Korea (South)1087 Posts
[Lost Saga] Ma Jae Yoon, “I have to get to the semifinals to shed the slumping image”
“The Maestro” Ma Jae Yoon (Savior) defeated Shin Hee Seung (Upmagic) at the Lost Saga Round of 16 and advanced into the quarterfinals.
The following is a Q&A with Savior. - It’s been 4 seasons since you got to the quarterfinals of the MSL ▲ I was eliminated early in the last two seasons, so I am happy to have made it to the quarterfinals this time. But I will need to get to at least the semifinals to be satisfied.
- You don’t seem like you’re satisfied with the advancement into the quarterfinals. ▲ Personally, I think I need to get to the semifinals to shed the slumping image. I want to have an appreciable run into the MSL. - You were ferociously harassed by vultures. ▲ Today was the most pissed I’ve ever been in my life. I was really angry with the constant vulture harass. I’m not feeling 100% right now and it got worse during the two games. I was really mad at myself. - Is there a reason why you 9-pooled in the second game? ▲ I did what I felt like doing. Upmagic really seems to like gambling with builds that are basically rock-paper-scissors. I don’t know if it was because he was not confident about that map, but I wanted to attack his tendency to focus on his build. If the opponent goes standard I would have been behind but I did a pool-first build because I was confident in my ability to win the game regardless. - It seems like you are playing better these days. ▲ I’m not sure. I think I’m remembering what it felt like back when I was considered “bonjwa”. The feeling is slowly coming back alive. - You said that you wanted to play with Lee Yoon Yeol (Nada) ▲ I told Nada I wanted to play him at the round of 32 but Yoon Yeul Hyung dodged me. Instead he said “I want to face you deeper in the tournament”. I would like to play him in the tournament. Of course, I am confident that I can win. - Who do you want to play at the quarterfinals ▲ I don’t really care. I just want to play with the person I beat more than lost (haha) - any last words? ▲ I was feeling good during practice but I felt off when I got here today. As a result, I lost focus and I ended up playing terrible. I feel bad because I feel like my teammates who helped me would be disappointed. I am really thankful for the teammates who helped me out, and I will do my best to reach the semifinals.
Original Korean: + Show Spoiler + 19일, 문래동 룩스 히어로센터에서 열린 로스트사가 MSL 16강 3회차에서 ‘마에스트로’ 마재윤(CJ)이 신희승(이스트로)을 제압하고 8강 진출에 성공했다.
다음은 마재윤과의 일문일답
- 4시즌 만에 MSL 8강 진출에 성공했는데 ▲ 지난 시즌과 그 전 시즌에 일찍 탈락했는데 이번에는 8강에 가서 기쁘다. 하지만 4강 정도는 가야 만족할 수 있을 것 같다.
- 8강 진출에 만족하지 못하고 있는 것 같다. ▲ 4강 정도 가야지 부진을 씻어낼 수 있다는 개인적인 생각이 있다. 눈에 보이는 성과를 내고 싶다.
- 첫 경기는 벌처 견제를 심하게 당했는데 ▲ 살면서 제일 화났던 순간이 바로 오늘이었다. 상대의 벌처 견제에 말려서 화가 많이 났다. 지금 컨디션이 많이 좋지 않은 상태인데 게임을 하면서 더 안 좋아졌다. 벌처 견제가 올 것을 뻔히 알면서 당하니까 나 자신에게 화가 나더라.
- 두 번째 경기에서 선스포닝풀 빌드를 사용한 이유가 있다면 ▲ 즉흥적으로 한 것이다. 신희승 선수가 빌드의 가위바위보 싸움을 너무 즐기는 것 같더라. 맵에 대한 자신이 없었는지 모르겠지만 빌드에 너무 신경 써서 그 부분을 찌른 것이다. 상대가 정석이면 불리해지지만 그래도 이길 수 있다는 생각으로 선스포닝풀 빌드를 선택했다.
- 최근 분위기가 좋아진 것 같은데 ▲ 잘 모르겠다. 그냥 몸이 잘하던 시절을 기억하고 있는 것 같다. 그 기억이 서서히 살아나고 있다.
- 이윤열과 경기하고 싶다는 소망을 밝히기도 했는데 ▲ 32강에서 (이)윤열이형과 경기하고 싶다고 했는데 윤열이 형이 피하더라. 그러면서 한 말이 ‘더 높은 곳에서 하고 싶다’였다. 윤열이형과 높은 곳에서 한다면 좋을 것 같다. 물론 승리할 자신도 있다.
- 8강에서 경기하고 싶은 선수가 있다면 ▲ 누가 됐든 상관 없다. 그냥 두 선수 중 내가 상대 전적에서 앞서는 선수와 하고 싶다(웃음).
- 끝으로 하고 싶은 말은 ▲ 연습 때는 정말 좋았는데 경기장에 오니까 몸이 안 좋아졌다. 그래서 집중력이 떨어져서 정말 형편없는 경기를 했다. 연습해준 팀원들이 보면 실망할 것 같다. 연습을 도와준 팀원들에게 정말 고맙고 8강에서도 잘해서 4강에 진출하도록 노력하겠다.
YEAHHHHH Thanks for the translation, you deserve a pimp baller award.
On February 20 2009 05:50 joohyunee wrote: - You were ferociously harassed by vultures. ▲ Today was the most I’ve ever been pissed in my life. I was really angry with the constant vulture harass. I’m not feeling 100% right now and it got worse during the two games. I was really mad at myself.
- You were ferociously harassed by vultures. ▲ Today was the most I’ve ever been pissed in my life.
Surprised that someone didn't randomly burst into flames. Thanks for the translations, makes me feel like the BO win was at least a premeditated strategy.
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
Wow, I think I'm about to see the first ZvZ bo5 in a SL for a LONG TIME.
You were ferociously harassed by vultures. ▲ Today was the most I’ve ever been pissed in my life. I was really angry with the constant vulture harass. I’m not feeling 100% right now and it got worse during the two games. I was really mad at myself.
o crap..2 posters ahead of me quoted the same thing anyways..ROFL
and thanks for translations
Thx for the interview and translation.
Btw who is likely to face sAviOr in the next round?
On February 20 2009 05:53 3 Lions wrote: Wow, I think I'm about to see the first ZvZ bo5 in a SL for a LONG TIME. IIRC, the last one was Gorush vs July in the 2nd GOM MSL where Gorush went 3-0.
On February 20 2009 05:56 Vomified wrote: Thx for the interview and translation.
Btw who is likely to face sAviOr in the next round? It'll be either Yarnc or Zero.
Braavos36372 Posts
- Is there a reason why you 9-pooled in the second game? ▲ I did what I felt like doing. Upmagic really seems to like gambling with builds that are basically rock-paper-scissors. I don’t know if it was because he was not confident about that map, but I wanted to attack his tendency to focus on his build. If the opponent goes standard I would have been behind but I did a pool-first build because I was confident in my ability to win the game regardless. guess what all the savior fans were right, he predicted that 14cc
fuck upmagic and that cheesy 14cc shit, standard 9p play standard standard 9p for the win.
The vulture harass game 2 (Of the set) was ridiculous from Upmagic. Some of the most impressive stuff i've seen.
Thanks for translation. Nice that sAviOr has some flow in Starleagues again.
I think sAviOr has maked up with Starcraft Gods now, like Forrest Gumps disabled War Veteran buddy does at the Bubba Shrimp boat in the movie.
Fuck ya Savior! Thanks for the translation. My heart literally skipped a beat when he said he is just starting to feel what he felt when he was bonjwa.
lmfao @ the pissed comment. i would be too.. those vultures were fucking brutal! o_O
savior is bitchingggg
hell yeah
LOL hes never been this much pissed in his entire LIFE. wow. gj upmagic, u almost had him, mentally.
On February 20 2009 05:50 joohyunee wrote: - You were ferociously harassed by vultures. ▲ Today was the most pissed I’ve ever been in my life. I was really angry with the constant vulture harass. I’m not feeling 100% right now and it got worse during the two games. I was really mad at myself.
Yeah at least he's mad at himself... he was getting outplayed so hard.
Lol sAviOr always so forthright
hes going to piss all over yarnc, I BELIEVE.
OMG NaDa vs Savior rematch at FINALS PLZZZZZZZZZ
gonna be shinhan all over again.
United States4549 Posts
Thank you so much for this translation!! It's always great to get insight on what the players are feeling...
Nada and Savior... mm that would be sweet.