TL ID: Confix_Panda iCCup ID: Confix_Panda Rating: ~1200 Rank: E Race: Terran/Zerg Other: I just got starcraft the other day and I am horrible at it. The only reason my rating is up is because I played a protoss who went 5 zealots into carriers. Add me if you want to play with me.
TL ID: xTofuu iCCup ID: xTofuu Rating: D+ Race: Zerg Other:I'm on whenever need be. I played Terran but switched to Zerg.
TL ID: SmitsMcGee iCCup ID: SmitsMcGee Rating: 900ish Rank: D- Race: Zerg, considering switching to Terran Other: Right now I am pretty terribad. However, I am on a lot and willing to work pretty hard to improve. Add me if you want to play, I'm cool with playing any matchup on any map. I'm on a lot in the evening/night generally (EST). Edit: Also have skype and aim, pm me if interested.
United States9960 Posts
TL ID: FlaShFTW iCCup ID: FaTe-EX Rank: D 1100 Race: TvZ, TvP, PvT Other: trying my hardest to get better in my Terran. I can beat some guys, lose to others. my most consistent right now is my Protoss. That matchup hasn't let me down yet.
TL ID: ZeKK iCCup ID: Bd.ZeKk Rank: C-/C Race: Terran Other: Looking for players of all races, people that are worse or better than me. Preferably same skilled or better. But the most important thing is that you are eager to practise, taking it serious just like me, so we both can profit from it.
iCCup ID: winterclan aka Wr.July Rank: D currently Race: Zerg Other: I was a C zerg playing in early 2009. I have just started playing again. I can help anyone, i've played as Protoss up until C- and terran around D+ level. I am also looking for practice partners. I have skype/ventrilo also.
Does any one else think setting up a vent channel for this thread would be a good idea? For those of us who do have vent i feel like it would be a good place to hang out and discuss the games and also just find practice partners without having to add and pm everyone and such. Just an idea.
you can always use the TL teamspeak server. o_O
iccup id: PewPewPrincess Rank: ~C/C+ Race: any Other: i'm a 2v2 player, but maybe i'll start 1v1ing again. :D
ICCup ID: ConversiOn Rank: D/D+ (1270 this season 3-3) Race: Zerg, I can offrace T at roughly D- and toss at D Other: I'm always chilling around op teamliquid when I'm on ^^ My T is horrendous and only my PvZ is decent
Iccup ID: Npnl.Lucifer West ID: Npnl.Lucifer Rank: N/A Race: Protoss Other: I don't generally get on Iccup because AH is not available for macs but do pm me if you want to play.
Iccup: DsX-Cuteplay Rank: C+/B- Race: Protoss Other: I don't really care about skill level typically as long as your c- or above. I just want to practice early game aggression and some build orders over and over again!
Iccup: Herms Rank: D+ Race: Terran Other: I'll play anyone if you catch me on.
TL ID: protoss_machine iCCup ID: protoss_manny (or manny_protoss, I forgot ) Rating: D Rank: N/A Race: Protoss Other: I'm looking for people to help me as I am not too good at these games.
TL ID: ArchAngeLiG iCCup ID: ArchAngeL.iG Rating: Idk haha last time i played iccup i was D+ Rank: N/A for now Race: Terran Other: Trying to get better, need a good teacher ^-^
Op teamliquid for a hangout place. There's usually a decent amount of people but more is always better.
ICCup ID: Machinehead Rank: B+ Race: TVZ, TVP, PVT Other: I wouldn't mind playing players D+ or above that can force me to play a different map every third game or something. If they use a variety of strategies, that would be a plus.
Iccup ID: Silentness Rank: D Race: Terran Other: I was D+ earlier seasons, but this season I'm getting my ass whipped or I'm just getting too old.
TL ID: izaac229 iCCUp ID: izaac229, nedsfood Rank: D- Race: Terran Other: trying to learn starcraft and improving bit by bit
ICCup ID: coffeetoss Rank: C- Race: Terran
Looking to hit C this season. On vacation this week, so msg me for a few games, I usually idle in op teamliquid.
TL ID: DerpDog iCCup ID: DerpDog Rank: D (but probably D-) Race: Zerg (haven't decided if I'm going to play terran instead) Other: Played mostly SC2, looking for people to play BW with and hopefully get the basics down soon enough.