In SC, while the mouse is held down, keyboard inputs are ignored. This is the cause of many messed up 1a2a3a's. It is a bug because it is useless, annoying, and fixed in most modern games. When SC is active, this program simply sends a "mouse up" signal for all right clicks, and all left clicks except when you might be drag selecting.
Hasuwar wrote a program in AutoHotKey to fix this, which is where the idea came from. My program is pretty much the same except it will not effect mouse behavior when starcraft is inactive and it has better detection of when to send the left mouse up (whenever a drag select is not possible). Meaning it will fix the mouse up of attack moves, patrols, building placement, etc.
The effects of this this program are pretty minor, my mouse usually sends the mouse up after 63ms, however with worse mice the delay might be more severe thus making the program more useful. Like Hasuwar's it is also written in autohotkey, you can use the source with autohotkey or use the precompiled exe.
Download source Download exe
Originally I had a more complicated version, which I simplified by request, you can see the original post here. + Show Spoiler +In SC, while the mouse is held down, keyboard inputs are ignored. This is the cause of many messed up 1a2a3a's. It is a bug and has been fixed in most modern games. hasuwar wrote a program in AutoHotKey to fix it, but it is slightly flawed because anytime you press "a" your next left click can not be a click drag because mouse up is sent immediately (so if you build an arbiter then try to select some units, it will mess up). Also this could be annoying if autohotkey is running but you're not in SC. I wrote a program that fixes the click bug but without any negative side effects, it also has some useful bindings. Here are the features: -Checks pixel colors to determine when SC is active -Immediately send mouse up for right button clicks -When "a" is pressed for a unit that can use the move command (uses pixel get color to determine this), it will make the next left button click immediately send mouse up. -Also there is a minor bug in sc where if you press "a" then click minimap fast it will center view there instead of attacking there. This is fixed by sending a click on on the attack box first. -ctrl+v to paste while in lobby or sc -left windows key disabled -caps lock rebound to control (many old keyboards had their control key here and I prefer this) -pressing ESC in lobby will not cancel the game but clear the text you've typed -Mouse wheel up = F2 (in sc) -Mouse wheel down = F4 (in sc) -Note it only fixes the left click for attack move, you could add it for patrol if you wanted but I don't use patrol much Note that if you have changed your video settings from the default the pixel get color will not work properly. The easiest way to test if sc is detected properly is to try the mouse wheel up and see if it moves the screen (assuming you scroll away from your start location first). If sc is not detected you can change your gamma back to the default, 100 (0x64) in the registry, or modify the ahk script to use your pixel values. In the thread about hasuwar's program (which I can't find right now). There was alot of debate whether this is cheating or not. Most of the posts were just the same points reiterated over and over. So I will summarize the the points here. Feel free to comment on this issue if you have something new to add but please do not clutter discussion with repeated points or opinions (use the poll for that). The program is not a hack or 3rd party program since it does not modify, read, or write any memory in SC. (edit: actually now it does check memory addresses to see if in game etc.) Instead it works by checking pixel colors and simulating mouse and keyboard clicks. That being said, this doesn't mean it isn't cheating either (for instance you could make some mean scripts to achieve similar effects to mutlicommand hack). This program might give you an advantage, but it will help those who's mice have slow rebound rates the most. But, still though even if you have the best mouse in the world, it doesn't send the mouse up instantly. My opinion is that it is not cheating since the advantage the program gives is very minor and a result of fixing bugs (as opposed to adding features and changing game play) and changing keyboard layout (to the way some hardware already is). Poll: Is use of this program cheating?( Vote): Yes ( Vote): No + Show Spoiler [original version] +Download sourceDownload exe
Bump, added updated version which checks memory addresses instead of pixel colors to check if SC is active etc., thanks to MasterOfChaos for this suggestion and help getting it working.
Ahhh so much hard time training for 1a2a3a timing clicks and all for nothing! Great program, however I don't think u can use it on iccup :}.
Even if this does work on iCCup, doesn't this bug still persist in Korean Progaming? If so, a lot of the more serious players probably wouldn't use this, just to emulate their conditions and improve in the same direction. Good effort though, and I personally don't like how SC ignores keyboard inputs while mouse is held down but I probably won't use due to the above reason.
I like some of the features, but I'm afraid that some of the others will not be allowed on iCCup.
-ctrl+v to paste while in lobby or sc -left windows key disabled
-caps lock rebound to control (many old keyboards had their control key here and I prefer this) You can turn this off, right?
-pressing ESC in lobby will not cancel the game but clear the text you've typed
-Mouse wheel up = F2 (in sc) -Mouse wheel down = F4 (in sc) I am worried about these two. I believe that key binding is not allowed, and that this would give an unfair advantage...
-Note it only fixes the left click for attack move, you could add it for patrol if you wanted but I don't use patrol much
The Mouse wheel up and down thing (for F-keys) as well as caps lock being control is cheating to me. Although the glitch fixing aspect of this program sounds really neat and useful.
Caps lock being control sounds like heaven. Is it legal (in Progaming) to use a non-standard keyboard where the control key is actually just there? If so, it's definitely not cheating.
i don't know if this is a bug but at the begining of the game when i spam cc and select workers, if i do that verry fast (i have cc on 1) cc & selecting workers will override my hotkey on 1 an rehotkey to the number of workers last selected on hotkey 1.
United States2822 Posts
I would get it if it were just the a-move/mouse fixing utility. The other additions are unnecessary to me because they do not affect gameplay, or affect it in a way that's unfair.
sometimes when i wanna transfer my scvs to my nat using f2 and f3 my f3 gets erased by my f2. i dunno if this got anything to do with it or maybe im just too bad gamer to click correctly but it feels like when im doing it really fast it always messes up xd
a program with makes ur mouse wheel go f2 and f4 etc is just cheating ~~
On October 17 2009 01:35 Apollo[AoN] wrote: i don't know if this is a bug but at the begining of the game when i spam cc and select workers, if i do that verry fast (i have cc on 1) cc & selecting workers will override my hotkey on 1 an rehotkey to the number of workers last selected on hotkey 1.
I'm surprised this was noticed, I added a feature so that if you are holding a number down, when you make a selection it will assign it to that number. I did this because my keyboard does not have a right control key, so it is hard to press ctrl+8,9, or 0. This shouldn't cause unwanted sideeffects except in spam cases (since it is 2 selections in a row). But if this does cause you problems, delete the this part of lbutton up function from the source: if(aa!=-1) send {BLIND}{CTRL DOWN}%aa%{CTRL UP}
Also I didn't mention this before, but it doesn't just fix a-move anymore. Anytime you can't make a selection, it will send the button up instantly (the only time you wouldn't want this is when you want to click drag a box to select, so this should perfect).
I suspect that most people don't want any of the features except the mouse fix? Should I make a simpler version with just this?
PLS make the one that JUST fixes 1a2a3a type issues.
Nothing else pls!
On October 17 2009 07:35 vaderseven wrote: PLS make the one that JUST fixes 1a2a3a type issues.
Nothing else pls! Ok I made it so it is just that. Since it is no longer also misc utility, could a moderator please change this thread name to "SC Mouse Fixer (1a2a3a bug)"
Seems to work nicely, thanks a lot! Is there any way to add this to Chaoslauncher?
Please MoC make this auto launchable by ChaosLauncher!
anyone know what kind of mouse/keyboard id need to get the delay down? I have an MX310 and a dynex USB keyboard.
This delay is getting on my nerves. Every time I rally usually 1 building doesn't rally properly and its cost me several games today -_-
This is awesome thank you. with SC2 on the verge it will be nice to be able to replicate that game play now instead of mechanics/timings that exist solely in SC1.
Can anyone update the mouse fixer for v1.20? Was hit and miss for 1.19, but now it's all miss.
It shouldn't be allowed anyways unless it's a official part of the game that everyone has. Cheating imo.
Cool stuff, but I don't think it's good for people, who want to compete (imagine training with it all the time, and then tournament rules forbid it, that would suck).
You can train your click rhythm. This is what the apm spam in the beginning of the game is for, actually. You box-select your workers, then press "2" (or other hotkey) for your cc, hatch, nex. And do it in fast repetitive sequence thus "getting into rhythm" or mouse and keyboard clicks. Another one is selecting your cc/nex/hatch and "r" (for rally point) and click.
Also if you watch streams, you will hear players clicking mouse much harder when 1a2a3a. You do that with your finger lifted above the mouse, so as to get a very fast click, but lift your finger immediately.