretty safe with his 5 probe block
flower is really dedicating to this 9pool speed shit though, hiding a bunch of lings and continuing to rally
What did he want Yoonjoong to think? After blocking the ramp with 2 drones for some minutes, he doesn't have anything in his base besides an 8pool and 6 lings? That is nonsense.
he was trying to get speedlings and do an all-in, but hide them by showing that he hadn't taken his gas.
then he showed speed to the scouting probe. plus the fact that he had nothing must've tipped his opponent off
That was Boxer-esque from flower.
YJ should get a scout that would be hilarious
4 cannons go down, all lings go down
Wow nice game reports, keep it up!
Gate about to go down. 1st sair out for YJ. doesn't look too good for for either player. haha..
England2183 Posts
gg. flower sucks balls and is a complete faggot, no wonder he's called "flower"
Flower has fucking BALLS OF STEEL
I got what he wanted to mimic, but hell, even i notice that if a zerg is blocking ramp with 2 drones, and then let me in and there is NO hatch, NO gas and 6 lings inside then something's wrong. There was no way for this to work against someone with brain.
kudos to flower for trying something really crazy..too bad it didnt work though
wtf, the weirdest gg i've ever saw.
flower runs up the ramp, sees 2 cannons defending min line and templar tech, GGs
this week has not been good week for zerg
On February 14 2008 15:19 ToT)MidiaN( wrote: gg. flower sucks balls and is a complete faggot, no wonder he's called "flower"
would have been hilarious if his mindfuck was successful.
Dammit flower, you ruined my predictions 
==edit== That mindfuck is totally a Pimpest Play 2008 though.
i'm still 3/3. gooo RUBY! haha..
On February 14 2008 15:21 CDRdude wrote:Dammit flower, you ruined my predictions  ==edit== That mindfuck is totally a Pimpest Play 2008 though.
no its not, it didnt work
that MIGHT have worked on a map like loki with a backyard expo if he could micro well enough to show the probe exactly what he wanted.
...or un-pimpest?
England2183 Posts
in case anyone didn't know YoonJoong's b.net ID is By.BorAdori
On February 14 2008 15:22 talismania wrote: pimpest?
...or un-pimpest?
probably an HM, not pimpest since he lost the game. his execution ruined it though.
England2183 Posts
un pimpest. it was fucking retarded and didn't work anyway, what was pimp about what he did? to anyone with a brain it was clear something wasn't right..
On February 14 2008 15:24 ToT)MidiaN( wrote: un pimpest. it was fucking retarded and didn't work anyway, what was pimp about what he did? to anyone with a brain it was clear something wasn't right.. this
That was so unpimp. He lost the game right when he showed his speed to the scouting probe (wtf?). How the hell would he have speed without any extractor? So his opponent pretty much knew that he was going for all-in and made 3-4 cannons extra early.
im not gonna report the next game
ruby's prolly gonna take it ez, so its ok
On February 14 2008 15:24 ToT)MidiaN( wrote: un pimpest. it was fucking retarded and didn't work anyway, what was pimp about what he did? to anyone with a brain it was clear something wasn't right..
That's what i'm talking about, it is nonsense, that p has 2 cannons nexus and gw and then the z suddenly lets your probe in after blocking the ramp with 2 drones for minutes, putting himself way behind economically just to show that he ... doesn't have anything besides a pool, 6 lings and 7 drones? It could maybe work against a D- protoss but not against anyone else.
I have to say that flower has shitty unit control, but his builds and ideas are hilarious. In a good way. I'll probably always root for flower from now on, he's like the Nal_rA of zerg (except Nal_rA doesn't suck, and flower does)
Ruby vs YJ started
Ruby @ 7 YJ @ 2
On February 14 2008 15:31 CDRdude wrote: I have to say that flower has shitty unit control, but his builds and ideas are hilarious. In a good way. I'll probably always root for flower from now on, he's like the Nal_rA of zerg (except Nal_rA doesn't suck, and flower does)
Nal_rA does suck :D. At the moment at least. Anyway, i love rA also.
1 fac cc for ruby. gate, core, nexus for YJ.
Robo bay done for YJ. 2nd gate warping in. Reaver tech for YJ.
England2183 Posts
lol boradori runs in with everything and rapes ruby hard in 10 minutes
wow early gg. 1 ctrl group of zeals and about 8goons force their way into Ruby's base. Disappointing performance.
See, now YJ's play was so much more pimp than Flower's was. He hid 2 of his gates off to the left side of the base and did a 5-gate all-in, so Ruby was caught with his pants down starting his 3rd CC already on only 2-facs.
Goddamnit Ruby. I believe you can pull through and you die, you die there poking your tongue at me.
Screw you Ruby. : /
It seems that the trend of shitty starleague games continues Ironically, the best game of the lot was a TvT
ruby got raped?
oh well whatever i dont liquibet anyway
but if i did i'd be pissed
Amazing match analysis, I really enjoyed it even knowing results
so is this yoonjong looking any good?
Seriously we need an un-pimpest plays. Like the Darwin Awards of Starcraft, thats exactly it. Someone get on this shit and Flowers extractor suicide mindfuck for #1