United States2139 Posts
for a long long long LONG LONG long time its been my dream to go to korea for starcraft. i always practiced thinking that if i went over it would be as a progamer. funny how things turn out. i got invited over by IEG (the company that owns eSTRO) to do some commentating for their english language website (www.scforall.com) after they saw some of my commentary on TSL/Ascension.
i'll be flying back to the US on october 1st (wcg usa w00t), but i hope to turn this opportunity into some kind of career in esports while i'm over here so that i can come right back.
but wow its literally a dream come true. i just got here wednesday night, and korea is already so awesome. the culture is so different from usa. EVERYONE needs to visit korea at least once before they die. i dont think ive stopped smiling since i landed. my face is starting to hurt.
oh btw they did a video interview of me. i hope to god that all the akward embarassing parts got edited out rofl. http://www.scforall.com/sctv/sc_tv01.asp?mNum=s03&movNum=52
a real HUGE HUGE HUGE THX to all the people who liked my casting in Ascension + TSL (and tl.net staff for letting me cast TSL ofcourse!). i absolutely would not be here otherwise!
51342 Posts
Fuck yeah Artosis, always loved your commentary and i'm glad to see they noticed you over there.
Good luck man!
Congratulations, man. You have talent and I hope everything goes well for you. Keep us updated! I look forward to more of your work.
Congrats Artosis! I've always liked your commentary the most! :D gl hf
51342 Posts
that is a large television ;p
England2183 Posts
good shit, congratulations etc. korea is awesome, i'm going back there for 2 weeks (sept 21st to oct 4th). looking forward to it a lot.
Australia3316 Posts
gl hf and you+tasteless 2v2 Boxer Savior ^^
Seriously congrats
Only non-korean commentator I like besides tasteless.
GIVE US ASCENSION FINALS!!! (when u re) hf over there^^
Congratulations Artosis Tasteless/Artosis for GSL commentary please.
United States2139 Posts
On August 04 2008 20:56 ToT)MidiaN( wrote: good shit, congratulations etc. korea is awesome, i'm going back there for 2 weeks (sept 21st to oct 4th). looking forward to it a lot.
omg nice lets meet up! thx all :D
Wow. Enjoy your time in Korea. I want to go there sometime.
hahahahaa. super daniel.
Looking forward to seeing some of your commentaries from this.
OMG I'm so jealous :D
But I'm only 16, when I turn 18 I'll go to Korea )
With IEG/Estro boycotting the last Gomtv SL I wonder if we will actually see a Tasteless & Artosis duo. Maybe kespa and gomtv have worked stuff out. Maybe they will allow it.
But if not Artosis, who is the person Tasteless mentioned they are trying to ? It could still be some random Korean with native level English?
Im vegetarian also. I always imagined going to Asia would be hard. Anyway, pretty cool. I always imagined this would happen some day.
Artosis playing courage just for fun? Maybe interesting.
You gonna train to become a progamer twhile your out there?
Best of luck!!
Calgary25964 Posts
Congrats buddy, you fucking made it
United States22883 Posts
That is completely awesome. Glad your dreams are coming true. Now you gotta work on making it permanent.
Calgary25964 Posts
PS don't forget who helped get you there when TSL2 comes