On March 03 2015 10:08 BisuDagger wrote: How are people feeling about Brood War these days? Happy with the finals? What would you change for the next tournament? What could be improved upon regarding korean/foriegn content and coverage?
I am feeling quite optimistic. It has been a period of complete stalemate. Now when I go to bed I always able to find an interesting stream to watch and my enthusiasm started growing so that I stopped even following SC2 for example One big concern though, no new players on the horizon.
I consider Larva and Mong new players that are doing extremely well. I think the scene will find a couple new players as well as rising B teamers in the next year.
Larva and Mong are the best the post Kespa period has produced, but they were still remnants of the old days.
In terms of new players, Spire, IcaruS and KH are all prime examples of what the amateur scene can offer. Unfortunately, what they offer is still a lower skilled game than those who have lived and breathed BW within the pro houses. Plenty of people will be happy to watch these players play anyway, myself included, but if not, returning ex pros will be the main hope for new, successful faces in the near future (hello effort/last). Also, wIth such a dependence on donations, a player basically needs a strong draw card to be financially viable, which in most cases is a progaming career (..or be terror). Even then that is no guarantee. Mind's afreeca viewership numbers used to be abysmal for quite awhile there for example.
In saying that though, I'm eagerly awaiting to see how Sonic goes with his goals of rectifying the issue of new players. If there is anyone that can do it, it is that guy. I admit, I am skeptical the skill level of the ex pros can be maintained across the board, but if the past few years of following BW has taught me anything, never say never.
As for feedback more specifically regarding your original question; It's an exciting time to be a BW fan. There is so much hype within the scene again thanks to the efforts of Sonic in Korea, but also the work people have put into the foreign scene (The quality of those articles takes me back). One suggestion I have would be some small write ups for the foreign tournaments and players. There's some good work and potential going into tournaments such as Arcania and tSn as well as the various iccup ranked tournies. The main focus is definitely on the Korean expro scene, but an added interest in our own players might result in a numbers boost in both players on iccup, viewers on twitch and posters on TL.
I have been thinking whether the idea of creating a thread to try and gather a list of people that would be happy to donate small amounts for various tournaments would be viable. It seems people are ok with donating 5 and 10 dollars here and there, maybe there is a way to organise something so more small tournaments could be funded with this money. This suggestion is a bit of a spitball though, really depends on if there is sufficient interest in terms of donators/organisers and basically a worthwhile return on the money (same 8 people showing up could get boring etc etc). The most important part behind this idea, is that people are kept involved and interested, otherwise no donations.
I've also always wondered if we could ever get the Koreans to play something funded by foreign money. They've given us so much, it'd be nice to give something back. But that one seems like quite the long shot; even very small scale Korean tournaments will probably require too much $$.
In the end, the donations aspect might be too confusing and not needed, but just an idea.
Well, that was a little bit longer than I was intending.
Chatting on snipe stream and manald2 mentioned Bisu is now also streaming on the Chinese service Longzhu...
Few random tidbits: -Akin to Afreeca, Bisu earns money from audience donations on Longzhu, along with, reportedly, wages/signing bonus -Bisu's contract is much more lucrative than Movie's (thanks, Probemicro!) -Afreeca and Longzhu software conflict, so for the moment, Bisu can only stream on one service at a time -Around 3,000 viewers, the most of any BW streamer on Longzhu -Trying to stream a few (2-3) days a week at 8pm Chinese time
-Bisu speaks minimal English, so relies on one of his female (American?) Korean-speaking fans ("DoOmi") to provide Korean>English interpretation; unfortunately, the Chinese commentators/moderators also only understand limited English -No plans for military enlistment, trying to postpone -Family against his progaming career, then watched him defeat BoxeR, at which point they started supporting him -Complaints about Afreeca: viewers switch streams when he takes breaks or doesn't play, criticize his singing -Plays LOL occasionally, against the computer
jatgirl aka beast is doing well in the army since entering conscription a few months ago.
he has finished his initial recruit army training and is now a chef by vocation has a 1 week book out holiday starting on the 16th and is enjoying the break with others feels physically healthier and stronger since entering army because of the recent rising suicide rates in army conscription, bullying is no longer tolerated and is punished in the army, which him and his fellow comrades are grateful. still he feels sad as he misses home, along with other reasons. he also misses his fans that support him as a BW player and cherishes them
I think my laddering days are over. I moved house and the connection here is shit. I've got port 6112 open on both UDP and TCP and sometimes I can host, but othertimes nothing. It's really annoying since nobody ever hosts any decent maps so I can't play unless someone I know plays with me :/
EDIT: resetting my router must've fixed the problem!
I've been searching, but can't find anything (though I'm sure there's a guide I missed somewhere..). Is there an easy way to watch Afreeca streams on my phone? Don't get me wrong I love snipealot but it would be nice. ( I have an iphone)
Ok I worked out my problem. Broodwar isn't opening with 6112 as it's port for UDP. It's opening with 1025 which is closed. Is there anything I can do to rectify that?
EDIT: resetting the router fixes that, now to fix my latency issues. It's not ports causing my problem.
On March 23 2015 16:34 aRyuujin wrote: I've been searching, but can't find anything (though I'm sure there's a guide I missed somewhere..). Is there an easy way to watch Afreeca streams on my phone? Don't get me wrong I love snipealot but it would be nice. ( I have an iphone)
Dunno about on the iPhone, but on Android there's an Afreeca app.
On March 23 2015 16:34 aRyuujin wrote: I've been searching, but can't find anything (though I'm sure there's a guide I missed somewhere..). Is there an easy way to watch Afreeca streams on my phone? Don't get me wrong I love snipealot but it would be nice. ( I have an iphone)
Dunno about on the iPhone, but on Android there's an Afreeca app.
On March 11 2015 16:12 shizzz wrote: They've given us so much, it'd be nice to give something back.
I don't really seen what they (Koreans) have given us. The entire KeSPA era was basically Koreans for Koreans and no real project to involve foreigners to speak of. Meanwhile, dozens and hundreds of posts from all over the globe focussed on Korea. After the Beta even worse, 95%+ of all coverage was about Korea, not about how to play the game, or anything aside watching the game. The only guy to do "something" as Korean for non-Koreans seemed to be Sonic, but only partially though. Don't get me wrong, I like Sonic like every other person around here, but "they gave us so much" - really don't know. That we could see their games was mainly thanks to few motivated posters around here, not so much the efforts of Korean organizers or players. Not sure if they really care all that much about us, or that it'd be so needed to throw few resources on them, instead of the people trying to keep the foreign readers reading, or more importantly, playing. For Koreans some few $ don't mean much, for a portal like Defiler it means quite a lot.