51322 Posts
▶ 카르타고 (Carthage) 1.0 * Positions : 2 Players ( 5, 11) * Tileset : Jungle World * Dimensions : 112×128 * Version : 1.0 * Author : 송기범 (Song Ki Bum) (skb9728_CyGnus)
▶ 비잔티움 (Byzantium) 2.3 * Positions : 4 Players (1, 5, 7,11) * Tileset : Twilight * Dimensions : 128×128 * Version : 2.3 * Author : 송기범 (Song Ki Bum) (skb9728_CyGnus)
The other two maps being used will be Shin Chungpungmyeongwol (Neo Harmony) and Destination.
Maps will be available to download on the 15th (first day of MSL)
Osaka27118 Posts
What are the changes on Byzantuim? (I dont know the original well enough to tell)
51322 Posts
That's what I was figuring out too, but what I could minutely gather with my bad Korean, 1'o clock has been adjusted a bit.
Katowice25012 Posts
My map season, my favorite season
Carthage looks like another Zerg graveyard.
1584 Posts
Here's the changes, a bit less mineralpatches in the new one it seems
No min only expo's on Carthage, interesting. I wonder if the gas is 2500 rather than 5000 in some of the further away expos. I guess the maker took what the OGN commentator in advice, about giving toss free expos. Though I think Carthage looks sorta boring. I never really liked Byzantium much as a map, and don't like how they seem to have stuck with it despite the predecessors questionable balance. (Didn't like RotK either).
10183 Posts
wow. Seems like the Zerg player complains have come to their attention once again
Both maps look Zerg friendly, especially the new Byzantium
Carthage has an enormous amount of places where you can put proxies. I don't think it'll be a zerg graveyard since at least it'll be really easy to secure a 3rd gas, and once defilers are out hills favor zerg more than terran. ZvP will probably be hard since it's now protoss who can secure that 3rd gas really easily, although the toss will become very vulnerable to drops and counter attacks once he extends out beyond that.
Byzantium still sucks but at least Carthage is looking pretty decent
10183 Posts
On January 09 2009 22:37 prOxi.Beater wrote: Carthage has an enormous amount of places where you can put proxies. I don't think it'll be a zerg graveyard since at least it'll be really easy to secure a 3rd gas, and once defilers are out hills favor zerg more than terran. ZvP will probably be hard since it's now protoss who can secure that 3rd gas really easily, although the toss will become very vulnerable to drops and counter attacks once he extends out beyond that.
Byzantium still sucks but at least Carthage is looking pretty decent wow I can't believe I didn't see that 3rd gas ;; I thought it was mineral only
So they decreased the number of mineral patches in nat and 3rd... Hmm... But I have to say I generally don't like Byzantium.
Don't really like the look of Carthage but who knows. Maybe it will turn out to be a good map.
On January 09 2009 22:39 Lebesgue wrote: So they decreased the number of mineral patches in nat and 3rd... Hmm... But I have to say I generally don't like Byzantium.
Don't really like the look of Carthage but who knows. Maybe it will turn out to be a good map.
They did that to boost Zerg a bit.
Or a lot.
On January 09 2009 22:08 GTR-2-Go wrote: Shin Chungpungmyeongwol
holy crap
Carthage shocks me of how well thought out it's made. Not sure if I like the neutral temples in the middle but I'm generally a hater with regards to neutral buildings and shit like that on maps. Maps should be back to basics. Carthage looks fun tvp, carriers might be strong though.don't think they'll be katrina-strong through. I think you might be able to drop a ghost behind the nat on carthage.... not sure on that.
I also love 2 player maps.
Doesnt look like much room for a big toss army to flank a big terran push. Carriers could be brutal though.
fuck the new map doesnt looks too great... Zergs gonna have hard time to get their 3rd early on, it looks like a protoss heaven with the open areas, wallin-able expo, many alternate ways to reach the other expos, easy falnk options. I dont know, it might suit zergs the lack of mineralpatches on gas-expoes, but it looks like a toss map. Carriers should be fine too
carthage seems to be another one of theos chupung / peaks of beduku types maps
Okay, this map is a bit like Longinus and Tau Cross combined, except that it's a two-player map so I would expect a lot of games with proxies. Hard to judge though, so I would like to see some games on it first. On the other hand, Byzantium is boring and still sucks.
I bet we will see lots of proxies in Carthage. It has lots of places to hide you stuff.
It looks like the mapmakers are trying to make maps better for zerg. They're finally reducing the number of mineral patches!