On August 04 2008 20:41 Artosis wrote:
for a long long long LONG LONG long time its been my dream to go to korea for starcraft. i always practiced thinking that if i went over it would be as a progamer. funny how things turn out. i got invited over by IEG (the company that owns eSTRO) to do some commentating for their english language website (www.scforall.com) after they saw some of my commentary on TSL/Ascension.
i'll be flying back to the US on october 1st (wcg usa w00t), but i hope to turn this opportunity into some kind of career in esports while i'm over here so that i can come right back.
but wow its literally a dream come true. i just got here wednesday night, and korea is already so awesome. the culture is so different from usa. EVERYONE needs to visit korea at least once before they die. i dont think ive stopped smiling since i landed. my face is starting to hurt.
oh btw they did a video interview of me. i hope to god that all the akward embarassing parts got edited out rofl.
a real HUGE HUGE HUGE THX to all the people who liked my casting in Ascension + TSL (and tl.net staff for letting me cast TSL ofcourse!). i absolutely would not be here otherwise!
for a long long long LONG LONG long time its been my dream to go to korea for starcraft. i always practiced thinking that if i went over it would be as a progamer. funny how things turn out. i got invited over by IEG (the company that owns eSTRO) to do some commentating for their english language website (www.scforall.com) after they saw some of my commentary on TSL/Ascension.
i'll be flying back to the US on october 1st (wcg usa w00t), but i hope to turn this opportunity into some kind of career in esports while i'm over here so that i can come right back.
but wow its literally a dream come true. i just got here wednesday night, and korea is already so awesome. the culture is so different from usa. EVERYONE needs to visit korea at least once before they die. i dont think ive stopped smiling since i landed. my face is starting to hurt.
oh btw they did a video interview of me. i hope to god that all the akward embarassing parts got edited out rofl.
a real HUGE HUGE HUGE THX to all the people who liked my casting in Ascension + TSL (and tl.net staff for letting me cast TSL ofcourse!). i absolutely would not be here otherwise!

Congrats dude.
You (imo) deserve it. If I was you I would try Caster/Journalist.... If you can get contacts at different teams houses you could arrange english interviews (translator of course) and english behind the korean scene type stuff. The journalist thing is just a side note that I've always wanted to have and never got ( but so was GOOD english casting).