Sis is anoser annoucement for se upcoming war between the best team of the entire world, TEAM GERMANY, and Team Canada, known for maple syrup and a leader wis so many smurfs, we can barely count them.
As you might have remembered, TEAM GERMANY destroyed the sort-of neighbouring nation Sweden (Team Köttbullar) last week. The heroic efforts of upcoming stars like remag (and his heart warming monologue-plea to not face another protoss in se ace match) brought us to victory and caused many shed tears by Swedish Viking-children. TEAM GERMANY however feels se need to once again thank for the graceful and friendly conduct of our victims. Sank yöu Sverige, 12 Points from Berlin.
Date and Mode and order öf conduct
Date: 18 CET, 6th September, German Standard time
Place of Wörk: ICCup, Channel Nation War
Auftreten of se teams
Kanada: dRaW, DragOn, munkieeeeeeee, Rlentless, LD
Germany: Bakuryu, remag, KuH, MasterReY
The Kartenmaterial
1on1 Start: Bloody Ridge
2on2 Start: Circuit Breaker
Pool from which the loser picks:
Bloody Ridge (which makes no sense, as I just realize now, writing this), Outsider, EC, Sniper Ridge, Neo Overwatch, Longinus, Gladiator, Circuit Breaker
I had really tried to write it that way, as it was then, but I no longer schaffs somehow .. therefore just a stupid statement Loddar quotes with a few. hope you and what tears up in 2 weeks!
In the next Nation War we play against the lovely Canadians. Also you can enumerate a few well-known players, but basically I see no problems, because you have to just hope that does not accrue with a bit of luck your best. We are a well intigrated Force and the Auftaktsiegt against powerful Sweden brought a clear line in the national team.
We may make mistakes, and if they do, then the next to last.
ips. "Lothar Matthäus" kab, via google translate
Einigkeit und Recht und kab,
sind des Glückes Unterpfand,
|: Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes,
blühe, GERMAN TEAM :|
hm k
its whatever
Bakuryu - Castle
remag - Rlentless
kuh - ayni
ReY - DragOn