On November 03 2010 13:01 Zona wrote: Hopefully he's fixed what ails him this season (very strange builds with no apparent purpose)
Oh fuck it's Jangbi
well at least we'll see someone get thoroughly dismantled.
Jangbi will dismantle Fantasy to get his mojo back!
Wow, the new layout for OP in LR thread looks amazing. And there are streams up too. It's the best day since TL.net started turning into SC2 site...
Go T1!
I just wanna see some terrorist vultures. Recently Fantasy has barely been harassing with them.
new jackets for the T1 players - I thought the striped grey ones were non-sanctioned, but they have the SK patch on the shoulder - the bench sure looks inconsistent with most of the players and the race coaches in the "older" (still pretty new) white jacket.
Let's see some magic happen on Benzene!
Fantasy the yellow terran at 7. Jangbi the teal toss at 1!
Yay gogo SKT. Go Bisu, Fanta, Best, and the new(ish) Kwanrollllll
Fantasy in a cute SKT hoodie <3 jangbi in his sexy khan jacket
The terrorist with a grim expression on his face...while Jangbi looks serious.
Fans holding T1 signs across their faces, unable to see the game, bah.
Or are korean fans super-talented?
Fantasy scouting even before his depot finishes - or forward rax?
forward rax near 10
no gateway for Jangbi so far...here comes 12nex!
fantasy building his rax up front to counter possible 12 nex, which jangbi plants. lol
winner will break out of his slump. loser will slump for rest of round 1
hrm, fangirl cheers when they showed the Bisu poster aren't as strong as they were before
well, fantasy's gas is up and fully mining - factory soon
here comes Jangbi's probe into fantasy's main - factory starts
jangbi completely passes the rax, unaware of imminent danger. maybe.
gateway for jangbi finishes, gas is up and core starts
fantasy's scv arrives and sees the early nex - sending 2 rines forwards - bunker pleeeeease?
I would really like to have a huge Bisu poster like that one.
yes yes bunker!
5 probes pulled or just 2 now - started a bit too early?
2nd gate for jangbi now
2 scvs dead - 2 scvs 3 rines against zealot/pulled probes
bunker still not done finished!
fantasy builds a bunker! jangbi pulls a few probes but doesnt seem too worried...
here comes the marines!!
zealot out, helps push fantasy back, but bunker's almost done!
bunker finihses and jangib pulls back