On October 20 2011 15:38 Ryo wrote: Some pictures from Flash's rehabilitation at Phoenix Park JDI Centre yesterday. Many professional sportsmen go there for rehabilitation or training.
Flash has taken off the cast on his arm. He says that although his arm still feels stiff right now, he is starting to control weight and recovery. He hopes that next time fans meet him he will be in a fully recovered shape.
Flash also says, "At the beginning, my arm was stiff and I were not able to hold my mouse. It even hurts me a little, but I am doing my hardest to recover and remaintain a good physical and psychological shape."
Flash's recovery massage therapist says that It will still take one to two weeks or even a month for Flash to recover depending on Flash's condition.
PIC:http://www.plu.cn/d/file/sc/note/2011-10-05/384f962205f66272a06e715ece3d0663.jpg (cant link fomos)
Update on Flash's arm: On Coach Lee's twitter: Flash will be out of the hospital tomorrow. I brought a pizza for him. He likes it really much. His wrist condition is very good right now and he is in a good mood. He wants to play starcraft as soon as possible. Fans dont need to be worry. This is a picture of his wrist: If the recovery is good, Flash can get out of the hospitial in three or four days.
Great news ! I didn't expect to see such a huge plaster cast, I thought it would just be around the wrist. Anyway, get well soon because while your arm was hurting, silver surfers were having fun in finals. At least that made your fellow YellOw happy !
A Jangbi vs Flash for next OSL finals would be cool !
Good to hear, but I gotta say that that cast on his arm looks pretty scary, and if I didn't know he had surgery and had to make a guess I would say that he broke his arm instead. Let's hope he recovers fast!
On September 20 2011 01:29 NormandyBoy wrote: Seriously, Flash needs to stop fapping...
I'm pretty sure that's not the reason. It's probably because of all the girls he...
uh, anyway, back on topic...
Here's to a fast and clean recovery! If you think about it, that hand is worth like over a million dollars (the money that Flash can still potentially earn over his career on top of what he already has). That's one important surgery, so precise and delicate. Hope everything went perfectly!!!
j/k good to see him recovering "Dayum that cast" is very fitting haha
On September 20 2011 01:14 Caladbolg wrote: Flash looks dazed... probably daydreaming about what he would have done in Fantasy's situation in Game 5 :D
He woulda won ofc. O WAIT. Jangbi already destroyed Flash on his way to the finals ^.^
Wow, he doesn't look too well. I hope he feels better asap! Honestly though, if this was his condition, then it's absolutely amazing that he carried the SPL finals so hard. Amazing player. Amazing person!
On September 20 2011 01:46 Waxangel wrote: The cast is gonna come off and reveal his new cyborg arm
The cast is gonna come off and reveal that he has a mouse attached to his arm, for convenience. Guess who's using abandoned Protoss Cybernetics Cores to research arm implants...
On September 20 2011 01:14 Caladbolg wrote: Flash looks dazed... probably daydreaming about what he would have done in Fantasy's situation in Game 5 :D
Probably stoned as hell is the most likely explanation for his daziness haha
I hope he gets back into the game soon, but I'd much rather he takes his time and doesn't reinjure himself. Feels like so many players are complaining for wrist pains recently.
On September 20 2011 01:46 Waxangel wrote: The cast is gonna come off and reveal his new cyborg arm
The cast is gonna come off and reveal that he has a mouse attached to his arm, for convenience. Guess who's using abandoned Protoss Cybernetics Cores to research arm implants...
Maybe he got a harmful doze of radiation while he was doing this for his teammate and got into hospital himself
On September 20 2011 00:53 GTR wrote: he should do what violet did and play sc2 in his ward
he'd probably be grandmaster playing with only one hand
Considering that his mouse hand seems to be temporarily out of commission, it would be interesting to see Flash dominate using a mouse in his keyboard hand.
Anyways, I hope Flash recovers quickly to continue his warpath on the way to becoming a bonjwa.
that is really great.. don't know much about the surgery, but does it mean it's back to normal? should he stop playing SC? or is he able to now that it's been corrected?
One of my friends had surgery on his elbow and knee. He was 22 years old. His injuries were from the weight room. Now, he has pain and arthritis in both. Hopefully, Flash will not suffer the same consequences.
I am surprised KT Rolster doesn't have him being surrounded by 12 doctors and floating in a hyperbaric chamber, that is their money maker lying there!
I am glad to see Flash is ok! Though I love to root against him in 90% of occasions, I wouldn't dare say I wish he was any worse of a player, especially because of a physical injury.
Best of luck with recovery Flash, and I hope to see you back on top again.
On September 20 2011 04:34 FallDownMarigold wrote: Surgical procedure. Not surgery.
What are you talking about?
Particularly this: "Flash's Surgery has been Successfully"
But also: The countless misuses of the term "surgery" in this thread.
So, to reiterate: One studies surgery. The art of surgery is a complicated and delicate passion. One performs or undergoes a surgical procedure. There are as many different surgical procedures as there are different surgeons.
On September 20 2011 04:34 FallDownMarigold wrote: Surgical procedure. Not surgery.
What are you talking about?
Particularly this: "Flash's Surgery has been Successfully"
But also: The countless misuses of the term "surgery" in this thread.
So, to reiterate: One studies surgery. The art of surgery is a complicated and delicate passion. One performs or undergoes a surgical procedure. There are as many different surgical procedures as there are different surgeons.
Merriam Webster: 1 : a branch of medicine concerned with diseases and conditions requiring or amenable to operative or manual procedures. 2 : alterations made as if by surgery <literary surgery> 3 a : British : a physician's or dentist's office b : a room or area where surgery is performed 4 a : the work done by a surgeon b : operation
Examples of surgery: ... He has recently undergone surgery on his shoulder.
May I present... the multiple uses of words in the English language.
On September 20 2011 04:34 FallDownMarigold wrote: Surgical procedure. Not surgery.
What are you talking about?
Particularly this: "Flash's Surgery has been Successfully"
But also: The countless misuses of the term "surgery" in this thread.
So, to reiterate: One studies surgery. The art of surgery is a complicated and delicate passion. One performs or undergoes a surgical procedure. There are as many different surgical procedures as there are different surgeons.
As raviy has pointed out already, there's nothing wrong with saying ''He had a surgery''.
you people are arguing about improper use of the word surgery, but you don't mention that is has ben succesfully? are you trolling or do i need to relearn english from start? I'm confusedly
Oh faster he recovers and get mouse into his hand, the better. Long breaks are awful for pros. Of course - it's Flash, so I guess he'll be stompin newbies in no time anyway.
On September 20 2011 04:34 FallDownMarigold wrote: Surgical procedure. Not surgery.
What are you talking about?
Particularly this: "Flash's Surgery has been Successfully"
But also: The countless misuses of the term "surgery" in this thread.
So, to reiterate: One studies surgery. The art of surgery is a complicated and delicate passion. One performs or undergoes a surgical procedure. There are as many different surgical procedures as there are different surgeons.
Wow. I'm all for good grammar and well thought out posts on TL, but this is just being way too picky..
Am I mistaken, because I was under the assumption that surgery for CTS was just to relieve the pressure in the carpal tunnel and that it does nothing to cure the actual ailment? If he just goes back to training the way he was won't it just come back with a vengeance, perhaps even worse than before? I've also heard that it permanently weakens the ligaments going through it, but I could be completely wrong about that.
Edit: Also was it both arms that needed the surgery, or just his mouse hand?
On September 20 2011 05:24 FallDownMarigold wrote:
On September 20 2011 04:40 Holgerius wrote:
On September 20 2011 04:34 FallDownMarigold wrote: Surgical procedure. Not surgery.
What are you talking about?
Particularly this: "Flash's Surgery has been Successfully"
But also: The countless misuses of the term "surgery" in this thread.
So, to reiterate: One studies surgery. The art of surgery is a complicated and delicate passion. One performs or undergoes a surgical procedure. There are as many different surgical procedures as there are different surgeons.
Merriam Webster: 1 : a branch of medicine concerned with diseases and conditions requiring or amenable to operative or manual procedures. 2 : alterations made as if by surgery <literary surgery> 3 a : British : a physician's or dentist's office b : a room or area where surgery is performed 4 a : the work done by a surgeon b : operation
Examples of surgery: ... He has recently undergone surgery on his shoulder.
May I present... the multiple uses of words in the English language.
Think of it as a pedagogical experience that transcends the 4th definition of the word in a dictionary. Surgeons and others that know better will appreciate your careful knowledge.
At the very least, should you go on to pursue a career in medicine you will have an extra piece of oddly specific knowledge on hand.
Does anyone know what exactly the surgeon did with his arm? What did he remove? It seems worst than a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, his whole arm is wrapped up. If someone could provide a link that explain what flash actually has and what is the surgical procedure to fix it it would be very interesting to read.
On September 20 2011 02:14 horusray wrote: No mouse required now. Just hook it up to his new robotic arm and he can control the units with his mind. 1000+ APM incoming.
Well, controlling units with your mind is better, right?
On September 20 2011 11:00 Zariel wrote: Flash Upgrades:
- Maximum APM from 450 to 900 - Mouse accuracy from 100% to 130% - Maphack range from 2 screens to whole map - M&M control increased
Don't forget about the little malfunctions (in the eye or skin), they fixed that too. And also, they wanted to put some new type of voice, very similar to goliath's one, but his parents didn't liked. One of the reasons why Flash look sad in the picture.
Flash looks so dazed. Good to see that he's doing well. I swear, if he plays SC2, he'll be able to hit GM using only his left hand and qualify for Code A even with that cast on.
On September 20 2011 00:54 Sawamura wrote: Terminator has arm firm ware upgrade successful initiating Doomtotheworld001.exe successful . Flash will be back.
i feel a little uncomfortable looking at that picture cause it looks like it was just snapped without flash being aware of it. though if he's doped up on painkillers i guess i wouldn't too upset if i were him.
What exactly did they do to his wrist? Did they just relieve pressure building up there like arthritis? I hope he gets well soon, he looks so dazed haha
On September 20 2011 15:39 Slakter wrote: Any info on how long he´ll have to stay away from practicing?
I heard this type of surgery takes a number of weeks to heal properly. I would bet a month or two personally. But he could still watch replays, take basic notes, watch televised and streamed games and just be in the culture of it all.
What if someone with devious intentions approaches the weakened bonjwa with an offering of WoW....and in his bed ridden state, he begins to give his soul over to the darkness....o_o
On September 20 2011 15:39 Slakter wrote: Any info on how long he´ll have to stay away from practicing?
I heard this type of surgery takes a number of weeks to heal properly. I would bet a month or two personally. But he could still watch replays, take basic notes, watch televised and streamed games and just be in the culture of it all.
What if someone with devious intentions approaches the weakened bonjwa with an offering of WoW....and in his bed ridden state, he begins to give his soul over to the darkness....o_o
Already out of his cast?(found this on DC), it could just be from before surgery tho.
Somehow i have a feeling that this picture is before the surgery. Maybe the text could tell us something. But who knows, hopefully he is already recovering. ^_^
Already out of his cast?(found this on DC), it could just be from before surgery tho.
Somehow i have a feeling that this picture is before the surgery. Maybe the text could tell us something. But who knows, hopefully he is already recovering. ^_^
Yes, this picture was taken the day before Flash's surgery.
Wonder why his cast was so big and he is in the hospital for so long, when it was just carpal surgery? I had it done on my right hand, and I was done at like 2pm after a morning appointment wearing a cast that only went halfway up my forearm. I wonder what else he had done exactly, because carpal surgery is an out-patient procedure from personal experience. I guess he had more done than just surgery for carpal tunnel? I am confused -_-'
On September 20 2011 18:56 Gooey wrote: Wonder why his cast was so big and he is in the hospital for so long, when it was just carpal surgery? I had it done on my right hand, and I was done at like 2pm after a morning appointment wearing a cast that only went halfway up my forearm. I wonder what else he had done exactly, because carpal surgery is an out-patient procedure from personal experience. I guess he had more done than just surgery for carpal tunnel? I am confused -_-'
I believe he had problems with his tendons too. I remember reading somewhere that they were out of place. Maybe that has something to do with it.
On September 20 2011 18:56 Gooey wrote: Wonder why his cast was so big and he is in the hospital for so long, when it was just carpal surgery? I had it done on my right hand, and I was done at like 2pm after a morning appointment wearing a cast that only went halfway up my forearm. I wonder what else he had done exactly, because carpal surgery is an out-patient procedure from personal experience. I guess he had more done than just surgery for carpal tunnel? I am confused -_-'
I believe he had problems with his tendons too. I remember reading somewhere that they were out of place. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Hmm, I dunno what kinda surgery takes care of tendon problems, unless there is a full tear (don't think this is humanly, or even Flashly possible from playing starcraft). With my experience from running, tendinitis can really only be fixed by having something to hold tendons in the proper place (usually a standard knee brace), and resting like a champ. Never heard of a surgery to fix a tendinitis problem, but maybe there is.
Woo, hope Flash is going to be well on his way to full recovery. Can't wait for KT to demolish SKT, AGAIN next season ^_<
Speaking of the surgery however, I believe Flash had more than just carpal tunnel, assuming he also had cubital tunnel syndrome, doesn't the ulnar nerve go up underneath the elbow? Also I distinctly remember a picture where he was wearing some kind of wraps during game that went up to his shoulder, so it might be a more widespread problem with his arm than we assumed. Anyway hoping for all le best! Flash Fighting!
indeed, when I first saw Flash's face I got scared a bit. His face does look like a bit plump. Is it because he was asleep or was the pic taken right after the surgery? Still its a bit distressing. Get well.
On September 21 2011 00:35 letian wrote: indeed, when I first saw Flash's face I got scared a bit. His face does look like a bit plump. Is it because he was asleep or was the pic taken right after the surgery? Still its a bit distressing. Get well.
Now that I look at his picture again , yeah flash has gotten fatter O.o and having cast covering your arm is not really a pleasant thing to happen to you , wait I mean going for a surgery that involves operating all of the parts that is causing you the CTS .
On September 21 2011 00:09 HawaiianPig wrote: Even though the surgery was successful, those pics gave me chills. He looks to be in rough shape, even if he's not.
On September 21 2011 00:35 letian wrote: indeed, when I first saw Flash's face I got scared a bit. His face does look like a bit plump. Is it because he was asleep or was the pic taken right after the surgery? Still its a bit distressing. Get well.
Those pics are probably of him on a loooot of painkillers the day after his surgery or something-- I wouldn't worry too much if he doesn't look his best in them. He looks pretty much exactly the same as a friend I visited in the hospital the day after he had his broken arm fixed up.
On September 20 2011 23:01 Armathai wrote: Woo, hope Flash is going to be well on his way to full recovery. Can't wait for KT to demolish SKT, AGAIN next season ^_<
Speaking of the surgery however, I believe Flash had more than just carpal tunnel, assuming he also had cubital tunnel syndrome, doesn't the ulnar nerve go up underneath the elbow? Also I distinctly remember a picture where he was wearing some kind of wraps during game that went up to his shoulder, so it might be a more widespread problem with his arm than we assumed. Anyway hoping for all le best! Flash Fighting!
Ah, that makes more sense now. I think you have to operate further up the arm for that one, so he may very well have had that as well as carpal. And yes, the cubital tunnel runs under the elbow, and you feel the pain in your pinky and that little bump on the outside of your wrist. Makes the other side of your hand fall asleep and burn. If that was the case, having both syndromes in the mouse hand, that I REALLY feel for him, because it sucked just having carpal tunnel by itself.
I still don't know how he was even able to grab a mouse, move it, AND click it still.
Hoping him a complete recovery! Many people still have a lot to prove against him (including the newly crowned OSL winner), and Flash himself needs one more title to surpass NaDa.
On September 20 2011 00:47 endy wrote: Great news ! I didn't expect to see such a huge plaster cast, I thought it would just be around the wrist. Anyway, get well soon because while your arm was hurting, silver surfers were having fun in finals. At least that made your fellow YellOw happy !
A Jangbi vs Flash for next OSL finals would be cool !
The tendons/nerves/everything go from the fingertips/wrist to the elbow and up the arm. Just stopping wrist movement would be pointless. Have to keep the entire 'unit' from moving, so to speak.
On September 21 2011 06:17 ppshchik wrote: I thought Jaedong would've grabbed a few titles when Flash's wrists were injured, but then Jaedong's ZvZ suddenly slumped hard.
Is this fate? Will there ever be a 4 times OSL champion?
Well..... Flash's wrist just got fixed so...... yeah, I do think there will be a 4x OSL champion
On September 21 2011 06:17 ppshchik wrote: I thought Jaedong would've grabbed a few titles when Flash's wrists were injured, but then Jaedong's ZvZ suddenly slumped hard.
Is this fate? Will there ever be a 4 times OSL champion?
There was really only one starleague season where Flash's wrist may have affected his play.
Glad to hear the good news. Hope he gets back to playing soon - and we will be able to watch the most amazing, highest level of Starcraft play from him again.
It's such a shame the MSL might be dead. The greatest BW player of all time is, assuming his surgery is fine, still capable of playing the best BW ever played and yet he doesn't get the same chance to see how far he can go as everyone before him did. The other bonjwas effectively got as many OSLs/MSLs as it took for them to finally give all they had in terms of potentially winning but now Flash might be robbed of what would have been extra titles and the chance to go even further.
Sad times, especially whenthere are so many people around saying they love "StarCraft" but in reality they're talking about a game which is a million miles from displaying the same level of beauty and depth.
Sad times, especially when there are so many people around saying they love "StarCraft" but in reality they're talking about a game which is a million miles from displaying the same level of beauty and depth.
I feel like I couldn't have said it any better myself
1) Light Girl is ill 2) Flash to go for surgery 3) MBCgameHeros disband 4) Hwaseung disband 5) Wemade disband
1) Light Girl is OK! 2) Flash surgery successful
1) MBCgameHero not to disband 2) MSL to continue 3) Light Girl to Marry Light 4) Flash to form his own team, signing Midas, Jaedong and (Insert Protoss here)
On September 22 2011 00:30 saritenite wrote: Few days/weeks ago:
1) Light Girl is ill 2) Flash to go for surgery 3) MBCgameHeros disband 4) Hwaseung disband 5) Wemade disband
1) Light Girl is OK! 2) Flash surgery successful
1) MBCgameHero not to disband 2) MSL to continue 3) Light Girl to Marry Light 4) Flash to form his own team, signing Midas, Jaedong and (Insert Protoss here)
Do they even know each other? I doubt that's a decision they'd make lightly.
On September 22 2011 00:30 saritenite wrote: Few days/weeks ago:
1) Light Girl is ill 2) Flash to go for surgery 3) MBCgameHeros disband 4) Hwaseung disband 5) Wemade disband
1) Light Girl is OK! 2) Flash surgery successful
1) MBCgameHero not to disband 2) MSL to continue 3) Light Girl to Marry Light 4) Flash to form his own team, signing Midas, Jaedong and (Insert Protoss here)
Do they even know each other? I doubt that's a decision they'd make lightly.
On September 22 2011 00:30 saritenite wrote: Few days/weeks ago:
1) Light Girl is ill 2) Flash to go for surgery 3) MBCgameHeros disband 4) Hwaseung disband 5) Wemade disband
1) Light Girl is OK! 2) Flash surgery successful
1) MBCgameHero not to disband 2) MSL to continue 3) Light Girl to Marry Light 4) Flash to form his own team, signing Midas, Jaedong and (Insert Protoss here)
Do they even know each other? I doubt that's a decision they'd make lightly.
On September 22 2011 00:30 saritenite wrote: Few days/weeks ago:
1) Light Girl is ill 2) Flash to go for surgery 3) MBCgameHeros disband 4) Hwaseung disband 5) Wemade disband
1) Light Girl is OK! 2) Flash surgery successful
1) MBCgameHero not to disband 2) MSL to continue 3) Light Girl to Marry Light 4) Flash to form his own team, signing Midas, Jaedong and (Insert Protoss here)
Do they even know each other? I doubt that's a decision they'd make lightly.
Breaking news: Progamer 'Light' elopes with fangirl, nobody notices.
Yes Light has met Light Girl before, but so have most MBC players on the current roster. She used to attend MBC fan meetings regularly before Light moved to Woongjin. I'm not sure if the Stars players have met her before, I'm not up to date with Stars fan events.
On September 22 2011 00:30 saritenite wrote: Few days/weeks ago:
1) Light Girl is ill 2) Flash to go for surgery 3) MBCgameHeros disband 4) Hwaseung disband 5) Wemade disband
1) Light Girl is OK! 2) Flash surgery successful
1) MBCgameHero not to disband 2) MSL to continue 3) Light Girl to Marry Light 4) Flash to form his own team, signing Midas, Jaedong and (Insert Protoss here)
Do they even know each other? I doubt that's a decision they'd make lightly.
Breaking news: Progamer 'Light' elopes with fangirl, nobody notices.
Yes Light has met Light Girl before, but so have most MBC players on the current roster. She used to attend MBC fan meetings regularly before Light moved to Woongjin. I'm not sure if the Stars players have met her before, I'm not up to date with Stars fan events.
How's the mbc guys doing ryo ? I mean after getting kicked out of the practice house and staying near their home right ?
Lee Young Ho! Glad to hear his operation went well, was really worried about his situation. Let's hope he can recover quickly and show once more what the Ultimate Weapon is about.
On September 22 2011 00:30 saritenite wrote: Few days/weeks ago:
1) Light Girl is ill 2) Flash to go for surgery 3) MBCgameHeros disband 4) Hwaseung disband 5) Wemade disband
1) Light Girl is OK! 2) Flash surgery successful
1) MBCgameHero not to disband 2) MSL to continue 3) Light Girl to Marry Light 4) Flash to form his own team, signing Midas, Jaedong and (Insert Protoss here)
Do they even know each other? I doubt that's a decision they'd make lightly.
Breaking news: Progamer 'Light' elopes with fangirl, nobody notices.
Yes Light has met Light Girl before, but so have most MBC players on the current roster. She used to attend MBC fan meetings regularly before Light moved to Woongjin. I'm not sure if the Stars players have met her before, I'm not up to date with Stars fan events.
How's the mbc guys doing ryo ? I mean after getting kicked out of the practice house and staying near their home right ?
No, the practice room and hostel are in separate buildings. The hostel is still available to them till the end of September. Some of them are staying there. Some of them are at home. Read my last two blog entries for more details.
On September 22 2011 00:30 saritenite wrote: Few days/weeks ago:
1) Light Girl is ill 2) Flash to go for surgery 3) MBCgameHeros disband 4) Hwaseung disband 5) Wemade disband
1) Light Girl is OK! 2) Flash surgery successful
1) MBCgameHero not to disband 2) MSL to continue 3) Light Girl to Marry Light 4) Flash to form his own team, signing Midas, Jaedong and (Insert Protoss here)
Do they even know each other? I doubt that's a decision they'd make lightly.
Breaking news: Progamer 'Light' elopes with fangirl, nobody notices.
Yes Light has met Light Girl before, but so have most MBC players on the current roster. She used to attend MBC fan meetings regularly before Light moved to Woongjin. I'm not sure if the Stars players have met her before, I'm not up to date with Stars fan events.
How's the mbc guys doing ryo ? I mean after getting kicked out of the practice house and staying near their home right ?
No, the practice room and hostel are in separate buildings. The hostel is still available to them till the end of September. Some of them are staying there. Some of them are at home. Read my last two blog entries for more details.
Those mbc players should find a new home soon hang in there ryo >.<
It appears that Flash may have had something more than a regular carpal tunnel release surgery- I have never seen a drain used for a carpal tunnel release (I live in the USA). The carpal tunnel releases I have seen and heard about from a surgeon I know quite well generally use a very small incision that is closed immediately during the surgery. So, Flash's recovery maybe will take a bit longer than a regular carpal tunnel surgery?
Update on Flash's arm: On Coach Lee's twitter: Flash will be out of the hospital tomorrow. I brought a pizza for him. He likes it really much. His wrist condition is very good right now and he is in a good mood. He wants to play starcraft as soon as possible. Fans dont need to be worry. This is a picture of his wrist:
On September 23 2011 01:04 eton7410 wrote: Update on Flash's arm: On Coach Lee's twitter: Flash will be out of the hospital tomorrow. I brought pizza for me. He likes it really much. His wrist condition is very good right now and he is in a good mood. He wants to play starcraft as soon as possible. Fans dont need to be worry. This is a picture of his wrist:
That's one serious operation man >.< I bet it has to hurt .
On September 23 2011 01:04 eton7410 wrote: Update on Flash's arm: On Coach Lee's twitter: Flash will be out of the hospital tomorrow. I brought pizza for me. He likes it really much. His wrist condition is very good right now and he is in a good mood. He wants to play starcraft as soon as possible. Fans dont need to be worry. This is a picture of his wrist:
I know it's a translation mistake, but I brought pizza for me sounds pretty funny
On September 23 2011 01:04 eton7410 wrote: Update on Flash's arm: On Coach Lee's twitter: Flash will be out of the hospital tomorrow. I brought pizza for me. He likes it really much. His wrist condition is very good right now and he is in a good mood. He wants to play starcraft as soon as possible. Fans dont need to be worry. This is a picture of his wrist:
I know it's a translation mistake, but I brought pizza for me sounds pretty funny
Think Flash was just dazed by the anesthetics? He was actually implanting a new mind control system.
On September 20 2011 00:53 GTR wrote: he should do what violet did and play sc2 in his ward
he'd probably be grandmaster playing with only one hand
I pray for this every day. Please flash, join the SC2 scene already!
So happy that flash is recovering, greatest BW player of all time
uhh... if that happened he'd only be displaying what a joke the SC2 scene is and everyone in in BW would have a laugh =P.
I will be there when he makes the sc2 scene like a joke afterall some forumers name Sl!@#$ says macro is inexistent in sc bw . Let's see how macro works in sc2 than when players the caliber of flash plays with them.
On September 23 2011 01:04 eton7410 wrote: Update on Flash's arm: On Coach Lee's twitter: Flash will be out of the hospital tomorrow. I brought a pizza for him. He likes it really much. His wrist condition is very good right now and he is in a good mood. He wants to play starcraft as soon as possible. Fans dont need to be worry. This is a picture of his wrist:
....that's an elbow. >> I hope he didn't have elbow problems all this time and we're all like OMG HIS WRIST QQ
Glad he's back, even if he isn't my most favorite player in BW.. :p
On September 23 2011 01:04 eton7410 wrote: Update on Flash's arm: On Coach Lee's twitter: Flash will be out of the hospital tomorrow. I brought a pizza for him. He likes it really much. His wrist condition is very good right now and he is in a good mood. He wants to play starcraft as soon as possible. Fans dont need to be worry. This is a picture of his wrist:
....that's an elbow. >> I hope he didn't have elbow problems all this time and we're all like OMG HIS WRIST QQ
Glad he's back, even if he isn't my most favorite player in BW.. :p
Think its some elbow muscle munching up with some other muscle that creates wrist pain
Flash has taken off the cast on his arm. He says that although his arm still feels stiff right now, he is starting to control weight and recovery. He hopes that next time fans meet him he will be in a fully recovered shape.
Flash also says, "At the beginning, my arm was stiff and I were not able to hold my mouse. It even hurts me a little, but I am doing my hardest to recover and maintianing a good physical and psychological shape."
Flash's recovery massage therapist says that It will still take one to two weeks or even a month for Flash to recover depending on Flash's condition.
Flash has taken off the cast on his arm. He says that although his arm still feels stiff right now, he is starting to control weight and recovery. He hopes that next time fans meet him he will be in a fully recovered shape.
Flash also says, "At the beginning, my arm was stiff and I were not able to hold my mouse. It even hurts me a little, but I am doing my hardest to recover and maintianing a good physical and psychological shape."
Flash's recovery massage therapist says that It will still take one to two weeks or even a month for Flash to recover depending on Flash's condition.
Flash has taken off the cast on his arm. He says that although his arm still feels stiff right now, he is starting to control weight and recovery. He hopes that next time fans meet him he will be in a fully recovered shape.
Flash also says, "At the beginning, my arm was stiff and I were not able to hold my mouse. It even hurts me a little, but I am doing my hardest to recover and maintianing a good physical and psychological shape."
Flash's recovery massage therapist says that It will still take one to two weeks or even a month for Flash to recover depending on Flash's condition.
Thanks for the update. I hope he will recover rather sooner than later... He needs to be back to beats Nada's record of 6 golds.
Flash has taken off the cast on his arm. He says that although his arm still feels stiff right now, he is starting to control weight and recovery. He hopes that next time fans meet him he will be in a fully recovered shape.
Flash also says, "At the beginning, my arm was stiff and I were not able to hold my mouse. It even hurts me a little, but I am doing my hardest to recover and maintianing a good physical and psychological shape."
Flash's recovery massage therapist says that It will still take one to two weeks or even a month for Flash to recover depending on Flash's condition.
Remind me, what stuff will he be missing if he's only back in a month?
Flash has taken off the cast on his arm. He says that although his arm still feels stiff right now, he is starting to control weight and recovery. He hopes that next time fans meet him he will be in a fully recovered shape.
Flash also says, "At the beginning, my arm was stiff and I were not able to hold my mouse. It even hurts me a little, but I am doing my hardest to recover and maintianing a good physical and psychological shape."
Flash's recovery massage therapist says that It will still take one to two weeks or even a month for Flash to recover depending on Flash's condition.
Remind me, what stuff will he be missing if he's only back in a month?
gogo flash! Recover quick!
Proleague starts in november and OSL has been pushed back as well, so he won't miss them. All he'll be missing is practice. Expect him to be a little rusty, but I expect him to get his feel back pretty quickly.
Maybe Flash is kind of like a Saiyajin. Now that he has been severely injured, his Starcraft skills will suddenly improve as much as 2 years of training would have. Hope he'll recover well and wear his KT uniform soon enough instead of this... too pink polo.
It was announced today that Flash tried out his recovered wrist out against Best in a bo7, all played on heartbreak ridge. Easily overcoming his opponent with a pure vulture style, Flash was quoted as saying
With my new wrist it was too easy to plant spider mines and cause relentless blue explosions. I feel that sc1 will be too easy for me unless I do something to lessen my condition. Therefore, I will switching to league of legends for two years in order to reduce my fighting strength. He added, "I did not ask for this."
On October 11 2011 21:36 Capook wrote: It was announced today that Flash tried out his recovered wrist out against Best in a bo7, all played on heartbreak ridge. Easily overcoming his opponent with a pure vulture style, Flash was quoted as saying
With my new wrist it was too easy to plant spider mines and cause relentless blue explosions. I feel that sc1 will be too easy for me unless I do something to lessen my condition. Therefore, I will switching to league of legends for two years in order to reduce my fighting strength. He added, "I did not ask for this."
I seriously believed you all the way until there. But qt Flash would never be so immodest
I'm just glad that he's getting the best possible care right now. There was a long time when it seemed like nothing was being done for him except for a few traditional remedies. Hopefully he can bounce back fully from this injury.
The size and position of the scar surprised me too. I don't know what his mouse setting is like but it always struck me how Flash moved his arm around a lot more than other pros while playing.
Love & Peace. Glad he is getting the best possible treatment he can.
On October 20 2011 17:20 Ryo wrote: The size and position of the scar surprised me too. I don't know what his mouse setting is like but it always struck me how Flash moved his arm around a lot more than other pros while playing.
The scar surprised me a little but not the position really. We knew that he had more serious injury that most of the CTS patients have. Not just his wrist but the whole hand, muscles pressing nerves and what not.
Damn that scar really looks massive. But I'm glad his recovery seems to go well. To bad he can't attend Blizzcon, most likely because of that. Would be nice seeing him together with others. But it's understandable, fully recovering is his number one priority right now.
that scar is so scary o.o but if he can do all those exercises then it must be recovering pretty quickly
and also
On October 11 2011 21:36 Capook wrote: It was announced today that Flash tried out his recovered wrist out against Best in a bo7, all played on heartbreak ridge. Easily overcoming his opponent with a pure vulture style, Flash was quoted as saying
With my new wrist it was too easy to plant spider mines and cause relentless blue explosions. I feel that sc1 will be too easy for me unless I do something to lessen my condition. Therefore, I will switching to league of legends for two years in order to reduce my fighting strength. He added, "I did not ask for this."
Damn, that's a huge scar. Looks really scary :-) But he seems to be in a good mood and getting great treatment so I hope he will be able to play in no time
"At the beginning, my arm was stiff and I were not able to hold my mouse" of course starcraft is his life, but i still chuckled at this. Probably one of the first things every TL'er would think if they hurt his/her hand....
I just had a scary image of his scar opening during an intense match and there's blood everywhere but Flash keeps on playing with that grim gameface. Of course this is just my imagination and I'm sure Flash will do just fine wooo lee young ho :3 show us the power of Terran once more!~
Flash is just showing some hope for the other players. Technically he is already raping every opponent he is practicing with and is already ready to win the next league.
Get well soon Flash! If he puts the same commitment into physio and rehabilitation therapy that he does into progaming I'm sure he'll be back up to par in no time.
Physical therapy can be very painful, yet good for you. It looks like his therapist is bending his arm back while the back of his hand is flat on the table in order to stretch out the tendons there. Something that you have to go through after most surgeries involving the forearms and wrists in order to maintain your previous range of motion. I wouldn't read much into this negative or positive, other than Flash is the man for going through this, and I hope it ends up being worth it.
I bet Flash is secretly looking forward to having a badass scar on his arm so when he plays from now on he will look like Battle Scarred Flash. Watch, hell get a scar over one eye and a few more scars over his arms just for the hell of it. Flash The Stampede.....
On October 27 2011 03:34 StarStruck wrote: I'll wait to see how well he does before I say it was successful. ;o
Successful procedure sure; but, what effect will it have on his play? Will he not miss a beat?
He didn't get a brain surgery you know. The question is how long it will take him to get back to his normal APM.
Nah, really? Anytime you have a major surgery and you miss practice time everyone else gets ahead. You aren't in game shape man. Rehab. Get back in the zone and make up for lost time. Athletes use surgery as a last resort.
Too bad they didn't give him a mechanical arm. We could have called him the Terminator. =D
2012: Flash completely dominate the bw scene with a insane apm higher than nada records Flash matches stop being entertaining because he is OP People stop going to Flash's games
cmon mah boy flash! win like 1010912031923 OSLs and crush everyone!
And since the 2012 FlaSh ending the world trend is back... 2012: SC:BW and SC2 shut down due to FlaSh making robotic clones of himself to win every SC2 league there is. The real FlaSh continues to dominate the BW scene and as a result, becomes God of the World. He also somehow integrated Starcraft into the Korean Army and appointed Hiya as head of the Airforce. That is why North Korea is gone.
On October 29 2011 02:25 jw232 wrote: Wait he got surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome right? I thought that was in the wrist, why does he have a scar on his arm? I hope he recovers fully.
he had surgery for a RSI (repetitive stress injury) injury on his right arm, basically his wrist, and shoulder were completely shot, because of the continued damage to both of them, the muscles in his arm seized up, that's why you see the huge scar on his tricep
hopefully they did it right though and he gets back to fighting strength in no time