A somewhat legendary figure in E-sports, I gotta say i'm sad to see him go. I'm sure that there's a chunk of TL that got into the Starcraft scene because of him. He brought so much more to the game than technical knowledge, or gosu WPM. He brought the raw passion for an artform, which is ultimately the life and blood of professional Starcraft.
~much respect
Possibly his greatest cast immortalized
BTW: I know this is late. but seriously, noone made a thread about this in that time?
i'm sad. His video's got me into SC progaming. Regardless of his criticisms in terms of game knowledge, he did make the games quite exciting for a newbie like me.
Klazart is the reason I rediscovered competitive BW. I may not watch English commentaries anymore, but I am very grateful for the work he's done. Thanks Klaz!
On October 02 2009 13:49 p4NDemik wrote: Klazart is the reason I rediscovered competitive BW. I may not watch English commentaries anymore, but I am very grateful for the work he's done. Thanks Klaz!
agree, say what you want about him but his passion was infectious
Klazart is the reason I rediscovered competitive BW. I may not watch English commentaries anymore, but I am very grateful for the work he's done. Thanks Klaz!
I don't listen to commentaries very often, but major kudos and GL to him in the future for all the hard work he's put in to it.
Although I barely listen to his commentaries, I still wish him all the best nonetheless. Good luck!
Love Klazart's commentaries, though Cholera is my favorite Klazart come in second because he never misses any of the action, unlike Cholera who sometimes is doing something else while he's commentating.
haha one of the most clueless commentators in history (: i still loved listening to his commentaries cause like someone said his enthusiasm was infectuos and it always made it easier to keep up with the action in the games he commented. Much love for all the joy he brought to the community.
Wow... i got into watching starcraft and the pro scene because of him. I remember checking everyday after i got home to see if he uploaded a new video. I will forever miss his sense of humor and insults that would always make me laugh! He is my favorite SC commentator of allll time. Sigh and i really looked forward to another dual cast of klazart and his wife. I hope my vote on that book site helped. ILL MISS YOU KLAZ. hope he comes back for sc2
hands down the best english speaking commentator ever.. loved his passion for the game. he got me back into progaming in 07. i still go back and watch some of his old vods every now and then.
gl to him! hope he comes back to commentate savior games still ><
he also got me and a bunch of friends into starcraft in the first place. although it seems he isn't the be-all and end-all of starcraft commentaries, his videos are and always will be one of the best ways for any non-starcraft players to experience the thrill of the game. klazart, thanks for everything and good luck in the future.
I dislike his commentaries but I respect the hell out of him for the amount of effort he puts into them. So the best of luck to him as he moves on with his life.
On October 02 2009 15:04 Louder wrote: I'm lost. When did he become a legend? He just talks too fast and gets most of his analysis completely wrong
There are at least 2-3 threads that debate this and honestly it's getting pretty stale. Regardless of what you think of him, he's increased the amount of people who follow starcraft worldwide. That's pretty legendary.
It'd be great if someone could take a small sample size of Tasteless commentaries and compare them to Klazart's. Count the number of facts (singles only, no repeating the same stuff) or insight given and see who comes out ahead.
You'll be surprised at how decent Klazart was or well... how bad Tasteless is.
He got me into Brood War. Sad sad panda. Still loved his rant about how when Boxer cheeses it's different because he lays down 4 barracks down at your motherfucking ramp.Good stuff.
Good luck to Klaz- he's the first English commentator I came across which eventually introduced me to the much larger SC community. (Funnily enough, I first became aware that there were televised proleagues by a radio segment on the Canadian Broadcast Corporation.)
Actually, I shouldn't say first- there were a couple others I found on youtube. But they were longer on expletives and short on actual commenting. Trash talking during a proleague game is REALLY annoying. Klaz was the first good commentator I came across on youtube.
Nice, always loved Klaz's commentaries, sad to see him gone, loved the guys enthusiasm and passion, really shone through on the VODs, you could tell he was getting genuinely hyped about the match. Great stuff, hopefully he may return some day.
<3 klazart i havent watched a vod in a long time but he made them really enjoyable for me, basically the only reason i would ever watch one is if it had english commentary and his was the most entertaining
Inaccurate game analysis aside, Klazart's commentaries were most funniest and most enjoyable English ones IMO. I feel that Tasteless has his moments, but for the most part he's just meh.
Inaccurate game analysis aside, Klazart's commentaries were most funniest and most enjoyable English ones IMO.
This. I remember the first klazart one I watched, of flash vs. boxer. He was talking about the Oedipus complex in starcraft and how boxer is probably why flash picked terran etc. Most gripping commentary I can remember.
On October 02 2009 15:04 Louder wrote: I'm lost. When did he become a legend? He just talks too fast and gets most of his analysis completely wrong
I'm lost. Why did you reply in this thread with negativity which is about someone who contributed with alot, leaving the scene? Are you just bitter and cannot give a guy who made alot of effort any credit? Or are you just completely wrong
He's a legend because he introduced so many people to pro-starcraft. He did for me certainly. I still remember the night i discovered him, watching some game i knew nothing about with some crazy guy spamming words over the top of it. I loved it.
Anyone who has done commentaries knows how hard it is. Klazart was one of the best, but he's right in saying that the state of English commentaries is pretty damn good right now without him.
One of the main reasons I started watching e-sports, Klazart is one of the people who exerted a massive influence on the international SC scene, and beyond the massive amount of people he brought into e-sports, at least two of the more famous English commentators are in it because of him. His football-on-radio styled casts were a unique thing in the scene, and even failing details was glossed over by the contagious excitement this conveyed. And according to youtube, he's the most popular thing to come from Ireland other than Bono and Guinness.
For his massive contribution to the scene, the fact that he left capable successors, and for his own unique style he will be greatly missed.
On October 02 2009 15:04 Louder wrote: I'm lost. When did he become a legend? He just talks too fast and gets most of his analysis completely wrong
I'm lost. Why did you reply in this thread with negativity which is about someone who contributed with alot, leaving the scene? Are you just bitter and cannot give a guy who made alot of effort any credit? Or are you just completely wrong
No hes not wrong Klaz is not a "legendary figure in E-sports," Boxer and Savior are legendary figures, Klazart is a widely known (you either like him or dislike him it seems) English commentator.
I personally respect all the things he has done, and all the people he has brought to broodwar but i wasn't ever much of a fan of his commentaries, I could never get past his voice and the random mistakes.
hm i only heard his OSL final commentary along with moletrap and.. some other guy.t.t now that i watched a bit of the vid on the op i have to say - his voice is pretty annoying - its not a 7pool but a 9pool, u can tell by the number of drones u know?
I loved Klazarts jokes and enthusiasm, but I guess Obama needs him more than us.Keira knightley will cry, but life goes on. Good luck to Klazart, and thx for all ur work.
Gogo Klazart, you transferred your love for starcraft to many people, including me. We know you'll be back, you know you'll be back, if only for sc2, if only for savior.
Not the best analysis in his commentaries by far, but I loved them and they were the reason I came back to Starcraft. + Show Spoiler +
I still find it funny how North Americans "can't get over his voice". There is so little diversity in accents in Canada and America, partly because it's so much less cosmopolitan. They have Asian American and African American and various other types of American and that's it.
He was indeed one of the reasons why I got into Starcraft. Haven't watched his VOD's in quite a while, but he still holds a special place in my heart (what a gay way to express it). Sad to see him go.
The Boxer vs Nal_ra game where Boxer 3 rax rushes nal_ra brought me into progaming, and Klazart made me understand what was going on. hx alot for what you've done for the community.
On October 02 2009 15:04 Louder wrote: I'm lost. When did he become a legend? He just talks too fast and gets most of his analysis completely wrong
I'm lost. Why did you reply in this thread with negativity which is about someone who contributed with alot, leaving the scene? Are you just bitter and cannot give a guy who made alot of effort any credit? Or are you just completely wrong
No hes not wrong Klaz is not a "legendary figure in E-sports," Boxer and Savior are legendary figures, Klazart is a widely known (you either like him or dislike him it seems) English commentator.
I personally respect all the things he has done, and all the people he has brought to broodwar but i wasn't ever much of a fan of his commentaries, I could never get past his voice and the random mistakes.
It was not the fact that he wrote that he is not legendary that I'm replying about. It's the fact that he replies in a thread that is a tribute to klazart which is obviously liked by many and all Louder does is to flame him and say:
He just talks too fast and gets most of his analysis completely wrong
That sounds so bitter to me. He cant let a guy get a little credit?
even tough we all could agree he might not be the best commentator out there, his passion for the game and his effort were remarkable, good luck in the future Klazart, your aportation to the foreign community has been really big and for that we owe you.
back when I was a UMS playing newbie who couldn't even beat a computer klazart made competitive SC somewhat understandable and a whole lot more exciting sad to see him go :'(
I don't like listening to his "game knowledge" or "analysis" but when I started playing BW on Iccup, it was because I was watching his vods...then I got into SC2GG...then combat-ex... until about 6 months ago when I realized he sucked......ANYWAY
Bummer. I know there was some issues with his game knowledge, but the guy was very good at getting people into the game and indeed, he was the reason I started watching professional SC or even knew about a pro scene
You entertained thousands of people, something very very few people can claim to do. Congratulations on your accomplishments and best of luck in the future.
I last played SC with any regularity about 6 years ago and at that point I somewhat followed the pro-scene (as well as you could, vods were tough to come by). About 2 years ago I stumbled onto Klazart and have been following the pro scene ever since. He brought an energy to casting unlike any other English speaking commentator. Infact, I think he captured the spirit of the Korean commentators perfectly, nobody else got quite as excited as Klazart. He will be missed.
Sad day, man. I vividly remember the OSL final best vs. july, with him, cholera and moletrap (in a car). What a great night that was! He got me into SC again, for that I'm ever thankful. Cheers, Klaz!
I discovered Klazart when he started casting games in English and ever since that day i look forward to seeing Klazart commentaries. Even now if there is a new one I take time to watch it. Because Klazart brings enthusiasm to his casts and I love the witty comments he makes about the situations in hand.
On October 02 2009 23:27 Freezard wrote: Are you guys serious? How can anybody like this man!?
I guess you haven't listened to any GOOD commentators :D
Commentating is just about entertainment. In the end the commentator's "good" if the audience likes it, and "bad" if the audience does not. If Klazart entertains his audiences, why is he bad?
Just because the man gets a million things wrong in every commentary doesn't he's bad. It just means you're not his target audience.
Anyway, I think the only commentary of his I remember was the famous FBH vs Savior MSL series. Which was decent.
I got into Sc pro gaming through youtube in 06/07. Watching Diggity, Moletrap and after finding Klazart i was stuck. So here I am, very thankful to klaz!
What's with people and 'retiring' from their hobbies. Let's just state for the record that you don't 'retire' from a fucking hobby. You just stop doing it for a while.
Klazart's commentaries brought my interest back to SC after years of not playing. He was just so much fun to listen to, enough so that I could refer his videos to friends who had never played SC and know that they'd enjoy them.
Cheers, good luck, and have fun; you will be missed.
Whether you liked the guy or not, you can't deny he's put enormous amount of work into what hes done. I didn't like his commentaries but i respect and appreciate the time and effort hes put in helping the growth of the starcraft community. I know of many of my friends gotten into starcraft because of his commentaries, the posts in this thread speaks as well.
Other english commentators can learn alot from the pathos of Klazarts casting. No offence to the more technical commentators but if you can't raise the audiences enthusiasm for the game properly you're not a very good commentator at all. I mean, we are nerds watching these games, most of us know most of the strategy and tactics of standard play fairly well. We just want someone to refresh that knowledge and make us laugh at the same time and Klazart did at least one of those. And he did it good.
On October 03 2009 01:20 Foucault wrote: Wait so it's okay for Chill to be an ass to Klazart on air but I can't say I don't give a shit whether or not he is commentating?
On October 03 2009 01:20 Foucault wrote: Wait so it's okay for Chill to be an ass to Klazart on air but I can't say I don't give a shit whether or not he is commentating?
Why do you need to?
Yeah, seriously. Why do some people feel the need to come to this thread just to write shit about Klaz?
Whether he had an in-depth knowledge of SC or not, I'm still glad he did what he did. I absolutely couldn't watch progames without english commentary when I first started playing because I had no idea what was going on an why. Watching his old vods made it so much easier to understand what was going on and enjoy the games.
I probably would never have even found TL if he hadn't mentioned it in one of his vods either.
Klazart was responsible for getting me interested in the SC pro scene. I loved his commentaries, and I still look out for new commentaries to this day. It's sad to see him leave; many thanks for the effort and dedication put into the commentating!
Analysis and knowledge aside, Klaz has brought many people to the pro scene, and I think that deserves respect. You don't have to like his voice or his commentaries in general, but you can still respect what he's done for the SC community.
On October 03 2009 01:20 Foucault wrote: Wait so it's okay for Chill to be an ass to Klazart on air but I can't say I don't give a shit whether or not he is commentating?
Why do you need to?
Yeah, seriously. Why do some people feel the need to come to this thread just to write shit about Klaz?
Why aren't you allowed to not think he is a good commentator? That's a more important question.
On October 03 2009 01:20 Foucault wrote: Wait so it's okay for Chill to be an ass to Klazart on air but I can't say I don't give a shit whether or not he is commentating?
Stop shitting up this thread. There's no reason for you to be in a farewell thread going "Wait everyone, I didn't like him!"
Klazart got me in to this and made me rediscover Starcraft. It has been a great time. I especially remember the Boxer vs Flash commentary where he talks about the Oidpus complex - to this day the best commentary I've ever heard.
Bye Klaz! You were the first one to consistently commentate games in English, and it was a lot of fun back in those wild days of Flash the KTF Wonder Kid and Savior fanboyism
You were the first who got me into thinking Internet Entertainment is going to be big. I have so many good memories. I think there'll be a time when I'll think of watching your Commentaries as an episode of my life.
On October 03 2009 01:20 Foucault wrote: Wait so it's okay for Chill to be an ass to Klazart on air but I can't say I don't give a shit whether or not he is commentating?
Why do you need to?
Yeah, seriously. Why do some people feel the need to come to this thread just to write shit about Klaz?
Why aren't you allowed to not think he is a good commentator? That's a more important question.
Get some fucking tact you intolerable jerk.
You're totally allowed to say it but, guess what? It still makes you a socially questionable dick who might as well not be here if your can't find it in your common sense to bite your tongue.
Regardless of my opinion of him, Klazart has brought many hours of entertainment to many people and helped spread professional SC. He was an invaluable member of the community and I'll miss him.
Thanks for getting me back into SC, Klazart - without your commentaries way back in the day (especially the two games where Flash cheesed Bisu) I wouldn't have found vods interesting to watch, at all.
On October 02 2009 23:27 Freezard wrote: Are you guys serious? How can anybody like this man!?
I guess you haven't listened to any GOOD commentators :D
Yo Freezard I'm really happy for you and imma let you finish, but Klazart was one of the best commentators of ALL time.
Yo alright I can't wait to hear him on the next WCG or English-casted starleague but then again if he was any good I would already have heard from him on those events!
On October 02 2009 23:27 Freezard wrote: Are you guys serious? How can anybody like this man!?
I guess you haven't listened to any GOOD commentators :D
Yo Freezard I'm really happy for you and imma let you finish, but Klazart was one of the best commentators of ALL time.
Yo alright I can't wait to hear him on the next WCG or English-casted starleague but then again if he was any good I would already have heard from him on those events!
Yo he sorry he offended your feelings, but you know, he's just a fan of real Starcraft culture. That's all. He's jus' a real Starcraft culture fan. But he loves you and your work. Especially the part about WCG and the bleachers.
I only ever watched a couple of his commentaries. To be honest, I didn't really like them that much. They weren't technical, and I didn't find him suited for it.
However...as the OP stated, he was so very passionate about SC. You can feel that coming off of every word in his VODs. So...much respect, nonetheless.
I used to listen to Klazart, he reinvigorated my enjoyment of SC. I did feel like I outgrew his analytical skills and I don't listen to him anymore, but thanks for what you gave to the community!
A lot of people might not like his commentaries, but he was one of the people who got me into SC (along side cholera/diggity/moletrap).
Regardless of what you think of him, you have to respect his love of the game. He'd often talk about SC as an art, and would give it his upmost respect. That part of him I appreciated and enjoyed immensly.
It's funny because I only discovered him around a week ago, so I've been listening to his commentated matches all week. I can honestly say I like him better then Tasteless, which is big for me because I think tasteless owns as a commentator.
I got into starcraft because of him. Without Klazart I wouldn't be here on TL.net. But like many others, I stopped watching his commentaries because his analysis of the game is quite wrong. He's like a gateway drug, he'll get you started, but then you'll move on to better stuff.
On October 03 2009 12:36 fearus wrote: People criticised him for not being an analyst, well he wasn't, he was a commentator and a awesome 1 at that.
I swear if Klazart stopped trying to analyze games, I'd watch a lot more of his commentaries. Kazart is at his best when just does play-by-play mixed in with some blatant fanboyism. I'm not even a Savior fan, but it's really fun to see his "Brilliant by Savior" x 100 times in the commentaries.
It's when he tries to actually analyze situations or discuss strategies that makes some people turn him off.
On October 02 2009 16:39 Liquid_Turbo wrote: Anyone know specifically why is Klazart retiring?
Anyone? Does he simply feel he no longer has the "magic" or does he feel he can no longer keep up...or...has he just lost interest? It seems a bit sudden. He just did a commentary on DOTA last month.
Well, I am sorely, sorely saddened. His Reach vs. Tossgirl commentary with Cholera provided me with some of the most memorable and enjoyable moments in pro SC.
Goodbye Klaz. I remember searching the words *pro starcraft* on youtube and your commentaries turning up. You put so much excitement into the game, so much flair, apitude, and magic into the games, it was hard not to enjoy it. You got me, and hundreds of other fans into starcraft, and that fact is not lost on any of us.
On October 02 2009 23:27 Freezard wrote: Are you guys serious? How can anybody like this man!?
I guess you haven't listened to any GOOD commentators :D
lulz you prolly like tasteless XD
"he's building that supply depot so he's able to make more units" ....thx tasteless for that helpful information. i'm able to follow the game much better now. in the past 10 years that the game was out i had no clue how people got such large armies.. make a joke about the pandabearguy and then stop talking please.
On October 02 2009 23:27 Freezard wrote: Are you guys serious? How can anybody like this man!?
I guess you haven't listened to any GOOD commentators :D
lulz you prolly like tasteless XD
"he's building that supply depot so he's able to make more units" ....thx tasteless for that helpful information. i'm able to follow the game much better now. in the past 10 years that the game was out i had no clue how people got such large armies.. make a joke about the pandabearguy and then stop talking please.
aww, dont hate on tasteless. his casts do consist of mainly off topic jokes, but its pretty obvious that he has vast technical knowledge, and his insight/casting is good when he decides to provide it.
On October 02 2009 23:27 Freezard wrote: Are you guys serious? How can anybody like this man!?
I guess you haven't listened to any GOOD commentators :D
lulz you prolly like tasteless XD
"he's building that supply depot so he's able to make more units" ....thx tasteless for that helpful information. i'm able to follow the game much better now. in the past 10 years that the game was out i had no clue how people got such large armies.. make a joke about the pandabearguy and then stop talking please.
lets see you cast the amount of games he has and come up with amazingly analytical stuff constantly.
Will miss you klazart, if only because it lead to those hilarious impersonations on tl attack.
To you guys complaining about Klazarts technical knowledge: yes he was not as much of a nerd as you are (he has a wife he is a doctor he has written a novel etc. clearly he cant know as much about BOs as some one who has spent the last 5 years infront of a computer screen) but he was a genious. I mean how many of you knew before the July vs Best OSL finals that Best was going to be destroyed? That is deeper knowledge of the game. User was temp banned for this post
Man.. Klazart was first commentator I started litsening to when I got into the proscene. I remember always typing "klaz" or "klazart" at the end of any vid I wanted to watch. After watching like 150 progames i seen a lot of the really good games in bw. Then I started not watching Klazart anymore. Why? Because his vids come out extremely late, and he only casted the odd game (mid/late 2008/2009) Im suprised he had so many haters though. Also... sAviOr Hwaiting! I loved sAviOr before litsening to klazarts commentaries, so it was like a bonus to watch them. And as for that video sAviOr vs firebathero, ya I gotta say it was well commentated, even though a really upsetting game for me to watch. "and firebathero with about 20million siege tanks there" I dont know why that just struck me funny.
On October 03 2009 12:36 fearus wrote: People criticised him for not being an analyst, well he wasn't, he was a commentator and a awesome 1 at that.
I swear if Klazart stopped trying to analyze games, I'd watch a lot more of his commentaries. Kazart is at his best when just does play-by-play mixed in with some blatant fanboyism. I'm not even a Savior fan, but it's really fun to see his "Brilliant by Savior" x 100 times in the commentaries.
It's when he tries to actually analyze situations or discuss strategies that makes some people turn him off.
LOL! LOL ya hahaha. I love how he does that hahaha. Urgh.. I love Sexy Maestro.
On October 02 2009 23:27 Freezard wrote: Are you guys serious? How can anybody like this man!?
I guess you haven't listened to any GOOD commentators :D
lulz you prolly like tasteless XD
"he's building that supply depot so he's able to make more units" ....thx tasteless for that helpful information. i'm able to follow the game much better now. in the past 10 years that the game was out i had no clue how people got such large armies.. make a joke about the pandabearguy and then stop talking please.
hahaha This forum is hillarious, must be the amazing topic
no offense to anyone, but that commentary in the op is pretty crap imo. Bad sound quality and he speaks way too fast so you cant hear half the things he says. Who cares if you can speak fast if you cant even deliver the message... But hey, you seem to like it so whatever
That being said, his enthusiasm was infectious and his casts were always such fun to listen to. More than I can say about a fair number of the people who think they'll dabble in broodwar casting.
Klaz was the first person I listened to, and the only commentator that I can really stand. I don't care for analysis, I can watch that on my own, but his voice and passion are what put him over the top.
Now I just listen to the Korean commentators, even though I don't even speak Korean.
Klazart was my favorite non-Korean commentator by far. I loved his fast-talking Irish rants. In a just world, moletrap would have "retired" instead. His jokes about TossGirl and fear that Mrs. Klazart wouldn't make him curry were too good.
I'll miss Klazart a lot . He was the first English commentator I listened to and it was because of his commentaries that I got interested in the proSC scene.
On October 04 2009 02:44 p53 wrote: I'll miss Klazart a lot . He was the first English commentator I listened to and it was because of his commentaries that I got interested in the proSC scene.
At least guy shows true emotions when commenting games... Klazart, like noone else, was able to hype a game. Every single game felt special when he did his commentary.
And if you don't like his analysis why would you wait for a few days or even longer for the commentary to be released. Just watch the Korean one.
Klazart introduced many people to SC. Without him the community would be much smaller. Give respect where it is due. For me he is a legend of the community.
Well I was watching some SC2 trailers the other day, the video had the WCG2005 Documentary on its related video list and then it brought me to KlazartSC from its Related Video as well. Then I watched Violetak which guided me to Teamliquid. He might not have the best analysis around but he makes a great play by play commentator because he never misses an action. I personally like his Triple commentary with Diggity, Cholera. Diggity for analysis, Klazart for its enthusiasm and action-packed battle scene and Cholera for its humor to keep the VOD interesting and funny. Hopefully he'll come back or something.
On October 04 2009 15:54 Triple7 wrote: I've never made a movie before, but I tried for Klazart's sake! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVvF14OiicI I don't know why it's so small...
He´s not actually saying real words 2:20 into the movie right? Just making some kind of under water-noise ,,,
On October 03 2009 20:48 s.Q.uelched wrote: Yes we like it. Good day.
good day?
It's his nice and polite way of saying ''Gtfo of this thread''.
good, cause im not having a 100-poster telling me to gtfo from anything
Have some respect for Klazart. He's not all things to all people, but people like him are a positive contribution for the community.
of course i have, i dont disrespect anyone i niether know, nor know anything about. im just saying that his style didnt really attract me as a listener due to previous stated reasons, thus i dont understand the major fuss. However it seems to work for you guys so in that regard all is good.
There's not a major fuss. It's just that it's kinda unnecessary to come into a tribute thread to someone who has undeniably contributed a lot just to say you didn't like that person. It's the kind of situation where even if you don't like him you just shut up about it because frankly, it's just annoying and no one cares.
Anyway, too bad Klazart retired! I got into pro SC from Cholera's pimpest play vids actually but Cholera probably wouldn't be around if it weren't for Klazart so I'm very grateful to him for all he's done!
On October 04 2009 15:54 Triple7 wrote: I've never made a movie before, but I tried for Klazart's sake! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVvF14OiicI I don't know why it's so small...
On October 04 2009 15:54 Triple7 wrote: I've never made a movie before, but I tried for Klazart's sake! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVvF14OiicI I don't know why it's so small...
He´s not actually saying real words 2:20 into the movie right? Just making some kind of under water-noise ,,,
i can actually kind of understand him since I used to talk really fast when i got excited too. i hope he comes back for sc2.
My friend was so happy about this. I was never very favorable to them, and does this really deserve a bump? Anyways, that game was truly depressing + Show Spoiler +
A somewhat legendary figure in E-sports, I gotta say i'm sad to see him go. I'm sure that there's a chunk of TL that got into the Starcraft scene because of him. He brought so much more to the game than technical knowledge, or gosu WPM. He brought the raw passion for an artform, which is ultimately the life and blood of professional Starcraft.
BTW: I know this is late. but seriously, noone made a thread about this in that time?
LOL i like how in his "greatest commentary," he makes a mistake within the first five minutes, calling a 9pool a 7pool. Who the fuck goes 7pool, in any matchup?
Seriously though, you shouldn't be commentating if you can't recognize a 9pool.
hey man lets face it commentating is not about being accurate... this is true with any sport. klazart was funny, energetic, enthusiastic, and enough insights on the game. which is what you need to be a commentator.
LOL i like how in his "greatest commentary," he makes a mistake within the first five minutes, calling a 9pool a 7pool. Who the fuck goes 7pool, in any matchup?
Seriously though, you shouldn't be commentating if you can't recognize a 9pool.
OMG maybe casual pro SC fans exist and deserve your respect or at least kindness?!?! We all know you watched it just to find out what mistakes he made so you could point them out. Gimme a break...
Klaz introduced me to a very enjoyable part of my life. He sucks at in game knowledge, but seriously, who cares!? He's not for everyone clearly, but for a casual observer who doesn't know better, he brings a lot of enthusiasm and excitement to a game that may seem complex, boring an old.
What's the best way to contact Klazart? Rather than message him on Youtube I tried here, and can't find his most recently active posting account. I have some excellent high tier amateur replays from SEA for him if he is interested (and of course I'd like a commentary but that's an optional extra) I should specify they are SC2 reps, we wouldn't all be playing SEA if they had fixed the gateways yet, I want the NA access they promised us to go live and KOR access without having to buy the game a second time (which is actually difficult because Koreans all get it for free anyway)
p.s. the bump is because of new reg/no ability to make threads.
On August 05 2010 00:50 Noradrenalin wrote: What's the best way to contact Klazart? Rather than message him on Youtube I tried here, and can't find his most recently active posting account. I have some excellent high tier amateur replays from SEA for him if he is interested (and of course I'd like a commentary but that's an optional extra) I should specify they are SC2 reps, we wouldn't all be playing SEA if they had fixed the gateways yet, I want the NA access they promised us to go live and KOR access without having to buy the game a second time (which is actually difficult because Koreans all get it for free anyway)
p.s. the bump is because of new reg/no ability to make threads.
Hes not interested in commentating SC2 until he have gotten a grasp around the game, and hes retired. Hes busy with his family in real life so i doubt he will ever commentate a SC2 game. But he might show up again for commentating a Brood War game soon if we are lucky.
On August 05 2010 00:50 Noradrenalin wrote: What's the best way to contact Klazart? Rather than message him on Youtube I tried here, and can't find his most recently active posting account. I have some excellent high tier amateur replays from SEA for him if he is interested (and of course I'd like a commentary but that's an optional extra) I should specify they are SC2 reps, we wouldn't all be playing SEA if they had fixed the gateways yet, I want the NA access they promised us to go live and KOR access without having to buy the game a second time (which is actually difficult because Koreans all get it for free anyway)
p.s. the bump is because of new reg/no ability to make threads.
Hes not interested in commentating SC2 until he have gotten a grasp around the game, and hes retired. Hes busy with his family in real life so i doubt he will ever commentate a SC2 game. But he might show up again for commentating a Brood War game soon if we are lucky.
Probably a finals involving 2 out of Flash, Bisu, Jaedong, Stork.
On August 05 2010 03:22 prosatan wrote: Klaz will not commentate SC2 game... Maybe the OSL / MSL Finals
this would be a treat imo...bisu vs JD in the osl finals (lulz if it happened) and...ANOTHER Flash vs JD msl xD would be nice for klazz to come back...but only for a special occasion...it just, adds to the game a little bit, knowing that it was awesome enough for a man to neglect his family xD just to share it with all of us
A somewhat legendary figure in E-sports, I gotta say i'm sad to see him go. I'm sure that there's a chunk of TL that got into the Starcraft scene because of him. He brought so much more to the game than technical knowledge, or gosu WPM. He brought the raw passion for an artform, which is ultimately the life and blood of professional Starcraft.
BTW: I know this is late. but seriously, noone made a thread about this in that time?
LOL i like how in his "greatest commentary," he makes a mistake within the first five minutes, calling a 9pool a 7pool. Who the fuck goes 7pool, in any matchup?
Seriously though, you shouldn't be commentating if you can't recognize a 9pool.
This guy is a LEGEND. Seriously he made some of the best commentaries (in terms of overall experience). Sadly he left just as I started getting back in SC in preparation for SC2. Please come back!!!!!
fbh vs savior was his best cast imo.. was funny and you could hear his disappointment about savior losing which i completely agreed with.. even if you dont like savior you had to feel for him that game oh cool 1 post away from a lurker
On August 05 2010 06:18 slappy wrote: klaz is the best, and the only english commentator that has intensity that is anything close to the korean commentators
Absolutely. Like many others, Klazart brought me into professional Starcraft. I'm pretty sure I've watched every single video he ever made, simply because that's all I would watch. I had no interested in live matches, or straight Korean commentary at the time. That's all changed now, and I love watching the Korean commentators, but I would absolutely watch Klazart vids if he still made them. The enthusiasm and sportainment he brought were astounding.
If Klaz was still commentating SC then SC2, I'm sure he would have got a massive following (comparable to huskY). Shame that he left just as the boat was sailing
I love you Klazart and I wouldn't follow Starcraft if it wasn't for you! Wanted to say that now that the thread was bumped anyway, even though he won't come here to see it after all the bullshitting... Sad that people are so fucking mean.
I liked Klazart better than all the commentators (maybe besides Day[9]), he was miles better than all those others like diggity, moletrap, cholera. Too bad he doesn't make videos anymore .
I don't know why people hate on klazart. He thought starcraft was really cool and got so excited watching it so It made it easier for me to see how cool it was too.
On August 05 2010 09:57 Megalisk wrote: I liked Klazart better than all the commentators (maybe besides Day[9]), he was miles better than all those others like diggity, moletrap, cholera. Too bad he doesn't make videos anymore .
I have always felt this way. There is so much hate towards Klazart in general on TL, but his casts were very entertaining and fun.
On August 05 2010 09:57 Megalisk wrote: I liked Klazart better than all the commentators (maybe besides Day[9]), he was miles better than all those others like diggity, moletrap, cholera. Too bad he doesn't make videos anymore .
I have always felt this way. There is so much hate towards Klazart in general on TL, but his casts were very entertaining and fun.