TL ID: L_Master iCCup ID: Lucid[Dreamer] Rank: D Race: Protoss Other: Just need to play more. I'm reasonably fast but thats it.
On December 04 2010 04:33 night terrors wrote:Show nested quote +On December 04 2010 03:59 EtherealDeath wrote:+ Show Spoiler [hidden by OP request] +To address the problem that all these threads and the liquipedia page have (namely, irrelevance over a nontrivial timespan without undue effort), I think perhaps what I need to do is make a site with the following features: 1) Login tied to a unique teamliquid ID. You also associate an iccup or bnet id or both as secondary identifiers. 2) If iCCup id, link to your iccup gaming profile, which will then be automatically parsed and updated every now and then, or you can manually update your rating. Actually I may just have a dropdown that you update yourself... you have to update your activity every week anyways. Less load on my server and theirs with mass updates 3) Region 4) Race 5) If you don't login every week and hit the "Renew Activity" button, then you drop off the list of players. comments? I think thats a pretty good idea.
Seconded. That would be really useful, especially with the added component of having to login/update once a week to help ensure people are active.
TL ID: CaffeineFree-_- iCCup ID: Angel[AoV]/Special[AoV]/ClubActivities Rank: C Race: Terran Other: EST, up for any games
TL ID: ninjah42 ICCup ID: ninjah42 Rank: D- Race :Terran Other: started playing 2 weeks ago. looking for noob partners
TL ID: Ursad0n ICCup ID: Ursad0n Rank: D/D+ Race: Terran Other: Decent, near equal skill vs all races, probably TvZ is worst ATM. Up for games, live in EST. Have skype
TL ID: blahman3344 iCCup ID: blahman3344/thecbm1234 Rank: D/D+ Race: Protoss (but I offrace often) Other: Usually on every weekend, but it'll halt for the next 1-2 weeks (finishing up college apps).
TL ID: jw6282000 iCCup ID: Wr.January Rank: D Race: Zerg Other: My best mu is ZvT. I am on almost everyday. Any rank is fine
TL ID: AleC iCCup ID: xyesyesx (I play on diff. accounts all the time, this is just the current one.) Rank: D+ Race: Terran Other: PST, On pretty often on weekdays and weekends, always looking for a game.
TL ID: TheGlassface ICCup ID: TheGlassface Rank: D Race rotoss Other: AIM is Gleebson, always happy to play
TL ID: PUPATREE iCCup ID: PUPA555 Rank: D+/C- Race: Zerg Other: Can't host, I like ventrilo, need a D/D+/C- T player to grind a hundred standard games with (ZvT my worst mu, trying to work on solid play/mechanics)
EtherealDeath, that's an excellent idea.
TL ID: Favorite ICCUP ID:SaintAngel Rank: D/D- Race: Protoss: Other: Am busy with finals atm. will be active after december 17
TL ID: EniraM(CA) ICCup ID: fOrPracticeGG Rank: C / C- Race :Terran (C), Protoss (C-) Other: Best macthup TvP, I can host, just msg me with times ur online or hit up my ICCUP iD.
TL ID: Xyloid iCCup ID: Xyloid Rank: D-/D Race: Zerg Other: Like to play with people around my skill level. I do not do well late game. PM me if someone wants to play me. I love this game, but I am too bad it. I want to improve big time! CAN HOST.
TL ID: Black[CAT] ICCUP iD: [PK]Black[CAT] Rank : D/D+ Race : Terran Other : I need to practice TvP...Only 1 hour behind Korean time (KST)
Singapore66064 Posts
TL ID: konadora iCCup ID: konadora/caramell/konata[izumi]/[TL]konadora Rank: D+ to C Race: All races (Main T) Other: I play all races. Like to play on a variety of maps. Only 1 hour behind Korean time (KST)
TL ID: RustyThompson iCCup ID: RustyThompson Rank: D Race: All races (with a focus on Zerg) Other: PST Just want to play more.
Iccup ID: npnl.soliDzee or solidz Rank: D Race: Protoss Other: Have skype and cannot host
iCCup ID: Wr.Divine Rank: D+/C- maybe... havn't played in awhile. Race: Toss Other: All MUs accepted, add me i'm on usually.... around afternoon :O
Canada11219 Posts
iCCup ID: Passafist Rank: D- Race: Protoss Other: PST evenings. My PvZ is particularly weak with those darn Fast Expands.
TL ID: Fog-of-War iCCup ID: Fog-of-War Rank: D+/C- Race:Terran Other info: i play on US east as well as iccup same account pm me or msg me anytime to play i'm look for good practice!
iCCup ID: Silidons Rank: D- Race: Protoss Other: I just started playing like yesterday, am Diamond in SC2 (crap compared to this game) and would like anyone who is new/bad to practice with me. PST time zone.