On December 27 2024 08:55 PurE)Rabbit-SF wrote: I feel like I am already very dumb, cause I give stupid reddit retard take on this forum, but somehow I feel like I can't even understand how dumb this take is :S, am i the only one to feel this way? :D
I feel like most people will read this screenshot with a sample size of 1 person and mspaint "FACTS" written, and assume op is trolling lmao
same player, piloting both races, z is 300 mmr higher, even tho protoss is supposed to be similar to terran :p
Your facts are funny as fck. HEY PROTOSS IS HARDER THAN ZERG.
Strudel highest matchup WR is pvz.
No wonder ... In this mu he plays at a much lower level (on average much weaker opponents). But Hey we don't blame you ... Z king of course Is sponsor of "omg ZvP Is hard" ... when every morally honest Z player know its not.
same player, piloting both races, z is 300 mmr higher, even tho protoss is supposed to be similar to terran :p
Your facts are funny as fck. HEY PROTOSS IS HARDER THAN ZERG.
Strudel highest matchup WR is pvz.
No wonder ... In this mu he plays at a much lower level (on average much weaker opponents). But Hey we don't blame you ... Z king of course Is sponsor of "omg ZvP Is hard" ... when every morally honest Z player know its not.
From my personal experience(main P), both my Z and T are about 300 mmr lower, and at the same level relative to each other. With same playstyle, but context of "I hardly ever play offrace, and also watch much less pro games without a P" So kinda weird seeing that much of a difference here Playstyles are probably a factor.
The guy is low A Terran so his mechanics is likely "completed", which means his mechanics is good enough to transition to Zerg without any problems (and good enough for P without saying). On the other hand if you're a main P player, unless you're A/S rank, you're more likely to suffer from mechanics deficiency when playing as T and especially Z.
"P easiest race" is sometimes a misconception. It's only easiest in the sense that if you start playing the game for the first time, it's easiest for you to learn/gain mmr. But when you have mastered the mechanics side of BW and have a decent understanding of the strategic side, and you go back to learn another race, it's a different story.
786 mmr difference (according to the calculator) ^_______.________^
Good find LUCKY_NOOB! I am certain he never left games right away. Protoss is so hard, he can be A with one race and then E with toss.
Protoss is just so difficult, dragoons are stupid af. Storm can miss unlike tanks, and although lurkers can miss z doesn't need to do anything. Reavers require 400 apm, that only pros can do. Zealots are the most micro intensive unit in the game, if you just a-click them they will get kited
I've always thought Zerg was the easiest race to climb the ladder with. That doesn't mean it's the easiest race overall or anything though. It just simply is the easiest race to climb ladders with.
To win tournaments at any competitive level is very hard for Zerg (or any race) and to get like top 100 on the ladder is crazy hard but with so many Protoss players on ladder and with how short Zerg games can be, it's clearly the easiest race to climb ladders with in general.
for his zerg account i went and counted the number of wins he got from opponents leaving at the start, giving him free points, ans it was 33 games. He left 1 at the start himself. so 32 games worth of free points.
For his toss account he had to leave 8 games very close to one another, 6 of which in a row, because his opponent was a hacker. He also did get about the 31 free wins, but having to leave 7 times more than on his zerg account already accounts for the difference in points.
On December 28 2024 14:15 G5 wrote: I've always thought Zerg was the easiest race to climb the ladder with. That doesn't mean it's the easiest race overall or anything though. It just simply is the easiest race to climb ladders with.
To win tournaments at any competitive level is very hard for Zerg (or any race) and to get like top 100 on the ladder is crazy hard but with so many Protoss players on ladder and with how short Zerg games can be, it's clearly the easiest race to climb ladders with in general.
I think I'll just watch the legend fight the trolls here :S
Back in the day when I was around D+ I usually went toe to toe with D+ Zergs, D/D- Terrans and C-/C Protosses. Your research confirms I actually beat C/C+ caliber players, correct?
so without playing the race I'm about as good at Protoss against Zerg as I am with Zerg
I feel like these types of discussions neglect the concept of "having affinity with a specific race"
For example I suck at protoss. Naturally my protoss results are going to suck. Zerg I find super easy to play because it just fits my skill set really well, and terran I got through grinding it the hard way. Zerg just has super low effort macro cycles and units movement, which I am fast at and precise with. But I am a super slow base organizer/manager and zerg requires the least base management. Terran by far the most and Toss in the middle.
Well, I can testify that the first time I managed to beat computer on my SC demo back in the day was with Protoss, I couldn't make it with other races, and my game knowledge was null, it was just easier with Protoss, because you know... 12 zeze "a" move. F.A.C.T.S.
On March 26 2025 23:28 KameZerg wrote: Zerg: Easiest macro and hardest micro Protoss: Intermediate macro and easiest micro Terran: Hardest macro and intermediate micro
Zerg macro is actually the hardest in the beginning
it took me like half an hour to get a pro level factory timing with Terran (1:28 on 12 gas) after Artosis released his video
it took me weeks to get Zerg builds down
Why? Because if you don't split perfectly, you delay your second drone. If you fuck up Terran or Protoss, you get 8 minerals later by a second. With Zerg, you get EVERY DRONE later which makes your hatchery delayed which makes everything even slower in a cascading effect. This is why every Zerg pro boosts, because getting more minerals faster speeds you up even more later. As far as Protoss goes, BeSt doesn't even split to the fastest Protoss patches and his builds are completely fine.