This is no "I got my worst race 5 times in a row" whine thread.
In the bw.de-forum someone stated that the random generator of BW isn't Laplace-like anymore when at least 2 players choose random.
For example the probablilty of a mirror-matchup in RvR is 1/24 (it would be 1/3 with a Laplace-generator). Also one race isn't picked more than 3 times in a game.
He said he disassembled the code to find that out. Can anyone confirm this or give more details?
Its rigged to make at least one of each race with 4 players and theres lots of other quirks.
Theres a tread where it was discussed at length
Link plz, I didn't find it with the search function.
Norway28528 Posts
random vs random = only 1/24 becomes a mirror matchup (I used to think 1/27, but 1/24 makes sense too) but picked vs random = mirror matchup 1/3 of the time.
also if 4 people all go random (say a 2v2), it always becomes 1/1/2 (or, I guess you might get something different 1/24 of the time) (if I play 2v2 all random and both me and my team partner gets zz, I can always assume that my opponents are tp)
so yeah he's right, but it's nothing new, although it might very well be new to a lot of players. =]
he said: 2 random players: chance of a mirror match up at 1/24 3 random players: not 3 times the same race 4: no race 3 or 4 times, only one race two times 5: no race more than 2 times 6: no race more than 3 times, at most one race 3 times 7: no race more than 3 times, exactly one race 3 times 8: no race four times or more
from my experience it might be true that there are such regulations (3v3 is almost always pretty balanced, you never get less than 3 different races)
Russian Federation477 Posts
I noticed that myself too some time ago. In ~ 100 rvr games I played with my friend we got mirror 4 times. We would like to rvr but random generator is definetly biased! Is it a bug or a feature? More seems to me like bug. So why they don't patch it? Did blizzard even knows about it?
I don't think it is a bug, i think they did it on purpose but why? i don't have any idea about that ^^
Norway28528 Posts
I don't think it's a bug, and personally a good part of why I love rvr is I don't have to worry about mirror matchups. =[ I'd hate if they changed this.
Well they modified it becouse mirror suck as.
They also modifed things like this in Wc3 TFT.. It's harder to get crossmaped, meaning the startposses is not randomed equally there either=p
Thank god for no TvT when going random
@ShabZzoY!: Thx for the link.
Have you also noticed that random-players are worse in mirror-matches? Now I have two reasons for this:
1. Random players play mirror-matches less often because they are unlikely when they play vs other random players.
2. Random players usually have this advantage: They can put themselves into their opponent's position because they often play the matchup vice-versa. Only in mirror-matches the one-race-only players can do this as well.
On February 21 2006 08:09 Liquid`Drone wrote: I don't think it's a bug, and personally a good part of why I love rvr is I don't have to worry about mirror matchups. =[ I'd hate if they changed this.
the mirror matchups trend to be zvz
personally i never met pvp and only 1 time tvt,but zvz is very common when i massed rvr games.
Yes, ZvZ is also my strongest mirror, really strange.
On February 21 2006 08:16 Wuselmops wrote: 2. Random players usually have this advantage: They can put themselves into their opponent's position because they often play the matchup vice-versa. Only in mirror-matches the one-race-only players can do this as well. its more this one, when you play random you have more to learn so unless you actually practice 3x as much as anyone else your not gonna play each race as much. but for example tvp you also learn from playing pvt so you dont need to practice tvp quite as much as if you didnt play pvt. mirror matchups the only way to learn it is to play it, so they dont get to play it from both sides.
why didn't blizzard make random truly random? if a player chooses random he should be able to expect exactly that: random!
I don't know if Blizzard already thought about racewars, but if it was really random you would have to restart every second racewar because there are more than 3 players of one race.
There is no such thing as true random in a computer program. It's just not possible. They can be fairly random depending on the size pool but never a true random.
Ok, but deterministic chaos would still be close enough to true random to assign races in a computer game... ;-)
actually its the other way around for me. If i go R, ill get a mirror about 60% of the time.
well i once played about 10 games rvr vs same person and in 8 of those games we played zvt, tvz about 50-50 there and he got p 1 time but i only got z or t