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Warning: Contains spoilers of MSL Ro4 Zero vs Luxury
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Luxury: It's time to win.
12日 举行的Lost Saga MSL 4强战上..."Chanc 朴" 以3:0的比分教育了一下Zero进入决赛
The 12th's Lost Saga MSL Ro4... Park Chan Soo schooled Zero with a 3:0 win, entering the finals.
Below is an interview
* 生平首次进入决赛的感想是
What do you think of your first time being in the finals?
他哥 以前的我...在4强比赛前就已经紧张的不行了..之后在WCG经历过大舞台的经验后..赛前紧张的问题得以克服了...所以今天的比赛没有紧张...进展的很顺利..
Luxury: Before... before Ro4 I was really nervous already... At WCG I already experienced something on the big stage (something prestigious), so now I'm not so nervous... so today I wasn't nervous at all.. everything went smoothly
* 记得上次采访中提过....新人需要在4强赛上接受洗礼..
Last interview, we talked about how new people need to be tested in Ro4
他哥 说真的...那句话当时我只是随便说说的而已(笑^^)..如果新人第一次个人赛上就能进入决赛.. 那样的话我会很郁闷的..所以我要阻止他....当然我也努力的练习...为了能够进入决赛..
Luxury: Actually, when I said that I was just kidding around, lol ^^... If new people can reach the finals on their first try, that makes me pretty depressed... So I want to stop him... Of course I also want to practice hard... In order to make it to the finals
* 最近在两大联赛都很火啊..
You're doing really well in your latest games
他哥 我在两个联赛方面都很有自信...但奇怪的是在战队联赛..机会不怎么出现在我变....我一直很努力的在练习
Luxury: In both leagues, I'm confident in myself.. But oddly, in proleague, chances for me to do well haven't been coming up... I've been constantly practicing hard
* 怎么准备的练习
How did you practice?
他哥 队友帮助我练习了..今天第3场比赛是队友"ZergBong[Name]"推荐给我的战术..得以获得了胜利
Luxury: My teammates helped me practice.. Today the strategies used in the 3rd match were introduced to me by my teammate, ZergBong[Name]... which helped me win
* 第一场的比赛怎么样...
How was your first match?
他哥 当我的房子看到对方的一个小狗后..我就判断到了对方的开局了..经过对A.然后拿下分矿得以胜利
Luxury: When I scouted the opponent's zergling with my overlord, I just deduced his opening... Afterwards I was able to expand and eventually win
* 在Destination图上.完美的欺骗到了对手
On Destination, you beautifully tricked your opponent
他哥 Destination这图选手通常使用快速开出2Gas的开局...所以当对方房子飞过来的时候... 应该是以为我在外边开分矿了..所以为了更优势一些..选择了富裕出发...结果我被抓住了机会..
Luxury: On Destination, people usually expand quickly and get 2 gas on opening, so when my opponent's overlord came flying in... he probably thought I expanded somewhere already... so in order to get an advantage... he went with econ.. so I seized the opportunity..
* 当意识到拿到决赛入场卷的时候是什么感觉
How did you feel when you knew you were gonna be in the finals?
他哥 正常来说应该会很高兴的.但却不是...之前是机会的..结果没能把握...可能是这个决赛来的太晚的原因...感到小有遗憾...
Luxury: Normally, people are supposed to really happy. But I wasn't... Before there were opportunities... But I wasn't able to seize them... This time, I advanced to the finals but it feels too late..I feel a bit disappointed...
* 当时有没有想到小黄~~~~
Did you think about your brother, Yarnc?
他哥 没~~一点都没有想到~~(笑)这小子可能现在正在度假玩的开心呢.(注:OGN-Sparkyz战队去了2天3夜旅游)
Luxury: Nope ~~ Didn't think about him at all ~~ lol. This kid's probably on vacation, having fun right now (Note: The OGN Sparkys team is on a 2 day/3 night vacation right now)
* 决赛上希望碰到的对手是
Who do you hope to meet in the finals?
他哥 我想与Stork选手碰面...之前有几次与Stork在舞台上碰到过..我感觉和他比赛..可能会出现有趣的Story...
Luxury: I want to battle with Stork... Before, there were only a few times I met with Stork on the big stage... I feel that if I play against him.. it'll be interesting..
* 很多人评价你的神族对抗很弱
Many people think your zvp is kind of weak
他哥 才不是呢.....由于小黄的原因...使我的ZVT变的强些.我跟感谢...但同时被评价了ZVP很弱借这次机会我要证明给大家....我要粉碎大家对我ZVP弱的想法~~
Luxury: Nuh-uh. Because of Yarnc, my zvt became stronger, I'm really thankful. But at the same time, I've been criticized for having a weak zvp, so this time, I want to prove to everyone.. I want to disprove the general belief about me having a weak zvp
* 由于个人联赛与战队联赛相混.有没有影响
Because the individual leagues are filled with a variety of players, were there difficulties?
他哥 最近比起练习量来说.....我认为心理和想法方面的更重要一些...所以影响不大..
Luxury: Considering my current practice load... I believe that it became more important to think strategically.. so I wasn't too affected
* 决赛前的感言
Any thoughts before your finals?
他哥 我认为该是时候夺冠了...我会努力准备来夺得冠军...
Luxury: I believe it's time to win.. I will work hard to prepare myself to win.
* 最后想说的
Final thoughts?
他哥 我想感谢帮助我练习的队友. ZergBong..815..Heojja..Haran..谢谢你们!!
Luxury: I want to thank everyone who's helped me practice... ZergBong, 815, HoeJJa...Haran...thanks you guys!