If anyone has issues against Shotcoder, just switch to Protoss. Then you can REALLY get him raging. Take for example his game vs Nytefish. Classic moments of Shotcoder BM:
7:12 - Shotcoder: be a bigger noob plz
7:14 - Nytefish: k
7:37 - Shotcoder: what would you do with toss?
7:42 - Nytefish: eh?
7:48 - Shotcoder: ah a canadian
7:53 - Nytefish: oui
7:54 - Shotcoder: no wonder your a fag
7:55 - Nytefish: oui monsieur
8:40 - Shotcoder: fucking homo
8:45 - Nytefish: learn to play
8:45 - Shotcoder: dts rush noob
9:08 - Nytefish: what's wrong with gays
9:18 - Shotcoder: they play toss
9:26 - Nytefish: and your basis is?
9:30 - Shotcoder: you
9:36 - Nytefish: so#?
9:38 - Nytefish: i'm gay so what?
9:49 - Shotcoder: just another homo noob
9:57 - Nytefish: yes so?
9:59 - Nytefish: you have a point?
10:02 - Shotcoder: no macro skill so gotta rush
10:12 - Nytefish: macro isn't the only skill in this game
10:22 - Shotcoder: yea being a cheeser is another you noob
10:30 - Nytefish: stop acalling me noob
10:33 - Shotcoder: NOOB
10:34 - Nytefish: it makes you look worse
10:46 - Shotcoder: cant be worse than a toss noob so I'm fine
10:57 - Nytefish: this game doesn't care about who palys the macro game
11:00 - Nytefish: only who wins
11:11 - Nytefish: you'd be wise to learn that
11:13 - Shotcoder: I guess toss noobs only care about winning
11:15 - Shotcoder: wise?
11:21 - Shotcoder: you're not wise my friend
11:26 - Nytefish: i didn't say i was
14:38 - Shotcoder: fucking chobo toss
14:43 - Nytefish: you're the loser mate
14:45 - Shotcoder: wish I could play such an OP race
14:47 - Nytefish: calling me bad
14:49 - Nytefish: just makes you worse
14:51 - Shotcoder: you are bad
14:57 - Shotcoder: have to use dt rush to win
14:57 - Nytefish: and your basis is?
14:59 - Shotcoder: = horrible
15:02 - Nytefish: dt rush is unfair because?
15:09 - Shotcoder: dt rush is just like cheese
15:14 - Nytefish: cheese is unfair because?
15:16 - Shotcoder: grow a pair and play straight
Such a classic.