On March 01 2012 10:25 pbjsandwich wrote: oh so there aren't really any set rules i just have to play around with it?
EDIT: i'd just like to know like how many gateways/pylons i can cram on 1 screen w/o blocking anyone
You mean making it so that the exit is blocked? It's two matrix squares (the length of a pylon) before anything is blocked. If you surround a building on all sides by more than 3 squares the unit won't spawn. So if you have 3x3 gateways the middle one will have its exit blocked.
Horang2 likes to build his gateways in groups of 6... a row of 2x3. It's pretty easy to click back to, but you have to have the presence of mind to build that pylon in the right spot to support the second row without blocking where you're gonna put the gateways.
On February 24 2012 06:40 Hinanawi wrote: Good luck, Terran is I think considered the hardest race to play at a beginner level, and even the guys in D/D- are like the equivalent of Diamond in SC2, so don't let a lot of losses get you down.
I play both games casually and I must say it's a little exaggerated. D- is gold, D is low plat, D+ high plat low diam. C- mid/high diamond, something like that.
On February 24 2012 06:40 Hinanawi wrote: Good luck, Terran is I think considered the hardest race to play at a beginner level, and even the guys in D/D- are like the equivalent of Diamond in SC2, so don't let a lot of losses get you down.
I play both games casually and I must say it's a little exaggerated. D- is gold, D is low plat, D+ high plat low diam. C- mid/high diamond, something like that.
I'm mid masters sc2 and only D on ICCup
EDIT: My point being skill does not directly translate.
On February 24 2012 06:40 Hinanawi wrote: Good luck, Terran is I think considered the hardest race to play at a beginner level, and even the guys in D/D- are like the equivalent of Diamond in SC2, so don't let a lot of losses get you down.
I play both games casually and I must say it's a little exaggerated. D- is gold, D is low plat, D+ high plat low diam. C- mid/high diamond, something like that.
cheesing maybe, a solid D+ player can be masters, i know a lot of players that couldnt even mantain c- and are high masters
On March 02 2012 09:23 Ksquared wrote: I have this game. Is it really worth it to start playing it now? Even a person who is only in gold league in SC2?
Well that depends what you mean by "worth". It's good fun, for sure. And if you like the RTS genre you should like BW. It will be hard to stay above D if you don't play a lot. But, atleast for me, the joining a game and seeing the countdown still makes me just smile after 2000 games played!
On March 02 2012 09:47 emjaytron wrote: Is a one factory expand supposed to be able to beat 2fact one base? i keep dying to barracks floating over my high ground spotting for tanks
2 Fact tank/gol is a really silly TvT build as it practically loses to everything (unless they also build a starport). Also wondering how do they get the rax floated to your base so fast, do they do the modern proxy rax float? Anyway the build is really prevalent in D for some reason.
Siege mode is ridiculously cost effective if they are running into you un-sieged (Tanks have less health than goons), you should just make sure you get a good siege positioning early on (don't siege high ground but you should siege just behind or in front of the nat bridge once you have 2-3 tanks) and float your rax in front, they will just move up to your base and just try and do a contain. Worst thing to do at this point is try and break it or expand.
Ignore it and just get a starport and drop his base with vultures and mines, keep building more facts and continue to drop his base till he either loses or gets the picture, his contain will be really weak at this point because he hasn't' been reinforcing his contain due to drops. So once you have a big enough army you can bulldog his contain by dropping vultures/gols onto his sieged tanks and a-moving tanks and gols. At this point you should get your third and also push out as much as possible and see if you get a lucky break at killing his nat/3rd. If not don't worry, just mine the map and turret up, until you get enough dropships that you can rip apart his main in a single drop.
Conversely, I want to point out skill in BW does not translate to skill in SC2.
I was C+ my last two seasons on iccup, venturing into B- at the end of several longer winstreaks. It took me probably 3+ years of playing and practice to get there. Now, I'm by no means a definitive case as I've had friends who got to A(-) or never got out of D in the same period of time, but the point is BW is HARD. On the other hand, I've heard Huk was B rank and he's like one of the best foreign players in the world (then again, there's a huge gap between barely B- and B...)
I played SC2 and now I'm low-masters. Well, maybe I'd be a little higher if I played more than 3 or 4 games a week. But yeah.
BW is just a game. If you practice, you will get better. Don't get scared off.
On March 02 2012 09:47 emjaytron wrote: Is a one factory expand supposed to be able to beat 2fact one base? i keep dying to barracks floating over my high ground spotting for tanks
The beauty of BW lies in the struggle to overcome build order loss. Unlike SC2, a game isn't decided by the type of openings but rather on who possess the better execution. A good example is this game:
On March 02 2012 09:47 emjaytron wrote: Is a one factory expand supposed to be able to beat 2fact one base? i keep dying to barracks floating over my high ground spotting for tanks
Thing is 1 fact seige beats 2 fact seige. Probably the only thing 2 fact siege beats is 14cc and maybe a badly executed 1 rax FE where siege mode comes really late. You could even get away with an FD if they don't push before siege.
I think the reason its so popular is that D rankers will panic against the contain, and the aggressor just gets 4 bases really fast, while the defender either tries to break out and lose his army, or sit there until he dies.
Bw is awesome, I played ages ago but wouldn't go back to it, I'm too old (near 30) and my hands are too slow for it ... xD And I don't feel too confortable in losing non-stop, but you seem like you are up to the challenge so GL HFq
On February 24 2012 06:40 Hinanawi wrote: Good luck, Terran is I think considered the hardest race to play at a beginner level, and even the guys in D/D- are like the equivalent of Diamond in SC2, so don't let a lot of losses get you down.
I play both games casually and I must say it's a little exaggerated. D- is gold, D is low plat, D+ high plat low diam. C- mid/high diamond, something like that.
I'm mid masters sc2 and only D on ICCup
EDIT: My point being skill does not directly translate.
Indeed, cause after not playing BW for 4 years and being barely C- before, I managed to get back to D+/C- by playing only a few games here and there. At the same time, I couldn't maintain myself in diamond even while playing quite often.
On February 28 2012 10:45 Liquid`Drone wrote: bw is so fun I will prolly be playing some next couple weeks. add tot)eriador( on iccup and msg me for some games. I will beat you but we can watch the replays together afterwards and I will tell you stuff to focus on.
On March 02 2012 22:05 KillAudio wrote: Is there a section/link on how to setup an account and play ladder games? Thinking of switching to BW since my shitty laptop can't handle SC2.
edit: never played BW in my entire life, so sorry for the stupid question. >_<