On May 19 2011 18:30 Koka-kola wrote: I wonder why should anybody root for Grape, he seems a good nice toss, but if he wins, he will surely drop out in some unimpressive fashion later, but, hell, Jd is doing this PL chit all over again doesn;t look like a good show either((
New blood, a protoss in a final.
Sounds enticing to me.
KTFlash icon...
Most Flash fans are rooting hard for JD here. I want Flash to win the Golden Badge against a respectable opponent.
Calm and Zero aren't that bad either you know :p
We're talking about facing Flash in a bo5. Are you sure you saw Calm playing ZvT before ?
Are you sure you saw his Bo5 vs flash?
Which actually produced on of my favourite Flash games; the game on FS. So epic.
Calms muta micro was so scary that series too :C Sad he doesnt produce non fail epic games anymore
JD with spire coming, Grape tries to sneak a zealot into the third but JD reading for him. At the same time Grape attacks JD's nat with a probe and a zealot but fended off with minimal losses. JD looks to counter with a zergling runby but Grape with a zealot and probe blocking
>>>Holgerius isn't it boring to be a fan of the strongest player? I find it not so amusing or chili. I think being a Flash fan is miles from what you can call "a true fanboy experience" that when with JD. I like Flash, his games are very interesting, but you always so sure in him, and when he loses it doesn't look like a fare square loss. Don't you agree?
On May 19 2011 18:57 GTR wrote: i dont know why people automatically assume spire = mutas
it's necessary to do the mass hydra build to get out the scourge to kill off corsairs.
Was just going to say this. 3 hatch spire into 5 hatch hydra only uses the early spire for scourge, right? As long as he throws down a Den it'll be ok.
JD with the same build, extra hatchery at nat and third and taking early fourth base at top right. Hydra den up, two scourge looking to snipe the corsair as it emerges from the SG but don't get it. DT out near nat of JD