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Welcome to the 2nd edition of the New Worlds Map Contest!
Submissions are now CLOSED!
We need YOUR help to vote to determine the top 12 maps that will move into the next round.
A total of 46 maps from 21 contestants from around the world were submitted!
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Welcome to the 2nd edition of the New Worlds Map Contest!
Submissions are now CLOSED!
We need YOUR help to vote to determine the top 12 maps that will move into the next round.
A total of 46 maps from 21 contestants from around the world were submitted!
How to vote:
- At least 8 votes are needed from each voter. Post votes in numerical order below.
- Map makers cannot vote on their own maps.
- Voting in this round will end January 17 @ 16:00 CET / 23:00 KR.
- A or S rank voters who provide additional detailed feedback about their map preferences may be considered 'judges' and have their votes count for more points. Please clarify if you think you qualify.
Again we will be using the Dowdall system for all scoring and will have a public doc available for transparency.
All Submissions:
12 x | 11 x | 9 x | 8 x | 2 x | 2 x | 2 x
---- 2 Player Maps
(2)Access Control + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Freakling
- Version: 0.8
- Size: 128x120
- Concept: Horizontal axial symmetry 2p map with some slight distortion along the centre line.
Sideways natural layout to bring player's rally point all the way up to the map's midline.
Triangle base outside the main/bat to offer expansion choices in both directions (same idea as on Защитная Технология and Dimensionshed).
Tight stair-ramps to the northern high ground strip restrict access to only small units (Like 815-ramps or Blue Storm chokes).
Big plateau in the centre creates another axis for vertical movement on army positioning on the map to incentivise players to become active on the map on the lookout for a positional advantage.
(2)Anthropocene + Show Spoiler +
- Author: 효진 (CrystalDrag)
- Version: 0.50
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: 2p Reverse semi-island highly experimental map + Show Spoiler +
*Beginning Game: Minerals at main ramp are 24 each. Which ramp you mine out first, in addition to which your opponent mines, will affect the early pathing. Terrain decoration is a rough estimate of unit rally path when issued an attack command to the opponent's main building's 4x3 location.
*Early Game: Single Stasis Cell and the first set of Troy gates.
Troy Gate wikipedia explanation: + Show Spoiler +
The defender can choose to destroy their troy gate to protect their expansion choice, and cannot be accessed from the other side unless the other troy gate remains and the stasis cell is standing. The attacker can choose to destroy the gate to trap units from pathing through the avenue. If both are destroyed, the defender loses access to the central expansions and enemy base with ground units.
*Mid Game: Temples are stacked 5 each and the second set of Troy gates. These can be destroyed to access a new expansion and a new set of troy gates. If the opponent destroys the same set of temples, then ground units can once again re-access the opponents base, until one set of troy gates go down. Similar to the center base, a new base is available away from the center.
*Late Game: Once all troy gates are destroyed, the map becomes an air map. to help balance for Zerg, Creep Beacons are featured in this map. Zerg beacons throughout the map start with a Mature Chrysalis. Destroying these will reveal a 2x2 buildable creep square for Nydus Canals / Creep Colonies. + Show Spoiler +
Credit to Freakling for discovering mechanic.
All resource values are standard. As a highly experimental map, resource/building values are subject to change.
*Early Game: Single Stasis Cell and the first set of Troy gates.
Troy Gate wikipedia explanation: + Show Spoiler +
The defender can choose to destroy their troy gate to protect their expansion choice, and cannot be accessed from the other side unless the other troy gate remains and the stasis cell is standing. The attacker can choose to destroy the gate to trap units from pathing through the avenue. If both are destroyed, the defender loses access to the central expansions and enemy base with ground units.
*Mid Game: Temples are stacked 5 each and the second set of Troy gates. These can be destroyed to access a new expansion and a new set of troy gates. If the opponent destroys the same set of temples, then ground units can once again re-access the opponents base, until one set of troy gates go down. Similar to the center base, a new base is available away from the center.
*Late Game: Once all troy gates are destroyed, the map becomes an air map. to help balance for Zerg, Creep Beacons are featured in this map. Zerg beacons throughout the map start with a Mature Chrysalis. Destroying these will reveal a 2x2 buildable creep square for Nydus Canals / Creep Colonies. + Show Spoiler +
Credit to Freakling for discovering mechanic.
All resource values are standard. As a highly experimental map, resource/building values are subject to change.
(2)Baroque + Show Spoiler +
- Author: AgMoon
- Version: 0.90
- Size: 128x96
- Concept: Standard 2p with a broad center battlefield
- Protoss Temple is stacked x2
- Value of the mineral next to the temple is 25
(2)Biosphere + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Freakling
- Version: 0.84
- Size: 128x120
- Concept: Large scale, macro-oriented 2 player map.
* Centre divided into three distinct areas:
* A wide north-western path, structured by four walls of vision blockers, giving access to relatively far, but easy to secure single-ramped expansions.
* Another wide south-eastern path, structured by five higher ground ridges, which give access to the centre and expansions.
* A higher ground centre plateau that allows for various shortcuts across the map, but restricts unit movement through small chokes.
* Far corner expos offer ample space for additional macro structures.
(2)Blackshot + Show Spoiler +
- Author: dll7700
- Version: 3.0
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: Centralized battle map
(2)Blindness + Show Spoiler +
- Author: KD_MAN
- Version: 0.92
- Size: 128x120
- Concept: 2p standard map with a limited sight.
(2)Blood of the Scribe + Show Spoiler +
- Author: nOm.CookiMaster
- Version: 2.0
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: Semi Island/ Experimental
(2)Butter + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Hozzi
- Version: 0.8
- Size: 112x128
- Concept: Guerrilla type, Advancing & Hiding building, Mirror-Y. Between start base entrance 35 sec.
(2)Callisto + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Hoilman
- Version: 1.44
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: 2p standard map.
(2)Coral Shallows + Show Spoiler +
- Authors: Freakling & Minerals
- Version: 0.80
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: Based on Midnight Crossing by sTYle_ZerG & Minerals. This iteration is intended to disincentivise an overly turtle playstyle by forcing players to spread out further and eventually having to extend into the middle of the map.
Three separate low ground paths separate the players. Each offering access to a different kind of expansion.
(2)Dimensionshed + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Freakling
- Version: 0.81
- Size: 128x112
- Concept:
(2)Disco Pang! Pang! + Show Spoiler +
- Author: KD_MAN
- Version: 0.96
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: Internal and external circulation battlefield.
- Features:
▷The Creep Colony in the neutral Power Generator overlaps to help Zerg players build buildings near the backdoor.
▷Protoss temples in backdoor are overlapped into three.
▷The amount of minerals in the backdoor is 32.
▷It is recommended to pass through the center for the initial reconnaissance route.
(2)Europa + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Hoilman
- Map Version: 1.28
- Map Size: 128x112
- Map Concept: 2p standard map.
(2)Frostmourne + Show Spoiler +
- Author: KD_MAN
- Version: 0.95
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: 2p standard
(2)Galactic Empire + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Moderatorboy
- Version: 0.50
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: Benzene + Cloud Kingdom (SC2) Long Ridge and It's difficult to defend the resource area. Minerals in the back road area are 10x0.
(2)Gale + Show Spoiler +
- Aithor: Moderatoboy
- Version: 0.5
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: This map is a map that pursues occupation warfare through ridge occupation. However, it is also a map that can be challenged through checks.
All resources are quantifiable and can only be built on flat doodads on hills.
(2)Gambit + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Doglived
- Version: 0.81
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: Experimental, long rush distance when using outside path, backdoor blocked by building that needs destroyed for the shorter and main path to be used.
- Default scouting is done through the middle path and you must mineral walk to get in/out of base. (Until the building or eggs are killed)
- Main base pathing also takes the short main path, once you get past the natural ramp it will use the outside path.
- Proxy locations on both outside and middle paths.
- Machine Shop blocks the backdoor, only 3 zerglings or 2 zealots can attack at one time. 2 eggs also block the path to allow workers to mineral walk
and scout
(2)Kick Flip + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Minerals
- Version: 0.9
- Size: 112x128
- Concept: Modern battle map featuring double ramps and multiple elevations.
(2)Laputa + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Xena
- Version: 1.1
- Size: 128x96
- Concept:
- Laputa is the name of an island country floating in the sky in Gulliver's Travels, a novel by author Jonathan Swift.
- The mass production of games during his active career led to a slump in the Star League, and the diversity of games and new innovations have been required. A completely unexplored island map, a completely new aspect of the ground map, was adopted and development began. As it has not appeared due to the balance controversy for a long time, plans will be established in the name of a national island map that leads new content in the Star League by establishing balance and formalizing and mass-producing island maps through long-term island map balance research. It is a map that reduces the ground as much as possible to induce a hot aerial battle without interference from ground forces and defense towers. Since the center multi is connected to the ground, the final battle between the ground and the aerial battle combination is expected over the center multi, which has a large amount of resources.
- Only small units can cross the small bridge.
- Only Zerg Drones can collect additional Vespene Geyser.
※ I recommend playing games on original graphics(F5).
(2)Lightning Whirlwind + Show Spoiler +
- Author: TNWZombie
- Version: 1.1
- Size: 128x128
(2)Molecule + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Minerals
- Version: 0.75
- Size: 112x128
- Concept: Mirrored battle map with a comfy main base and a small choke outside of the natural. Decoration incomplete.
(2)Neptune + Show Spoiler +
- Author: mAziciAn
- Version: 0.6
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: 2p Standard
All resource is normal amount.
5 Tessadar/Zeratul(Archon) placed in center each Ridge end. It seems to good for protoss.
3 Protoss Temple stacked in ridge. 1 egg in entrance.
First natural entrance width is 8(including a eggs)
(2)Pella + Show Spoiler +
- Author: HotRedIron
- Version: 1.2
- Size: 128x96
- Concept:
* High ground behind natural like on Heartbreak Ridge or Benzene. Two eggs are blocking passage for units, but of course, workers can slide through them so no traffic jams for them like on Benzene. This high ground also wraps around the natural and has a ramp to it from the natural and a ramp to the gas third base.
* The gas third base has high ground behind it, no ramp.
* There is a path leading from the gas third to another exp blocked by Xel'Naga temples and eventually to a high ground at 6 o'clock. From there, you can access the middle, the 6 o'clock base or can clear Xel'Naga temples to access the same path on the opponent's side. The temples are not stacked.
* Corner island expos have a creep colony to help Zerg and no mineral patch to help Terran.
(2)Plan_B + Show Spoiler +
- Author: AgMoon
- Version: 0.95
- Size: 128x112
- Concept:
- Lower non-island half of the map has lower mineral&gas content(second base 1200-4000, the rest 1000-3000) to induce transition of the main battlefield to the upper half of the map, where all resources all of normal content(1500-5000)
- the two halves will connect once the mineral field of the central expansion are depleted and psi disruptors are destroyed.
(2)Ragefire Chasm + Show Spoiler +
- Author: TNWZombie
- Version: 0.8
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: The map consists of three roads and canyons on the way out of natural. There are six Protoss temples on the back street. The Psi Disrupters are not overlapped. The third gas volume is 2000.
(2)Red Eagle + Show Spoiler +
- Author: mAziciAn
- Version: 0.85
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: Standard, Guerrilla
- Extra Information:
- Front yard entrance width including egg is 8 tiles.
- 36~37seconds taken to move from base cliff to other base cliff.
- All of natural has a starting location sprite for player easily know where is building place.
(It won't pop over base building. I moved it over 1 pixel.)
- 3,9 o'clock natural route is blocked by a 40 amount of mineral and 5 stacks of power generator.
Units can pass through after gathered mineral or destroy buildings.
Sieze tanks cannot attack workers in front yard behind wall.
- All resource amount is normal, except 3,9 o'clock geyser amount is 2500.
- Base cliff can be blocked by build 2 supplies and 1 barrack.
(2)Reflections + Show Spoiler +
- Author: 효진 (CrystalDrag)
- Version: 0.56
- Size: 128x96
(2)Sandslash + Show Spoiler +
- Author: CharactR
- Version: 0.10
- Size: 128x112
- Concept: Bridges create a bottleneck on any direct route across the map. There are many pocket bases to defend and terrain outside the expansions is unbuildable.
(2)Scarabee + Show Spoiler +
- Author: jOjO
- Version: 6.3
- Size: 128x112
- Concept:
* Backdoor natural
* Creep spawn at ramp for zerg players
* 2 plateaus with 2 heights to conquer.
(2)Sea Breeze + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Suricatta
- Version: 0.9.8
- Size: 128/112
- Concept: 2p standard map with three vertical lanes and a path through the center.
(2)Silent Storm + Show Spoiler +
- Author: ash.^_^jOjO
- Version: 1.4
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: 2 middle plateaus split in 2 divides the middle with many routes to benefit more army movement and strategical flanking.
(2)Steel Dominion + Show Spoiler +
- Author: 효진 (CrystalDrag)
- Version: 0.62
- Size: 112*128
- Concept: = Original Concept by SUPEROUMAN
(2)Super Nova + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Gosomi
- Version: 0.8
- Size: 112x128
- Concept: 2p standard map.
(2)Typhon + Show Spoiler +
- Author: HotRedIron
- Version: 1.1
- Size: 128x112
- Concept:
* The far side of the main base has two creep colonies. Zerg can use this to place nydus inside their opponent's base late-game or to hide tech early on. The other races can destroy them to deny the nydus-play and gain building space.
* There is an island close to the main with a creep colony to help Zerg and a mineral patch to prevent Terran from taking it for free.
* The third base is blocked by a row of four eggs. There is a mineral patch with a value of zero in vision so a worker can slide through. If it is mined out, then the the player will need vision of the base to get through the eggs. The eggs can also be destroyed, of course.
* The corner islands have creep colonies to help Zerg either take the base or attack the opponent's island base by using nydus. These bases have no mineral patch blocking to help Terran.
* 3 o'clock base has double gas.
* The edges of the map allow for flying units to go undetected for the most part.
(2)Winter Solstice + Show Spoiler +
- Author: ash.^_^jOjO
- Version: 2.2
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: Large middle plateau with a few narrow ramps surrounded by outer ring of expos and passages towards the middle. Semi exposed main
(2)Защитная Технология + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Freakling
- Version: 0.8
- Size: 128x120
- Concept: Cover-mechanics-focused two player map.
"Shield" areas (indicated by Pylon Fields) provide cover (~47% miss chance for all ranged attacks).
-Shortest path follows "valley of death" through the centre – armies and reinforcement sent straight across the map can easily be flanked from the surrounding high grounds.
-Big plateaus on the outskirts offer strategic focus points for big army manoeuvering.
-Innovative base layout, combining a sideways natural with a "triangle" third outside the main/nat wall allows for more even expansion choices in both directions.
-Drop cliff between natural and triangle third with a ramp to the main, blocked by a neutral building, offers drop harassment opportunities against three bases at once, so players should keep a keen eye on it (suggestion for the ultimate troll rush: Drop a Tank, Vulture and 2 SCVs to repair the blocking neutral building when the defender tries to break through). Scarabs can bypass the building.
---- 3 Player Maps
(3)Cataclysm + Show Spoiler +
- Authors: Freakling + Minerals
- Version: 0.81
- Size: 128x128
- Concept:
*This is a map that tells a story. The story of a space station fatally struck by an asteroid, and of the desperate struggle of the survivors.
*The layout is based on Minerals' and my previous attempts in 3 player maps with island expansions and the theoretical considerations they led me to about the simplest layout for for such a map that would allow equal ground expansion opportunities in either direction.
*Geysers for all ground 3rd bases are reduced to 3k gas.
*Island currently bases have no depleted Mineral Fields or other kind of block, as we figured that in the modern meta Terran wouldn't actually be able to gain a stable early advantage by floating a CC.
*Combination of sprites and vision blockers between the main and triangle third act as a wall of pseudo-4th terrain level.
*For Terran, Tanks on the ledges of the centre area can act as "artillery support" for drops on the islands – they cannot hit workers, resource depots or geysers directly, but can clear the area in front of them of defensive structures and units. + Show Spoiler [Show example] +
(3)Dark Vengeance + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Chariot & KD_Man
- Version: 0.95
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: Map Concept: Protoss's new option in PvZ.
-Protoss can use Yggdrasil as a semi-permanent detector by mind control.
-High Templar and Dark Archon can be placed inside Yggdrasil to protect them.
-Yggdrasil has 1000 hp, 4 armors, and 11 sight.
(3)Elquiness + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Gosomi
- Version: 1.2
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: 3p standard map
(3)Lambda + Show Spoiler +
- Author: mAziciAn
- Version: 1.1
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: 3p Standard
(3)Kamar Taj + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Chariot
- Version: 0.9
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: 3p standard
(3)Ringing Stream + Show Spoiler +
- Author: dll7700
- Version: 1.0
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: - The triangular, tornado-shaped hill in the center requires delicate engagement control. Ringing Bloom + Ultimate Stream = Ringing Stream
(3)Sand Gate + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Suricatta
- Version: 0.6.1
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: 3p standard-hybrid map. Standard main/natural and center layout with two semi-island bases and a forward third. The main has a mineral-walled backdoor into the close island. The mineral wall is 2 patches thick, each patch has 32 minerals. The other islands are separated by neutral Protoss Temples (not stacked). Neutral creep colonies near the backdoor gas base so that Zerg can wall at the choke.
(3)Stratholme + Show Spoiler +
- Authors: mAziciAn & KD_MAN
- Version: 0.91
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: Terran and Protoss can utilize two Vespene Geysers faster than Zerg.
- Features:
Terran and Protoss can mine two Vespene Geysers at the main base, but Zerg cannot build mining buildings at Vespene Geysers at the bottom and right of each main base.
Natural's Vespene Geyser can only mine zerg
(3)Treachery + Show Spoiler +
- Author: HeMsK
- Version: 0.62
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: 3p standard
(3)Turbine + Show Spoiler +
- Author: Minerals
- Version: 1.02
- Size: 128x128
- Concept: Stylish 3 player map with in base expansion. Creep colonies spawn creep only for zerg players at the beginning of a match. All 'outside' bases are mildly reduced.