Korea's Won to Dollar is about 1:0.9 but for easier understanding I will just rounded out to 1:1. These are just top 3 from each team.
Name, FULL income, contract
SK1T Choi, Yunsung - $450,000 - 4.2005-3.2008 Park, Yongwook - $300,000 - 4.2005-3.2008 Park, Taemin - $300,000 - 4.2005-3.2008
KTF Park, Jungsuk - $400,000 - 1.2005-12.2007 Hong, Jinho - $330,000 - 4.2004-3.2007 Kang, Min - $330,000 - 4.2004-3.2007
CJ Seo, Jihoon - $150,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 Ma, Jaeyoon - $70,000 - 4.2006-3.2007
MBC Game Park, SungJoon - $110,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 Park, Jiho - $40,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 Yum, Bosung - $20,000 - 4.2006-3.2007
Pantech Lee, Yoonyeol - $600,000 - 8.2004-7.2007 Shim, Somyung - $90,000 - 8.2006-1.2008 Ahn. Kihyo - $60,000 - 8.2006-1.2008
Samsung Byun, Eunjong - $70,000 - 1.2006-12.2006 Song, Byungkoo - $50,000 - 1.2006-12.2006 Lee, Changhoon - $46,000 - 1.2006-12.2006
LeCaf Oh, Youngjong - $40,000 - 3.2006-2.2007 Kimg, SungKeon - $24,000 - 3.2006-2.2007 Choi, Karam - $20,000 - 3.2006-2.2007
Ongamenet Cha, Jaewook - $40,000 - 6.2006-5.2007 Han, Dongwook - $36,000 - 6.2006-5.2007 Jeon, Taekyu - $18,000 - 6.2006-5.2007
Estro Seo, Kisoo - $28,000 - 10.2006-9.2007 Cho, Yongsung - $24,000 - 10.2006-9.2007 Kim, Wonki - $24,000 - 10.2006-9.2007
Hanbit Kim, Joonyoung - $23,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 Park, Daemahn - $18,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 Yoon, Yongtae - $6,000 - 4.2006-3.2007
STX (Sponsor contract)
I noticed CJ, MBC, LeCaf, Hanbit contracts are almost over while Samsung's contracts are over. Wonder if they arlready renewed the contracts or will try to join other teams.
Thanks a lot !
dood..NaDa's income is so sick. he would be in the top 0.01% of the american economy/work force.
600,000 dollars is no joke.
come to think of it though, the somewhat lesser known progamers here aren't earning as much...say compared to a teacher. i guess for the money, it isn't worth it to enter progaming, since it's one in so few that actually get to the top.
Well, none of the progamers really have to pay for rent or food anymore now that every team is sponsored. And it's not like they need to spend much money on consumables anyway, since they're practicing all day.
I'm surprised Savior's income is so low though.
Rock is making way to much money
is that 600k per year, or over the period of the contract?
For those like me who don't recognize most of the progamers by name, I've added their handles to nullmind's data:
SK1T iloveoov, Choi Yunsung - $450,000 - 4.2005-3.2008 Kingdom, Park Yongwook - $300,000 - 4.2005-3.2008 GoRush, Park Taemin - $300,000 - 4.2005-3.2008
KTF [Oops]Reach, Park Jungsuk - $400,000 - 1.2005-12.2007 YellOw, Hong Jinho - $330,000 - 4.2004-3.2007 Nal_rA, Kang Min - $330,000 - 4.2004-3.2007
CJ XellOs, Seo Jihoon - $150,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 sAviOr, Ma Jaeyoon - $70,000 - 4.2006-3.2007
MBC Game July, Park SungJoon - $110,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 PuSan[S.G], Park Jiho - $40,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 Sea.Shield , Yum Bosung - $20,000 - 4.2006-3.2007
Pantech [ReD]NaDa, Lee Yoonyeol - $600,000 - 8.2004-7.2007 Silver, Shim Somyung - $90,000 - 8.2006-1.2008 TheROCK, Ahn Kihyo - $60,000 - 8.2006-1.2008
Samsung JJu, Byun Eunjong - $70,000 - 1.2006-12.2006 Stork, Song Byungkoo - $50,000 - 1.2006-12.2006 ZergLee, Lee Changhoon - $46,000 - 1.2006-12.2006
LeCaf AnyTime, Oh Youngjong - $40,000 - 3.2006-2.2007 Bright[z-zone], Kim SungKeon - $24,000 - 3.2006-2.2007 ShinHwA[Name], Choi Karam - $20,000 - 3.2006-2.2007
Ongamenet ClouD, Cha Jaewook - $40,000 - 6.2006-5.2007 Casy[Alive], Han Dongwook - $36,000 - 6.2006-5.2007 ZeuS, Jeon Taekyu - $18,000 - 6.2006-5.2007
Estro Tester[gm], Seo Kisoo - $28,000 - 10.2006-9.2007 Eliza, Cho Yongsung - $24,000 - 10.2006-9.2007 Cool[fOu], Kim Wonki - $24,000 - 10.2006-9.2007
Hanbit GGPlay, Kim Joonyoung - $23,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 DaezanG[GnH], Park Daemahn - $18,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 Free[gm], Yoon Yongtae - $6,000 - 4.2006-3.2007
Names were found in http://teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=34086 (Pro Team Rosters) which is a year old, so some of the capitalization/clan tags may be a little out of date.
Free should get like 4x more ;-) or even 8x
On February 10 2007 02:48 FirstProbe wrote: is that 600k per year, or over the period of the contract?
In all cases im pretty sure its the whole contract amount. So he makes 200k per year more accurately.
No wonder that Nada keeps being so motivated, with all that cash he get. It's just sick! Seriously, it's sick!
And free needs a huge raise. His PvZ is awesome, which isn't very common nowadays, I like him .
Does this mean if I payed city[fou] 30k a year he'd play me 1v1 constantly until i became amazing? If you are out there somewhere city... send me a resume
I like GoRush and all, but damn he's overpaid. Midas deserves his money.
A fun thing to note for most of the richer teams is that the more baller you are, the shittier you've been doing lately. I guess they pay them for their image now. I don't blame them though..I'd pay Reach 400k to just sit around my house ez.
Wow... sAviOr only 70k ? He won vs so many good players, i was expecting at leat 200k for the 1st place kespa player.
On February 10 2007 03:14 PanoRaMa wrote: I like GoRush and all, but damn he's overpaid. Midas deserves his money.
Haha Midas wins a lot but he still doesnt take home top prize. I dont really think he is actually worth much more than GoRush: [ Maybe if he wins an MSL/OSL it would change
Savior is gettig payed ~1/3rd that Nada does.
 I think once his contract is over he will be making much much more.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
On February 10 2007 02:50 rgfdxm wrote: SK1T iloveoov, Choi Yunsung - $450,000 - 4.2005-3.2008 Kingdom, Park Yongwook - $300,000 - 4.2005-3.2008 GoRush, Park Taemin - $300,000 - 4.2005-3.2008
KTF [Oops]Reach, Park Jungsuk - $400,000 - 1.2005-12.2007 YellOw, Hong Jinho - $330,000 - 4.2004-3.2007 Nal_rA, Kang Min - $330,000 - 4.2004-3.2007
CJ XellOs, Seo Jihoon - $150,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 sAviOr, Ma Jaeyoon - $70,000 - 4.2006-3.2007
MBC Game July, Park SungJoon - $110,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 PuSan[S.G], Park Jiho - $40,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 Sea.Shield , Yum Bosung - $20,000 - 4.2006-3.2007
Pantech [ReD]NaDa, Lee Yoonyeol - $600,000 - 8.2004-7.2007 Silver, Shim Somyung - $90,000 - 8.2006-1.2008 TheROCK, Ahn Kihyo - $60,000 - 8.2006-1.2008
Samsung JJu, Byun Eunjong - $70,000 - 1.2006-12.2006 Stork, Song Byungkoo - $50,000 - 1.2006-12.2006 ZergLee, Lee Changhoon - $46,000 - 1.2006-12.2006
LeCaf AnyTime, Oh Youngjong - $40,000 - 3.2006-2.2007 Bright[z-zone], Kim SungKeon - $24,000 - 3.2006-2.2007 ShinHwA[Name], Choi Karam - $20,000 - 3.2006-2.2007
Ongamenet ClouD, Cha Jaewook - $40,000 - 6.2006-5.2007 Casy[Alive], Han Dongwook - $36,000 - 6.2006-5.2007 ZeuS, Jeon Taekyu - $18,000 - 6.2006-5.2007
Estro Tester[gm], Seo Kisoo - $28,000 - 10.2006-9.2007 Eliza, Cho Yongsung - $24,000 - 10.2006-9.2007 Cool[fOu], Kim Wonki - $24,000 - 10.2006-9.2007
Hanbit GGPlay, Kim Joonyoung - $23,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 DaezanG[GnH], Park Daemahn - $18,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 Free[gm], Yoon Yongtae - $6,000 - 4.2006-3.2007 bolded names are sooo underpaid;; except for reach and yellow and silver; who are way overpaid
lol i like how were criticizing how much the sponsors pay the progamers I say, Nada deserves what hes getting, so does oov, kang min, but i think anytime deserves like maybe 10 grand more or so. Savior obviously better be getting a big raise, and xellos is overpaid due to lack of participation in the big scene.
On February 10 2007 03:25 Ryp wrote: Wow... sAviOr only 70k ? He won vs so many good players, i was expecting at leat 200k for the 1st place kespa player.
you all have to pay attention to how long the contracts last. if you break it down to what a player gets per year, the numbers equal out at least a bit.
i can just hope money doesn't ruin the transfer polocies as much as in european/worldwide soccer. but many thanks for the information nullmind. I believe this has been discussed/mentioned a lot of times, but nobody had the facts to prove anything :D
besides, does anyone know about how much the gaming industry makes from the starcraft pro scene? or how much the teams get from televisioning rights and the like? that would also be interesting, mostly because that would make the player salaries better comparable to the oerall cash-flow.