leta adding his 4th and 5th raxes
hero sending his first two lurkers forwards they burrow on the SW hexside
hive morphing, a 5th hatch being added in the main
leta already has vessel with his one tank and mnm so no stop lurker shenanigans will work
scouting scv picked off by mutaling
leta adding 6th rax, one dropship heads out
irradiate on the mutas, poor split but it was on a damaged muta
leta just bypasses the lurkers on the ridge and heads towards hero's megachoke
lurker sandwich kills a lot of leta's mnm!
Irradiate on the muta clumps! Bio tanks and vessel moving towards Hero Lurkers stopping them Mutas flying over head to their doom Seige complete, and a dropship!
dropship dropping in hero's main! scourge respond too late!
leta sending his army towards hero's 3rd as marines snack on drones in hero's main - the drones are slow to flee
leta finds a gift of 5 unburrowed lurkers at hero's 3rd what is this... it's over leta walks into hero's 3rd unopposed
hero getting out-multitasked fuck yeah leta
Drop in the base of the main Drones taking out a good numer of drones Leta takes out almost all of the lurkers at 11 before they burrown SNIPE ON THE NYDUS 3rd is going down
hatch at the 3rd easily destroyed, so many drone carcasses...
first vulture out, mines being researched I guess
well hero gets a vessel scourge midmap but another drop in hero's main...
hero doesn't even run his drones
hero moving to leta's nat with 6/7 lurkers 2 bunkers are there
leta picking off hero's pool in his main, his main army heading home to defend
maybe 8 lurkers burrow at leta's nat?
leta leta leta leta leta leta! fun fact: his name means summer in Russian.
hero donates a defiler/lurker combo to leta's army moving back to leta's main his lurkers now burrow at the main mineral line and raxes but tanks with vessels clearing out the lurkers now
Another drop of marines in the back of the main Lurkers pressing the nat 2 bunkers though Not sure it will be tnough Leta takes out the gas and pool in main Lurkers getting funneled into the choke Taking out the nat Hive down to 1/2 health before all the rines get taken out Defiler SNIPEUUU Hero has lrukers all over Leta's main, but no defiler support Tanks take out most of them 11 kill lurker!
leta's lost a LOT of scvs but the attack is cleared
hero still has zero drones in his main
bad gg timing from hero =\
hero with fewer than 12 drones leta has this
swarm/ling attack near leta's main doesn't work against firebats, scourge similarly fail
dropships heading out again
well hero does have 4 drones in his main now, just in time for the dropship to come
hero gg's fuck yeah leta ^^
A third drop into the main of Hero, nothing to spot it OL's spot it, but the drop unloads Firebat with the drop GG from Hero
On May 14 2011 13:52 Crunchums wrote: hero with fewer than 12 drones leta has this well there's more at his nat
another drop in hero's main from the same damn spot and hero concedes and hangs his head