Singapore66072 Posts
'Winner's League Star' Hyvaa to spearhead the battle versus STX! [Fomos = Reporter Kim Kyung Hyun] Hyvaa, ranked number 1 in terms of performance on the new maps
hyvaa, who awakened his 'dormant powers' in the Winner's League, will be spearheading eSTRO in their first match versus STX Soul for Round 4.
Hyvaa is one of the few players who displayed their true worth and potential and garnered many fans during the Winner's League. Hyvaa, who was a relatively new player in 2008, put on a sub-par performance, with winning rates that did not exceed 50% in Round 1 and 2. However, during the Winner's League, he had a record of 16 wins and 9 losses, pushing forward eSTRO's zerg lineup.
He had performed three 3-kills in the Winner's League. And when he did a reverse 3-kill in the game versus STX and shed tears, that image was etched into many fan's minds, which helped to spread his name as a good, young player.
Proving himself to be eSTRO's ace time and time again, he will be sent out as the first player for eSTRO's first match for Round 4, which will take place on the 12th, 1300 KST at the Mun Reh Dong LOOX Hero Center. Their opponents will be, coincidentally, be the same team who helped Hyvaa earn the nicknames 'Sensitive Zerg' and 'The Crying Zerg', STX Soul.
Hyvaa's opponent will be Notice, who also received a lot of attention during the Winner's League. The match will take place on the new map, God's Garden, which has a relatively easy-to-take nat, as well as a backyard expo with gas. However, the backyard expo has a cliff, hence a lot of dropship play will be expected to be played by the Terrans.
Due to his magnificent play during the Winner's League, Hyvaa's record is now 24 wins 20 losses, a great result for an overall Proleague score. However, his real start is now. Hyvaa was eliminated in the recent MSL preliminaries, hence he will only be able to be active in Round 4 of the Proleague.
Although he has performed extremely well for the Winner's League, he must not be complacent. Notice is an up-and-coming player who has performed an all-kill in the Winner's League. Also, Hyvaa's record versus Terrans is 5 wins 4 losses. Because almost half of his 9 losses during the Winner's League were from matches versus Terrans, he must prepare hard for the new maps.
eSTRO's coach Kim Hyun Jin said that "the latest maps seem to favor Zergs quite a lot, and in terms of performance on the new maps, Hyvaa is ranked number 1", and hence, he will be 'expecting a lot from Hyvaa'. He also added that "since it has been a long time since Hyvaa has played a broadcast game, once he gets the hang of it, he'll be able to perform very well".
▶ Shinhan Bank Proleague Round 4 Week 1 Day 2 ◆eSTRO vs STX SouL Set 1: God's Garden - hyvaa vs Notice Set 2: Neo Medusa - SangHo vs Kal Set 3: Heartbreak Ridge - Really vs July Set 4: Outsider - UpMaGiC vs Calm Set 5: Battle Royal
Source: Fomos.kr
+ Show Spoiler [Original Korean Article] +'위너스 스타' 신대근, STX전 선봉으로 출전 2009년 04월 10일 16시 02분 [포모스=김경현 기자]신대근, 신규맵 내부 랭킹전 1위 위너스 리그에서 잠재력을 폭발시키며 빠르게 성장하고 있는 '감수성 저그' 신대근(이스트로)이 이스트로의 4라운드 선봉에 섰다. 신대근은 지난 위너스 리그를 통해 자신의 가치를 증명하고 많은 팬들의 관심을 받은 스타 중 하나다. 2008 시즌 신인왕 출신인 신대근은 올 시즌 1, 2라운드에는 50%에 못미치는 승률을 보여줬지만, 위너스 리그에서만 무려 16승 9패를 기록하며 이스트로의 저그 진영을 이끌었다. 위너스 리그에서는 3킬만 무려 3번 기록했다. 무엇보다 STX전에서 역전 3킬을 기록한 뒤에 설움에 북받친 듯 눈물을 흘리는 모습은 신대근이라는 어린 선수를 팬들의 뇌리 속에 강하게 각인시켰다. 실질적인 에이스로 거듭난 신대근은 이스트로의 4라운드 첫 경기인 12일, 오후 1시 문래동 룩스 히어로센터에서 펼쳐지는 신한은행 프로리그 08-09 4라운드 1주차 1경기에 선봉으로 출전한다. 상대하는 팀은 공교롭게도 신대근을 '감수성 저그', '눈물 저그'로 만들어준 STX다. 신대근이 맞붙을 상대는 마찬가지로 위너스 리그에서 큰 주목을 받았던 김경효(STX)다. 전장은 신규맵 신의정원으로, 쉽게 가져갈 수 있는 앞마당과 뒷마당 가스 멀티가 존재하는 맵이다. 그러나 뒷마당 멀티에는 언덕 지형이 있기 때문에 테란의 전략적인 드롭십 플레이가 강력할 것이라는 분석이다. 위너스 리그에서의 활약 덕분에 신대근은 24승 20패라는 훌륭한 프로리그 성적을 기록하게 됐다. 그러나 본격적인 시작은 지금부터다. 지난 MSL 서바이버 예선에서도 탈락하고 만 신대근은 이번 4라운드때 위너스 리그에서의 활약을 이어가야만 한다. 위너스 리그에서 좋은 성적을 거뒀다고 해서 방심해서는 안된다. 김경효는 위너스 리그에서 올킬을 기록하는 등 만만치 않은 유망주로 평가 받고 있는 테란이다. 또한 신대근은 위너스 리그에서 테란전 성적 5승 4패를 기록했다. 위너스에서 당한 9패 중 절반에 가까운 4패가 테란이었기 때문에 신규맵에서 만반의 준비를 갖춰야만 한다. 이스트로 김현진 감독은 "신규맵들이 저그 쪽에 괜찮은 것 같아서 저그 라인에 기대를 걸고 있고, 신맵으로 진행된 내부 랭킹전에서 신대근 선수가 1위를 했다"며 "신대근 선수의 활약에 기대를 걸고 있다"고 말했다. 이어 "오랜만에 출전하는 방송 경기이기 때문에 감각만 잘 살린다면 좋은 결과 있을 것 같다"고 덧붙였다. ▶ 신한은행 프로리그 4라운드 08-09 1주차 2경기 ◆ 이스트로 vs STX 1세트 신의정원 신대근(저) vs 김경효(테) 2세트 네오메두사 신상호(프) vs 김구현(프) 3세트 단장의능선 박상우(테) vs 박성준(저) 4세트 아웃사이더 신희승(테) vs 김윤환(저) 5세트 배틀로얄 jupiter@fomos.co.kr 모바일로 보는 스타크래프트 1253+NATE/ⓝ/ez-i Enjoy e-Sports & http://www.fomos.kr 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지
Feedback and corrections always welcome 
Oh, categorised this as 'Insight' because that was the category it was in in Fomos... and couldn't find any other categories to categorise this as.
United Kingdom5399 Posts
Daegun is really different to most of the other younger players on eSTRO (with the exception of Sangwoo I guess.) Puma, Soony and Sangho are really out-going in person and we always sit around backstage talking konglish and stealing each others' seats. Whereas Daegun usually sits there very calmly and doesn't say much of anything. He seems pretty centred and not nervous at all when it comes to live events. I'm excited to see what he can do in the future.
I'm so pissed I won't get to go hang out with them again until the 20th. I hate LOOX and I can't go on Wednesdays -_-
Singapore66072 Posts
On April 10 2009 22:43 NeverGG wrote: Daegun is really different to most of the other younger players on eSTRO (with the exception of Sangwoo I guess.) Puma, Soony and Sangho are really out-going in person and we always sit around backstage talking konglish and stealing each others' seats. Whereas Daegun usually sits there very calmly and doesn't say much of anything. He seems pretty centred and not nervous at all when it comes to live events. I'm excited to see what he can do in the future.
I'm so pissed I won't get to go hang out with them again until the 20th. I hate LOOX and I can't go on Wednesdays -_- Wow, didn't know he was the 'quiet' kind. The scene of him crying still breaks my heart though 
Nice of you to share these kind of experiences, as always! :D
United Kingdom5399 Posts
On April 10 2009 22:45 konadora wrote:Show nested quote +On April 10 2009 22:43 NeverGG wrote: Daegun is really different to most of the other younger players on eSTRO (with the exception of Sangwoo I guess.) Puma, Soony and Sangho are really out-going in person and we always sit around backstage talking konglish and stealing each others' seats. Whereas Daegun usually sits there very calmly and doesn't say much of anything. He seems pretty centred and not nervous at all when it comes to live events. I'm excited to see what he can do in the future.
I'm so pissed I won't get to go hang out with them again until the 20th. I hate LOOX and I can't go on Wednesdays -_- Wow, didn't know he was the 'quiet' kind. The scene of him crying still breaks my heart though  Nice of you to share these kind of experiences, as always! :D
eSTRO is an awesome mixture in that respect. They have veterans and a varied pool of younger players with aspirations. They've definitely got a big spectrum of personalities too.
The atmosphere of the team is like a big (all boys lol.) family and they're one of the most welcoming teams I've had the pleasure of working with. I've got a total soft spot for Sangho because he's a lovely guy who always makes the effort to speak English with us (and in turn I have crazy conversations with him about his eyebrow color and give him free photo prints.) They've got an excellent team of coaches and a manager who is awesome ^_^ I'm really happy to be able to work with them more closely than I do with some of the other teams (like doing the Haran press release photos and my team house photo shoot with UpMagic and Really a while back etc.)
I'm almost tempted to make the trek to LOOX and it's horrible lighting just to go see them
Hopefully i will regret putting Hyvaa on my anti-team lol.
On April 10 2009 22:56 Sprite wrote: Hopefully i will regret putting Hyvaa on my anti-team lol. I`m still keepin him on my anti-team, I hope he doesn`t perform
Singapore66072 Posts
On April 10 2009 22:52 NeverGG wrote:Show nested quote +On April 10 2009 22:45 konadora wrote:On April 10 2009 22:43 NeverGG wrote: Daegun is really different to most of the other younger players on eSTRO (with the exception of Sangwoo I guess.) Puma, Soony and Sangho are really out-going in person and we always sit around backstage talking konglish and stealing each others' seats. Whereas Daegun usually sits there very calmly and doesn't say much of anything. He seems pretty centred and not nervous at all when it comes to live events. I'm excited to see what he can do in the future.
I'm so pissed I won't get to go hang out with them again until the 20th. I hate LOOX and I can't go on Wednesdays -_- Wow, didn't know he was the 'quiet' kind. The scene of him crying still breaks my heart though  Nice of you to share these kind of experiences, as always! :D eSTRO is an awesome mixture in that respect. They have veterans and a varied pool of younger players with aspirations. They've definitely got a big spectrum of personalities too. The atmosphere of the team is like a big (all boys lol.) family and they're one of the most welcoming teams I've had the pleasure of working with. I've got a total soft spot for Sangho because he's a lovely guy who always makes the effort to speak English with us (and in turn I have crazy conversations with him about his eyebrow color and give him free photo prints.) They've got an excellent team of coaches and a manager who is awesome ^_^ I'm really happy to be able to work with them more closely than I do with some of the other teams (like doing the Haran press release photos and my team house photo shoot with UpMagic and Really a while back etc.) I'm almost tempted to make the trek to LOOX and it's horrible lighting just to go see them
Wow, seems like a very great bunch of people, so lively and upbeat despite not performing that well. Great to see that they are so positive and bright ^^; Do the other teams give off the same atmosphere, or is eSTRO's more welcome?
On April 10 2009 22:56 Sprite wrote: Hopefully i will regret putting Hyvaa on my anti-team lol.
It's not too late to change that you know.
and he's teh very reason why the future is bright for eSTRO...
great job once again konadora!
I'm so excited. When the Estro coach said he's been performing the best, I envisioned him pulling off some super crazy builds. I can't wait~
Singapore66072 Posts
The coach mentioned that he is ranked number one, meaning if the ranking applies to all the progamer's performance, which I assume, since there was no mention that the ranking was based only on the eSTRO's players' performances, he even beat Jaedong, Bisu and Flash. Which is with no doubt, amazing.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Awesome translation, thanks. 
Go Hyvaa and eSTRO!
On April 10 2009 23:54 konadora wrote: The coach mentioned that he is ranked number one, meaning if the ranking applies to all the progamer's performance, which I assume, since there was no mention that the ranking was based only on the eSTRO's players' performances, he even beat Jaedong, Bisu and Flash. Which is with no doubt, amazing. nah, I`m pretty sure that's not the case
I'm his #1 fan .
He still has the OSL prelims coming up so he will royal road. You heard it here.
we should have a "thank you translator" thread that we bump whenever you do things like these
Legendary Zerg.
thanks for the translation!
Awesome job as always! And I agree with the poster a bit above me: you should get payed for this :D
hyvaa > notice sangho < kal really > july upmagic < calm hyvaa>kal
3-2 estro