Yellow!~~ I wonder who will be sent to his death against this god of progaming? Will it be Shine? Or Baby?
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
I picked Fox to win. How they manage to loose with such a good Terran line up is a mystery to me. I love ace though, so I'm hoping for some good games.
United States 7481 Posts
I think Ace has a good chance, FOX has not been playing well this season.
Estonia 4504 Posts
United States 4053 Posts
I'm calling it right now, this match's epicness will exceed the other one severalfold
On November 17 2010 12:50 mustaju wrote: Here's a banner for your hard work.
+ Show Spoiler + [
Thanks so much! Nice work.
Estonia 4504 Posts
On November 17 2010 12:51 jalstar wrote: Thanks so much! Nice work.
Most welcome. Now lets get this match started!
Australia 14568 Posts
On November 17 2010 12:53 Craton wrote: Heroing.
You're a Champion!
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
can't wait to see FBH DO SOME ROBOT DANCE <3 ACE hwaiting!
Australia 14568 Posts
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
didn't recognise lucifer m18m (white) 7 lucifer (blue) at 11
Why does Fox keep sending LuCifer when he's terrible? I think they're fooled by the name.
LOL, 2 THEROCKS?!?!?! MBC commentators flipping out and going crazy about a TheRock look-a-like in the audience!! hahahahaha!
Australia 14568 Posts
There's some guy who looks like the Rock in the audience, I actually thought it was the rock. Wow M18M just goes right for it and gets up the ramp as Lucifer retreats, M18M might have over extended with his aggressiveness though as his forces are wiped out, he runs his remaining zealots into the back nat of Lucifer to get some probes but to no avail. Looks like Lucifer is taking his third. Robo up for Lucifer as well as adun. M18M also gets his third up and lays down a gateway. M18M out with a shuttle now as Lucifer's temp archive finishes, M18M just getting down his adun.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
go ace~ its time for another win... its been a while >.<
Australia 14568 Posts
M18M with two more gateways, looks like Lucifer is getting his fourth up M18M with his temp archive now and his second forge, first forge is spinning. Reaver out for M18M, second forge down for Lucifer M18M lays even more gateways down. M18M is going for the attack? He drops his two reavers and take out the eggs, all eggs are down and M18M rushes his zealots up the ramp, but no before Lucifer's army arrives, 1 reaver goes down leaving M18M with one left, Lucifer with storms and destroys M18M army, but M18M brings in two DTs and Lucifer with no protection is forced to run, he snipes the HTs. Lucifer with most of his army still around, he heads towards M18M's main but M18M's next batch of units sit at the ramp to defend, Lucifer wisely retreats for now.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
M18M... almost goes for the 5th but backs off to prepare for lucifer's push.
STOOORM M18M's army disappears, lucifer with overwhelming army advantage
Australia 14568 Posts
I think Lucifer is getting another expo up at 1 o clock, M18M still roaming around with his DTs M18M taking his nat expo, it's 5 bases (lucifer) vs 4 bases. Lucifer with the bigger army atm, M18M sniping units wherever he can Another battle takes place, it looks like Lucifer was caught out of position, he loses units and retreats, M18M sends some units up into the back where the eggs were previously broken, but there's cannons there, Lucifer losing a lot of units, and it looks like M18M has th large army now. Lucifer retreats up to his expo to the safety of his cannons. M18M brings his army to the nat of Lucifer where he's met with storms, M18M backs away without firing a single shot at Lucifer. Both armies just roaming the map, lone DT is killed off, both armies going back and force trying to get a better position. M18M is running his army away, another big clash with a lot of storms being thrown by both sides, Lucifer coming out on top by a lot of units, meanwhile there's a lot of HTs waiting out at the nat of M18M, he morphs some into archons.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
lee young ho getting a 6th base -_- and not the mineral only bases. M18M regenerates most of his zealots, but lee young ho catches him out of position. storms everywhere, and M18M gg's
Australia 14568 Posts
M18M sends a handful of zealots into the back nat of Lucifer's expo, which is then met with the large army of Lucifer. GG as M18M has almost no army to match
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
Lucifer finally taking one. That was a pretty decent PvP.
wow this performance by kara is terrible...
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Bisutopia 19158 Posts
Game 2: + Show Spoiler + this should be good. But I dont think ruby has the talent to TvZ
On November 17 2010 13:35 BisuDagger wrote: Game 2:
+ Show Spoiler + this should be good. But I dont think ruby has the talent to TvZ
Because it's not like it's his best matchup or anything. Oh. Wait.
On November 17 2010 13:37 Musoeun wrote: Because it's not like it's his best matchup or anything.
he just said talent
Lings roaming around. Spire going up for Shine
The OP lineup is off by the way.
Ruby going for that 4rax fast +1 build, forget the name but Flash used it against Jaedong last OSL finals on EotS.
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
On November 17 2010 13:37 Musoeun wrote: Show nested quote + Because it's not like it's his best matchup or anything. Oh. Wait.
^ I meant I believe Ruby is outclassed by shine in this MU
Australia 14568 Posts
Single firebat at Shine's third, wipes out 3 drones before they high tail it out of there
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Australia 14568 Posts
Queens nest for Shine, starport for Ruby Shine teching to Hive now while his ling/muta army roam the middle trying to whittle away Ruby's army.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Shine holds Ruby off! Nice choice to thin out Ruby's marine force instead of harassing.
wow ruby got his mnm caught on the ramp by mutas. loses everything because of that =\
shine's mutalisks are scary
Shine cleans up the marine force near the ramp with mostly mutas
Australia 14568 Posts
Ruby's army heads to Shine's third, mutas killing quite a few marines, lings arrive with lurkers up the ramp but before the lurkers burrow Ruby loses his army to muytas. Ruby's army on the move again with three tanks this time. Mutas picking off the odd marine here and there, sci vessel out now. Defiler mound has finished for Shine. SCV moves to 6 waiting for orders.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
shine didn't cancel his 4th! ruby about to bust shine's 3rd
haha nice swarms from shine
ruby really needs more vessels. he's still on one... nvm 2 more just came. still
double drop on the 3rd doesn't accomplish much because ruby refuses to move out of swarm
Australia 14568 Posts
Defiler is out, Ruby moving his army once again to 12 o clock, his tanks lag behind slighly, lurkers there to defend but they don't put up much of a fight, new hatchery falls to the gun fire. Meanwhile Ruby takes his third at 6. Ruby trying to take down Shine's third but swarm stops ruby in his tracks. Swarm forces Ruby's army back as Shine retakes his fourth. Scourge manage to take out two vessels leaving Ruby with just one. Ruby tries again to take down the fourth, but defiler plagues the army and lurkers finish the rest, leaving a lone medic there. Ruby seems to be taking his fourth at 7 while Shine takes an expo at 11 Ruby making drop ships, he's loaded them and they drop shine's third at 12, but the nydus spits out units before it goes down, swarm goes up, lurkers burrow and lings take care of Ruby's forces Ultras are out now
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
ruby unsuccessfully tries to snipe the ultra den with a drop XP
=/ Ruby's control is quite subpar this game. What happened?
Ruby had some bad micro...losing marines unnecessarily.
lol scourges fly right by dropship, but then turn around and kill it
may be not the best, but a pretty entertaining ZvT!
Man...if Ruby loses this...
Australia 14568 Posts
Another plague over Ruby's army, ultras engage without storm and make easy work of the mnm force. Shine taking another expo at 2 Ruby drops the third trying to snipe the ultra cavern, but fails. Scourge fly right over the drop ship, Ruby notices and drops marines out to take out scourge but are met with zerglings that decimate the marines as scourge take out the drop ship. Ruby takes out the hatch at 3, ultras arrive a little late, they're met with tank fire and are blown to pieces. Ruby has a lot of tanks seiged at 6
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
this is where tank banking turns the tide... hopefully
Canada 8028 Posts
Shine doesn't seem to understand that a-moving ultras into tanks is a bad thing.
Wait a minute, Shine playing a hive game? How did it get to this?
Ruby doesn't lift his CC!
AWFUL way to waste your tanks...
WTF WAS THAT? Tank before marines?
Canada 8028 Posts
Ruby's doing his best to throw away this game. -_-
GJ ruby. -.- wrecks shine's main o.o
Canada 8028 Posts
normally, ruby would have stomped this kid. but... damn this is some bad micro >.<
Australia 14568 Posts
Shine loses his Hive, this game is so bad but so LOL Mnm finally reach the main where there's one ultra to defend, Shine's got onthing despite the number of bases he has, defiler mound goes down. Shine quickly rebuilds everything, meanwhile Ruby is leveling everything in Shine's main.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Canada 8028 Posts
Pretty much all of shine's tech is gone. He's trying to get his lair up again, it looks like.
shine has 0 tech, not even a pool
And...Ruby ggs.... I am not sure what to say....
Wow, that was a really tense game.
Canada 8028 Posts
Hero vessel erasers a bunch of drones, but is taken out by scourge. ;_; And ruby gg's! Edit: lol wrong name. <_<
ruby gg's because he has no mining. WHY DO YOU NOT IRRADIATE DEFILERS/DODGE SWARMS >.<
Ruby GGs. Shine ups it to 2-0 Wemade
Cant believe Ruby did so well when Zerg had like 6 bases, lololol. edit: Except for the part where he wasted his tanks in desperation.
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
Wow that game was epic. Recommend it. Def thought Ruby had it for a moment there.
that odd ending.
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Australia 14568 Posts
Scourge take out a vessel, plague goes off on mnm and lings do as much damage as they can before they're wiped out. Mnm attack the third where they're greeted by three sunkens and lings. The attack is unsuccessful. ERASER with vessels GG from Ruby
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 17 2010 14:05 Spazer wrote: Hero vessel erasers a bunch of drones, but is taken out by scourge. ;_; And shine gg's!
:/ It was Ruby who gg'd. Tense game though.
This is why we can't have nice things.
it was an exciting game yes but made me sad
shine played well, bobba the haters lol
United States 4053 Posts
wait, how did shine win after ruby destroyed all his tech buildings? i got up to get food for the ending, and it ended while i was getting my food
On November 17 2010 14:06 infinitestory wrote: wait, how did shine win after ruby destroyed all his tech buildings? i got up to get food for the ending, and it ended while i was getting my food
ruby had zero mining, shine was mining on 2 bases at the time, and had rebuilt his tech. his ultra den was also untouched.
On November 17 2010 14:06 infinitestory wrote: wait, how did shine win after ruby destroyed all his tech buildings? i got up to get food for the ending, and it ended while i was getting my food
he had like 4 more bases with minerals and still had his den i think ruby's 4th or wahtever it was kept getting ling'd and he only had that 5th left with money
Intense game, but Ruby's micro didn't quite meet what I expected of him :\ Ruby could have had that if he managed to macro a little better. He was running on one base for so long.
Australia 14568 Posts
On November 17 2010 14:06 infinitestory wrote: wait, how did shine win after ruby destroyed all his tech buildings? i got up to get food for the ending, and it ended while i was getting my food
He rebuilt a lot of things in his various bases, he was still mining quite a bit as well. Ruby was getting smashed by plagues and swarms. I don't know what he was doing with his tanks.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 17 2010 14:06 infinitestory wrote: wait, how did shine win after ruby destroyed all his tech buildings? i got up to get food for the ending, and it ended while i was getting my food
Shine had rebuilt pool after Ruby had sniped it earlier in the game, so he could still pump all those cracklings from his 5/6 other bases Very exciting game. Save for the tank position blunder, it was well played by Ruby. And kudos to shine, he had pretty decent defiler control.
On November 17 2010 14:06 hayata2.0 wrote: that odd ending.
Indeed! One with no Tech, the other with no mining. lol...
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
Yeah, Ruby had an expo floating cause of ling harass. And Shine had expos and rebuilt tech.
Let's see what awesome cheese Much has prepared for this game. :D
Midas Spawns in sexy sexy purple at the 9 o'clock position. Grandpatoss spawns in red at the 6 o'clock position. map is fortress
United States 10328 Posts
On November 17 2010 14:18 seRapH wrote: midasss
rofl I read that as "mid-ass"
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
I dont agree with Much vs Midas. I think midas can out macro Much. 3-0 for wemade for sure.
Baby bear builds a cute little supply depot behind his mineral line to protect himself from child molestors (like ]343[)
wemade prolly has this 3-0 ez...
much starts his 2nd gate. was that a 10/15? elevator rush maybe? anything's possible at this point. except FE
much opened zealot. which is now pretty much worthless right because midas is incredible and will defend this easily?
wow much proxies a pylon in the middle of the map. definitely something cheesy
Much with a convincing attk but siege mode ends the assault.
much tries to snipe the tank but it survives and siege finishes. much has 4 goons still trying to bust but a second tank is now out. much expands off his 2gate and midas's cc (cute camp) is now done and floating
much ALMOST gets a tank.....cute center pylon lol.
much kills a depot at Midas nat.
much really wants to kill something midas doesn't want him to. much getting a support bay, but midas already making a ring of turrets
midas going for a 3rd cc off a single factory! this reaver now has a timing... :< MIDAS I BELIEVE
Australia 14568 Posts
Nice, reavers snipe some scvs and a tank, another tank! third tank? No
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
holy crap much's dual reaver harass is really solid
Much loses a shuttle + 1/2 reavers...
fail drop..much's tech so
midas making his 7th factory. much coming for an attack with no higher tech?
much has 5 bases now, getting a 6th, midas still on 3. he needs to do something STORM DROP about 6 scvs die i think
midas pushing the center while simultaneously dropping the nat. two dropships out now, and vultures ready to ransack the 5th
mine kills 3 goons aaaah man.
Midas kills every probe at 3 o'clock...
much loses every probe he had at the 5th. cleans up the attack tho, and midas is starting to push again, while taking a 4th
Midas's vultures completely deplete Much's probe line @ 3 Much looks to be done for with Midas's doom army rolling out
HOLY SHIT Super Storms save the day for Much Jesus
GPA HAS A TON OF HT READY FOR ACTION INA SPEED SHUTTLE goons clearing mines in the center now, midas dropping the nat again? and the 5th simultaneously
midas positions his tank in range of the photon during harass. bad move
much defends without losing much, and now he's gonna hit the 4th
holy crap that was a close battle. scvs and tanks died but midas holds.
why no arbiters yet much?
Still no arbiter's tribunal present for Much
much storms his own shuttle to death :D
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
wow, Much with heavy pushes, but Midas regrows his army too quickly.
sorry to say it but midas has been macroing better.
Good storms, but nothing else...
much's lack of arbiters really hurting now, his ht are dying too often. good storms but a lot of tanks are left.
Should've gotten Arbs. Too bad.
midas a-moving tanks into cannons lol.
midas would haev won a lot earlier if he didn't clump 6 tanks into one storm -_- dts now for much.
I love Midas Tank clumps. It gives opportunity for epic storms. ^__^
midas a-moving tanks into much's nat. its pretty much game.
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
Midas is about to take this game.He has to many bases.
much gg's. nice game, i'd give it a 4
Much resorting to dts. Midas has a huge macro advantage now with Much's economy damaged. Midas even going siegeless tanks. Much GGs Midas wins! 3-0 Wemade :D
that was a sad game. A tear jerker.
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United States 10328 Posts
sigh much is steamrolled :/ gg craton's stream did freeze on a nice picture though
ACE gets into late game three times in a row, loses all three games.
Blargh, I hate how they throw in english words in that retarded way in all songs. -__-
A valiant effort from Much.
On November 17 2010 14:45 Holgerius wrote: Blargh, I hate how they throw in english words in that retarded way in all songs. -__-
they generally use "I love you" alright. and native speakers like Jay Park and SE7EN won't be fucking that up.
why no fbh :/ ggaemo vs pure~
Looking forward to some hilarious Ggaemo fail. At least ACE can claim to be the best progaming soccer team now.
ggaemo vs pure on icarus could be a 4-0 sweep =\ ggaemo spawns in blue at 6 pure in red at 9
pylon block XP cancels tho. double cannons vs 6 lings
hm ggaemo decides to expand towards pure instead of away. not sure if i agree. he's got 3 hatcheries going, at any rate.
pure thoroughly confused about where ggaemo made his 3rd, scouted both 3 o'clocks and the 5 and still hasn't found it.
ggaemo sacking his scouting ovie evidently. pure decides just to go into the main instead of scouting for a 3rd citadel going down, and ggaemo is 3hatch spire
spinning forge, 4th hatch planted, and pure scouts the 3rd with a sair 5th hatch at the 3rd
ggaemo with a 3 hatch build and ggaemo unprepared for sairs? wtf?
Roving corsair takes down a corsair and spots the 3rd expansion. Now lasering away at a 2nd one
looks like pure's going to get 2 ovies with his first sairs =\ scourge comes to drive them off.
zealots about to his the 3rd. ggaemo gets one with speedlings i think, not sure. pure repelled and loses about 4 zealots to zerglings getting his 3rd now too
Another Overlord implodes from a corsair. Zealots and Lings duking it out. Pure with +1 attack now
scourge kill 2/4 sairs! that pretty much stomped the dt/sair shenangins... i think...
pure loses yet another corsair to scourge, down to 2 one lurker dies to storm, and not HYDRA BUST storms in time to defend both cannons go down tho observer is now out, and no ovie/scourge to get it.
lol Pure storms an already dead lurker. Ggaemo attempts a bust at nat. Gets stalled a bit, now lurkers hammering away at gateway/forge
storm kills millions on hydras. This reminds me of a match vs UpMagiC involving a mine...
Pure is getting owned by Ggaemo
templar archives on verge of death. STORMS KILL TONS OF HYDRA pure still in deep shit. even with god storms. the hydra macro is unfaltering. but with dts coming ggaemo needs some ovies NAT NEXUS ABOUT TO BE SNIPED NAT NEXUS GOES DOWN NO MINING FOR PURE GGAEMO MASSIVE ADVANTAGE
lol somehow Ggaemo snipes the forge AND templar archives Pure has no storms now. Pure is basically terribly behind as Ggaemo destroys the nat nex That previous lurker STILL there. Archon finally kills it
main still not mining wow and just 1 lurker
main mining again. Pure losing 3rd!
archon finally cleans up the lurker in the main. but the templar archives is down, as is the nat nexus. ggaemo now just has to kill the 3rd to secure victory. and LURKER BLOCK AT THE RAMP SICK 3RD NEXUS SECONDS AWAY FROM DYING PURE BARELY SAVES IT, LESS THAN 100 HEALTH LEFT ON IT DOOM DROP
Pure keeps nex barely but many probes were killed.
Nifty lurker block enables hydras to ALMOST kill Pure's third. Now doom drop at the main!
gg from pure. Funny game.
Pure GGs Ggaemo pulls a GG out of Pure. 3-1 Wemade.
awww does ggaemo have tears in his eyes? :')
On November 17 2010 14:53 Apex wrote: Looking forward to some hilarious Ggaemo fail.
Too bad it was hilarious Pure fail
Bisutopia 19158 Posts
oh man, pure fail. 4-1 inc
Woot, ggaemo continuing to crush nerds!
On November 17 2010 14:53 Apex wrote: Looking forward to some hilarious Ggaemo fail. At least ACE can claim to be the best progaming soccer team now.
In your face.
On November 17 2010 15:07 Lucumo wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 14:53 Apex wrote: Looking forward to some hilarious Ggaemo fail.
Too bad it was hilarious Pure fail
I eat my words. T_T
On November 17 2010 15:07 BisuDagger wrote: oh man, pure fail. 4-1 inc
firebathero is going to rape whoever is next up for wemade.
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pure losing those corsairs really lost him the game, dts could have done so much more if that didn't happen.
oh man... Pure is in such a slump....
On November 17 2010 15:09 seRapH wrote: pure losing those corsairs really lost him the game, dts could have done so much more if that didn't happen.
Yeah ggaemo did not even have ovie speed yet.
Go ggaemo! ggaemo continues to do more for ACE in one round than he did in an entire season on Oz - what happened? Looking forward to FBH if he comes out
set 5 is going to be gorush vs baby GORUSH, with his CRAAAZY PEAK ZVT ELO vs Ty. with his CRAAAZY DROP PLAY
On November 17 2010 15:13 Apex wrote: Predicting FBH vs Baby.
On November 17 2010 15:14 JadeFist wrote: GoRush vs Baby.
Lol, no more predicitons please
Ah GoRush vs Baby. Should be interesting.
On November 17 2010 15:15 Lucumo wrote: Lol, no more predicitons please
Hey, I got 1/2 of that one right at least. :[ Seeing as my predictions go terribly wrong, I will predict Baby to lose. It's the only way!
On November 17 2010 15:16 Apex wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:15 Lucumo wrote: On November 17 2010 15:13 Apex wrote: Predicting FBH vs Baby.
On November 17 2010 15:14 JadeFist wrote: GoRush vs Baby.
Lol, no more predicitons please
Hey, I got 1/2 of that one right at least. :[
Seeing as my predictions go terribly wrong, I will predict Baby to lose. It's the only way!
Careful, you might become Kim Carrier and accidentally start getting your predictions right!
On November 17 2010 15:16 Apex wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:15 Lucumo wrote: On November 17 2010 15:13 Apex wrote: Predicting FBH vs Baby.
On November 17 2010 15:14 JadeFist wrote: GoRush vs Baby.
Lol, no more predicitons please
Hey, I got 1/2 of that one right at least. :[
Seeing as my predictions go terribly wrong, I will predict Baby to lose. It's the only way!
Here's hoping your no kim carrier XD edit: love the mbc proleague intro.
Ty spawns in white at the 7 GoRush spawns in teal at 1 map is Benzene
On November 17 2010 15:18 seRapH wrote: map is Benzene
Sounds like prescription drugs...
3 hatch before pool! Cross positions so it may work out!
GoRush slams down a production hatchery in hidden position.
On November 17 2010 15:20 JadeFist wrote: 3 hatch before pool! Cross positions so it may work out!
2 player map though
On November 17 2010 15:17 jalstar wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:16 Apex wrote: On November 17 2010 15:15 Lucumo wrote: On November 17 2010 15:13 Apex wrote: Predicting FBH vs Baby.
On November 17 2010 15:14 JadeFist wrote: GoRush vs Baby.
Lol, no more predicitons please
Hey, I got 1/2 of that one right at least. :[
Seeing as my predictions go terribly wrong, I will predict Baby to lose. It's the only way!
Careful, you might become Kim Carrier and accidentally start getting your predictions right!
Here's hoping your no kim carrier XD
Haha we'll see. Baby expands to the natural. Lings pop up and start chasing Baby's scouting scv around 3 hatch for GoRush :o
On November 17 2010 15:21 jalstar wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:20 JadeFist wrote: 3 hatch before pool! Cross positions so it may work out!
2 player map though
with a bluestorm rush distance
On November 17 2010 15:21 seRapH wrote: WTF IS GORUSH DOING 12HATCH IN WEIRDEST PLACE EVER
I recall calm doing this once. Basically terran expects 2 hatcherys worth of units and gets 3 XD. Edit: or not? hes mining from that odd position..
Australia 14568 Posts
Maybe he put it there to make it easier to defend, sunken wall lol
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
baby going to bust down the power generator powering gorush's base. what
SC2 esque creep spread going on there.
2 firebats going around and chipping away at the generator Baby's scv scouts the 3rd hatch
Baby goes through the backdoor but Gorush is prepared and deflects it with lurkers
firebathero is in that suit
hero bat goes into gorush's main only to get drone drilled to death =(
Hero firebat tries to get some drone snipe kills but then gets squirted on by drones and has his hopes and dreams destroyed.
Australia 14568 Posts
That firebat would have done so much damage lol, nice drone drilling from Gorush
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
GoRush clearly misclicked or some shit, I mean, what the fuck
gorush likes to flank and snipe one medic..
United States 5018 Posts
Do you watch on Grobyc? I have problems connecting to him.
raiisu out for baby! making friends with the lurkers trying to bust down the power gen baby builds a bunker in time and gorush retreats raiisu sniping overlords
GoRush going to give Baby a taste of his own medicine with some generator killing lurkers. But wraiths.
GoRush decides to join in on the backdoor generator strat and has two lurkers hammering away at the generator near Baby's base.
Wraith pretending to be a corsair. Has two overlord kills and now is running away from scourges while scouting Vulture goes into the main of GoRush scores about 1-2 drone kills before being chased away by lings
i like how a double vulture raid gets a total of 1 drone
Australia 14568 Posts
Ohhh drop ship flying dangerously close to the scourge!
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
wow gorush's scourge lets a dropship pass =\ they didn't even collect a toll..
Dropship sees scourge and runs away before scourges notice its presence.
Australia 14568 Posts
Dropship dropping units at the edge of Gorush's main, defiler mound about to be sniped but lings arrive, drones die and so do the lings, the rest of the drones leg it out of the main. Drop ship drops even more units. Lurkers run into mines!
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
baby's drop kills everything in the main pretty much MINES KILL LURKERS HOLY SHIT gorush D:
GoRush's lurkers eating some mines while his hive is under attack :|
2 lurkers get destroyed by mines. Baby's drop in main doing some major harass
Australia 14568 Posts
More lings arrive at the main, few marines still left hammering away at the mound, it goes down. Hydras clean up whatever marines are left but the damage is done. Gorush resumes mining, he has four bases running (while baby has three) Large vessel cloud along with mnm roaming the map around lurkers, another drop at Gorush's main, sunken goes up but it won't morph in time, lings arrive to take out the drop.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
EDIT: Never mind. Apparently its the remnants of the previous drop
GoRush's eco is spiraling out of control soon.
awesome drop in the MAIN GORUSH ZVTTTTTTTT!!!
Baby is pretty screwed now.
Major doom drop in Baby's main! Lurkers establish a foothold near Baby's barracks! 2 barracks go down but Baby deflects it! Baby in the meantime apparently kills alot of drones at Gorush's nat WHATS GOING ON
baby is barely holding on by his drops but gorush's army is just overwhelming. 3rd forced to lift!
holyshit gorush is playing so well against baby
wow, GoRush is everywhere!
On November 17 2010 15:17 jalstar wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:16 Apex wrote: On November 17 2010 15:15 Lucumo wrote: On November 17 2010 15:13 Apex wrote: Predicting FBH vs Baby.
On November 17 2010 15:14 JadeFist wrote: GoRush vs Baby.
Lol, no more predicitons please
Hey, I got 1/2 of that one right at least. :[
Seeing as my predictions go terribly wrong, I will predict Baby to lose. It's the only way!
Careful, you might become Kim Carrier and accidentally start getting your predictions right!
He he, too good ^^
United States 7481 Posts
ace comin back... yellow next??
United States 10328 Posts
Australia 14568 Posts
Vessel irradiate a few lurkers Baby's base is littered with depots everywhere, Gorush attempts a lurker drop and the stream is frozen. meanwhile baby is dropping the nat, Gorush cleans up the drop with lings, more units drop inside Gorush's main, lings run in to defend and wipe out the units Gorush runs his hydra/lurk army to baby's fourth where it's undefended, lurkers proceed to move to the high ground over the third mineral only expo and forces a lft there. Gorush now has both 5 and 6.5 bases. I see an ultra cavern Gorush preparing another drop on the main, it's met with marines but not enough to stop this drop, lurkers go down and red smears all over the battle field. A large lurker ling force heading down to the third and obliterates everything GG from Baby Gorush wins and salutes the crowd
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
WOWOWOWOWOW!!! Can't believe he won that game! So good, that game is definitely recommended! ^__^
Wow, that was really well played by GoRush! When Baby was dropping his main I thought there was no way he'd recover...
10387 Posts
HOLY SHIT that was so badass by Gorush, I love that style of ZvT
Gorush has a collossal army. Going for ANOTHER doom drop! The drop has 2 lurkers yet again hammering away! Insanity. GoRush swarms Baby Baby GGs! 3-2 Wemade. AAAHHHH NOO Even the Kim Carrier gets one prediction right. You know what? I'm not even going to predict anymore. It worked for Lucifer, Shine, and Midas. No more. NO MORE.
Russian Federation 42 Posts
GoRush such a baller, death to terran (but seriously, that was an awesome comeback against gay drops)
Wow I expected Gorush to lose... Damn it why did I close the stream!!
WOW GOrush, you're awesome!!!!
Fucking great play. Now we need FBH to take this to ace. :D
Gorush overmacroed Baby. That was 2004-2005 years style.
United States 10328 Posts
i guess 6 base zerg doesn' really care about 1 of his bases LOL
Is Yellow still on Ace? Wasn't he discharged already?
Oh man! This is the first time that I have seen Gorush playing LEGITIMATELY good against a legitimately good player. That was an epic ZvT.
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GORUSH!! Missed hydra/lurk so much in zvt.
Australia 14568 Posts
On November 17 2010 15:39 j2choe wrote: Is Yellow still on Ace? Wasn't he discharged already?
No, Yellow is still on Ace, only Reach and Anytime were discharged recently
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 17 2010 15:38 Lucumo wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:17 jalstar wrote: On November 17 2010 15:16 Apex wrote: On November 17 2010 15:15 Lucumo wrote: On November 17 2010 15:13 Apex wrote: Predicting FBH vs Baby.
On November 17 2010 15:14 JadeFist wrote: GoRush vs Baby.
Lol, no more predicitons please
Hey, I got 1/2 of that one right at least. :[
Seeing as my predictions go terribly wrong, I will predict Baby to lose. It's the only way!
Careful, you might become Kim Carrier and accidentally start getting your predictions right!
He he, too good ^^
>:[ Last resort desperate strategy "NO PREDICTIONS FROM THE WEMADE JINXER" D:
On November 17 2010 15:41 Hyde wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:39 j2choe wrote: Is Yellow still on Ace? Wasn't he discharged already?
No, Yellow is still on Ace, only Reach and Anytime were discharged recently
Kong gets discharged in December... I think.
ok this is korean WoW if i ever saw one NED = WOW
United States 7481 Posts
On November 17 2010 15:41 Disregard wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:41 Hyde wrote: On November 17 2010 15:39 j2choe wrote: Is Yellow still on Ace? Wasn't he discharged already?
No, Yellow is still on Ace, only Reach and Anytime were discharged recently
Kong gets discharged in December... I think.
yes, he's in until the end of december
i cant believe this is happening again, they have to send roro next, they must DO IT!!!! send roro ffs!!!!
Estonia 4504 Posts
On November 17 2010 15:45 [White]NaDa wrote: i cant believe this is happening again, they have to send roro next, they must DO IT!!!! send roro ffs!!!!
On Grand Line SE? They're much better off sending Mind.
who is this for wemade? o.O but FBH oh it is roro. he looks different... huh
FBH has a death stare going there
Great, FBH TvZ. Show us some BC's!
yes thank you, thats Roro for Wemade
firebathero has some sort of inverted Widow's Peak, seriously that's a strange hairline.
is that hero[join]? edit: fail lol
On November 17 2010 15:47 mustaju wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:45 [White]NaDa wrote: i cant believe this is happening again, they have to send roro next, they must DO IT!!!! send roro ffs!!!!
On Grand Line SE? They're much better off sending Mind.
don't underestimate Roro's ZvT, he's gotten pretty good lately.
C'mon FBH. you used the be the bane of ALL zergs from Savior to Jaedong.
ok wtf are they saying about fbh because it sounds interesting...
3 hatch before pool. Greedy Zerg. -__-
United States 10328 Posts
3hatch before pool from roro qq
United States 10328 Posts
rax cc from fbh, he's trying to pressure with rines/few scv
On November 17 2010 15:47 mustaju wrote: Show nested quote + On November 17 2010 15:45 [White]NaDa wrote: i cant believe this is happening again, they have to send roro next, they must DO IT!!!! send roro ffs!!!!
On Grand Line SE? They're much better off sending Mind.
Grand Line is better of Z play IMO, if Roro survives to defilier tech is almost a certain win on such a huge and wide open map against T
firebathero with sad micro
FBH gets 2 drones from an early marine/scv attack
United States 10328 Posts
bunker going up! ... spawning pool finishes... roro is safe fbh scout does get in though
Australia 14568 Posts
lol FBH lays a bunker right at the nat of Roro as he sees the three hatch before pool Drones come to defend along with a pair of lings, marines and scv back off as the bunker is cancelled. CC is finished for FBH and he's building an acadamy
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Lol, weird ninja expo.
hidden expo going on for roro
roro ninja'ing a mineral only? o.O
Australia 14568 Posts
Roro teching to lair, scv trying to slip through the drone and lings up the ramp but is denied Roro taking his third down at 6.5 FBH with some marines on the move Roro lays down three sunkens in response. Mnm's back off after they forced the sunkens. Factory being made now.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
United States 10328 Posts
spire + 3 sunks... roro is safe tricky 3rd for roro
Australia 14568 Posts
Starport started up for FBH, mutas are out for Roro, FBH plants down turrets everywhere. Looks like Roro taking his fourth up at 1 o clock. Starport finishes, Roro trying to pick off some marines.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
United States 5018 Posts
damn fbh doesnt see the proxy hatch. you know something was up fbh so why not scout around???
Canada 8028 Posts
Fast hive going up. Edit: Or not =/
United States 10328 Posts
and roro takes a "3rd" right in front of fbh... tricky tricky turrets are ready for mutas hydras are out, lurkers soon fbh doesn't scan the "4th" at the bottom left since he scans the main lurks out to protect 10.5
Australia 14568 Posts
Queens nest being built now, hydras make their way up to 1 o clock. Mutas still dancing around FBH's main, sci facility has finished. Meanwhile Roro techs to Hive. Roro morphing three lurkers outside his nat. Large mnm force has gathered now with two tanks, mutas try ti snipe a tank but fail. Lurkers on the move, I don't think FBH knows about that expo at 6.5 Irradiate on the mutas and Roro is quick to split
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
United States 10328 Posts
fbh moving out with 1st vessel lol nice muta split by roro not
fbh getting his army raped =\
United States 5018 Posts
Ugh FBH had a nice chance to kill 3rd gas. He can still do it though.
roro about to skip from 4 to 6 bases =\
I think the game is pretty over now. FBH is in a pretty bad situation.
Australia 14568 Posts
Mnm and tanks moving up to 1 o clock, sunkens morph in time to defend with the help of lurkers, muta/ling arrive to help out and FBH's forces are wiped out. Roro taking more bases now (2 and 7 o clock) as his defiler mound is up, he also has two evo chambers
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
United States 10328 Posts
fbh loses whole army at 3rd oops? mech transition for fbh! the 3rd of roro is still unscouted
This reminds me of Jaedong vs FBH on Desti where Jaedong took minonly secret expo.
i dont think i can watch this for much longer -_-
Australia 14568 Posts
Vultres find 7 but are destroyed by lings. FBH taking 6 while vults lay mines down to stop some lings. mnm group moving towards 7 to take our the hatchery. Ultralisk cavern morphing for Roro, meanwhile lings are on the attack at 6, scvs leg it out of there. Science vessels irradiate some lurkers. CC is forced to lift at 6
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
FBH fpview still doesn't know about hidden expo.
fbh on 3 bases with 4th lifted. his army is weak roro is on 5 bases his army is constantly regenerating. plus his ninja 3rd is unscoued.
FBH how could you NOT check there when forces came from that ramp 5 times?
he's almost mined it out lol
roro now on 6 bases with a 7th morphing on island
Australia 14568 Posts
Scourge flying around the map, some decide to fly into the barracks Vultures decimating lings with some tanks as FBH makes the transition into mech. Vults laying mines everywhere now trying to get some map control. Roro still has some Mutas. Control group of lings attack 6 yet again and the scvs run like hell to save themselves. FBH still doesn't know about 6.5 Roro expanding to 3 now
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
fbh's nat is sac'd. FOX 4-2 inc...
the ninja min only about to go down FINALLY but its done its job
lol wow Roro just throws 5 ultras into mines + tanks.
lol ultras tanking mines like nobody's business. drops on both roro's islands!
FBH drops both island expos
Australia 14568 Posts
Ling drop at 3.5 and 6 being attacked by lings, swarm thrown up now, FBH is in a lot of trouble, CC is lifted at both the nat and at 6 Mech army on the move, FBH finds 6.5 finally. That base will fall as nothing is defending it. Meanwhile lurkers are at the ramp of FBH's main with swarm, vessel cloud arrives to irradiate. 6 cows run right into mines and 4 make it out only to be blown up by unseiged tanks, one gets away. Drop ship out now and drops three and 9 o clock at the same time, drones dying and nothing is defending those islands. Roro comes to the aid of 9 with ultra drops
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
fbh somehow holding on, but roro's preparing another drop
roro is terrible at moving up ramps lol
Australia 14568 Posts
Looks like FBH is slowly gaining some sort control over this game as he shuts down a few of Roro's expos. Roro still has a lot of units though, mainly ultras and lings. Meanwhile FBH has resumed mining at 6 and continues to drop 9 but is unsuccessful as their are ultras and scourge there. Roro picking up hydras with his ovies, don't know where they're headed. Roro with a large army of ultras/hydras/kings attacking the nat of FBH, forces a CC lift. He drops hydras at 3 to take out goliaths. Mech army arrives to defend, FBH a-moving them into hydras, finally seiges up to clean whatever is left of the hydra army
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
wow FBH tanks are like flash tanks
You know, this is actually a pretty cool game.
Canada 8028 Posts
I think that was about a control group of ultras lost to mines...
wow roro is really pushing this ultras vs mech thing...
LOL Roro running a dozen ultras into a minefield + sieged tanks. only saves 2
Half a dozen ultras die to mines and tanks
Roro just has too much stuff
200 supply worth of lings
roro says fuck this shit and builds endless lings. fbh knows he's screwed
this is like watching flash vs type-b all over again. except with lings.
Roro's economy is too much. FBH ggsssss
Canada 8028 Posts
Endless streams of zerglings. FBH ggs.
Australia 14568 Posts
Ror retaking 3 o clock, Roro has a lot of ultras, but mines soften them up and tanks take care of the rest. I think Roro has retaken 9 as well. Huge mine drag takes out some vults and tanks, ultras once again inside FBH's main, a large amount of lings are moving towards the center of the map. That's a lot of lings, they stream into 6 o clock and the scvs once again leg it out of there. Mech army comes to defend and manages to hold against that wave. But Roro just keeps coming with lings, they're in the main now and I don't know how much FBH can hold on for GG from FBH Roro has way too many units
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
FBH gg's. FOX 4-2 ACE great games for the most part tho.
FBH, that was a hell of a fight!
Awwwwwww. Too bad.
no thumbs down from roro?
Ninja expo gave roro a leg up the entire game FBH unable to overcome the economic deficit.
Those were like three separate conga-lines of zergage at the end there.
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Nice try FBH, but after losing that sizable force for very little in the middle of the game with an eco disadvantage you were pretty much screwed. Kept going much longer than I thought you would though.
Poor FBH. :< Looking forward to the Midas interview!
Wemade pulls off the win with Roro. :o Good win for Wemade. Gave me a heart attack with the momentum-swing for ACE though.
aw damn FBH. i was really pulling for you..
Sup with all games recommended?
Ah man.. Had it gone to ace.. Well ace would've won.
3 ZvT wins? Frakkin awesome!
wow it is SO impressive that gorush not able makes the lineup but is still able to beat regular A teamers after like 10 years of professional gaming. good lord, I cant even imagine how many games he must have played until now. his bnet account would probably look like 35000 - 25000
I must say the last couple games firebathero has played have been close, hopefully he comes back into some sort of glory and helps pick up the terran lineup for ACE with Ruby.