Jovoich is to tame to be a kerrigan. Not even in Jeandearc trying to look crazy conveys anything. Thus nonono to her. (Another + for weaver in my book Aliens 4: Your not afraid of the aliens but you are very very afraid, uncomfortable with her.) Willis makes Raynor anyday. Snipes make Duran.
Then we enlist a huge amount of volunteers to shoot at zerglings being marines, when they hear its live ammo and the zerglings are played by the known worlds emo kids I'am sure we would have many signup free of charge.
On April 16 2006 10:34 1tym wrote:Duran Duran for Duran ROFFLE LMAO!!
On topic though Bruce Willis is best for Jim Raynor without a doubt Duran would b Wesley Snipes Other characters I'm not sure about
On April 16 2006 06:58 Schnake wrote: which actors would you cast for this movie?
So far I could only come up with this list:
Kerrigan - Angelina Jolie Edmund Duke - Michael Madsen Jim Raynor - Bruce Willis Samir Duran - Vin Diesel Zeratul - Johnny Depp
Ideas, proposals anyone? :D
wow dude thats perfect cast, seriously lol
err not vin diesel for duran, vin diesel for raynor would own
Kerrigan - Kate Beckinsale
Edmund Duke - Anthony Hopkins
Jim Raynor - Bruce Willis
Samir Duran - [This was a hard one but I think Wesley Snipes is to muscules for a ghost] Samual L. Jackson
Fenix - Hugh Jackman [Kinda looks like a Zealot ]
Tassadar - Lian Nesson
Zeratul - Hugo Weaving
Mengsk - Sean Connery
I think I looks like a thought to to get and a big buged to spend
wasnt Samir arabic/black or something like that?
judging by his name hes arabic too and he talked like it
so put the Sayid guy from "Lost" ^^
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
hm... now that i think abt it, yea i think duran did have middle eastern origins... good call Musli =D i take back wesley snipes
well actually for the protoss "actors" wouldnt be just CG or actors in suits so it really doesnt matter who acts as them right?
the voice over can be done by any actor as well, since you need to manipulate the voice on computer to give it that "protoss, bassy growly" voice =D
but then if the producers are on a huge budget then sure... but right now with the cast looking like this... we're pulling some serious hollywood heavyweights.
omg you newbs CHUCK NORRIS FOR JIM RAYNOR gg pwn
blerh stop all this chuck norris shit. He fought against Bruce Lee and miserably lost. stop looking for duran:
I acutally like the thought of Hugh Weaving for Zeratul, after seeing him play an agent i think he could be,
If Starcraft is to be a movie... i think it must be major one... like Lord of The Rings with never-seen-before (sizes) battles.... and landscapes... and it must not concentrate on actors... but on "units" )) and big major mass battles but it's not bad if they put in the hottest p****ies and few unhumans... like all listed in topic... (bruce willis... etc...)
LOTR sucked because of this, just make a film based on game story - it's good enough. Of course few big battles will fit but we dont want another star troopers.
Snipes or Jackson, that was sure funny
But seriously, there is only one traitor traitorous enough to be Duran. And we all know who it is.
As for mengsk, it would take nothing but someone with an aura of pure strategic brilliance. Like someone who conquered Britain for instance.
(drone) fa how the hell can you not be able to picture jim raynor as bruce willis jim raynor is obviously based on bruce. he's like the by far easiest choice of all
that being said hugo weaving should play every role except raynor
Sweden33719 Posts
On April 17 2006 10:05 Liquid`Nazgul wrote: (drone) fa how the hell can you not be able to picture jim raynor as bruce willis jim raynor is obviously based on bruce. he's like the by far easiest choice of all
Because he always speaks slowly and looks hung over ??