On June 02 2011 14:49 Z3kk wrote:
So are KeSPA rankings determined by points or are they arbitrarily decided? :o
Seems weird that those points are sticking around THAT long...is it for half a year or something?
So are KeSPA rankings determined by points or are they arbitrarily decided? :o
Seems weird that those points are sticking around THAT long...is it for half a year or something?
By points, and points stick up to 1 year (though they start decaying after 3 months).
points due to results from the last 3 months are applied 100%, but for every month afterwards, 10% of the points gained “decays” (so basically a game played 3+ months ago would count for only 90% of the points it was worth, 4+ months 80% until 12 months afterwards when it would count 0%).
Because of this “decay” system described above, KeSPA rankings are sometimes slow in reflecting how well players have been doing.
Because of this “decay” system described above, KeSPA rankings are sometimes slow in reflecting how well players have been doing.
edit: interesting that Stork/Bisu always fought for 1st.