Kaal's International Starleague kicks into full gear as we leave the Group Stage and move on to the bracket where 64 players from all over the world will battle for the title of ISL2 Champion.
Ro32 // Best of 5 // 2 Set Maps Start: Icarus, Tau Cross 1.1 Pick from: Empire of the Sun, Destination, Circuit Breaker, Match Point
Ro16 // Best of 5 // 2 Set Maps Start: Match Point, Empire of the Sun Pick from: Destination 1.1, Circuit Breaker, Neo Aztec, HBR
Ro8// Best of 5 // 3 Set Maps Start: HBR, Neo Aztec, Wuthering Heights Pick from: Longinus 2, Neo Beltway, Fighting Spirit
Semis // Best of 7 // 3 Set Maps Start: Fighting Spirit, Longinus 2, Neo Beltway Pick from: Rush Hour III, Wuthering Heights, La Mancha, Sin Peaks of Baekdu, Destination 1.1
Finals // Best of 7 // 3 Set Maps Start: Destination 1.1, Rush Hour III, Colosseum II Pick from: Sin Peaks of Baekdu, La Mancha, Othello, Tau Cross 1.1, Blue Storm, Holy World SE, Icarus, Neo Beltway
The games will start on September 3rd at 19:00 CET (18:00 GMT (+00:00) local time). Games will be played on the Fish server, rendez-vous channel is OP ISL2
As you may have been able to tell from the bracket, we have some new invites making their way into ISL. From the four initial invites, three were announced: WCG 4th place Kolll, TvZ Mastermind Heme and the ISL 1's runner-up Ace. Today we welcome Shauni to the roster, whom we know from his awesome stream, as well as appearances in TL Arena and iCCup Attack!
Additionally, due to so many non-shows and drop-outs from the Group Stage, we announce seven more invites to complete the bracket. They are:
We are sure these players will do very well in the matches to come and we wish them welcome and good luck as the Round of 64 approaches
With this many matches to start out with, we already have a fair number of notable battles to look forward to. Top Russian Terran Ramms takes on last season's Silver Medal winner, the Sniper Zerg, Ace, a fight between AstrO and DragOn will determine who the true King of Canada is and MaD [AoV] vs TechnicS is an overall AllStar match. Invites Kolll and Target go head to head in a ZvZ showdown, gag vs Sneazel should provide some excellent TvP and in AlfiO vs GoD we'll see two styles of PvP crash headlong into one another.
Need more hype? Scoot over to Hacklebeast's interviews to get to know some of these players a bit better!
The absolute and most important rule is that LRM)Game holds full discretion over ISL2 decisions and procedures.
You must use chaoslauncher for 1.16.1 or MiniLauncher for every group stage and tournament game on Fish server.
No smurf accounts. Your account must be played with your known ID in it. If you are found out to be smurfing, you will be disqualified and no further participation in the tournament will be allowed. If you are worried about which ID you should use, PM LRM)Game at account Game on teamliquid.net. If you feel that not smurfing gives you an unfair disadvantage, you must appeal to LRM)Game at account Game on teamliquid.net. We will then give you a predetermined smurf name. Failure to comply will lead to disqualification.
All names must begin with ISL2. Ex: ISL2-Kaalveiten ISL2_NoOne [ISL2]Sayle.
If you want to make a new name, you must inform us.
In order for previous hackers or abusers to play in ISL2, they will need to provide certain things to LRM)Game or Hakurei[AoV] which will be handled on a case to case basis. All discretion for this is held by the ISL2 Counter Abuse Team.
No hacking or abusing. This is very very basic. No multiple or shared accounts. No letting other players on your accounts. No taking free wins from friends. No selling wins. No playing against your own account. If suspected of abuse, failure to comply with ISL2 staff will result in a disqualification from the tournament.
All Kaal's International StarLeague matches must be played with a referee present.
No Korean IP addresses.
All ladder replays must be saved for your own safety and submitted at the end of each stage to LRM)Game at isl2replays@gmail.com.
Any major issues that concern anything to do with names, rules, or disqualification, need to be PMed to Game at Teamliquid.net
All games must be played on /dnd mode. You cannot use the same map twice.
Anything a referee tells you during the proceedings of the matches goes; be very attentive to the rules they announce per week. Additionally, rules might have slight alterations throughout the entirety of the tournament.
Scouting via gases, observers over turrets, hold position lurkers, all variations of legal play are allowed.
Message from the sponsors: "TwitchTV is excited to support a Starcraft:BroodWar tournament. We're dedicated to supporting gaming broadcasting, from gaming marathons to competitive gaming, and Starcraft is a game we all personally love and are happy to support." - TwitchTV.com
"It is a pleasure to once again do my bit for foreign BroodWar. Many who are discouraged by an unclear future, should take heart- we as individuals and as a community have the power to prevent our inimitable game from decline." - EleGant[AoV]
Sponsors: KaalVeiten, TwitchTV.com, KoS-Templar, EleGant[AoV], rUSKIG, Trap, Megashira[AoV], a1k1a4k1, NoisE[AoV], mesochobo Organizer:LRM)Game CAT Team: Hakurei[AoV], LRM)nOoNe, Sayle, LRM)Glory, KaalVeiten, LRM)Game, JoeKim Caster:Sayle and EleGant[AoV] Referee:LRM)Game, LRM)Glory, JoeKim Graphics: HawaiianPig Videos: Supernovamaniac, Dan1870220133262 Server:Fish Server with ChaosLauncher or MiniLauncher for the Group Stages and Tournament. YT channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/KaalISL
So everyone is doing their predictions up to the Round of 8. I took it a step further and will copy/paste my entire tournament predictions in two different spoilers. Keep in mind I have not seen anything more than you have about the players besides a few replay packs. No tournament play, no knowledge of activity/if everyone will show. Here we go.
First leg left side: Nosgoth < OctZerg Sziky > non TTF < Ruarc AstrO < DragOn
OctZerg <> Sziky ... this is actually one of the toughest matches I foresee in the entire tournament Ruarc < DragOn
Winner of OctZerg/Sziky > DragOn (sorry Alex <3 you)
First leg right side: Muff2n < andrey Pallmall < SzajnA Justice < Shauni Pro7ecT > Megashira
andrey > SzajnA Shauni < Pro7ecT
andrey < Pro7ecT
Second leg left side: Michael > LML AlfiO < GoD gag < SneazeL (another really tough one - I respect your vs P/T abilities gag but I just think SneazeL is better at PvT than you are at TvP) trutaCz > 500kg
Michael > GoD SneazeL > trutaCz
Michael > SneazeL
Second leg right side: Cryoc < Heme Pike > Bizarre Teacher < Zaraki (sorry Mathieu) SouthPark < fLip
Heme < Pike Zaraki < fLip
Pike > fLip
Third leg left side: ProZZZero < Bakuryu GoTuNk > Rocky Target < Kolll Karate > CastrO
Bakuryu > GoTuNk Kolll > Karate
Bakuryu < Kolll(sorry Mike!)
Third leg right side: Ramms < Ace DeSka > Bishop vanatir < PatrrrOn Bandy < TerrOr
Ace > DeSka (Ace 4-2 DeSka in the semifinals of AoV ISL) PatrOn < TerrOr
Ace > TerrOr
Fourth leg left side: Choosy > TerranBoy Bibiane < blazin dsaqwe > remag Plumbum > TEH (I'm kinda iffy on this prediction)
Choosy > blazin dsaqwe > Plumbum
Choosy < dsaqwe (sorry Choosy )
Fourth leg right side: Sleep < Jumper OyA > Must Kashu > WhistleR MaD[AoV] > TechnicS (only because TechnicS material is easy to find and his play rarely changes)
Jumper < OyA Kashu < MaD[AoV]
OyA < MaD[AoV](sorry sexy Oy(A) but Gier's play/matchup picking is very tricky)
My round of 8 picks before any tournament play: Winner of OctZerg/Sziky Pro7ecT Michael Pike Kolll Ace dsaqwe MaD[AoV]
My round of 8 picks before any tournament play: Winner of OctZerg/Sziky Pro7ecT Michael Pike Kolll Ace dsaqwe MaD[AoV]
Winner of OctZerg/Sziky <> Pro7ecT (I think OctZerg would lose to Pro7ecT and Sziky would beat him - but that Pike would dominate Pro7ecT so I'm going to put Oct/Sziky into the semis below) Michael < Pike Kolll > Ace dsaqwe < MaD[AoV]
SemiFinals: Winner of OctZerg/Sziky > Pike Kolll > MaD[AoV]
Finals: OctZerg < Kolll Sziky > Kolll (given that match I couldn't decide)
On September 01 2011 08:12 Muff2n wrote: andrey, if you happen to spot this, would it be possible to play on Friday evening instead?
Let me address this way ahead of time: Matches cannot be played without a referee present. (Refer to rule #8) Therefore, if any players do work it out to play before or after Saturday (must be played by Monday) they must first alert me to this - with proof of the agreement - and wait for confirmation that a referee will be there.
P.S. andrey was banned from TL for (I think a week) in the Third LRM) $75 Island Tournament thread.
I like how you think Mad, someone I never even heard of will get further than me. Also octzerg's ZvP is lawlful and I'll prove it if he can keep up after I destroy dragon.
On September 01 2011 08:30 dRaW wrote: I like how you think Mad, someone I never even heard of will get further than me. Also octzerg's ZvP is lawlful and I'll prove it if he can keep up after I destroy dragon.
DraW... you're a self-hypist man. I don't go for that, sorry. You got destroyed by a rusty Shauni last ISL and generally have never proven anything except the ability to theorycraft, talk, and ladder. The fact that you question my judgment based solely on your best skill - hyping yourself up, is a bit ironic though. Normally I'm a dick, but I don't mean this offensively, all of the above is true. You should watch some MaD replays, he is a very unique and skilled player. I'm on dat dick.
On September 01 2011 08:23 hacklebeast wrote: Ramms vs ace first round is fucked up. Can we fudge the rules a little and make that one a Bo7?
lol - in theory I would love this - in reality this match might not even be played.
wait, what?? why?
18 days ago Ramms "accidentally" transferred his stats when practicing with KiDCaNaDa due to a lack of understanding of what KC was saying. I told him to put his stats back on his account before the Round of 64 and he could play, understanding that surely this could have indeed happened. iCCup admins refused to put Ramms stats back on for him after him and KC asked them several times citing that they wouldn't help with anything ISL2 related. Being that it's a 2 week limit, he's 4 days over and as far as I know the iCCup season ends relatively shortly. Ramms agreed to what I had said not only publicly, but through PM, and on Skype within a one day period. Granted, he knows what he has to do.
On September 01 2011 08:12 Muff2n wrote: andrey, if you happen to spot this, would it be possible to play on Friday evening instead?
Let me address this way ahead of time: Matches cannot be played without a referee present. (Refer to rule #8) Therefore, if any players do work it out to play before or after Saturday (must be played by Monday) they must first alert me to this - with proof of the agreement - and wait for confirmation that a referee will be there.
P.S. andrey was banned from TL for (I think a week) in the Third LRM) $75 Island Tournament thread.
Its ok I got through on iccup accounts. If we can arrange something I shall let you know.
On September 01 2011 08:23 hacklebeast wrote: Ramms vs ace first round is fucked up. Can we fudge the rules a little and make that one a Bo7?
lol - in theory I would love this - in reality this match might not even be played.
wait, what?? why?
18 days ago Ramms "accidentally" transferred his stats when practicing with KiDCaNaDa due to a lack of understanding of what KC was saying. I told him to put his stats back on his account before the Round of 64 and he could play, understanding that surely this could have indeed happened. iCCup admins refused to put Ramms stats back on for him after him and KC asked them several times citing that they wouldn't help with anything ISL2 related. Being that it's a 2 week limit, he's 4 days over and as far as I know the iCCup season ends relatively shortly. Ramms agreed to what I had said not only publicly, but through PM, and on Skype within a one day period. Granted, he knows what he has to do.
OK ramms, if you are reading this, stop reading this and start laddering until you get your stats back to where you were. B+ in 4 days gogo.
On September 01 2011 08:23 hacklebeast wrote: Ramms vs ace first round is fucked up. Can we fudge the rules a little and make that one a Bo7?
lol - in theory I would love this - in reality this match might not even be played.
wait, what?? why?
18 days ago Ramms "accidentally" transferred his stats when practicing with KiDCaNaDa due to a lack of understanding of what KC was saying. I told him to put his stats back on his account before the Round of 64 and he could play, understanding that surely this could have indeed happened. iCCup admins refused to put Ramms stats back on for him after him and KC asked them several times citing that they wouldn't help with anything ISL2 related. Being that it's a 2 week limit, he's 4 days over and as far as I know the iCCup season ends relatively shortly. Ramms agreed to what I had said not only publicly, but through PM, and on Skype within a one day period. Granted, he knows what he has to do.
OK ramms, if you are reading this, stop reading this and start laddering until you get your stats back to where you were. B+ in 4 days gogo.
eywa got pretty good predictions, it's interesting who among these participants are actually active. IslandMapBonjwa Target-x17 is same guy. He got A- in TSL2 as random.
On September 01 2011 15:20 sicklucker wrote: I wanna bet but I donno anyone except people in my group oct shauni and a few others oO 2 1 is a rip even for shauni :D
uhhh 2 to 1 or even less is fair because Shauni's PvT is solid.
On September 01 2011 15:25 Assault_1 wrote: joekim whats your net win/loss on starcraft bets
I didn't know what Wuthering Heights looked like, so I checked it out on Liquipedia and found this:
"Wuthering Heights was first introduced for the 2008 Shinhan Bank Proleague. The map's use was short-lived due to tremendous imbalance - out of the 150 times a player was sent to play on this map in Proleague, the teams opted for a Zerg only 5 times while a Terran was sent 113 times."
Given the disproportionate number of zergs in the tournament, I'd say it's a good thing we have this map :D
On September 01 2011 18:36 Sayle wrote: I didn't know what Wuthering Heights looked like, so I checked it out on Liquipedia and found this:
"Wuthering Heights was first introduced for the 2008 Shinhan Bank Proleague. The map's use was short-lived due to tremendous imbalance - out of the 150 times a player was sent to play on this map in Proleague, the teams opted for a Zerg only 5 times while a Terran was sent 113 times."
Given the disproportionate number of zergs in the tournament, I'd say it's a good thing we have this map :D
Just ask Mondragon what he thinks of this map (it was a TSL1 map)^^ Pretty hyped up for this, hope we keep a good racial balance =)
On September 01 2011 18:36 Sayle wrote: I didn't know what Wuthering Heights looked like, so I checked it out on Liquipedia and found this:
"Wuthering Heights was first introduced for the 2008 Shinhan Bank Proleague. The map's use was short-lived due to tremendous imbalance - out of the 150 times a player was sent to play on this map in Proleague, the teams opted for a Zerg only 5 times while a Terran was sent 113 times."
Given the disproportionate number of zergs in the tournament, I'd say it's a good thing we have this map :D
Just ask Mondragon what he thinks of this map (it was a TSL1 map)^^ Pretty hyped up for this, hope we keep a good racial balance =)
ZvP is a completely different MU now from when he played (and complained) about the map though.
On September 01 2011 08:30 dRaW wrote: I like how you think Mad, someone I never even heard of will get further than me. Also octzerg's ZvP is lawlful and I'll prove it if he can keep up after I destroy dragon.
The ro64 seems infinitely better than the last round. There were some really bad games in the last round >_> . This ro64 there seems to only ge goodgames! so pumped!
Nb.Skye, I am mad drunk, but why do you hate LRM)game so much? He puts on amazing tournaments that benefits your teammates. man I think it might be a youth thing but don't take it seriously, forgive and forget. this is an amazon tournament and we could all thank LRM)game, even Nyovone
On September 01 2011 23:03 GoTuNk! wrote: On that maplist, ro64 is first match, ro32 second match, etc?
What does it mean that there is 2/3 starting maps for each round?
However many maps are set for that round... for the Round of 64 the only set map is Tau Cross.
Mb i'm dumb but I don't understand since there is 2 starting maps for ro32 I.E. Start: Icarus, Tau Cross 1.1
There's always a set number of maps on whic a series is started. So, for example the Round of 32 consistest of Best of Five series, with starter maps Icarus and Tau Cross 1.1. Empire of the Sun, Destination, Circuit Breaker and Match Point are available for loser picks. So a series could go like this:
G1 - Gotunk < Icarus > Game G2 - Gotunk < Tau Cross > Game Gotunk chooses Circuit Breaker G3 - Gotunk < Circuit Breaker > Game Game chosses Destination G4 - Gotunk < Destination > Game Gotunk wins 4-2 G5 - Not needed
On September 01 2011 23:03 GoTuNk! wrote: On that maplist, ro64 is first match, ro32 second match, etc?
What does it mean that there is 2/3 starting maps for each round?
However many maps are set for that round... for the Round of 64 the only set map is Tau Cross.
Mb i'm dumb but I don't understand since there is 2 starting maps for ro32 I.E. Start: Icarus, Tau Cross 1.1
There's always a set number of maps on whic a series is started. So, for example the Round of 32 consistest of Best of Five series, with starter maps Icarus and Tau Cross 1.1. Empire of the Sun, Destination, Circuit Breaker and Match Point are available for loser picks. So a series could go like this:
G1 - Gotunk < Icarus > Game G2 - Gotunk < Tau Cross > Game Gotunk chooses Circuit Breaker G3 - Gotunk < Circuit Breaker > Game Game chosses Destination G4 - Gotunk < Destination > Game Gotunk wins 4-2 G5 - Not needed
On September 01 2011 18:36 Sayle wrote: I didn't know what Wuthering Heights looked like, so I checked it out on Liquipedia and found this:
"Wuthering Heights was first introduced for the 2008 Shinhan Bank Proleague. The map's use was short-lived due to tremendous imbalance - out of the 150 times a player was sent to play on this map in Proleague, the teams opted for a Zerg only 5 times while a Terran was sent 113 times."
Given the disproportionate number of zergs in the tournament, I'd say it's a good thing we have this map :D
Just ask Mondragon what he thinks of this map (it was a TSL1 map)^^ Pretty hyped up for this, hope we keep a good racial balance =)
ZvP is a completely different MU now from when he played (and complained) about the map though.
you really think the foreigner level of zvp has risen sincde 2008...?
On September 01 2011 23:03 GoTuNk! wrote: On that maplist, ro64 is first match, ro32 second match, etc?
What does it mean that there is 2/3 starting maps for each round?
However many maps are set for that round... for the Round of 64 the only set map is Tau Cross.
Mb i'm dumb but I don't understand since there is 2 starting maps for ro32 I.E. Start: Icarus, Tau Cross 1.1
There's always a set number of maps on whic a series is started. So, for example the Round of 32 consistest of Best of Five series, with starter maps Icarus and Tau Cross 1.1. Empire of the Sun, Destination, Circuit Breaker and Match Point are available for loser picks. So a series could go like this:
G1 - Gotunk < Icarus > Game G2 - Gotunk < Tau Cross > Game Gotunk chooses Circuit Breaker G3 - Gotunk < Circuit Breaker > Game Game chosses Destination G4 - Gotunk < Destination > Game Gotunk wins 4-2 G5 - Not needed
On September 01 2011 18:36 Sayle wrote: I didn't know what Wuthering Heights looked like, so I checked it out on Liquipedia and found this:
"Wuthering Heights was first introduced for the 2008 Shinhan Bank Proleague. The map's use was short-lived due to tremendous imbalance - out of the 150 times a player was sent to play on this map in Proleague, the teams opted for a Zerg only 5 times while a Terran was sent 113 times."
Given the disproportionate number of zergs in the tournament, I'd say it's a good thing we have this map :D
Just ask Mondragon what he thinks of this map (it was a TSL1 map)^^ Pretty hyped up for this, hope we keep a good racial balance =)
ZvP is a completely different MU now from when he played (and complained) about the map though.
you really think the foreigner level of zvp has risen sincde 2008...?
.. The style of PvZ in general has changed quite alot, especially from Zerg's style, even the foreigner one, obviously. Maybe playing BW PvZ or watching games would have shown that to you.
On September 02 2011 11:36 Game wrote: ... So no one has said it yet, therefore I will. Dan187############### that video is quite amazing thank you a lot
I'm still confused as why he's not in the video section for people contributing to this tournament; he's been contributing with highlight videos while I've been contributing with less significant intros.
the pinnicle of zvp was pretty much reached in 2008 only minor upgrades since. Id still take 2008 mondragon over anyone but scan but he dont really count ;o
On September 02 2011 11:36 Game wrote: ... So no one has said it yet, therefore I will. Dan187############### that video is quite amazing thank you a lot
I'm still confused as why he's not in the video section for people contributing to this tournament; he's been contributing with highlight videos while I've been contributing with less significant intros.
I have no qualms with such an action, I'll ask him through PM if he'd like that.
I'm going to be honest: My intros aren't that good, video editing skill-wise.
Though I did put a lot of work into my intros (Game, you know I did. We had a whole discussion about this), the quality of my videos are crap. Dan can take previous footage and make it exciting (i.e. the highlight video).
Though I do understand that he needs to approve in order for his name to show up, I was surprised when I didn't see his name in the first place; he did nice job for ISL1 highlight videos.
On September 02 2011 08:12 vTv.Marine wrote: New Message on iccup:
From: ISL2.Whistler
Message : nice stats
A faggot recognized himself when i made my last post huh ? You're so emotional haha
are people allowed to call eachother faggot on this site?
On August 29 2011 04:03 uT)WhistleR wrote: yeah haha i got this:
Hello FlaF and WhistleR,
You are receiving this PM as an invite to a small private tournament. It will be the third (3rd) LRM) island tournament. It is more exclusive and a 2v2 island tournament. There will be a maximum of 8 teams, but if you are receiving this PM - your ally is up to you. Also, if you are receiving this, you were requested to play by the sponsor specifically. The thread will be made late tomorrow or Saturday during the 4th day of ISL2.
and i reply'd "fuck off" ^^
but ur an admin.. im not, so keep ur manner up game
I don't know, are people allowed to post private PMs and the replies on this website in such manner? I mean, private PMs were posted before, and BMs were clearly shown in both cases. If you did it before, why not someone else?
What u gonna do about it Whistler? gonna try to snitch on me again?
I won't say anything else on you since i don't want to get ban from here, but you're a total joke. I guess that's why nobody (beside your own team) love you in this community.
On September 02 2011 23:07 vTv.Marine wrote: What u gonna do about it Whistler? gonna try to snitch on me again?
I won't say anything else on you since i don't want to get ban from here, but you're a total joke. I guess that's why nobody (beside your own team) love you in this community.
I love whistler too, you are wrong. edit: The video can be a little touched up, the blur effect around it actually is left on too long(makes the video hard to focus on, etc) maybe fade it in and then make the video normal during each clip or something.
On September 03 2011 03:32 LastOfADyingBreed wrote: Nb.AstrO?
? That was quite a way back, I quit 2 icc-cl finals ago.
I know I complain about the maps a lot but why can you choose from different maps in different rounds? Like shouldn't the maps carry over, neo aztec-> semi final -> final? ... Still would've prefered alternative and such than Rush hour and sin peaks...
On September 03 2011 04:54 krndandaman wrote: that highlight video by dan was good. haha i gained a greater appreciation for sayle's commentating while watching that.
It was nice and I'm not saying I could do better but I think less blur would of been nice, it felt as 2/3 of the screen was blurred sometimes, sorta annoying.
On September 03 2011 04:54 krndandaman wrote: that highlight video by dan was good. haha i gained a greater appreciation for sayle's commentating while watching that.
It was nice and I'm not saying I could do better but I think less blur would of been nice, it felt as 2/3 of the screen was blurred sometimes, sorta annoying.
Criticism =P
Dan knows how to make highlight vids epic ^^*. Though I do get your point about blur (I used to hate it), I loved how it was used in this video. I'm not saying you're wrong either; everyone has their own opinion.
(Damn I wish my video was recognized as much as Dans... oh well, Dan nice job!)
P.S. Whistler can you drop out before Ro16? At this rate I think there's a chance where you'll be trashed in the intro video.
On September 04 2011 01:50 Game wrote: Alright. Here's the deal. Fish server randomly has maintenance when ISL2 starts, announced 15 minutes ahead of time.
ISL2 will be postponed for ONE HOUR until the server is back up.
If one of the backup servers work, I will post it here and we will continue on as per normal.
Oh dear, Sayle going to have to cast till 5 am instead of 4. lol
On September 04 2011 02:43 krndandaman wrote: are all the games gonna be casted through replay or are some gonna be casted live? watching muff2n vs andrey atm. and is this the first match? just got here and on wiki it seems it is the first game unless it is unupdated
Don't wanna quote... all games are being casted from replays this time around. Certain matches are being played later today and on a later day before Monday due to pre-planning by the players. Granted, there are a shitload of matches that will be casted. This will be running for at least 4 more hours. I hope everyone enjoys, JoeKim is taking over at this point. Any questions - direct them to him.
How do you determine 3:1 odds yet vote for him to win? I think that's like to suck someone into a rigged bet... Pretty sure everyone died in Lucky Number Slevin, I wouldn't trust Joekim either.
My god, what an epic day and what an epic tournament. Whistler vs kashu was crazy. LML vs Michael was great. Also fun watching Plumbum. Great games today.
lol that was epic, watched most of the cast, yet I missed the matches I really wanted to watch. T_T
<3 was awesome! can't wait for vods
haha now I remember, my favorite part was when sayle saw a probe with a mineral, an archon, few ht, dt and zealots in front of the wall and compared them to lord of the rings. probe with mineral = frodo with ring, archon two hobits merged etc. xD
too bad some invites don't show... Down to bibiane and myself as last Canadians due to match-fixing to eliminate us by putting dragon and myself against one another in opening round
On September 04 2011 15:41 dRaW wrote: Holy results, + Show Spoiler +
too bad some invites don't show... Down to bibiane and myself as last Canadians due to match-fixing to eliminate us by putting dragon and myself against one another in opening round
On September 04 2011 05:07 gulati wrote: Sayle, you are the funniest and best commentator ever. That Whistler/Kashu series was SO EPIC! GG!!
Did they really play a 1 hour zvz ? lol how did this happen ?
Kashu is a terran.
I spent a disturbingly large amount of time yesterday watching ISL2 when I should have been doing homework and crap. Thanks a ton to everyone involved in making this happen, I love seeing these foreign tourneys still going.
As usual, really enjoy the casting, Sayle and Imbatoss.
On September 04 2011 10:35 Holgerius wrote: Mad props to Sayle for this marathon cast.
and im really willing to ask because of these comments
On September 04 2011 05:06 Pifualkd wrote: That game made me a fan of Kashu. Super entertaining games.
On September 04 2011 05:07 gulati wrote: Sayle, you are the funniest and best commentator ever. That Whistler/Kashu series was SO EPIC! GG!!
Did they really play a 1 hour zvz ? lol how did this happen ?
Kashu is a terran.
I spent a disturbingly large amount of time yesterday watching ISL2 when I should have been doing homework and crap. Thanks a ton to everyone involved in making this happen, I love seeing these foreign tourneys still going.
As usual, really enjoy the casting, Sayle and Imbatoss.
Actually i do believe Kashu's main race is Zerg, however he does random a lot and sometimes race picks.
actually it was the 1st time, when in a competition i directly played with terran, in RvZ i did many times, but when i saw these maps, i was sure its kinda good for a terran against zerg. I played 15 practised game, when i went all time defensive long game style, so i was totally prepared what you can see against whistler.
I have 2-3 replays against ace, when i lost my 2nd expand on tau cross, but i won the game.
In real i dont know what will be my race next week, but possible i will be random.
I am really sad about this as I practiced a lot in the week to do some great games, and I will most likely not play any brood war in the following time.
It is needless to say i'd love an oportunity to play my games on any other time, but I assume rules cannot allow that.
On September 05 2011 22:06 GoTuNk! wrote: My internet died the day/moment I had to show up
I am really sad about this as I practiced a lot in the week to do some great games, and I will most likely not play any brood war in the following time.
On September 05 2011 22:06 GoTuNk! wrote: My internet died the day/moment I had to show up
I am really sad about this as I practiced a lot in the week to do some great games, and I will most likely not play any brood war in the following time.
It is needless to say i'd love an oportunity to play my games on any other time, but I assume rules cannot allow that.
Please read a PM to you on iccup.com. Rocky also did not show up and I scheduled your match for today at 21CET. I forgot to PM you here since it was late and I was PMing 6 people.
Edit: Rocky has e-mailed me back and forth and will 100% be there.
There were a lot of bad games in the RO64. And a lot of Fantasy GG timing, which made matters a lot worse. I think it would be better if games were casted starting with the RO32. The group stage and the RO64 were pretty low level, not to mention all the walkovers, and this certainly shed a bad light on the ISL. I mean someone who just tuned in to, say Mad's games would probably be all like "wtf is this" and not stick around for the later stages.
On September 06 2011 03:38 Holy Check wrote: There were a lot of bad games in the RO64. And a lot of Fantasy GG timing, which made matters a lot worse. I think it would be better if games were casted starting with the RO32. The group stage and the RO64 were pretty low level, not to mention all the walkovers, and this certainly shed a bad light on the ISL. I mean someone who just tuned in to, say Mad's games would probably be all like "wtf is this" and not stick around for the later stages.
Just saying.
Foreigners are not pro bw players, so you can expect some sloppy games. It's the fact that it's a completely foreign tour that will generate views, as most of the viewers have seen/played vs these people in the channels, which interests them.
On September 06 2011 05:10 krndandaman wrote: Yea fantasy gg timings were a bit annoying but sayle did a good job keeping the audience from being bored. Its better than idra gg timing at least :p
On September 05 2011 22:06 GoTuNk! wrote: My internet died the day/moment I had to show up
I am really sad about this as I practiced a lot in the week to do some great games, and I will most likely not play any brood war in the following time.
It is needless to say i'd love an oportunity to play my games on any other time, but I assume rules cannot allow that.
Please read a PM to you on iccup.com. Rocky also did not show up and I scheduled your match for today at 21CET. I forgot to PM you here since it was late and I was PMing 6 people.
Edit: Rocky has e-mailed me back and forth and will 100% be there.
On September 05 2011 22:06 GoTuNk! wrote: My internet died the day/moment I had to show up
I am really sad about this as I practiced a lot in the week to do some great games, and I will most likely not play any brood war in the following time.
It is needless to say i'd love an oportunity to play my games on any other time, but I assume rules cannot allow that.
Please read a PM to you on iccup.com. Rocky also did not show up and I scheduled your match for today at 21CET. I forgot to PM you here since it was late and I was PMing 6 people.
Edit: Rocky has e-mailed me back and forth and will 100% be there.
On September 06 2011 03:38 Holy Check wrote: There were a lot of bad games in the RO64. And a lot of Fantasy GG timing, which made matters a lot worse. I think it would be better if games were casted starting with the RO32. The group stage and the RO64 were pretty low level, not to mention all the walkovers, and this certainly shed a bad light on the ISL. I mean someone who just tuned in to, say Mad's games would probably be all like "wtf is this" and not stick around for the later stages.
Just saying.
I don't know, "bad" games can be entertaining too, at least I enjoyed them. If Sayle feels like he's up to those iron mang casting marathons, he helps a lot to keep it entertaining too.
The Fantasy GG timing did get annoying sometimes, though.
On September 06 2011 03:38 Holy Check wrote: There were a lot of bad games in the RO64. And a lot of Fantasy GG timing, which made matters a lot worse. I think it would be better if games were casted starting with the RO32. The group stage and the RO64 were pretty low level, not to mention all the walkovers, and this certainly shed a bad light on the ISL. I mean someone who just tuned in to, say Mad's games would probably be all like "wtf is this" and not stick around for the later stages.
Just saying.
I don't know, "bad" games can be entertaining too, at least I enjoyed them. If Sayle feels like he's up to those iron mang casting marathons, he helps a lot to keep it entertaining too.
The Fantasy GG timing did get annoying sometimes, though.
I'm using my 300th post to say that the 12-hour cast of Sayle was very very mang-ly. I don't even know how he did it... when I asked him, he said he was magical, which I believe.
On September 06 2011 03:38 Holy Check wrote: There were a lot of bad games in the RO64. And a lot of Fantasy GG timing, which made matters a lot worse. I think it would be better if games were casted starting with the RO32. The group stage and the RO64 were pretty low level, not to mention all the walkovers, and this certainly shed a bad light on the ISL. I mean someone who just tuned in to, say Mad's games would probably be all like "wtf is this" and not stick around for the later stages.
Just saying.
I don't think you'll find even 1% of people will support your opinion here. This is a foreigner starleague, and if the game play and level bothers you, please stop watching it.
So after both GoTuNk (internet crashed) and Rocky(dunno why) didn't show up, Game rescheduled our game for Monday 21 CET. He sent a PM to both of us at iccup slightly after Sunday 21 CET, and unfortunately only posted about it later here at TL, both messages which I didn't catch and therefore didn't show up.
Therefore I'm making a public request to Rocky to reschedule our games to be played at whatever time he feels like, starting from now. I believe no one wants to win by W.O, and as I accepted a rescheduled of one of my opponentes during ISL1 I hope Rocky will be up to it aswell.
Nevertheless, to spice things up and provide stronger incentives, I am willing to offer a 50 USD donation to the ISL2 Prize pool (Paypal or pokerstars) and 15 USD (Paypal or pokerstars) to Rocky in case I lose a legit bo3 (no W.O.)
Hopefully you can see this mesage and reply here or trough a PM; if any of Rocky's friends sees this let him know.
Edit: Wrong information out, everything else is correct?
We (ISL2 staff) need all pictures of the Round of 32 qualifiers. They won't be used for anything regarding the Round of 32, but we need them ahead of time to work with and around them. Please upload a picture of just yourself, preferably with a plain background and send it to me as soon as possible.
Sincerely, LRM)Game
If you did not get this PM and you read it here, I still need your photograph.
i'm kinda shitfaced right now, but i just wanted to apologize for lagging so much with the ISL2 interviews...i've been unexpectedly super fucking busy and if you guys didn't know, i'm also a super fucking perfectionist
i have great visions and dedicate myself to everything i do
but anyway, i'm loving this ISL2 despite all of the discouraging walkovers. the staff is amazing, the casts are phenomenal, and the players never fail to entertain me for hours & hours <3
thank you all, most importantly the fans/viewers for keeping this "dead" game alive for me to enjoy. your awesomeness keeps me happy as a BW addict
On September 06 2011 15:49 JoeKim wrote: i'm kinda shitfaced right now, but i just wanted to apologize for lagging so much with the ISL2 interviews...i've been unexpectedly super fucking busy and if you guys didn't know, i'm also a super fucking perfectionist
i have great visions and dedicate myself to everything i do
but anyway, i'm loving this ISL2 despite all of the discouraging walkovers. the staff is amazing, the casts are phenomenal, and the players never fail to entertain me for hours & hours <3
thank you all, most importantly the fans/viewers for keeping this "dead" game alive for me to enjoy. your awesomeness keeps me happy as a BW addict
no but really, despite your tainted reputation full of BM and narcissism you're such a + Show Spoiler +
On September 06 2011 10:13 Game wrote: I don't think you'll find even 1% of people will support your opinion here. This is a foreigner starleague, and if the game play and level bothers you, please stop watching it.
I wasn't expecting TSL (which was also a foreigner starleague) level games. I wasn't even complaining about how half the players in the RO96 or whatever were C level. I was just saying that casting should start in the RO32, where things get a little more serious. I honestly see no gain in having the earlier stages casted, unless of course everyone prefers sheer quantity over decent quality. And I'm not saying some of the games in the RO64 weren't good, but it would have been better to cast just a selection of games. I doubt even the most diehard fans (1%ers) watched the whole 16 or 18 hour worth of RO64 games. And by not watching the whole thing, there's a high chance of missing the, 3 or 4 series which were actually worth watching.
On September 06 2011 10:13 Game wrote: I don't think you'll find even 1% of people will support your opinion here. This is a foreigner starleague, and if the game play and level bothers you, please stop watching it.
I wasn't expecting TSL (which was also a foreigner starleague) level games. I honestly see no gain in having the earlier stages casted, unless of course everyone prefers sheer quantity over decent quality.
And I'm not saying some of the games in the RO64 weren't good, but it would have been better to cast just a selection of games.
I doubt even the most diehard fans (1%ers) watched the whole 16 or 18 hour worth of RO64 games. And by not watching the whole thing, there's a high chance of missing the, 3 or 4 series which were actually worth watching.
Contradictory first statement. Asking for biased casting based on limiting exposure of players and not casting players who not only have fans, but had their friends watching. Our views were constant.
On September 06 2011 10:13 Game wrote: I don't think you'll find even 1% of people will support your opinion here. This is a foreigner starleague, and if the game play and level bothers you, please stop watching it.
I wasn't expecting TSL (which was also a foreigner starleague) level games. I honestly see no gain in having the earlier stages casted, unless of course everyone prefers sheer quantity over decent quality.
And I'm not saying some of the games in the RO64 weren't good, but it would have been better to cast just a selection of games.
I doubt even the most diehard fans (1%ers) watched the whole 16 or 18 hour worth of RO64 games. And by not watching the whole thing, there's a high chance of missing the, 3 or 4 series which were actually worth watching.
Contradictory first statement. Asking for biased casting based on limiting exposure of players and not casting players who not only have fans, but had their friends watching. Our views were constant.
Is it sad to say that I had the stream running just about the whole length of the cast? I think I missed an hour or two though :-/(roomate pulled me away from the stream) ^ though I did finish watching it that very same night. lawl
On September 06 2011 16:55 Finance wrote: is rule #1 of ISL serious?
Pretty much a useless post. With such a vague question lacking real motive, the only real answer is yes. However, if you care to explain under what circumstance you find my precedence over the actions and operations of Kaal's International StarLeague misrepresentative or preposterous, I'm all ears. Given that, if you're seeking attention by your post, I urge you to desist and take up any of your concerns with me privately.
On September 06 2011 16:55 Finance wrote: is rule #1 of ISL serious?
Nah, he just felt like putting it in the rules section just to troll? o.o I mean... Why should Game have any authority over his own tour? I completely agree.
So I need to switch my match with Ruarc but no1 seems to know him or his contact information. I really don't want to get DQd but I can't play @ the time on saturday (can play earlier that day or on another day)... What's going to happen? I assume he will take WO if he's given the chance.
On September 07 2011 11:05 dRaW wrote: So I need to switch my match with Ruarc but no1 seems to know him or his contact information. I really don't want to get DQd but I can't play @ the time on saturday (can play earlier that day or on another day)... What's going to happen? I assume he will take WO if he's given the chance.
I'm guessing if he wants the W.O there's really nothing you can do.(though I have nothing to do with ISL, just what I think)
On September 07 2011 11:05 dRaW wrote: So I need to switch my match with Ruarc but no1 seems to know him or his contact information. I really don't want to get DQd but I can't play @ the time on saturday (can play earlier that day or on another day)... What's going to happen? I assume he will take WO if he's given the chance.