On March 14 2011 16:43 a7choi wrote: hey guys i have a question. is there a WL playoffs/finals?? can someone inform me how this works? i thought the only playoffs were at the end of the season when the top teams play each other and then there's a finals at the end
Fantasy v Snow. Drool! That would be sick match up... I have liked Snow plays quite lot, and it could be best game for a while... least it got a chance to be one of greats..
Also Bisu v Hydra could be sick sick sick game. Both extremely skilled in their respective matchups.
On March 14 2011 18:07 aimaimaim wrote: hmmmm I may be the only SKT fan who wants bisu to lose and SKT, as a whole, to win :D
YOU ARE NO SKT FAN, BOY. go to your room and reflect on what you have just said!
There's a big difference between SKT fan and Bisu fan. It's not a crime to want the rest of SKT to shine instead of JUST Bisu. Though wanting Bisu to lose probably isn't the best idea.