Let me first say that I am absolutely loving these broodwar games. This tournament has been tons of fun and thank you for hosting it.
However, whoever is observing these games is infuriating me. It may be petty, but every vod I am staring at the minimap and just wanting to punch the observer and grab the mouse and move the camera myself to the action. There have been tons of situations where I am watching small engagements and army movements on the minimap while the commentators are making predictions on the game and clicking on photon cannons and buildings which serve no function or panning over their bases while action is happening elsewhere. It's very frustrating as a viewer 
I have made a bigger deal out of this than it is, and other than this one quirk I have loved and adored this tournament. Keep up the good work TL! Thank you!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's sayle who observed in day2, and man, you used to be better at it. Maybe scroll less with the mouse too^^ I'm sure it's because you havent done it in a while, your gosu skills will come back pretty soon ! Also Bakuryu brought his lings back on Jade vs Julia cause his second ovie saw Julia's lings trying to hide. Way easier to tell when you're not commentating though !
Australia7069 Posts
obsing while commentating can be a deceptively tough job, and while as a spectator it's often easy to catch things the obs is missing its just one of those things that happens with the setup we're using. We have been exploring other options (in terms of dedicated obs etc) but a final decision on how that's going to pan out hasn't been made yet, but we'll keep you updated. that being said, i reckon sayle does a pretty baller job (much better than pretty much any other commentator who's obsing that i've seen personally).
Maybe the Final Players should be spoiled too
United Kingdom1667 Posts
Yeah it's very hard to get it right. Actually commentating takes up a surprising amount of concentration at any one time, and if there's something you're already talking about, there's not much that's going to stop you!!!
United Kingdom3685 Posts
Thanks for the feedback. I'm quite out of practice having not played or commentated while obs'ing BW in about 4 months (my SSL casts were just from a stream). I'm going to start laddering again today to try and regain my minimap awareness.
commentators need to be good players , practice guys