39489 Posts
2 tanks 1 vult for sea at his nat, 1 vult scouting the 11 main area. free warping 3rd and 4th gates.
Dragoons will not keep pushing, everyone goes home for a bit. Sea sends vulture to he other start point to make sure nothing suspicious is going on. And probably mine the main.
Perfect. Plays low-econ, high-econ, plays orthodox, plays funky, plays Mozart, plays Run-DMC. Micro, macro, strategy, management, fundamentals, and balls the size of Brazil. He plays Zerg the way the Xel Naga intended - like a ball of mercury. -HonestTea
Nexus warps in at free's second expo outside his base.
Perfect. Plays low-econ, high-econ, plays orthodox, plays funky, plays Mozart, plays Run-DMC. Micro, macro, strategy, management, fundamentals, and balls the size of Brazil. He plays Zerg the way the Xel Naga intended - like a ball of mercury. -HonestTea
39489 Posts
7 expo finishes for free, i think sea realzies this with his vult scout. vult speed is done now. sea goes in again with said vult, gets 1 probe kill before it dies.
39489 Posts
sea starting to move forward towards teh 3 expo with tank vult turret, starts the cc at 3
Scout vulture dies. We have obs by free, and Sea is now building D to support his own second expo.
Perfect. Plays low-econ, high-econ, plays orthodox, plays funky, plays Mozart, plays Run-DMC. Micro, macro, strategy, management, fundamentals, and balls the size of Brazil. He plays Zerg the way the Xel Naga intended - like a ball of mercury. -HonestTea
39489 Posts
forge at the 7 expo for free, free at 7 gateways.
Sea sneaks a seiged 4 ton tank behind a twiggy tree and sends vultures out to mine everywhere.
Perfect. Plays low-econ, high-econ, plays orthodox, plays funky, plays Mozart, plays Run-DMC. Micro, macro, strategy, management, fundamentals, and balls the size of Brazil. He plays Zerg the way the Xel Naga intended - like a ball of mercury. -HonestTea
39489 Posts
4 vults minign the area b/w free's nat and the 5 expo, free is getting the 8 min only now.
39489 Posts
vults find the min only warping, kill the probe, run away from goons. vults run into the 7 expo now, killing probes while ignoring cannons.
Free is now taking the mineral only at 8. Cannons going down at the free's expo at 7. 5 vultures for about... i want to say 8 probes.
Perfect. Plays low-econ, high-econ, plays orthodox, plays funky, plays Mozart, plays Run-DMC. Micro, macro, strategy, management, fundamentals, and balls the size of Brazil. He plays Zerg the way the Xel Naga intended - like a ball of mercury. -HonestTea
39489 Posts
free quickly clears that vult raid, but he prolly lost 6-7 probes there. free steadily adding more gates, sea maynards to his 3 expo.
Cannon going down at the 8 (9?) expo now. Dragoons meet vultures in the center of the map. Vultures book. Damn a mine takes two goons.
Perfect. Plays low-econ, high-econ, plays orthodox, plays funky, plays Mozart, plays Run-DMC. Micro, macro, strategy, management, fundamentals, and balls the size of Brazil. He plays Zerg the way the Xel Naga intended - like a ball of mercury. -HonestTea
is awesome 32269 Posts
Goons dying to mines. DejaVu.
39489 Posts
free with cannon in the minline at 7 expo, presumably 1 or 2 at teh 8 min only as well. free moving forward with goons toward 3, loses 2 goons to mines b/c he didnt have obs there. free clearing moes on the left side of the map with a 2nd gorup of goons now. stargate for free arbiter tribunal
39489 Posts
sea runs vults past the group of vults near the 8 min only, goes in and fires at probes, gets 7-8 of them.
Stargate and... no fleet beacon... Yep, there's the Tribunal. We see a huge mechanical monster between Sea's natural and his second expo. Vultures fly by goons to harass 9 expo. Pay for themselves in probe kills.
Perfect. Plays low-econ, high-econ, plays orthodox, plays funky, plays Mozart, plays Run-DMC. Micro, macro, strategy, management, fundamentals, and balls the size of Brazil. He plays Zerg the way the Xel Naga intended - like a ball of mercury. -HonestTea
39489 Posts
starport made in teh frontline for sea, lifts off. only for upgrades i guess. ht for free :O
is awesome 32269 Posts
Free doesnt take care of his goons.
Obs allowing free to minesweep up towards the other main, They NARROWLY escape being trapped by vultures and mines. Intense moment right there.
Perfect. Plays low-econ, high-econ, plays orthodox, plays funky, plays Mozart, plays Run-DMC. Micro, macro, strategy, management, fundamentals, and balls the size of Brazil. He plays Zerg the way the Xel Naga intended - like a ball of mercury. -HonestTea