GO WHERE!!!!! Although He probably will lose badly xD
woot, been waiting for this.
Survivor King Canata. :D
Screw SC2 TLPDization.
Free, Canata to make it out.
Miso to win his game.
wow gostunv, thats exactly what i bet.
Canata Yellow Terran at 11 Free Teal Toss at 1
That should do the trick, fixing play TLPDs
51300 Posts
hey canata got acne treatment
Canata getting through will complicate matters a bit because he's due to enter ACE soon.
Tyson TLPD-ized to an SC2 player. =(
That said, GO FREE!
On March 17 2011 17:06 Krazilec wrote: wow gostunv, thats exactly what i bet.
and we both have ACE icons!
*high five monitor*
On March 17 2011 17:07 Magus wrote: Tyson TLPD-ized to an SC2 player. =(
That said, GO FREE! I find that extremely upsetting.
Canata opening 1 rax FE, free sending zealot over to Canata's base. PROBE KILLS SCV!
Canata plants down his nat Free scouts, no scout from Canata Slowlot casually strolling over Probe KILL!
Canata has three marines and denies zealot.
Constructing bunker... Free upgrades range, no Nexus up yet.
Factory going up. Citadel of Adun up for free!
Meanwhile Nexus goes up for free. Range finishes and goon start pressuring bunker. Templar archives goes up.
2nd factory starting...
On March 17 2011 17:07 Magus wrote: Tyson TLPD-ized to an SC2 player. =(
That said, GO FREE!
I just reported it to the TLPD team ^^ GO Free!