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Today, the star of the "progamer's History review" is the Protoss Revolutionist, Bisu..
e-Sports Histry's alarming "3.3 revolution event"... the handsome player, who used an exquisite fighting style to earn a name for himself..
Let's look back at his past, shall we?
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"2005年8月11日 新人选举" (August 11th, 2005 New players selection)
Bisu 在2005年下半期的新人选举上由MBC战队选中..开始了职业生涯
In the second season in 2005, Bisu was selected by MBC in their "new players selection,"and started his progaming career
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"2005年9月28日 第一次直播比赛" (September 28th, 2005 First televised match)
In the 2005 SKY Proleague, Bisu stepped up to the stage for the first time... having no
previous experience being in a televised match, Bisu won against
At the time, he was still a player who was relying heavily on high templars...
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"2005年10月3日 KeSPA杯" (October 3rd, 2005 KeSPA Cup)
Bisu's first time in an individuals tournament... unfortunately he lost to
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"2005年12月19日 SPL" (December 19th, 2005 SPL)
After the SKY Proleague... Bisu is cleaning up his trash (in the picture)... At that time, he was actually the youngest next generation player on his team
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"2006年5月15日 MBC三人组" (May 15th, 2006 MBC 3-person team)
8 months have passed since Bisu was first recruited by MBC... Bisu seems to have matured/grown up a lot in this time period
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"2006年7月24日 首次晋级顶级个人联赛" (July 24th, 2006 I-Station ODT)
In the final Group C match... he knocked out Emporor BoxeR.. successfully moving on
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"2006年的某一天.. esFORCE节目拍摄" (Some day in 2006... esFORCE shoot)
新韩OSL 24强中..以3胜的成绩进入16强...当时被赋予"秋天的神话"
In the Shinhan OSL Ro24... with a 3-win performance he moved on to Ro16... at that time he was donned "Legend of the Fall"
With the then "previous generation" Protoss in the same photo... but sadly he was knocked out by
Goodfriend 1:2 in Ro16
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"2007年3月3日. GOMTV MSL 决赛" (March 3rd, 2007 GomTV MSL finals)
夺冠的机率--2.69% ..但那只是数字而已....在MSL决赛上击败sAviOr..首次夺得冠军的Bisu 那天的比赛是革命.....挽回了神族连续1年败给虫族的厄运....
Chance of winning the MSL -- 2.69%... but that's only a number... and indeed, in the MSL finals he defeated
sAviOr... The picture is Bisu, who has won first place for the first time, whose games that day were truly revolutionary... overcoming the unfortunate losing streak against zerg that has entwined protoss for the past year
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"2007年3月8日 年度评奖仪式" (March 8th, 2007 Annual award ceremony)
夺得GomTV MSL冠军..使神族从新立足的表现...让Bisu压倒了前辈Nal_rA
Won GomTV MSL champion... allowing protoss to rise up towards dominance... allowing Bisu to surpass the previous generation's
Winning... the 2007 Best protoss award
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"2007年7月14日 GomTV MSL第2季 决赛" (July 14th, 2007 GomTV MSL S2 finals)
The picture is Bisu, winning a consecutive MSL (second).... in the finals he 3:2'd Stork... landing first place in the KeSPA ranking
Phenomenal records... in addition to a sick playing style... fans hailed him as the next bonjwa
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"2007年11月17日..MSL第3季.决赛" (November 17th, 2007 GomTV MSL S3 finals)
Bisu in his third consecutive fight for the MSL champion title... regrettably lost 1:3 to
Mind... helplessly, he lowers his head
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"2007年11月30日 Ever OSL " (November 30th, 2007 Ever OSL)
After he lost for the first time in the finals... Bisu started to slowly falter... but in the Ro8 match against
sAviOr, he made a comeback that once again, incited the cheers of fans everywhere
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"2008年2月14日 欢送会" (February 14th, 2008 Farewell party)
The assembly was held because Bisu was about to be traded to SKT1... sadly he had to say goodbye to his old team..
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"2008年2月18日 SKT 入队仪式" (February 18th, 2008 SKT Induction ceremony)
Bisu doesn't feel very accustomed to wearing an SKT1 uniform
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"2008年5月1日 MSL Arena 32强" (May 1st, 2008 Arena MSL Ro32)
之后又在Ever OSL 32强被淘汰...之后一直处于低迷状态.只有不到38%的胜率
In Group A, Bisu lost to
Jaedong twice... he was unable to advance and then afterwards, he also was knocked out of the EVER OSL in Ro32... after that he seemed to be in a slump, with a deplorable 38% win rate
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"2008年7月27日 新韩SPL 季后赛" (July 27th, 2008 Shinhan proleague playoffs)
In order to obtain a entry ticket to the finals... a death match against OGN! Unfortunately Bisu lost the ACE match
He couldn't win for his team... this was Bisu's most agonizing match... because of his loss... Bisu didn't even touch a computer within the week after the match
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"2008年11月22日 ClouD MSL 决赛" (November 22nd, 2008 Cloud MSL finals)
在inCruit OSL 8强被Stork淘汰后的Bisu.. 突然开始好转..由于之前的低迷表现..
After he was defeated by Stork in Ro8 of the Incruit OSL... Bisu began to resuscitate... because of his previous slumping performances...
Nobody was able to predict... Bisu again winning the MSL...his third consecutive MSL title
Once again, fans expected him to be the next bonjwa
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"2009年1月19日. Lost Saga MSL 32强" (January 19th, 2009 Lost saga MSL Ro32)
Could it have been carelessness? In his most confident matchup, pvz... he successively lost to his opponents and was knocked out of the tournament
Once again, the forums erupted with discussion..
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"2009年1月17日 SPL WInners League" (January 17th, 2009 SPL Winners League
虽然再这次的MSL 与 OSL中看不到Bisu..但在战队联赛中的他..表现依然强悍..
希望在这次的KOF阶段能在为大家演绎精彩比赛.. 另外进入GCL决赛的Bisu能再次夺冠吗?
Although Bisu is nowhere to be seen in the current OSL and MSL (This was before Backho's injury, i think)... but in proleague... his performance is still pretty valiant
Hoping that during this KOF time period, there will be more spectacular matches... also, can Bisu, who has made it to the finals of GCL, prevail?
From: FighterForum
Translated from Korean to Chinese by lanpark
Today, the star of the "progamer's History review" is the Protoss Revolutionist, Bisu..
e-Sports Histry's alarming "3.3 revolution event"... the handsome player, who used an exquisite fighting style to earn a name for himself..
Let's look back at his past, shall we?
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"2005年8月11日 新人选举" (August 11th, 2005 New players selection)
Bisu 在2005年下半期的新人选举上由MBC战队选中..开始了职业生涯
In the second season in 2005, Bisu was selected by MBC in their "new players selection,"and started his progaming career
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"2005年9月28日 第一次直播比赛" (September 28th, 2005 First televised match)
In the 2005 SKY Proleague, Bisu stepped up to the stage for the first time... having no
previous experience being in a televised match, Bisu won against

At the time, he was still a player who was relying heavily on high templars...
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"2005年10月3日 KeSPA杯" (October 3rd, 2005 KeSPA Cup)
Bisu's first time in an individuals tournament... unfortunately he lost to

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"2005年12月19日 SPL" (December 19th, 2005 SPL)
After the SKY Proleague... Bisu is cleaning up his trash (in the picture)... At that time, he was actually the youngest next generation player on his team
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"2006年5月15日 MBC三人组" (May 15th, 2006 MBC 3-person team)
8 months have passed since Bisu was first recruited by MBC... Bisu seems to have matured/grown up a lot in this time period
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"2006年7月24日 首次晋级顶级个人联赛" (July 24th, 2006 I-Station ODT)
In the final Group C match... he knocked out Emporor BoxeR.. successfully moving on
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"2006年的某一天.. esFORCE节目拍摄" (Some day in 2006... esFORCE shoot)
新韩OSL 24强中..以3胜的成绩进入16强...当时被赋予"秋天的神话"
In the Shinhan OSL Ro24... with a 3-win performance he moved on to Ro16... at that time he was donned "Legend of the Fall"
With the then "previous generation" Protoss in the same photo... but sadly he was knocked out by

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"2007年3月3日. GOMTV MSL 决赛" (March 3rd, 2007 GomTV MSL finals)
夺冠的机率--2.69% ..但那只是数字而已....在MSL决赛上击败sAviOr..首次夺得冠军的Bisu 那天的比赛是革命.....挽回了神族连续1年败给虫族的厄运....
Chance of winning the MSL -- 2.69%... but that's only a number... and indeed, in the MSL finals he defeated

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"2007年3月8日 年度评奖仪式" (March 8th, 2007 Annual award ceremony)
夺得GomTV MSL冠军..使神族从新立足的表现...让Bisu压倒了前辈Nal_rA
Won GomTV MSL champion... allowing protoss to rise up towards dominance... allowing Bisu to surpass the previous generation's

Winning... the 2007 Best protoss award
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"2007年7月14日 GomTV MSL第2季 决赛" (July 14th, 2007 GomTV MSL S2 finals)
The picture is Bisu, winning a consecutive MSL (second).... in the finals he 3:2'd Stork... landing first place in the KeSPA ranking
Phenomenal records... in addition to a sick playing style... fans hailed him as the next bonjwa
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"2007年11月17日..MSL第3季.决赛" (November 17th, 2007 GomTV MSL S3 finals)
Bisu in his third consecutive fight for the MSL champion title... regrettably lost 1:3 to

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"2007年11月30日 Ever OSL " (November 30th, 2007 Ever OSL)
After he lost for the first time in the finals... Bisu started to slowly falter... but in the Ro8 match against

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"2008年2月14日 欢送会" (February 14th, 2008 Farewell party)
The assembly was held because Bisu was about to be traded to SKT1... sadly he had to say goodbye to his old team..
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"2008年2月18日 SKT 入队仪式" (February 18th, 2008 SKT Induction ceremony)
Bisu doesn't feel very accustomed to wearing an SKT1 uniform
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"2008年5月1日 MSL Arena 32强" (May 1st, 2008 Arena MSL Ro32)
之后又在Ever OSL 32强被淘汰...之后一直处于低迷状态.只有不到38%的胜率
In Group A, Bisu lost to

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"2008年7月27日 新韩SPL 季后赛" (July 27th, 2008 Shinhan proleague playoffs)
In order to obtain a entry ticket to the finals... a death match against OGN! Unfortunately Bisu lost the ACE match
He couldn't win for his team... this was Bisu's most agonizing match... because of his loss... Bisu didn't even touch a computer within the week after the match
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"2008年11月22日 ClouD MSL 决赛" (November 22nd, 2008 Cloud MSL finals)
在inCruit OSL 8强被Stork淘汰后的Bisu.. 突然开始好转..由于之前的低迷表现..
After he was defeated by Stork in Ro8 of the Incruit OSL... Bisu began to resuscitate... because of his previous slumping performances...
Nobody was able to predict... Bisu again winning the MSL...his third consecutive MSL title
Once again, fans expected him to be the next bonjwa
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"2009年1月19日. Lost Saga MSL 32强" (January 19th, 2009 Lost saga MSL Ro32)
Could it have been carelessness? In his most confident matchup, pvz... he successively lost to his opponents and was knocked out of the tournament
Once again, the forums erupted with discussion..
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"2009年1月17日 SPL WInners League" (January 17th, 2009 SPL Winners League
虽然再这次的MSL 与 OSL中看不到Bisu..但在战队联赛中的他..表现依然强悍..
希望在这次的KOF阶段能在为大家演绎精彩比赛.. 另外进入GCL决赛的Bisu能再次夺冠吗?
Although Bisu is nowhere to be seen in the current OSL and MSL (This was before Backho's injury, i think)... but in proleague... his performance is still pretty valiant
Hoping that during this KOF time period, there will be more spectacular matches... also, can Bisu, who has made it to the finals of GCL, prevail?
From: FighterForum
Translated from Korean to Chinese by lanpark