On May 26 2010 19:57 tomatriedes wrote: Neo G has been playing in the A league recently- isn't it a bit unfair that he's still playing in the B league as well?
Of course it is, but without him Stars would have lost the last 5-6(?) games. And I doubt the Stars team want that.
I'm happy TurN finally won a game again
Im pretty sad that barracks isnt performing in minor leauge, i love his play so much from what ive seen, i hope he gets some results soon
On May 26 2010 18:40 RamenStyle wrote: Wow, Neo.G_Soulkey is completely taking over DL.
only because Snow's on the A-team now
idra should play in dream league
isnt idra rocking shit in sc2 o.O
he could rock shit in dream league
Like it was posted before in this thread: Idra is a full-time SC2 player now.
yeah but he's still a progamer and it would be awesome for some foreigner to play BW i read the OP. i know he is a "full-time SC2 player" i'm just saying he should -_-
y so cocky
Go go CJ, get Dream League title.
MBC is yet again going with it's ex-A teamers, expect a 3-1.
Now SuperArc, STX will DEMOLISH CJ! <-- Fail!
Wow the title is ours for sure!
CJ B-team raping everyone, even without Hydra and Snow. o.O
Shark is 4-0, nice!
STX got 3-0'd, oh well! Where's July???
What on earth is Idra going to do when the beta comes down....
3. (P) Snow (CJ) 11-0
Snow carrying CJ to title. Hopefully this means he will do better in PL.
Man I hope Idra spills the beans on CJ internal team ranking. CJ's B-team looks absolutely sick, and CJ had the deepest lineup for ages.