On March 31 2012 14:25 doothegee wrote: Kim Carrier just misspoke (he was trying to say "Stats is a A-class player") and said Stats has a large penis lol
lol wtf
Would love to see how close the dialects are between "A-class player" and "large penis" in Korean
ur trollin right ???
hahaha oh yeah.. Im so glad he is back
Haha he said "Stats is a big player", but he said it in a way that insinuated... you know.
On March 31 2012 14:25 doothegee wrote: Kim Carrier just misspoke (he was trying to say "Stats is a A-class player") and said Stats has a large penis lol
Ah, my stream forze for a second Looks like Roro attempted to try some hydra push More reinforcements from Roro, and the speedlots get pushed back One HT making its way over, Hydras really clumped, massive storms kills many many hydras