On March 24 2004 15:21 Veg wrote: He's a poker player everything comes into play, but none of it will help him at wcg  zzzzzz
Yeah, you can't,do any better than 1st place.
In the meantime, i need some help. Smuft is in my province, and i really want to be taking 1st place.
veg halp !T_T
Valhalla18444 Posts
What you need is an elaborate kidnapping plan.
On March 24 2004 11:51 Smuft wrote: Some results:
an SCV with a cool of 15 attacks 45x in 30 seconds - 1.5 atks / sec a Goliath with a cool of 22 attacks 32x in 30 seconds - 1.06 atks / sec a Tank with a cool of 30 attacks 20x in 30 seconds - 0.66 atks / sec a BC with a cool of 30 attacks 23x in 30 seconds - 0.76 atks / sec
These results are inconsistent and obviously there is another variable besides cool which determines how fast a unit attacks.
The cool does not begin until the absolute end of the attack animation and since attack animation times vary, so does the attack rate of a unit vary from cooldown to cooldown.
Anyone know where to find a list of the length of every unit's attack animation ?
Interesting observation. It seems to me though, that with equal cool, tank attack animation is actually shorter than BC attack animation, yet BC shoots faster. Odd.
United States33097 Posts
that's because tank cooldown isn't 30 -_-
United States12226 Posts
Yeah it's 37 if I remember correctly, with Siege Mode 75.
yah some of the cooldowns given on battle.net have been changed in different patches to balance the game more.
Norway28562 Posts
there was this guy who actually compiled a file with attacks per minute of every unit.
I used to have it memorized. still remember plenty 
Haha drone has it ever actually helped you in the game? For example, has that knowledge ever turned tides of a battle to your favour?
Smuft if you can find Tsunami's buried guide at all he has the numbers in there, although it's probably for 1.06 or something. Hmm, site used to be http://www.geocities.com/brattsunami/ I think
cooldowns have ever been changed? if so its been secret i think. i'd like to know which cooldowns have been changed in sc/bw patches (not beta)
On March 24 2004 11:51 Smuft wrote: Some results:
an SCV with a cool of 15 attacks 45x in 30 seconds - 1.5 atks / sec a Goliath with a cool of 22 attacks 32x in 30 seconds - 1.06 atks / sec a Tank with a cool of 30 attacks 20x in 30 seconds - 0.66 atks / sec a BC with a cool of 30 attacks 23x in 30 seconds - 0.76 atks / sec
These results are inconsistent and obviously there is another variable besides cool which determines how fast a unit attacks.
The cool does not begin until the absolute end of the attack animation and since attack animation times vary, so does the attack rate of a unit vary from cooldown to cooldown.
Anyone know where to find a list of the length of every unit's attack animation ?
How could it be usefull to know the cooldowntime of certain unit? I mean do you have the cooltime in mind while playing?
It may be interesting to know but does it help you with the game?
cooldown tells you rate of fire which tells you how effective attack upgrades are for them and thus, how effective armor upgrades are against them.
e.g. a stimmed or a crackling hasve wicked cooldown. every little pussy shot he/it doesid will gain the +1 from an upgrade and also the -1 from an enemy upgrade armor.
compare this to a dragoon. +2 every N seconds, and would you even want armor upgrade vs a dragoon?
of course in actuality you want to know how many shots it takes to kill a unit and how the upgrade changes this, but the generael principles with cooldown apply as a more general approach to many situations, the exceptions being small and notable in their own right (small hp units mostly, like zergling, vs a high dmg liek a zealot).
also, when talking about this, u have to know about which units dou ble attack as well.
so anyways if u know a unit takes N hits to be killed by unit X, u know having N X's can kill one unit A in one volley. what u dont know is how often this volley (or salvo, if you prefer) occurs. cooldown tells u this and lets u compare. let's say a group of marines can kill a dragoon in two salvos, and the dragoons can kill a marine every single salvo. the cooldown tells u how fast this occurs so u can figure what will happen
Thanks for the explanation!