That's an interesting assumption but images are usually named after what they represent and where or when they're posted. Still, I guess you may be right.
This is all too relevant, as Flash's marine micro actually already is better than MarineKing. MarineKing splits his marines up when banelings get close so he doesn't lose too many to the splash damage. Against Soulkey in the KeSPA tournament, Flash just kept his marines from coming together in the first place. He was constantly moving two or three separately from the rest, so he couldn't even be caught by surprise. Stephano managed to get a fungal off against literally 50 of MK's marines, which won him a game. He never would've been able to do that against Flash, who kept more than 4 marines from getting together is there was a Zerg unit within two screens. It was the first time since MarineKing discovered splitting that I've been impressed by SC2 micro.