![[image loading]](/staff/Abydos1/fplr4banner.png)
Fantasy Proleague Round 4 Signups
>>>>> Enter Here <<<<<
900 teams have signed up so far
UPDATE: Player trades now COST 1 fantasy point to make
(your team's total score will be reduced by 1 fantasy point for every trade you make)
After the long wait with winner's league playoffs going on the time for round 4 has arrived. With a close round 3 and ever increasing tl participation (about 1000 people last round) it's getting harder and harder to do well in fantasy proleague. With the increased challenge comes a brand new interface, completely automated and with a new trading system, that should make this round even more interesting. If you haven't played fantasy pl before or if you've been in since the start I hope this is a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Fantasy Proleague is a great experience that will make you appreciate and enjoy Proleague more, give you something to talk about with other Fantasy PL participants, and help you better familiarize yourself with the Proleague scene. I have thoroughly enjoyed the previous rounds and it has brought an excitement to watching proleague matches as well as helping me learn all the players.
Be sure to check out the extended preview for information on new features this round.
What is fantasy proleague? Fantasy proleague is a game where you compete against other players in attempting to compile the "best" team of players based on their performances in proleague.
This looks too complicated, how much effort is required? The absolute minimum you must do is simply compile a team, nothing else, thats it. If you want you can get really into it browsing player stats and map balances and looking each week for the "perfect" trade opportunities. Either way fantasy proleague can be an enjoyable experience.
What do I need to do to enter? Use the entry form here, pick 6 players you expect to do well for your main team, plus a proleague team; then pick 3 players you expect to slump or not see much playing time for your anti team. Make sure your team meets the requirements(you will be prompted to change it if it doesn't) and then hit submit.
1. Each main team will consist of six different players and one proteam (who score points when they do well)
2. Each anti team will consist of three different players (who lose points when they do well)
3. Each main team must include at least one player from each race. (Terran, Zerg & Protoss)
4. You must designate one of the players on your main team to be the Team Captain (can't be traded and will determine tiebreakers).
5. You can spend no more than 30 points creating your main team. (explained below)
6. You can spend no less than 13 points creating your anti team. (explained below)
7. Each person only gets one entry (feel free to change your team until the first games).
Team Creation:
Just like last round you will be forming a Main Team consisting of 6 players (1 designated captain, used for tie breakers) and 1 Proleague team costing a maximum of 30 points who will contributed points to your team based on their performance. New to this round however is the addition of a Anti Team, this consists of 3 players costing a Minimum of 13 points; your Anti Team players will be subtracting their point total from your total score (time to start looking for those overpriced players heading in to a slump). Note that the Anti Team and Anti Team selections are not related to each other, you may not however have a player on both your Main Team and Anti Team (you're not stupid right?). Your Main Team must still follow the rule of having one of each race; however the Anti Team is not limited by this restriction so you can pick 3 Protoss players if you so wish.
During the short breaks between each week of games you will have the option to trade away anyone on your teams; player's will be given a trade value based on their expected and actual performance each week. You may trade any player for someone of lower trade value (or higher for anti team). You are limited to 2 main team and 1 anti team trade per week. Note that you must maintain one of each race on your main team. EDIT: player trades now COST 1 point to make, this is to offset potential gains from guaranteed lineup points.
Player Scoring:
Non-Ace Lineup Appearance: 1 Point
Game Win (Ace included): 2 Points
Game Loss (Ace included): -1 Points
Ace Match Appearance: 2 Points
3-Game Win Streak: 1 Point
6-Game Win Streak: 2 Points
9-Game Win Streak: 3 Points
Break Another's Streak: 1 Point
Team Win: 1 Point
DQ/Forfeit: -4 Points
Team Scoring:
3-0 Victory: 8 Points
3-1 Victory: 6 Points
3-2 Victory: 4 Points
2-3 Defeat: 2 Point
1-3 Defeat: 0 Points
0-3 Defeat: -2 Points
Price List:
Roster Updates:
2 -

2 -

2 -

1 -

1 -

1 -

1 -

1 -


(NOTE: new players have been added; however, due to several people already picking removed players all those players have been renamed "Player Removed" in the meantime while we sort this out; if you have one of these "Player Removed" players; please repick your team, this would be a great help. Sorry for the confusion, as I said we had some trouble finding accurate roster)
Player prices:
+ Show Spoiler +

Team Prices
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler [April Fools] +
Interface changes
In order to provide a more realistic environment, player names will now default to being displayed in Korean.
![[image loading]](/staff/Abydos1/fplkorean.png)
For those of you who haven't bothered to learn Korean yet (you should really do this now) there is the option to display names in their romanized version.
![[image loading]](/staff/Abydos1/fplRomanization.png)