Q: Feelings on first win of the season? A: Today’s match felt like my debut, I was happy to have won.
Q: What do you think of the your game today? A: I am not satisfied with myself, I was very nervous during my game, didn’t make enough SCVs. I am very mad at myself. But the result was what I wanted so I feel fortunate.
Q: Your condition was very low before joining the team. A: I had too many thoughts, too many things on my mind to participate in matches. I feel grateful to everyone after joining ACE, less thoughts on my mind. I can concentrate on practice now.
Q: You debuted for ACE relatively quick for your short time in the team. A: I was quick to accommodate myself into the team, knowing I was going to play today I thought I must take this opportunity. Today’s match was more on finding my game sense. Q: Is there less pressure playing with a 1:0 lead? A: Yes, that’s why I was comfortable playing.
Q: This season’s goal? A: I want to show everyone that ACE is very strong; I hope to achieve first 100 win in SPL history.
Q: Any last words? A: Thank you everyone.
ggaemo: Very happy to have this many chances to play
Q: You have 2 wins this season already. A: I only had 2 wins in a whole season when I was on Hwaseung. I can’t believe I took 2 wins this quickly. This feeling is great.
Q: Hwaseung has Killer and Jaedong, not a lot of chances to play. A: That is part of the reason, but my strength was the real problem. Now that I found my confidence, I am also practicing very hard. I think I can achieve more than before.
Q: Losing air superiority the first time, you were in big trouble. A: My build didn’t work; put me at a big disadvantage. But from that moment I concentrated hard looking for ways turn the game around. Q: You have more chances to play after joining ACE? A: Hwaseung has Jaedong, the best zerg, so it’s hard to get a chance to play. But ACE gives me lots of opportunities, thank you ACE. Q: You condition improved a lot. A: I’m determined to do well after joining ACE, now I am working very hard. The atmosphere in ACE is very good; it helps me a lot, especially the veterans who have huge influences on me. Q: Is it difficult practicing while in the Air Force? A: I am a new recruit, it is difficult. But we’re all professionals [not sure what this part means], as long as I follow new recruit rules, it’s all good. Q: This season’s goal? A: I feel that I can achieve better results than before. I want people to see that I’m even better now on ACE; my biggest goal is to get a ACE into the playoffs. Q: You are the MVP for today. A: Since becoming a progamer, this is my first time getting MVP. I am really excited. Q: Any last words? A: Thank you for your support my Air Force leaders.
Much, M18M: Confidence in playoffs [I don’t know what is晋级] Q: Feelings on first win of the season? A: Much-It’s been a long time since the last winner’s interview. I hope to have more chances. M18M-I normally practice with Jaehoon a lot, I thought it was difficult, happy to have won. Q: ACE took the first win of the season very quickly A: Much-The 2 losses were very regretful. We are very strong this season, but lost twice in a row. I’m grateful to get our first win today, if we keep up our condition I believe we will forget about ACE in the past.
Q: Last match you lost your lead. A: Much-We often throw our lead because we got nervous. This time we were able to control our nerve.
Q: Your condition is much better after joining the team. A: M18M-Having chances to play is the key. I didn’t have many chances in Khan, it affected my condition. But ACE allows me to perform. Now I can give spectacular matches.
Q: Protoss is doing well. A: Much-Even though 2 teammates already left, we still have new teammates joining; it improves our strength very much. M18M-It’s because Much is doing well. I am learning more about the army from Much. Q: How do new teammates influence you? A: Much-Our average age dropped a lot after accepting many new recruits, our desire is stronger, passion is also higher.
Q: This season’s goal? A: Much-I think we can get into playoffs. We are a deeper team than last year, now our situation is great. M18M-I hope I can achieve a combined 100 wins in SPL and individual league before leaving ACE Much-I won’t let him leave if he doesn’t achieve 100 wins (lol).
Q: Any last words? A: Much-Air Force captain called and congratulated us after our win. I am thankful for their support; we will give good results to repay him (laugh). M18M-I will work even harder.
i guess ggaemo got mvp cos he was the least likely to win his game? when everyone has low expectations I guess its easy to make it look like you're owning
FBH looks badass imo He used to look angry when he would fight Flash as well. Maybe he's in this state because of determination to get 100 wins. FBH fighting!!
On October 25 2010 00:57 kdgns wrote: i guess ggaemo got mvp cos he was the least likely to win his game? when everyone has low expectations I guess its easy to make it look like you're owning
awesome, ACE interviews! Thanks for translations! I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more ACE interviews. ACE didn't just win yesterday, they showed that they don't play like washed-up gamers. They could conceivably climb the ladder on some of the other weak teams, because (can't believe I'm saying this) ACE has some level of depth.
The first part you're unsure of (in ggaemo's interview), I think you have correct. Also, 晋级 means to advance, so Much and M18M are saying they're confident they'll advance to the postseason/playoffs.
Aw, the awesome punchline in FBH's interview got lost in the KR -> CN -> EN translation route. His punchline (and also his last line) is more on the lines of "thank the world and the heavens". He spoke as if he's some monk or something, lol, more suiting his new image!
FBH looks so different. O.o Didn't even recognize him at first.
Q: You have 2 wins this season already. A: I only had 2 wins in a whole season when I was on Hwaseung. I can’t believe I took 2 wins this quickly. This feeling is great.
Thanks for the translation and pictures, love them. FBH looks like some Buddhist monk minus the baller uniform. So nice seeing him win his first game as an ACE member.
On October 25 2010 00:22 zenMaster wrote:Q: Hwaseung has Killer and Jaedong, not a lot of chances to play.
I fail to see how this is a problem. I hope for ACE to make playoffs for once. Hopefully it's something like SKT KT Woongjin hite and ACE. Maybe if Ruby steps it up and a few others do well it can happen/
I always though M18M was a really decent toss. He was just on a team with so many tosses already. I really think on any other team without such a protoss presence he would have played a lot more.
With Much, M18M, FBH and Ruby, Ace is looking decent. I think they'll still lose most of the time, but they should stand an ok chance against MBC, Oz and maybe Khan. With some good games they could even beat Hite Entus and WeMade.
Thanks for the translation ! It's gonna be hard for ACE to reach the playoffs. SKT, KT, Woongjin Stars are strong than before. And WeMade and STX still look strong than ACE.
I've always found M18M good, and even if Khan already had Stork and Jangbi, they often let Grape and Brave play, so it's not like they had no slot for protosses. Grape and Brave are so bad, I'm glad to see that M18M can have some playtime, he deserves it ! Ace fighting !
On October 25 2010 15:04 endy wrote: Thanks for the translation ! It's gonna be hard for ACE to reach the playoffs. SKT, KT, Woongjin Stars are strong than before. And WeMade and STX still look strong than ACE.
I've always found M18M good, and even if Khan already had Stork and Jangbi, they often let Grape and Brave play, so it's not like they had no slot for protosses. Grape and Brave are so bad, I'm glad to see that M18M can have some playtime, he deserves it ! Ace fighting !
That's unfair towards Brave. His PvP has been great this season.
On October 25 2010 15:04 endy wrote: Thanks for the translation ! It's gonna be hard for ACE to reach the playoffs. SKT, KT, Woongjin Stars are strong than before. And WeMade and STX still look strong than ACE.
I've always found M18M good, and even if Khan already had Stork and Jangbi, they often let Grape and Brave play, so it's not like they had no slot for protosses. Grape and Brave are so bad, I'm glad to see that M18M can have some playtime, he deserves it ! Ace fighting !
That's unfair towards Brave. His PvP has been great this season.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not lol, so please ignore this if you are Brave is 2/2 PvP this season, so it's a little short to judge about his perfomance. Except eliminating Light of the last OSL he never did anything Being good at PvP so far just makes him a worse Horang2 imo. M18M got a solid 5-2 record last season, including a win against Flash at a period every single protoss was getting crushed easily by the ultimate weapon.
On October 25 2010 15:04 endy wrote: Thanks for the translation ! It's gonna be hard for ACE to reach the playoffs. SKT, KT, Woongjin Stars are strong than before. And WeMade and STX still look strong than ACE.
I've always found M18M good, and even if Khan already had Stork and Jangbi, they often let Grape and Brave play, so it's not like they had no slot for protosses. Grape and Brave are so bad, I'm glad to see that M18M can have some playtime, he deserves it ! Ace fighting !
That's unfair towards Brave. His PvP has been great this season.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not lol, so please ignore this if you are Brave is 2/2 PvP this season, so it's a little short to judge about his perfomance. Except eliminating Light of the last OSL he never did anything Being good at PvP so far just makes him a worse Horang2 imo. M18M got a solid 5-2 record last season, including a win against Flash at a period every single protoss was getting crushed easily by the ultimate weapon.
Should have said "this week". His PvP games were really good, and I think he's way more solid than Grape or even JangBi.
On October 26 2010 00:48 alypse wrote: It's good to see FBH like that. No more funky/childish behavior, but faces and steps of discipline. The army sure stiffens you up
No, it just punishes stepping out of line in public settings. Having done mandatory service, I know most people just stay under the radar, and I expect FBH will go right back to his dancin' ways afterwards.
FBH has completely transformed since heading to Ace. The army guys probably asked him to tone it down, or maybe it was natural transition. He's gone from the dancing clown of Brood War to Xellos 2.0, haha.