We're the Swedish Inquisition! Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion for the swarm. Wait, that was wrong. Let's start again. The ursadon is not a creature of the air. Now witness their attmpts to fly from tree to tree. Notice that they do not so much fly as... plummet. No, doesn't feel right again. Now for something completely different.
Review: Week 2
The opening war between Peruvian team LaGFree and the new clan iM was, just like the Swedish Inquisition, not the way you expected it to happen. LaGFree did indeed not lag, they were organized like the Italian Cosa Nostra.
The first set was rather ordinary, TerrOr for LaGFree opened the war against the Zerg widowkiller with a bunker rush and took the lead.
A standard Protoss vs. Terran followed, Fazers (iM) being the Terran, Dark (LaGFree) being the Protoss. The score was even, nothing too exciting, nothing too boring either, Fazers won due to very good macro, Dark was a bit late on expansions and Tech. A textbook Brood War war so far. Then it got silly.
Apparently, ZeTy (Zerg, LaGFree) and Probert (T, iM) weren't supposed to play each other initially, but were forced to clash, due to an unsolvable IP conflict between ZeTy and Fazers. Anyhow, ZeTy copied Terror's aggressive style in form of a 1 Hatch Lurker build. Probert was unable keep his mind calm when trying to defend versus such aggression: he built an e-bay in front of lurkers while losing 3 SCVs, and finally producing goliaths.
This time in a fourth set an iM protoss Infernis decided to play cheesy versus LaGFree TerranBoy (Terran). It was a bad idea to proxy gate against a Peruvian player - Terranboy scouted and successfully denied the cheese. Next up: Vultures sneaking out. It was really not going well for the Protoss, who already transitioned into Dark Templar Drop. He was able to miss the vultures by a second with his goon, then blocked his ramp with a Dark Templar, but the vultures glitched in. GG, 3-1 for Peru.
Luckily, the fifth set was just an ordinary, long drawn, micro heavy Protoss mirror between SuGo and DienMaX. DienMaX (LaGFree) came out on top of most engagements with a few units left and thusly gained small advantages. After more than fifteen minutes he defended a large attack and could make the 4-1 perfect.
Team LaGFree showed that they are ready to fight, with a unique style, and united by TerrOr's leadership. Huge respect to him and to the team overall that showed ideal discipline and patience during the match.
The second war between Hungarian Eagles (sas) and Russian iFU was far more interesting, with all due respect for the skill shown in the other war - it just couldn't live up with the games we were about to see.
Already the clash between Cryoc (iFU) and Michael (Eagles) was brilliant. Cryoc showed that he is a sniper and specialist in this very match up and did his best to take down the monstrous Zerg. Michael showed that he was used to a player like Pro7ect or Heme and fought back valiantly. The game was going back and forth, despite only thirty people watching. It was a very great game. Sadly, Ultralisks are strong. 1-0 for the Eagles.
Next up was the almost most boring match between Canadian DRaW and the Russian WCG National veteran spx. Both are skilled, but both decided to play a rather ordinary PvT on Colosseum. In the end, DRaW's macro 1a2a3aed effectively enough, so that the eagles were in the lead with a 2-0.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5nyuI8y.jpg)
the third set
Next up was King Tama of the edgy table of Defiler against Sir Flame-A-Lot aka Julia on Outsider. Outsider supports silly games. Tama took his sword and chopped of Julia's arm with the first blow using 2 Gate opening. But Sir-Flames-A-Lot didn't want to give in. He could still bleed on the Protoss base. Confused Tama had to take blow after blow (sneaked zerglings killing probes) and got more confused (losing mineral only exp) and nearly lost the game, since Sir-Flame-A-Lot didn't cave. Eventually Tama could destroy Zerg's third while establishing his natural exp. Still having very few probes he invested all resources into army that allowed him to win a final battle. The game was over and iFU could take their first point of the new season.
eOnzErG vs Dsaqwe was over pretty fast, too. Dsaqwe lost the opportunity to scout well, eOnzErG built lings and hydras, busted and that's the game in a nutshell. The score was even.
Fifth set: ZvZ eunt domus. ZaRaki > Pauline, eagles 3 - 2 iFU
Must aka. Lancerx tried to even out the score on Fighting Spirit in the sixth set against Hungarian eagle-Terran skzlime. Both opened standard, then exploded. Within a few minutes skzlime tried to take his third, but couldn't, as goons already expected him. Meanwhile he raided Must's economy with a bunch of vultures, while he had to deal with reaver harass in his base. Both players came out quite even, Must lost probes, skzlime his CC on his third and a couple of SCVs. The game slowed down, both couldn't really believe what they just did, probably. Terran went for a big attack, Must went for a rather bad setup and went in full heartedly from a bad spot - 4-2 for the eagles!
Preview: Week 3
For the third week we have more events. The Townswomen's Guild of AoV and LRM Evolutions will re-enact the battle of Pearl Harbor. Sziky, TechnicS, Bakuruy, TrutaCz and whatever they have else, are already eager to show war atrocities. But AoV's talents lined up their talents and read the script very well. They want to surprise the audience with their new faces. However, even though it seems we already know the winner, we shall wait and see. Maybe, the youngsters can re-write a bit of history there.
In the second war the stealthy Pain-Bunnies will face the Russians from iWL. Again, the winner might be clear here, PsB did not sent out their most scary players just yet, Chinese Dragon FengZi still waits, Canadian LoL Champion Bibiane was nowhere near. Still, there's the holy hand granade. iWL just needs to count to three, and not stop at two, also mustn't count to four - with all that they could be safe.
The Questions
Admins can and will abuse anything you do against you. Before the warriors of the first four wars could pass on, we asked them some questions, such as "what's your favourite color?" and "what is the capital of Assyria?". We picked Elky 2.0 aka. Glio, Canadian DRaW and one of our commentators: L_Master. Initially, I tried to contact Wallace, but missed it so far. Sorry Wallace, hugs and kisses. To name drop you again - WALLACE.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DjTt6aX.jpg)
+ Show Spoiler [Glio from AoV] +
Hello! Could you please introduce yourself to the audience?
Gutten tag, I'm glio, the best iccup admin, since I lead 100% ratio win vs Great (1-0). MaD left iccup team because I couldn't bear this challenge vs me. I'm also the team mate of Mewka in AoV team and member of the best french team : nG.
That's really interesting. Don't you play for another team in a big league though? Could you tell us a bit more about this team?
Of course, I play with AoV, because they needed an extremely strong player, after weeks of negociation about the salary I choosed to joined them. We are now the favourite of the league, there are many talented players like Sabas and his guardian micro, Mewka and his scout timing push, Safina and his semi-agressive build by building gates in opponent base, Elegant who i heard is known, and MaD, who is in our team B, just in case.
You mentioned your incredible skill, viewers already called you Elky 2.0. What's your secret training method?
I used to do the traditional method, playing a lot of game with some team mates, (I think I've played more than 100 games with Sabas), and just playing ladder. I also play on a secret smurf when I reach C+ to reduce the chance of my hundreds of viewers seeing my losing. But this is the past. Now I watch Gamegene's tutorial video, and it really works.
Do you have any tipps for aspiring beginners like in_Dove, Mong or Hiya?
I smell irony in your question. Dove, Mong and HiyA are way better than me. HiyA vs me will probably be 5-95 in 100 games (™)
Alright. Let's talk about your match vs. vOddy, please sum that up in a few sentences and give us an impressio of your opponent - were you scared you might lose the opening game of the best league of the world? Or were you confident?
I didn't expected a terran opponent, and I thought vOddy was still protoss, and that he played terran only for TvP. So It was a surprise. My goal was to not be ridiculous, not to win. I've got lucky to have be able to defend quite easily his doom drop in my main, so I got a nice advantage which I kept throughout the game. But I was anyway the big favourite of the match, I'm Elky 2.0, did you already forgot that ?
No, I did not. Your next match will be vs. LRM. If you could pick, who would you like to play and why?
Ah, LRM, they're the challengers, I think everyone in AoV will play with the keyboard, because I heard some of their players are decent. Lately I play a lot of reverse with KenZy (me Z, he T). He's not bad at killing third bases, but when I choose to stay on two bases, I'm just too good for him. I show him how to ZvT with my zerglings, and I would like to show him the ultimate lesson of ZvT in STL.
Alright, let's do some short questions. I throw a random word at you and you type what comes to mind first. Favourite defiler.ru meme?
KenZy's marines nightmare.
SOSPA Proleague
Pick the strongest: Marwin, FengZi, Sziky, Scan
I don't know any of them, I'd choose Marwin because I heard he beat this "Sziky"
Okay, that'd be all. Do you have any last words?
Sure, thanks Gecko for your time, thanks to all the iCCup staff for their work, especially iCCup.Glioburd for his perfect job. I give a kiss to Mewka because he loves it (I hope he will not make the team lose like vs sB/PaiN), and to all the other AoV and nG members. I hope I will get a 2nd win in this league. And of course thanks to the Swedish Broodwar Iniatiative and all the viewers.
+ Show Spoiler [L_Master] +
Hello, and stuff. Could you please introduce yourself?
Hello ladies and gentlemen of TL. I'm LMaster and if you are wondering why on earth I'm being interviewed, I'm "known" for casting various events whether it be D Ranks leagues, STL, and other various tournies. I also organize many of the lower rank events on TL, namely DRTL and DRIT.
Do you remember why you wanted to commentate games in the first place?
To be honest, I didn't really ever have any intentions of commentating. One of the common complaints casters typically got was that they had poor game knowledge and just talked out their ass; being something like D/D+ at the time...I was worried that would be me. However, while playing in DRTL I thought to myself "wouldn't it be fun for the players if they got their games casted just like for pro events"...and my casting was born.
I intended to cast only for DRTL, but people evidently enjoyed my casting enough that I was asked to help cast at times for ISL/Gambit's Cup, and I guess the rest is history.
Ok. What's the impression of the league so far? How's the quality of games? A favourite already?
The league so far is quite interesting, but still too early to see which teams are going to be the big contenders. On paper its LRM), sas, and iFU that seem most dangerous. LRM and iFU have very strong lineups, and possess lethal aces in Sziky and Scan; and sas is just a very, very deep team. If I had to pick a favorite off the top of my head, I'd say LRM; but given it's the foriegn scene and activity counts a lot...there is certainly no way to call it.
Game quality has been good, and we have had some nice showings already, especially "paper underdogs" AoV taking two games off PsB. As always in the foriegn scene, some games might not have been beautiful play, but were still very entertaining either from the mistakes or bizzare situations that occured.
Bizzare is what we're after right now. I remember the game of Justice vs FremAN, where Justice built like a thousand turrets. You were very good at describing all of FremAN's mistakes when he made a horrible push. Where's all the negativity come from? Did you feel inspired by Justice?
Had to rewatch to remember exactly what happened. Maybe I'm playing the "PC" game, but I wouldn't call it negativity. When a player trades a control group+ of goons and some zealots for no tanks...it IS a bad engagement. Especially when you run 8 of those goons headlong into a minefield. There is no other way to call it in my opinion, and at least for me it drive me nuts when other casters do that. Same thing as when casters freak out about storms and its one ling losing 20HP.
Right. So, about the players, do you fancy hard trash talk in the style of Justice or Julia, or do you prefer no chat? Did you encounter especially bad or good comments from users/players during or after a cast?
I like the "BM", as long as it is within reason. Like most people seem to, its just funnier to see "fucking lag" at the end of a 40 minute macro game than it is to see "gg" and a game exit. Obviously legtimate insults or 30 minute endless BM rants in channel are overkill...but as casters we don't usually see that in the replay! I think since I am quite GM and as laid back as anyone out there, I don't get any especially bad comments (only YOU have the power to change this). The worst was probably "fix your sound issues".
Speaking sound issues - we heard that Hackle always almost swallows his microphone. Did you follow up on your business plan advertising exactly "this sound" on "certain adult websites"?
It's a work in progress, but we have some nice offers on the plate. I'd say look for big things in the next 6 months or so. For those quick to judge...people gotta pay the bills.
Yah, hackle has probably large bills, considering that he owns a helicopter. Since this interview is entirely based on improvization, I'm going to throw random words at you. Just write what comes to mind first - long or short, I don't really care.
The first one: Zerg
TechnicS and Sziky. Guess I got the foriegn scene on my mind. DraW might be getting gosu at zerg as well, currently second on ICC ladder. Oh. And fuck lurkers.
Right, pick one: Sziky, FengZi, Scan, Marwin
Sziky, because I wanna see forigeners givin the SOSPA guys a run for there money. Scan and FengZi for whatever reason don't have the same home-grown foriegner feel that Sziky does...and while Marwin is a total badass, he doesnt quite have the results and resume that Sziky does.
Your favourite Defiler meme?
Cliche, but :must2: will always be #1. Which reminds me, I haven't been visting dephyla enough. Oh...if it counts, the GODDAMN slide puzzle. Took me some ungodly amount of time and I nearly missed a dephyla tour signup.
Last short question: What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Probably faster than I can run a 5k. Maybe even faster than I can run a mile.
Any last words?
Shoutouts to hackle beast for coming back to cast, MAJOR shoutout to mystery man to coming back and helping out as well...people gave him significantly more crap than he deserved, and he was still willing to come back and be a total graphics boss for STL. I'd also like to thank all my buddies in TAKK/Jesus for practice, DraW and especially NinaZerg for being hilarious, and everyone else for making SkypeStarleague a chill place.
Lastly, LRM)Game for his work in ISL/GC. He is obviously opinionated and been involved in some controversy...but that doesn't change the fact that his tours largely sustained for the foreign scene for several years, and without that we might not be having STL right now.
Super lastly - SWBI. If the reason isn't obvious to you...you're beyond redemption and help
kkk! Thanks for the interview!
+ Show Spoiler [DRaW] +
Do you have a bit more time? Ineed interviews for the SBWI write up.
ok?I always have time, but sometimes i dont reply because i am doing things i should be doing, like writing notes in class, etc (E/N dodging interviews even nowadays)
Ok, since everybody should know you already, I'll make it short and introduce yourself. You're DRaW and the spambot of Defiler Chat, also some might consider you as strong protoss. Is this correct?
This is incorrect, everyone considers me the strongest protoss. The rest is true :yume:
Could you tell us a bit about the situation of your team - the eagles - right now?
The situation is very good, none of us practice at all. We just talk about how life is going. Pez is currently the #1 secret ace of the team, but we'll probably never need him since we won't ever reach an ace match. (If you don't understand this, basically we'll always win before then). Other than that, we just pick straws to see who gets to play which map. Zaraki and Skzlime are the best coaches imaginable, so the spirits within the team are great. Oh yeah, Lumix needs to stop dodging KidCanada style and help us out once and a while.
Tell us a bit about your last opponent - spx. Do you know him? Were you scared to face an oldschool Russian Terran nobody has heard of before?
This isn't true, I know Spx very well and he's pretty underrated. I have a decent record vs him so I wasn't that scared initially to play him. However, as the game progressed I saw that he was going very heavily macro oriented in his build so I had to do something quick. Luckily as the game progressed, he wasn't able to keep up so I was able to win after continually recalling his base and reducing his army over and over. BTW, he was in the army and got out a bit over a year ago, but didn't return to BW until recently, so it's nice to see him playing again since we can use a few more terrans.
We could use a lot more non Zerg players. Why are you promoting your Zerg play so much? Don't you feel a little bit guilty?
Playing zerg for me is very casual, since my last TLS performance I was very disappointed with my results. I really thought I should have done better and I didn't stick to my strategies I prepared after losing game 3 on wind and cloud vs technics. As a result, I decided that since BW was quite inactive at the time that I would just play as casually as possible so I went full zerg and played when I could. I find zerg to be quite relaxing, I don't even micro and I have achieved #2 on the ladder playing solely Zerg. I don't really feel guilty since it shouldn't be my responsibility to kill zergs :D but I will return for this SBWI and kill them all, even Sziky.
How do you see the chances of sas in the league? Are you scared you will be roflstomped by the good teams?
I'm not scared at all because we have Zimp and Pez as our trump card, so far they haven't lost a single set in TLS/GC1/GC2/GC3 and SBWI combined. Just curious, who are the "good teams"?
All of them. Skzlime mentioned you recruited Julia because of his trash talk skills. Did he teach your roster a few new tricks?
We didn't really need him since we have myself, Dsaqwe, and Skzlime. Sometimes michael will join in, but not often. Julia hasn't synced in as of yet but maybe he will teach us a few things soon. I like this strategy of blaming Peruvian lag though.
Alright, now for some short questions. What's the next excuse on your list of excuses for not showing up?
There was another game? I didn't even know about it.
I hoped for a bit more. Nervmind, next: What's your favourite Defiler.ru meme?
Oh, you said short. You want a whole list?
No, Teamliquid has a limit for characters I think. So, favourite Defiler.ru meme?
The first one to pick anything but :must: so far. Alright, write what comes to mind for this word: Zerg
Pick one: Sziky, FengZi, Scan or Marwin
Fengzi cause he'll never play in the league.
Imagine you walk into a bar and see TossGirl. Come up with a StarCraft pick-up line to win her over.
You must be a high templar, because I just felt something eletric
can't really think of anything, that was tough
What's the capital of Assyria?
Ok. That's about it. Any last words?
Usual, thanks to everyone. Hoping for entertaining league and games. GJ to my team so far, even though iFU didn't have all their top players. sas for SBWI Champions!
p.s. hopefully yume streams more bw, this is a very entertaining guy all should go watch him @ defiler.ru!
thank you too!
Post Scriptum
As you can see, this news post was more confusing than the last one. If you don't know the Flying Circus and/or the Holy Grail, you probably didn't understand shit. That's bad for you. You can stop me from writing more confusing stuff if you want. It's fairly easy. Write a PM to JaEvLaTeErAn (or to me). Tell us you're a reliable helper. Seriously though, we need writers. We're not TL with all their fancy coin-incentives (lies), TL+ or whatever. We need you. Don't be a dummy, be a smarty and join the SBWI party!
Also, what the fuck is the iM Logo supposed to be?